Публикации ученых ННЦ СО РАН на иностранных языках – Институт физики полупроводников

Публикации ученых ННЦ на иностранных языках  Публикации ученых Новосибирского научного центра
  на иностранных языках (в хронологическом порядке)

Институт физики полупроводников
Книга• 1984 •  Aleksandrov L. Growth of Crystalline Semiconductor Materials on Crystal Surfaces. - Amsterdam et al.: Elsevier, 1984. - 318 p. - (Thin films science and technology; Vol.5). Книга• 1985 •  Edelmann F.L. Struktur von Festkörpern der Mikroelektronik: Werkstiffe von LSI-Schaltkreisen. - Berlin: Akademie-verlag, 1985. - 248 p.
Книга• 1986 •  Structure and Properties of Dislocations in Semiconductors: V Int. symp., Moscow, USSR, March 17-22: Programme and Abstracts. - Moscow, 1986. - 173 p. Книга• 1988 •  Belyi V.I. Silicon Nitride in Electronics / V.I.Belyi, L.I.Vasilyeva, A.S.Ginovker, V.A.Gritsenko, S.M.Repinsky, S.P.Sinitsa, T.P.Smirnova, F.L.Edelman. - Amsterdam et al.: Elsevier, 1988. - 363 p. - (Materials science monographs; Vol.34).
Книга• 2003 •  KORUS 2003: Proc. the 7th Korea-Russia Intern. symp. on science and technology, June 28-July 6, 2003: In 3 v. Vol.3: Natural Science. - 289 p. - Contents: Nanotechnologies in semiconductor electronics / O.P.Pchelyakov, A.I.Toropov, V.P.Popov a.o. - Influence of electric field of surface acoustic wave on the low temperature photoluminescence of type II GaAs/AlAs superlattice / N.I.Philimonova, K.S.Zhuravlev, A.M.Gilinsky a.o.
Книга• 2004 •  Trends in nanotechnology research / Ed. E.V.Dirote. - Hauppauge, NY; [Great Britain]: Nova Science Publishers, 2004. - vi, 273 p. : ill. - Contents: Interface reconstruction in GaAs/AlAs ultrathin superlattices grown on (311) and (001) surfaces / Efremov M.D., Volodin V.A., Preobrazhenski V.V., Semyagin B.R., Sachkov V.A., Ledentsov N.N., Ustinov V.M., Soshnikov I.P., Litvinov D., Rosenauer A. and Gerthsen D. - P.145-172.
Книга• 2005 •  Handbook of Semiconductor Nanostructures and Nanodevices: in 5 v. Vol.1 / Ed. A.A.Balandin and K.L.Wang. - N.Y.: American Scientific Publishers, 2005. - 2500 p. - Contens: Germanium self-assembled quantum dots in silicon: growth, electronic transport, optical phenomena, and devices / Yakimov A.I., Dvurechenskii A.V., Nikiforov A.I. - P.1-70. ISBN 1-58883-074-8
Книга• 2006 •  Nanophysics, nanoclusters and nanodevices / Ed. K.S.Gehar. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2006. - xi, 293 p.: ill. - Contents: Photon-plasmon coupling models in tunneling thin GaAs/AlAs (311) and (001) SLs: raman studies and modeling / Volodin V.A., Efremov M.D. and Sachkov V.A. - P.245-281. Книга• 2006 •  Laser isotope separation in atomic vapor / Bokhan P.A., Buchanov V.V., Fateev N.V., Kalugin M.M., Kazaryan M.A., Prokhorov A.M., Zakrevskii D.E. - Wiley-VCH, 2006. - 19 p.
Книга• 2007 •  European conference on integrated optics and technical exhibit (Copenhagen, Denmark, April 25-27, 2007). - Copenhagen, 2007. - Contents: High-temperature phases withincreased refractive index in HxLi1-x TaO3 waveguide layers / Tsarev A.V., Kalabin I.E., Atuchin V.V. - ThG18; Pecularity of multi-reflector filtering technology / Tsarev A. - ThG23; New design and numerical simulation by 3D BPM of new compact polarization rotator in anisotropic LiNbO3 graded index waveguide / Tsarev A. - ThG27.
