Публикации ученых ННЦ СО РАН на иностранных языках – Центральный Сибирский ботанический сад

Публикации ученых ННЦ на иностранных языках  Публикации ученых Новосибирского научного центра
  на иностранных языках (в хронологическом порядке)

Центральный Сибирский ботанический сад
Книга• 1997 •  Ermakov N. Hemiboreal Forests of Siberia: Biodiversity and Red Data Book Status / N.Ermakov, J.Dring, J.Rodwell; Darwin Initiative. - 1997. - 65 p.Книга• 1997 •  Solomeshch A. Red Data Book of Plant Communities in the Former USSR / A.Solomeshch, B.Mirkin, N.Ermakov, A.Ishburdin, V.Golub, M.Saitov, S.Zhuravliova, J.Rodwell. - Lancaster: Lancaster University, 1997. - 69 p.
Книга• 1998 •  Nimis P.L. A Multivariate Phytogeographic Analysis of Plant Diversity in the Putorana Plateau (N. Siberia) / P.L.Nimis, L.I.Malyshev, G.Bolognini, N.Friesen. - Copenhagen: Council for Nordic Publications in Botany, 1998. - 72 p.: ill. - (Opera botanica; Vol.136). Книга• 2000 •  Ermakov N. Classification of Continental Hemiboreal Forests of North Asia / N.Ermakov, J.Dring, J.Rodwell. - Camerino, 2000. - 131 p. - (Braun-Blanquetia; 28 / Review of Geobotanical Monographs).
Книга• 2000 •  Lycopodiaceae - Hydrocharitaceae / Ed. L.L.Malyschev. - Enfield; Plymouth: Science Publishers Inc., 2000. - 190 p. - (Flora of Siberia; Vol.1). Книга• 2001 •  Poaceae (Gramineae) / Ed. L.I.Malyshev & G.A.Peschkova. - Enfield (NH), USA: Science Publishers, 2001. - 363 p. - (Flora of Siberia; Vol.2).
Книга• 2001 •  Cyperaceae / Ed. L.I.Malyshev & G.A.Peschkova. - Enfield (NH), USA: Science Publishers, 2001. - 280 p. - (Flora of Siberia; Vol.3). Книга• 2001 •  Araceae - Orchidaceae / Ed. L.I.Malyshev & G.A.Peschkova. - Enfield (NH), USA: CRC Science Publishers, 2001. - 239 p. [250 p.] - (Flora of Siberia; Vol.4).
Книга• 2003 •  Salicacea-Amaranthaceae / Ed. L.I.Malyschev, I.M.Krasnoborov. - Enfield (NH), USA: Science Publishers, 2003. - 316 p. - (Flora of Siberia; Vol.5). Книга• 2003 •  Portulacaceae - Ranunculaceae / Ed. L.I.Malyshev & G.A.Peschkova. - Enfield (NH), USA: Science Publishers, 2003. - 301 p. - (Flora of Siberia; Vol.6).
Книга• 2004 •  Berberidaceae - Grossulariaceae / Ed. L.I.Malyshev & G.A.Peschkova. - Enfield (NH), USA: Science Publishers, 2004. - 318 p. - (Flora of Siberia; Vol.7). Книга• 2004 •  Rosaceae / Ed. L.I.Malyschev. - Enfield (NH), USA: Science Publishers, 2004. - 208 p. - (Flora of Siberia; Vol. 8).
Книга• 2006 •  Fabaceae (Leguminosae) / Ed. L.I.Malyschev. - Enfield (NH), USA: Science Publishers, 2006. - 286 p. - (Flora of Siberia; Vol. 9). Книга• 2006 •  Geraniaceae - Cornaceae / Ed. G.A.Peschkova. - Enfield, USA: Science Publishers, 2006. - 314 p. - (Flora of Siberia; Vol.10).
Книга• 2006 •  Pyrolaceae - Lamiaceae (Labiatae) / Ed. L.I.Kashina. - Enfield, USA: Science Publishers, 2006. - 318 p. - (Flora of Siberia; Vol.11). Книга• 2007 •  Solanaceae-Lobeliaceae / Ed. A.V.Polozhij & G.A. Peschkova. - Enfield (NH), USA: Science Publishers, 2007. - 222 p. - (Flora of Siberia; Vol.12).
Книга• 2007 •  Asteraceae (Compositae) / Ed. L.I.Kashina, D.N.Shaulo, I.M.Krasnoborov. - Enfield (NH), USA: Science Publishers, 2007. - 514 p. - (Flora of Siberia; Vol.13) Книга• 2007 •  Additions and Corrections. Alphabetical Indexes / Ed. L.I.Malyshev & G.A.Peschkova & K.S.Baikov. Science Publishers, 2007. - 210 p. - (Flora of Siberia; Vol.14).
Книга• 2010 •  Man and the Geosphere / Ed I.V.Florinsky. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2010. - 385 p. - Contents: Intraspecific variability of plants: The impact of active local faults / Boyarskikch I.G., Shitov A.V. - P.145-167. Книга• 2011 •  Water Security in the Mediterranean Region / Ed. A.Scozzari, B.El Mansouri. - Dordrecht: Springer, 2011. - 420 p. - (NATO Science for Peace and Security. Series C: Environmental Security). - Contents: Acid mine drainage migration of Belovo zinc plant (South Siberia, Russia) / Romanov R., Bortnikova S., Manstein Yu. et al.. - Chap. 14. - P.191-208 p.
Книга• 2011 •  Biosphere Reserves in the Mountains of the World. Excellence in the clouds? - Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2011. - 120 p. - Contents: Yashina T. Monitoring Climate Change Effects in the Katunskiy Biosphere Reserve (Russian Federation) / Yashina T., Artemov I. - P.53-56.

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