Публикации ученых ННЦ СО РАН на иностранных языках – Институт химической кинетики и горения

Публикации ученых ННЦ на иностранных языках  Публикации ученых Новосибирского научного центра
  на иностранных языках (в хронологическом порядке)

Институт химической кинетики и горения
Книга• 1980 •  Molin Yu.N. Spin exchange: principles and applications in chemistry and biology / Yu.N.Molin, K.M.Salikhov, K.I.Zamaraev. - Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, 1980. - xi, 242 p. - (Springer series in chemical physics; Vol.8). Книга• 1984 •  Spin polarization and magnetic effects in radical reactions / K.M. Salikhov, Yu.N.Molin, R.Z.Sagdeev, A.L.Buchachenko. - Amsterdam; New York: Elsevier; Budapest, Hungary: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1984. - 419 p. - (Studies in physical and theoretical chemistry; Vol.22).
Книга• 1986 •  Klose M. Wasser - Struktur und Dynamik / M.Klose, J.I.Naberuchin. - Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1986. - 176 s. - Bibliogr.: s.169-172. Книга• 1998 •  Brandsma L. Application of transition metal catalysts in organic synthesis / L.Brandsma, S.F.Vasilevsky, H.D.Verkruijsse. - Berlin; London: Springer-Verlag, 1998. - 335 p. - (Springer laboratory).
Книга• 2000 •  Distance measurements in biological systems by EPR / Ed.G.R.Eaton, a.o. - New York: London: Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2000. – 614 p. - (Biological Magnetic Resonance; Vol.19). - Contents: Photo-Induced Radical Pairs Investigated Using out-of-Phase Electron Spin Echo / S.A.Dzuba, A.J.Hoff. - P.569-596.Книга• 2000 •  New Advances in Analytical Chemistry / Ed. Atta-ur-Rahman. - Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publ., 2000. – 535 p. - Contents: Two-dimensional ESEEM Spectroscopy / Dikanov S.A. - P.523-568.
Книга• 2000 •  Solid Propellant Chemistry, Combustion, and Motor Interior Ballistics / Ed. Vigor Yang, a.o. - New York: AIAA, 2000. – 990 p. - (Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics; Vol.185). - Contents: Flame Structure of Solid Propellants / Korobeinichev O.P. - P.335-354.Книга• 2001 •  Radiation chemistry: present status and future trends / Ed. C.D.Jonah, B.S.Madhava Rao. - Amsterdam; N.Y.: Elsevier, 2001. – 755 p. – Contents: Radiation chemistry under magnetic fields. Spin coherence effects / Molin Yu.N. – P.67-82.
Книга• 2001 •  Supramolecular Structure and Function 7 / G.Pifat-Mrzljak. - New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001. – 240 p. - Contents: New Approaches in Spin Labeling and Spin Trapping. Part Two: NMR Detects Free Radicals / Khramtsov, V.V., Berliner L.J., Clanton T.L. – P.107-118.Книга• 2002 •  The Chemistry of Organo-Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds. Vol.2 / Ed. Z.Rappoport. - London: John Wiley & Sons, 2002. - 1956 p. - Contents: Radical reaction mechanisms of and at organic germanium, tin and lead / Taraban M.B., Volkova O.S., Kruppa A.I., et al. - P.459-535.
Книга• 2005 •  Computational Methods in Photochemistry / Ed. A.G.Kutateladze. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2005. – 517 p. - (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry; V.13). - Contents: The Study of Nitrenes by Theoretical Methods / Gritsan N.P., Platz M.S., Borden W.T. – P.235-356.Книга• 2005 •  Energetic Materials: Particle Processing and Characterization / Ed. U.Teipel. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2004. - 643 p. - Contents: Nanoparticles / Gash A.E., Simpson R.L.,… Zarko V., et al. - P.237-292.
Книга• 2005 •  Overviews of Recent Research on Energetic Materials / Ed. R.W.Shaw a.o. - Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2005. – 509 p. – (Advanced Series in Physical Chemistry; V.16). - Contents: Study of Energetic Material Combustion Chemistry by Probing Mass Spectrometry and Modeling of Flames / Korobeinichev O.P. - P.75-103.Книга• 2007 •  Optics of Biological Particles: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Novosibirsk, Russia, 3-6 October 2005 / Ed. A.G.Hoekstra, V.P.Maltsev, a.o. - London: Springer, 2007. - 284 p. - (NATO Science Series II; Vol.238).
Книга• 2008 •  Advancements in Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion / Ed. K.Kuo, K.Hori. - N.Y.: Begell House, 2008. - 803 p. - Contents: Theoretical study of the thermodynamic properties of nitrogen and oxygen containing high-energy materials / Kiselev V.G., Zarko V.E., Gritsan N.P. - P.476-491; Experimental Study of Microthruster Heat Loss / Kiskin A.B., Simonenko V.N., Gusachenko L.K., et al. - P.879-894; Fresh Look on the Combustion Modeling of Energetic Materials with Surface Evaporation / Zarko V.E., Gusachenko L.K., and Rychkov A.D. - P.586-602.
Книга• 2008 •  Generalized Voronoi Diagram: A Geometry-Based Approach to Computational Intelligence / Ed. J.Kacprzyk. - Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2008. - 312 p. - (Studies in Computational Intelligence; Vol.158). - Contents: Shapes of Delaunay Simplexes and Structural Analysis of Hard Sphere Packings / Anikeenko A.V., Gavrilova M.L., Medvedev N.N. - P.13-45.
