Публикации ученых ННЦ СО РАН на иностранных языках – Институт органической химии

Публикации ученых ННЦ на иностранных языках  Публикации ученых Новосибирского научного центра
  на иностранных языках (в хронологическом порядке)

Институт органической химии
Книга• 1965 •  Koptyug V.A. Isomerization of Aromatic Compounds. - Jerusalem, 1965. - 181 p.Книга• 1980 •  Biological Magnetic Resonance / Grigorjev I.A., Volodarsky L.B., Sagdeev R.Z.; Inst. Organ. Chem. Siberian Division of the Acad. of Sci., Inst. Chem. Kinet. & Combust. Siberian Division of the Acad. of Sci. - New York; London: Plenum Press, 1980. - P.169-238.
Книга• 1984 •  Contemporary Problems in Carbonium Ion Chemistry I/II. - Berlin et al.: Springer-Verlag, 1984. - 345 p. - (Topics in current chemistry; 116/117). - Contents: Nonclassical Carbocations / V.A.Barkhash. - Rearrangements of Carbocations by 1,2-Shifts / V.G.Shubin.Книга• 1984 •  Contemporary Problems in Carbonium Ion Chemistry III. - Berlin et al.: Springer-Verlag, 1984. - 250 p. - (Topics in current chemistry; 122). - Contents: Arenium Ions - Structure and Reactivity / V.A.Koptyug.
Книга• 1988 •  Imidazoline nitroxides: In 2v. / Ed. L.B.Volodarsky. - Roca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1988. - Vol.1: Synthesis and properties. - 222 p.; Vol.2: Applications. - 162 p.Книга• 1993 •  Furin G.G. New reactions and reagents for introduction of perfluorinated functional groups into organic molecules / Ed. M.E.Vol'pin; Inst. Organo- Element Compounds, Moscow. - Basel: Harwood academic publishers, 1993. - 94 p. - (Chemistry Reviews; Vol.17, Pt.4).
Книга• 1995 •  Furin G.G. Generation and reactivity of heteroatom analoques of carbonium ions containing perfluorinated carbon fragments / Ed. M.E.Vol'pin; Inst. Organo- Element Compounds, Moscow. - Basel: Harwood academic publishers, 1995. - 86 p. - (Chemistry Reviews; Vol.20, Pt.3).Книга• 1995 •  Science Policy: New Mechanisms for Scientific Collaboration between East and West / Ed. V.A.Koptyug, J.Klerkx. - Dordrecht; Boston; London: Kluwer Academic Pub., 1995. - 256 p. - (Science & Technology Policy; Vol.1).
Книга• 1996 •  Furin G.G. Direct Fluorination of Organic Compounds / G.G. Furin, G.Paolo Gambaretto; Inst. of Organic Chemistry of the RAS, Novosibirsk; Inst. Di Chimica Industiale, Padova, Italy. - Padova: CLEUP, 1996. - 212 p.Книга• 1996 •  Furin G.G. Syntheses of heterocyclic compounds with perfluoroalkyl substituents / Ed. M.E.Vol'pin; Inst. Organo-Element Compounds, Moscow. - Amsterdam: Harwood academic publishers, 1996. - 92 p. - (Chemistry Reviews; Vol.20, Pt.4).
Книга• 1996 •  The 6th Russian - Ukrainian - German symposium on fluorine chemistry, Sept. 1-12, 1996: Scientific program and abstacts / Russian academy of sciences; Novosibirsk institute of organic chemistry. - Novosibirsk, 1996. - 71 p.Книга• 1998 •  Furin G.G. New approaches in the synthesis of fluorine containing organic compounds using radical reagents / Ed. M.E.Vol'pin; Inst. Organo-Element Compounds, Moscow. - Amsterdam: Harwood academic publishers, 1998. - 109 p. - (Chemistry Reviews; Vol.22, Pt.2).
Книга• 1998 •  International conference on natural products and physiologically active substances (ICNPAS-98), Nov.30 - Dec.6, 1998: Book of abstracts. - Novosibirsk, 1998. - 224 p.Книга• 2000 •  Volodarsky L.B. Synthetic Chemistry of Stable Nitroxides / L.V.Volodarsky, V.A.Reznikov, V.I.Ovcharenko. - Boca Raton et al.: CRC Press, 2000. - 225 p.