Книга• 2008 •  Quantum Dots: Research, Technology and Applications / Ed. R.W.Knoss. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008. - 691 p. - Contens: Ge Nanoclusters in GeO2 Films: Synthesis, Structural Researchers and Optical Properties / Volodin V.A., Gorokhov E.B. - P.331-370. ISBN 978-1-60456-930-8 Книга• 2009 •  Body temperature regulation / A.B.Cisneros, B.L.Goins. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2009. - 392 p. - Contens: Vainer B.G. The Use of Infrared Thermography for the Investigation of Thermoregulation in Humans. - P.123-153. ISBN 978-1-60741-282-3
Книга• 2010 •  Optoelectronics in Measurement of Physical Magnitudes / Fedorinin V.N., Paulish A.G., Levina A.S. - NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2010. - 66 p. - (Physics Research and Technology). Книга• 2011 •  Advances in Electrical Engineering Research. - Vol.1 / Ed. T.M.Brouwer. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2011. - 388 p. - Contens: Optoelectronics in Measurement of Physical Magnitudes / Fedorinin V.N., Paulish A.G., Levina A.S., et al. - P.185-226.
Книга• 2011 •  Ferroelectrics - Physical Effects / Ed. M. Lallart. - Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2011. - 666 p. - Contens: Localized States in Narrow-Gap Ferroelectric-Semiconductor PbSnTe: Injection Currents, IR and THz Photosensitivity, Magnetic Field Effects / Klimov A., Shumsky V. - P.27-52. Книга• 2011 •  Helium: Characteristics, Compounds, and Applications / Ed. L.A.Becker. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2011. - 239 p. - Contens: Dultsev F.N. Effect of He Plasma Treatment on the Reactivity of Porous Methyl-Doped Silicon Dioxide Layers. - P.129-146.
Книга• 2011 •  Horizons in Computer Science Research. Vol.2 / Ed. T.S.Clary. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2011. - 448 p. - Contens: Novikov Yu.N. The FLASH Memory Based on Silicon Nitride (SONOS) P.35-66. Книга• 2011 •  Nanophenomena at Surfaces: Fundamentals of Exotic Condensed Matter Properties / Ed. M.Michailov. - Berlin; Heidelberg; N.Y.: Springer, 2011. - 284 p. - (Springer Series in Surface Sciences, Vol. 47). - Contens: Step bunching on silicon surface under electromigration / Kosolobov S.S., Latyshev A.V. - P.239-258.
Книга• 2011 •  100 Years of Superconductivity / Ed.: H.Rogalla, P.H.Kes. - Boca Raton: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2011. - 830 p. - Contens: Ginzburg-Landau Equations / Baturina T.I., Vinokur V.M. - P.51-64. Книга• 2011 •  Photodiodes world activities in 2011 / ed. by Jeong-Woo Park. - Croatia: InTech, 2011. - 410 p. - Contens: HgCdTe Heterostructures Grown by MBE on Si(310) for Infrared Photodetectors / Yakushev M.V., Varavin V.S., Vasilyev V.V., et al. - P.367-400.
Книга• 2011 •  Physical Properties of Nanosystems / Ed. J.Bonca and S.Kruchinin. - Dordrecht: Springer, 2011. - 350 p. - (NATO Science for Peace and Security. Series B: Physics and Biophysics). - Contens: Low Temperature Transport in Tunnel Junction Arrays: Cascade Energy Relaxation / Chtchelkatchev N.M., Vinokur V.M., Baturina T.I. - P.25-44; Synchronized Andreev transmission in Chains of SNS junctions / Chtchelkatchev N.M., Baturina T.I., Glatz A., Vinokur V.M. - P.87-107.
Книга• 2011 •  Plasmons: Structure, Properties and Applications / Ed. A.E.Turunen and J.O.Niemi. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2011. - 180 p. - Contens: Volodin V.A. Raman Studies of Anisotropy of Phonon-Plasmon Modes in GaAs/AlAs Doped Superlattices Grown on Flat and Nanofaceted Surfaces. - P.211-219. Книга• 2011 •  Semiconductor-on-Insulator Materials for NanoElectonics Applications / Ed. A.Nazarov, J.-P. Colinge, a.o. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2011. - 447 p. - Contens: SOI Nanowire Transistors for Femtomole Electronic Detectors of Single Particles and Molecules in Bioliquids and Gases. / Popov V.P., Naumova O.V., Ivanov Yu.D. - P. 343-354.
Книга• 2011 •  Sulfur Dioxide: Properties, Applications and Hazards / Ed.: B.W.Compton. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2011. - 173 p. - Contens: Dultsev F.N. Search for Functional Groups as Receptor Sites for Sulphur Dioxide - P.1-28. Книга• 2011 •  Suprun S.P., Suprun A. P. Computers: Classical, Quantum and Others. - Bentham Science Publishers, 2011. - 123 p.