Книга• 2009 •  Beta Carotene: Dietary Sources, Cancer and Cognition / Ed. L.Haugen and T.Bjornson. - New York: Nova Biomedical Books, 2009. - 358 p. - Contents: Water Soluble Supramolecular Complexes of β -Carotene and Other Carotenoids / Polyakov N.E., Kispert L.D. - P.191-230. Книга• 2009 •  Organic Azides: Synthesis and Application / Ed. S.Brase, K.Banert. - Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 2009. - 536 р. - Contents: Photochemistry of Azides: The Azide/Nitrene interface / Gritsan N., Platz M. - P.311-372.
Книга• 2009 •  Peptabiotics. Fungal Peptides Containing α-Dialkyl α-Amino Acids / Ed. C.Toniolo, H.Bruckner. - Zürich: Wiley-VCH, 2009. - 702 p. - Contents: Solvent effects on the secondary structure of the membrane active zervamicin determined by PELDOR spectroscopy / Milov A.D., Tsvetkov Yu.D., Gorbunova E.Yu., et al. - P.425-437; Supramolecular structure of a self-assembling alamethicin analog studied by ESR and PELDOR / Milov A.D., Samoilova R.I., Tsvetkov Yu.D., et al. - P.459-482.
Книга• 2011 •  Advanced Optical Flow Cytometry: Methods and Disease Diagnoses / Ed. V.V.Tuchin, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2011. - 740 p. - Contents: Optics of white blood cells: optical models, simulations, and experiments / Maltsev V.P., Hoekstra A.G., Yurkin M.A. – P.63-93. Книга• 2011 •  Chemistry for Sustainable Development / Ed. M.Gupta Bhowon, et al. - Dordrecht, New-York: Springer, 2011. - 486 p. - Contents: The influence of the cage effect on the mechanism of multistage chemical reactions in solutions / Doktorov A.B., Fedorenko S.G. - P.11-34.
Книга• 2011 •  Quantum Entanglement / Ed. A.M.Moran. - Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers, 2011. – 291 p. - Contents: Interrelations of Spin Entanglement and Recombination Events in Fermi Systems / Il'ichov L.V., Anishchik S.V. - P.265-284. Книга• 2011 •  Selectivity, Control, and Fine Tuning in High-Energy Chemistry / Ed. D.V.Stass, V.I.Feldman. - Kerala, India: Research Signpost, 2011. - 286 p. - Contents: Coherent spin control of radiation-generated radical ion pairs in liquid alkanes / Stass D.V., Anishchik S.V., Verkhovlyuk V.N. – P.143-189; Optically Detected ESR and Time-Resolved Magnetic Field Effect in radiation chemistry of non-polar solutions / Vyushkova M., Potashov P., Borovkov V., et al. – P.191-220.
Книга• 2012 •  Aerosols Handbook, Measurement, Dosimetry and Health effects / Ed. L.S.Ruser and N.H.Harley. - London; NY: CRC Press, 2012. - 666 p. - Contents: Research and development of a new safe form of drug / T.G.Tolstikova, A.A.Onischuk, I.V.Sorokina, et al. - P.249-285; Classical Nucleation Theory: Account of Dependence of the Surface Tension on Curvature and Translation-Rotation Correction Factor / Vosel S.V., Onischuk A.A., Purtov P.A. et al. - P.503-528.
Книга• 2012 •  Stoichiometry and Materials Science - When numbers matter / Ed. Dr. Alessio Innocenti. - InTech, 2012. - 448 p. - Contents: Chemical Transformations in Inhibited Flames over Range of Stoichiometry / Korobeinichev O.P., Shmakov A.G. and Shvartsberg V.M. - P.357-390. Книга• 2012 •  Thermodynamics - Fundamentals and Its Application in Science / Ed. Ricardo Morales-Rodriguez. - InTech, 2012. - 542 p. - Contents: Useful Work and Gibbs Energy / Bazhin N.M. - P.29-44.
Книга• 2013 •  Simulation of energetic materials combustion / Ed. V.Zarko, L.Gusachenko a.o. - Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2013. - 429 p. Книга• 2013 •  Nitrenes and Nitrenium Ions / Ed. D.Falvey, A.D.Gudmundsdottir, Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2013. - 586 p. - Contents: Properties of Carbonylnitrenes and Related Acylnitrenes / Gritsan N.P. - P.481-548.
Книга• 2013 •  Recent Research Developments in Chemical Physics. Vol.6 / Ed. S.G.Padalai. - Kerala, India, 2013. - Contents: Development of the kinetic theory of physicochemical processes induced by binary en-counter of reactants in solutions / Doktorov A.B. - P.135-192. Книга• 2013 •  Flow Cytometry: Principles, Methodology and Applications / Ed. S.Papandreou. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2013. - 120 p. - Contents: Light-Scattering Flow Cytometry: Advanced Characterization of Individual Particle Morphology / Maltsev V.P., Chernyshev A.V., Strokotov D.I. - P.79-104.
Книга• 2013 •  Fluorophores: Characterization, Synthesis and Applications / Ed. Shota Watanabe. - Nova Science Publishers, 2013. - 102 p. - Contents: Сoncentration dependence of humic acid fluorescence intensity / Lavrik N.L., Mulloev N.U. - P.77-93. Книга• 2013 •  Handbook of Molecular Plasmonics / ed. Della Sala F. and D'Agostino S. - Singapore: Pan Stanford Publishing, 2013. - 498 p. - Contents: Computational Approaches for Plasmonics / Yurkin M.A. - P.83-135.

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