Публикации ученых ННЦ СО РАН на иностранных языках – Институт вычислительной математики и математической геофизики

Публикации ученых ННЦ на иностранных языках  Публикации ученых Новосибирского научного центра
  на иностранных языках (в хронологическом порядке)

Институт вычислительной математики и математической геофизики
Книга• 1970 •  Martchuk G.I. Methodes Numeriques pour la Prevision du Temps. - Paris: Librarie Armand Colin, 1970. - 343 p.Книга• 1973 •  Marchuk G.I. Introduction into the Methods of Numerical Analysis / Centro Inter. Matematico Estivo. - Roma: Edizioni Cremonese, 1973. - 496 p.
Книга• 1974 •  Marchuk G.I. Numerical methods in Weather Prediction. - New York; London: Academic Press, 1974. - x, 277 p.Книга• 1975 •  Godunov S.K. Rownania fizyki matematycznej. - Warszwa: Wydawnictwa naukowo-techniczne, 1975. - 515 p.
Книга• 1977 •  Godunov S.K. Schémas aux Différences: Introduction à la théorie / S.K.Godunov, V.Riabenki. - Moscou: Mir, 1977. - 361 p.Книга• 1977 •  Godunov S.K. Scheme de calcul cu differente finite / S.K.Godunov, V.S.Reabenki. - Bukuresti: Editura Tehnica, 1977. - 432 p.
Книга• 1979 •  Modelling and Optimization of Complex System: Proc. IFIP - TC7 Working Conf., Novosibirsk, USSR, July 3-9, 1978 / Ed. G.I.Marchuk - Berlin et al.: Springer-Verlag, 1979. - 293 p. - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; 18).Книга• 1980 •  Ershov A.P. The British lectures / British computer society. - London et al.: Heyden, 1980. - xiii, 57 p.: ill., portr.
Книга• 1984 •  Algorithms, software, and hardware of parallel computers / Ed. J.Miklosko and V.E.Kotov. - Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag; Bratislava: Veda Pub. House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1984. - 395 p.: ill.Книга• 1986 •  Bail IV: Proc. of the Fourth Int. conf. on Boundary and Interior Layers - Computational and Asymptotic Methods, 7-11 July 1986, Novosibirsk, USSR / Ed. S.K.Godunov, J.J.H.Miller, V.A.Novikov. - Dublin: Boole Press, 1986. - 441 p.: ill.
Книга• 1990 •  Ershov A.P. Origins of Programming: Discourses on Methodology. - New York; Berlin et al.: Springer-Verlag, 1990. - x, 280 p.: ill.Книга• 1993 •  Parallel Computing Technologies: Proc. Int. conf., PaCT-93, Obninsk, Russia, August 30 - September 4, 1993: In 3 v. / Ed.V.Malyshkin. - Moscow, 1993. Vol.1. - 250 p.; Vol.2. - 250 p.; Vol.3. - 250 p.
Книга• 1994 •  Konovalov A.N. Problems of Multiphase Fluid Filtration. - Singapore et al.: World Scientific, 1994. - 173 p.Книга• 1994 •  Parallel Substitution Algorithm: Theory and Application / S.Achasova, O.Bandman, V.Markova, S.Piskunov. - Singapore et al.: World Scientific, 1994. - ix, 220 p.: ill.
Книга• 1995 •  Fet Y.I. Parallel Processing in Cellular Arrays. - Somerset et al.: Research Studies Press, 1995. - 196 p. - (Industial control, computers and communications; 9).Книга• 1995 •  Parallel algorithms / Architecture Synthesis: Proc. 1st Aizu int. symp., Aizu-Wakamatzsu, Fukushuma, Japan, March 15-17, 1995 / Ed. N.Mirenkov, Qian-Ping Gu, Shietung Peng, S.Seduchin. - Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Soc. Press, 1995. - 323 p.
Книга• 1995 •  Parallel Computing Technologies: Proc. 3rd Int. conf., PaCT-95, St.Petersburg, Russia, September 12-25, 1995 / Ed. V.Malyshkin. - Berlin et al.: Springer, 1995. - 500 p. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences; Vol.964).Книга• 1996 •  Perspectives of System Informatics: Proc. 2nd Int. Andrei Ershov Memorial conf., Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, June 25-28, 1996 / Ed. D.Bjirner, M.Broy, I.V.Pottosin. - Berlin; New York: Springer, 1996. - 306 p.
Книга• 1997 •  Parallel Computing Technologies: Proc. 4th Int. conf., PaCT-97, Yaroslavl, Russia, September 8-12, 1997 / Ed. V.Malyshkin. - Berlin et al.: Springer, 1997. - 455 p. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences; Vol.1277).Книга• 1999 •  Avdeev A.V. Inverse Problems and some Applications / A.V.Avdeev, M.M.Lavrentiev, Jr., V.I.Priimenko. - Novosibirsk, 1999. - 342 p.
Книга• 2000 •  Kvasov B.I. Methods of Shape-Preserving Spline Approximation. - Singapore et al.: World Scientific, 2000. - xvi, 338 p.: ill.  

Публикации на иностранных языкахВверх | ПредисловиеВыставку готовили К.И.Елкина, О.И.Фесенко, С.К.Канн  
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