Публикации ученых ННЦ СО РАН на иностранных языках – Институт гидродинамики

Публикации ученых ННЦ на иностранных языках  Публикации ученых Новосибирского научного центра
  на иностранных языках (в хронологическом порядке)

Институт гидродинамики
Книга• 1958 •  Lavrentieff M.A. Sur la theorie des representations quasi-conformes. - Helsinki, 1958. - 8 p. - (Annales Academie Scientiarum Fennica. Ser.A: Mathematica; N 250/18).Книга• 1967 •  Lawrentjev M.A. Methoden der Komplexen Funktionentheorie / M.A.Lawrentjev, B.W.Schabat. - Berlin: Deutscher Verlag der Wisseschaten, 1967. - 846 p.
Книга• 1972 •  Lavrentiev M. Methodes de la theorie des Fonctions d'une Variable Complexe / M.Lavrentiev, D.Chabat. - Moscou: Mir, 1972. - 728 p.Книга• 1975 •  Gorelov D.N. Aerodynamica delle Griglie in Corrente Fluida non Stazionaria / D.N.Gorelov, V.B.Kursin, V.E.Saren; Instituto di Idrodinamica Accademia delle Scienze USSR, Novosibirsk. - Gennaio, 1975. - 424 p.
Книга• 1982 •  Ovsiannikov L.V. Group Analysis of Differential Equations / Institute of Hydrodynamics Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch. - New York et al.: Academic Press, 1982. - 416 p.Книга• 1982 •  2nd Meeting on Explosive Working of Materials, Novosibirsk, Russia, September 8-10, 1981: Proc. - Novosibirsk, 1982. - 316 p.
Книга• 1983 •  Monakhov V.N. Boundary-Value Problems with Free Boundaries for Elliptic Systems of Equations. - Providence: American Mathematical Society, 1983. - 522 p. - (Translations of mathematical monographs; Vol.57).Книга• 1984 •  Ultrahigh Magnetic Fields. Physics. Techniques. Applications: Proc. 3rd Int. conf. on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics, Novosibirsk, USSR, June 13-17, 1983. - Moscow: Nauka, 1984. - 416 p.
Книга• 1987 •  Problems of Nonlinear Acoustics: XIth Int. symp., Novosibirsk, Russia, August 24-28, 1987: Proc. Part 1. - Novosibirsk, 1987. - 488 p.Книга• 1988 •  Annin B.D. Elastic-plastic problems / B.D.Annin, G.P.Cherepanov; Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch. - New York: ASME Press, 1988. - 250 p.: ill.
Книга• 1989 •  High Energy Working of rapidly Solidified Materials: Int. seminar, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 10-14, 1988: Proc. - Novosibirsk, 1989. - 278 p.Книга• 1990 •  Antontsev S.N. Boundary value problems in mechanics of nonhomogeneous fluids / S.N.Antontsev, A.V.Kazhikhov, V.N.Monakhov; Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division. - Amsterdam et al.: Elsevier, 1990. - xii, 309 p. - (Studies in mathematics and its applications; Vol.22).
Книга• 1994 •  Leontiev A. Controle Optimal dans le Probleme de Contact pour la Plaque de von Karman / Lavrentyev Inst. of Hydrodynamics Novosibirsk, Univ. d'Orleans. - Orleans, 1994. - 30 p. - (Prep. / Dep. de Mathematiques Universitet d'Orleans; N 94-11).Книга• 1995 •  Lavrentyev readings on Mathematics, Mechanics, and Physics: Fourth Int. conf., Kazan, Russia, July 3-7, 1995: Abstracts. - Novosibirsk, 1995. - 162 p.
Книга• 1996 •  Antontsev S. Problemes mathematiques ouverts de la theorie de la filtration diphasique / S.Antontsev, G.Gagneux; Univ. de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Centre Nat. de la Recherche Scientifique. - Pau, 1996. - 48 p. - (Analyse Non Lineaire et Modelisation; N 96/15).Книга• 1996 •  Hoffman K.-H. The Stefan Problem with Surface Tension and Convection in Stokes Fluid / K.-H.Hoffman, V.N.Starovoitov; Technische Universitet Munchen. - Munchen, 1996. - 14 p. - (TUM-M9610).