Книга• 2001 •  Furin G.G. Synthetic methods for fluoroorganic compounds / Furin G.G., Chi K.W. - Busan: UUP, 2001. - 400 p. Книга• 2004 •  2nd International conference on natural products and physiologically active substances (ICNPAS-2004); 3rd EuroAsian heterocyclic meeting "Heterocycles in organic and combinatorial chemistry", Sept. 12-17, 2004: Book of abstracts / Novosibirsk institute of organic chemistry. - Novosibirsk, 2004. - 237 p.
Книга• 2004 •  Advances in heterocyclic chemistry. Vol. 87 / Ed. A.R.Katritzky. - Amsterdam [et al.]: Elsevier Ltd., 2004. - 398 p. - Contents: Fluorine-Containing Heterocycles. Part II. Synthesis of perfluoroalkyl heterocycles from carbonyl compounds / Furin G.G. - P. 273-383. Книга• 2004 •  Advances in heterocyclic chemistry. Vol.86 / Ed. A.R.Katritzky. - Amsterdam [et al.]: Elsevier Ltd., 2004. - 358 p. - Contents: Fluorine-containing Heterocycles. Part I. Synthesis by Intramolecular Cyclization / Furin G.G. - P.129-224.
Книга• 2004 •  Carbocation chemistry / Ed. G.A.Olah, G.K.S.Prakash. - Hoboken, 2004. - 393 p. - Contents: Long-lived carbocations in cold Siberia / Shubin V.G., Borodkin G.I. - Р.125-158; Polyfluorinated carbocations / Shteingarts V.D. - Р.159-212. Книга• 2005 •  4th International conference on nitroxide radicals: synthesis, properties and implications of nitroxides (SPIN-2005), Sept. 20-24 2005, Novosibirsk: Book of abstracts. - Novosibirsk, 2005. - 116 p.
Книга• 2005 •  Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. Vol. 88 / Ed. A.R.Katritzky. - Amsterdam [et al.]: Elsevier Ltd., 2005. - 320 p. - Contents: Fluorine-Containing Heterocycles. Part III. Synthesis of perfluoroalkyl heterocycles using perfluoroolefins containing a reactive group at the double bond / Furin G.G. - P.231-310. Книга• 2006 •  Advances in heterocyclic chemistry. Vol. 90 / Ed. A.R.Katritzky. - Amsterdam [et al.]: Elsevier, 2006. - 350 p. - Contents: Fluorine-containing Heterocycles. Part IV. Electrochemical fluorination of heterocyclic compounds / Furin G.G. - P 239-310.
Книга• 2006 •  Advances in the Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide: International Approaches to Reduce Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions / Ed. S.Lombardi, L.K.Altunina, S.E.Beaubien. - Berlin: Springer, 2006. - 362 p. - (NATO Science Series IV; Vol.65). - Contents: The Sources of carcinogenic PAH emission in aluminium production using Soderberg cells / Kurteeva L.I., Morozov S.V., Anshits A.G. - P.57-65.
Книга• 2007 •  Recent developments in carbocation and onium ion chemistry / Ed. K.K.Laali - Washington: ACS, 2007. - 544 p. - (ACS Symposium Series; V.965). - Contents: Persistent organic cationic complexes: Structure and reactivity / Borodkin G.I., Shubin V.G. - Р.118-143. Книга• 2008 •  Nitrile Oxides, Nitrones, and Nitronates in Organic Synthesis: Novel Strategies in Synthesis. - 2nd ed. / Ed. Henry Feuer. - Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience, 2008. - 753 p. - Contents: Nitrones: Novel Strategies in Synthesis / Grigor'ev I.A. - P.129-434.
Книга• 2009 •  Handbook of Zeolites: Structure, Properties and Applications / Ed. T.W.Wong. - Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers, 2009. - 676 p. - Contents: Basic zeolites and mesoporous materials in Knoevenagel and Michael reactions / Suslov E.V., Volcho K.P., Salakhutdinov N.F. - P.327-360. Книга• 2010 •  Opportunity, Challenge and Scope of Natural Products in Medicinal Chemistry / Ed. V.K.Tiwari. - Kerala: Research Signpost, 2010. - 434 p. - Contents: Anti-tubercular activity of natural products: Recent developments / Rogoza L.N., Salakhutdinov N.F., Tolstikov G.A. - P.103-120.

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