Институт ядерной физики |
 | • 1969 • Sagdeev R.Z. Nonlinear plasma theory / R.Z.Sagdeev and A.A.Galeev. Rev. and edited by T.M.O'Neil & D.L.Book. - New York: W.A.Benjamin, 1969. - xii, 122 p.: ill. - (Frontiers in physics). |  | • 1984 • Third International conference on instrumentation for colliding beam physics (March 15-21, 1984): Proceedings. - Novosibirsk, 1984. - 2880 p. |
 | • 1987 • Konopelchenko B.G. Nonlinear integrable equations: recursion operators, group theoretical and Hamiltonian structures of soliton equations. - Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, 1987. - viii, 361 p. - (Lecture notes in physics; Vol.270). - Bibliogr.: p.309-361. |  | • 1991 • Beams '90: 8th International conference on high-power particle beams (July 2-5, 1990): Proceedings: In 2 v./ Eds. B.N.Breizman, B.A.Knyazev. - Singapore; New Jersey; London: World Scientific, 1991. - 1339 p. |
 | • 1992 • Konopelchenko B.G. Introduction to multidimensional integrable equations: the inverse spectral transform in 2+1 dimensions. - New York; London: Plenum Press, 1992. - 289 p. - (Plenum Monographs in Nonlinear Physics). - Bibliogr.: p.239-289. |  | • 1993 • Konopelchenko B.G. Solitons in multidimensions: inverse spectral transform method. - Singapore; London: World Scientific, 1993. - viii, 294 p. |
 | • 1994 • Dikansky N. The physics of intense beams and storage rings / N.Dikansky, D.Pestrikov. - New York: AIP Press, 1994. - 483 p. |  | • 1995 • Ryutova-Kemoklidze M. The quantum generation: highlights and tragedies of the golden age of physics / Margarita Ryutova-Kemoklidze. - New York; Berlin et al.: Springer, 1995. - xix, 327 p.: ill. - Incl. bibliogr. ref.: p.311-313. |
 | • 1995 • 2nd Asian symposium on free electron laser, (June 13-16, 1995): Proceedings. - Novosibirsk, 1995. - 288 p. |  | • 1995 • Casati G. Quantum chaos: between order and disorder / G.Casati, B.Chirikov. - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. press, 1995. - XV, 683 p.: ill. |
 | • 1996 • Free Electron Lasers: Proc. of the 17th Int. free electron laser conf., New York, USA, August 21-25, 1995 / Ed. I.Ben-Zvi, S.Krinsky. - North-Holland: Elsevier Science, 1996. - 693 p. |  | • 1996 • Instrumentation for Experiments at e+e- Colliders: Sixth Int. conf., Novosibirsk, Russia, February 29 - March 6, 1996 / Ed. B.Khazin. - North-Holland: Elsevier Science, 1996. - 384 p. - (Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. - 1996. - Vol.379, N 3). |
 | • 1996 • Synchrotron Radiation Conference, SR-96: 11th National conf., Novosibirsk, Russia, July 9-12, 1996 / Ed. G.N.Kulipanov. - North-Holland: Elsevier Science, 1996. - 620 p. - (Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. - 1998. - Vol.405, N 2, 3). |  | • 1997 • Khriplovich I.B.CP violation without strangeness: electric dipole moments of particles, atoms, and molecules / I.B.Khriplovich, S.K.Lamoreaux. - Berlin; London: Springer, 1997. - 230 p. |
 | • 1997 • Grozin A.G. Using REDUCE in high energy physics. - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. press, 1997. - XIV, 384 p.: ill. |
 | • 1998 • Baier V.N. Electromagnetic processes at high energies in oriented single crystals / V.N.Baier, V.M. Katkov, V.M.Strakhovenko. - Singapore; London: World Scientific, 1998. - xiii, 554 p.: ill. - Incl. bibliogr. ref.: p.541-552. |
 | • 1998 • Synchrotron Radiation Conference, SR-98: 12th Nat. conf., Novosibirsk, Russia, July 14-18, 1998 / Ed. D.Kochubey, V.Pindyurin. - North-Holland: Elsevier Science, 1998. - 510 p. - (Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. - 2000. - Vol.448, N 1-2). |  | • 2001 • Synchrotron Radiation Conference: 13th Nat. conf., Novosibirsk, Russia, July 17-21, 2000 / Ed. W.Barletta, R.Klanner, G.F.Knoll, F.Sauli. - North-Holland: Elsevier Science, 2001. - 472 p. - (Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research; 2001, Vol.470, N 1-2). |
 | • 2004 • Grozin A.G. Heavy quark effective theory. - Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, 2004. - X, 213 p.: ill. - (Springer tracts in modern physics; Vol.201). |
 | • 2005 • Khriplovich I.B. General relativity. - New York: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 2005. - X, 116 p.: ill. |
 | • 2007 • Grozin A.G. Lectures on QED and QCD. Practical calculation and renormalization of one- and multi-loop Feynman diagrams. - New Jersey et al.: World Scientific, 2007. - XII, 234 p.: ill. |
 | • 2008 • Khriplovich I.B. Theoretical kaleidoscope. - New York: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 2008. - X, 96 p. |
 | • 2008 • Grupen C. Particle detectors / C.Grupen, B.A.Shwartz. - 2nd ed. - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. press, 2008. - XXIII, 651 p. - (Cambridge monographs on particle physics, nuclear physics and cosmology; Vol.26). |
 | • 2010 • Ioffe B.L. Quantum chromodynamics. Perturbative and nonperturbative aspects / B.L.Ioffe, V.S.Fadin, L.N.Lipatov. - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. press, 2010. - X, 585 p. - (Cambridge monographs on particle physics, nuclear physics and cosmology; Vol.30). |
 | • 2014 • Grozin A.G. Introduction to Mathematica for Physicists. -Heidelberg; New York; London: Springer Intern. Publishing, 2014. - X, 219 p. 84 ill., 18 ill. in color. - (Graduate texts in physics). |
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