Книга• 1996 •  Kazhikhov A.V. Solutions to the Linear Continuity Equation in Orlicz Spaces / Lavrentyev Inst. of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, Tokyo Inst. of Technology. - Tokyo, 1996. - 12 p. - (Research Reports on Mathem. & Comput. Sciences. Ser.A: Mathem. Sciences; N 119).Книга• 1996 •  Kazhikhov A.V. Some Remarks on the Compactness Method / Lavrentyev Inst. of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, Tokyo Inst. of Technology. - Tokyo, 1996. - 13 p. - (Research Reports on Mathematical & Computing Sciences. Ser.A: Mathematical Sciences; N 120).
Книга• 1996 •  Kazhikhov A.V. The Verification Compactness Method / A.V.Kazhikhov, V.V.Shelukhin; Lavrentyev Inst. of Hydrodyn., Novosibirsk, Tokyo Inst. of Technol. - Tokyo, 1996. - 14 p. - (Research Rep. on Mathem. & Comput. Sci. Ser.A: Mathem. Sciences; N 118).Книга• 1997 •  Khludnev A.M. Modelling and Control in Solid Mechanics / A.M.Khludnev, J.Sokolovski. - Basel et al.: Birkhauser Verlag, 1997. - 363 p. - (Int. series of numerical mathematics; Vol.122).
Книга• 1997 •  Khludnev A.M. On Solution Existence for Elastoplastic Plates with Cracks / A.M.Khludnev, J.Sokolovski. - Nancy, 1997. - 11 p. - (Prepub. / Institut Elie Cartan; N 97/46).Книга• 1997 •  Khludnev A.M. On Solvability of Boundary value problems in Elastoplasticity / A.M.Khludnev, J.Sokolovski. - Nancy, 1997. - 22 p. - (Prepub. / Institut Elie Cartan; N 97/15).
Книга• 1997 •  Meirmanov A.M. Evolution Equations and Lagrangian Coordinates / A.M.Meirmanov, V.V.Pukhnachov, S.I.Shmarev. - Berlin et al.: Walter de Gruyter, 1997. - 311 p. - (De Gruyter expositions in mathematics; 24).Книга• 1997 •  Mogilevsky M.A. Some Investigations on Problems of Crash Impact and Hopkinson-Bar Measurements / Lavrentyev Inst. of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, Inst. for Systems Informatics & Safety, JRC, Italy. - Ispra, 1997. - 38 p.
Книга• 1998 •  Andreev V.K. Applications of group-theoretical methods in hydrodynamics / V.K.Andreev, O.V.Kaptsov, V.V.Pukhnachov, A.A.Rodionov. - Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1998. - 396 p. - (Mathematics and its applications; Vol.450).Книга• 1998 •  Kazhikhov A.V. Recent Developments in the Global Theory of Two-dimensional Compressible Navier-Stokes equations / Keio University. - Yokohama, 1998. - 52 p. - (Seminar on Mathematical Sciences; N 25).
Книга• 1998 •  Khludnev A.M. Griffith Formulae for Elasticity Systems with unilateral Conditions / A.M.Khludnev, J.Sokolovski. - Nancy, 1998. - 22 p. - (Rapport de Rech. / Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique; N 3447).Книга• 1998 •  Puchnachov V.V. On a Problem Viscous Strip Deformation with a free Boundary / Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk. - Nice, 1998. - 10 p. - (Prep. / Institute Non Lineaire de Nice; N 98.25).