Книга• 2012 •  Anisotropy Research: New Developments / Ed. H.Lemu. - New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc., 2012. - 290 p. - Contens: Volodin V.A. Angle and Polarization Anisotropy of Phonons and Phonon-plasmon Modes in GaAs/AlAs Superlattices: Raman Spectroscopy Studies. - P.121-134. Книга• 2012 •  Circulatory System and Arterial Hypertension: Experimental Investigation, Mathematical and Computer Simulation / Ed. L.N. Ivanova, a.o. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2012. - 246 p. - Contens: Vainer B.G. Investigation of circulation in humans with the use of infrared thermography. - P.207-234.
Книга• 2012 •  In-situ Electron Microscopy: Applications in Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science / Ed.: G. Dehm, J.M. Howe, J. Zweck. - Weinheim: Wiley, 2012. - 402 p. - Contens: Latyshev A.V. Formation of Surface Patterns Observed with Reflection Electron Microscopy. - P.99-122. Книга• 2012 •  Infrared Thermography Recent Advances and Future Trends / Ed. Carosena Meola. - Bentham, 2012. - 241 p. - Contens: Vainer B.G. Applications of Infrared Thermography to Medicine. - P.61-84.
Книга• 2012 •  Ion Implantation / Ed. Mark Goorsky. - InTech, 2012. - 446 p. - Contens: Antonova I.V. Si nanocrystal arrays created in SiO2 matrix by high-energy ion bombardment. - P.153-182. Книга• 2012 •  Laser Pulses - Theory, Technology, and Applications / Ed. Igor Peshko. - Novi Sad, Croatia: InTech, 2012. - 558 p. - Contens: GeO2 Films with Ge-Nanoclusters in Layered Compositions: Structural Modifications with Laser Pulses / Gorokhov E., Astankova K., Komonov A. - P.383-436.
Книга• 2012 •  Photodetectors / Ed. Sanka Gateva. - Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2012. - 470 p. - Contens: Mathematical Modeling of Multi-Element Infrared Focal Plane Arrays Based on the System 'Photodiode - Direct-Injection Readout Circuit' / Lee I.I., Polovinkin V.G. - P.251-278. Книга• 2012 •  Photodiodes - From Fundamentals to Applications / Ed. I.Yan. - Croatia: InTech, 2012. - 376 p. - Contens: LWIR photodiodes and focal plane arrays based on novel HgCdTe/CdZnTe/GaAs heterostructures grown by MBE technique / Vasiliev V.V., Varavin V.S., Dvoretsky S.A, et al. - P.1-42.
Книга• 2012 •  Recurrent Neural Network and Soft Computing / Ed. M.El. Hefnawi & M. Mysara. - Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2012. - 302 p. - Contens: Tarkov M.S. Optimization of Mapping Graphs of Parallel Programs onto Graphs of Distributed Computer Systems by Recurrent Neural Network. - P.203-224. Книга• 2012 •  Self- Assembly of Nanostructures: The INFN Lectures, Vol. III / Ed. S.Bellucci. - New York: Springer, 2012. - 267 p. - (Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and Technology; Vol.12) . - Contens: Self-assembled Quantum Dots: from Stranski-Krastanov to Droplet Epitaxy / Galitsyn Yu.G., Lyamkina A.A., Moshchenko S.P., et al. - P.127-200.
Книга• 2012 •  Silicon Nitride: synthesis, properties and applications / Ed. E.J.Hierra and J.A.Salazar. - Nova Science Publishers Inc., 2012. - 164 p. - Contens: Volodin V.A. Optical and Vibration Properties of Silicon Rich Nitride. - P.71-103. Книга• 2012 •  Stoichiometry and Materials Science - When Numbers Matter / Ed. A.Innocenti, N.Kamarulzaman. - InTech, 2012. - 448 p. - Contens: Observation of chemical reactions in solid phase using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy / Suprun S.P., Kesler V.G., Fedosenko E.V. - P.285-326.
Книга• 2013 •  Svitasheva S.N. Modeling Methods of Optical Inhomogeneous Structures. Application of ellipsometry. - Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013. - 112 p. Книга• 2013 •  40 Years of Berezinskii - Kosterlitz - Thouless Theory / Ed. J.V.Jose. - Singapore; Hackensack, N.J.: World Scientific Publishing, 2013. - 300 p. - Contens: Superinsulator-Superconductor Duality in Two Dimensions and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition / V.M.Vinokur and T.I.Baturina.

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