Книга• 1999 •  Bach M. Derivatives of the Energy Functional for 2-d Problems with a Crack under Signorini and Friction Conditions / M.Bach, A.Khludnev, V.Kovtunenko; Universitat Stuttgart. - Stuttgart, 1999. - 23 p. - (Bericht / Mechrfeldprobleme in der Kontinuumsmechanik; N 99/10).Книга• 2000 •  Khludnev A.M. Analysis of Cracks in Solids / A.M.Khludnev, V.A.Kovtunenko. - Southampton; Boston: WIT Press, 2000. - 386 p.
Книга• 2000 •  Lavrentyev readings on Mathematics, Mechanics, and Physics: Fifth Int. conf., Novosibirsk, Russia, September 18-22, 2000: Abstracts. - Novosibirsk, 2000. - 179 p.Книга• 2000 •  Puchnachov V.V. Model of a Viscous Layer Deformation by Thermocapillary Forces. - Leipzig, 2000. - 20 p. - (Prep. / Max - Plank - Institut fur Mathematik in der Naturwissenschaften; N 50).
Книга• 2001 •  Antontsev S.N. Analyse mathématique d'un modèle d'asservissement stratigraphique. Approche gravitationnelle d'un processus de sédimentation sous une contrainte d'érosion maximale / S.N.Antontsev, G.Gagneux, G.Vallet; Univ. de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Centre Nat. de la Recherche Scientifique. - Pau, 2001. - 52 p. - (Analyse Non Lineaire et Modelisation; N 2001/23).Книга• 2001 •  Bresch D. On the Two Dimentional Hydrostatic Navier-Stokes Equations / D.Bresch, A.Khludnev, J.Lemoine; Universite Blaise Pascal. - Clermont, 2001. - 16 p. - (Prep. / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; N 6620).
Книга• 2001 •  Kazhikhov A.V. Lecture Notes on Mathematical Fluid Dynamics / Universite Blaise Pascal. - Clermont, 2001. - 74 p. - (Prep. / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; N 6620).Книга• 2001 •  Puchnachov V.V. Quasi-stationary Approximation in the Problem on a Roating Ring. - Leipzig, 2001. - 34 p. - (Prep. / Max - Plank - Institut fur Mathematik in der Naturwissenschaften; N 25).
Книга• 2005 •  Kedrinskii V.K. Hydrodynamics of explosion: experiments and models. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2005. - 362 p. Книга• 2007 •  Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library. Vol.1: Multiphase Flow I / Ed. van Dongen R. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2007, 365 p. - Contents: Kedrinskii V.K. Shock Induced Cavitation. - P.67-97.
Книга• 2009 •  Akhmetov D.G. Vortex Rings. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2009. - 150 р. Книга• 2009 •  Iooss G. Small Divisor Problem in the Theory of Three-dimensional Water Gravity Waves / Iooss G., Plotnikov P.I. - Providence: AMS, 2009. - 128 p. - (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; Vol.200, N 940).
Книга• 2012 •  Detonation Dynamics / Ed. F.Zhang. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2012. - 470 p. - (Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library; Vol.6). - Contents: Dynamic Parameters of Detonation / Vasil'ev A.A. - P.213-279. Книга• 2012 •  Mathematical Analysis of Detonation Suppression by Inert Particles / Fedorov A.V., Fomin P.A., Fomin V.M., Tropin D.A., Chen J.R. - Kaohsiung: Kao Tech Publishing, 2012. - 144 p.
Книга• 2012 •  Mathematical models of convection / Andreev V.K., Gaponenko Yu.A., Goncharova O.N., Pukhnachev V.V. - Berlin; Boston: De Gryuter Publ., 2012. - 417 p. Книга• 2012 •  Plotnikov P.I. Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations: Theory and Shape Optimization / Plotnikov P.I., Sokolowski J. - Basel: Birkhäuser, 2012. - 473 p. (Monografie Matematyczne; Vol.73)
Книга• 2013 •  Bubble Dynamics and Shock Waves / Ed. C.F.Delale. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2013, 393 p. - (Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library; V.8). - Contents: Bubbly Magma State Dynamics at Explosive Character of Decompression / Kedrinskiy V.K., Takayama K. - P.363-392.   

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