Публикации ученых ННЦ СО РАН на иностранных языках – Институт теоретической и прикладной механики

Публикации ученых ННЦ на иностранных языках  Публикации ученых Новосибирского научного центра
  на иностранных языках (в хронологическом порядке)

Институт теоретической и прикладной механики
Книга• 1990 •  Vorozhtsov E.V. Methods for the localization of singularities in numerical solutions of gas dynamics problems / E.V.Vorozhtsov, N.N.Yanenko. - New York et al.: Springer-Verlag, 1990. - 406 p. - (Springer series in computational physics).Книга• 1994 •  Intern. conf. on the Methods of Aerophysical Research: proceedings (7th, Aug. 22-26, 1994, Novosibirsk). - Novosibirsk, 1994. - Pt.2. - 257 p.
Книга• 1994-1995 •  Thermal plasma and new materials technology: In 2 vol. / Ed. O.P.Solonenko, M.F.Zhukov. - Cambridge: Interscience Publishing. - V.1. Investigations & design of thermal plasma generators. - 1994. - 464 p.; V.2. Investigations & design of thermal plasma technologies. - 1995. - 533 p.Книга• 1996 •  Ganzha V.G. Computer-aided analysis of difference schemes for partial differential equations / V.G.Ganzha and E.V.Vorozhtsov. - New York et al.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996. - 458 p.
Книга• 1996 •  Ganzha V.G. Numerical solutions for partial differential equations: problem solving using mathematica / V.G.Ganzha and E.V.Vorozhtsov. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1996. - 347 p.Книга• 1996 •  Intern. conf. on the Methods of Aerophysical Research: Proceedings (8th, Sept. 2-6, 1996, Novosibirsk). - Novosibirsk, 1996. Pt.1. - 242 p.; Pt.2. - 245 p.; Pt.3. - 259 p.
Книга• 1997 •  Strampp W. Hohere Mathematik mit Mathematica / W.Strampp, V.Ganzha, E.Vorozhtsov. - Braunsschweig / Wiesbaden: Vieweg, 1997. Band 3: Differentialgleichungen und Numerik. - 321 s.; Band 4: Funktionentheorie, Fourier-und Laplacetransformationen. - 288 s.Книга• 1998 •  Intern. conf. on the Methods of Aerophysical Research: Proceedings (9th, June 29 - 3 July, 1998, Novosibirsk). - Novosibirsk, 1998. Pt.1. - 258 p.; Pt.2. - 229 p.; Pt.3. - 306 p.
Книга• 1999 •  Kiselev S.P. Foundations of fluid mechanics with applications: problem solving using mathematica / S.P.Kiselev, E.V.Vorozhtsov, V.M.Fomin. - 2nd ed. - Boston: Birkhauser, 1999. - 575 p.: ill.Книга• 1999 •  Ochkin V.N. Optogalvanic effect in ionized gas / V.N.Ochkin, N.G.Preobrazhensky, N.Y.Shaperev. - London: Foundation for Int. Scientific & Education Cooperation; Moscow: Lebedev Phys. Inst. Univ. Press, 1999. - 197 p.
Книга• 2000 •  Intern. conf. on the Methods of Aerophysical Research: Proceedings (10th, July 9-16, 2000, Novosibirsk-Tomsk): In 3 pt. - Novosibirsk, 2000. Pt.1. - 243 p.; Pt.2. - 227 p.; Pt.3. - 188 p.Книга• 2002 •  Intern. conf. on the methods of aerophysical research: ICMAR' 2002: Proceedings (11th, 1-7 July, 2002, Novosibirsk): In 3 pt. - Novosibirsk: Nonparel, 2002. Pt.1. - 239 p.; Pt.2. - 215 p.; Pt.3. - 253 p.
Книга• 2004 •  Intern. conf. on the methods of aerophysical research: ICMAR' 2004: proceedings (12th, 28 June - 3 July, 2004, Novosibirsk): In 4 pt. - Novosibirsk: Nonparel, 2004. Pt.1. - 241 p.; Pt.2. - 253 p.; Pt.3. - 200 p.; Pt.4. - 358 p.Книга• 2004 •  Strampp W. Mathematische Methoden der Signal-verarbeitung / W.Strampp, E.V.Vorozhtsov. - München: Oldenbourg, 2004. - 460 p.
Книга• 2005 •  Schacht W. Numerische Modellierung einer dreidimensionalen Fluidströmung in einem Spiralkompensator / W.Schacht, E.V.Vorozhtsov, A.F.Voevodin. - Erfurt; Novosibirsk, 2005. - 83 p. - (Bereich Dispatching / Gasversorgung Thüringen GmbH). Книга• 2005 •  Meleshko S.V. Methods for Constructing Exact Solutions of Partial Differential Equations: Mathematical and Analytical Techniques with Applications to Engineering / S.V.Meleshko. - New York: Springer Science, 2005. - 352 p.
Книга• 2006 •  Cold Spray Technology / Papyrin A., Kosarev V., Klinkov S., Alkhimov A., Fomin V. - Amsterdam; Boston; London: Elsevier Science, 2006. - 336 p. Книга• 2007 •  International conference on the methods of aerophysical research: ICMAR'2007: proceedings (XIII, 5-10 Febrary, 2007, Novosibirsk): in 5 pt. - Novosibirsk: Parallel, 2007. - Pt.1. - 249 p.; Pt.2. - 242 p.; Pt.3. - 250 p.; Pt.4. - 239 p.; Pt.5. - 261 p.
Книга• 2008 •  International conference on the methods of aerophysical research: ICMAR'2008: abstracts (XIV, June 30-July 6, 2008, Novosibirsk): in 2 pt. - Novosibirsk: Parallel, 2008. - Pt.1. - 271 p.; Pt.2. - 280 p. Книга• 2010 •  International conference on the methods of aerophysical research: [ICMAR XV]: abstracts, 1-6 Nov., 2010, Novosibirsk / Ed. V.M.Fomin: in 2 pt. - Novosibirsk: Parallel, 2010. - Pt.1. - 275 p.; Pt.2. - 291 p.
Книга• 2010 •  Introduction to Complex Plasmas / Ed. M.Bonitz, N.Horing, P.Ludwig. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2010. - 450 p. - (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics; Vol.59). - Contents: PIC-MCC simulations of capacitive high-frequency. Discharge dynamics with nanoparticles / Schweigert I.V. - P.203-230. Книга• 2011 •  Application of Thermodynamics to Biological and Materials Science / Ed. Mizutani Tadashi. - Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2011. - 628 p. - Contents: Molecular-dynamics calculation of nanostructures thermodynamics. Research of impurities influence on results / Golovneva E.I., Golovnev I.F., Fomin V.M. - P.603-628.
Книга• 2011 •  Cryogenics: Theory, Processes and Applications / Ed. A.E.Hayes. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2011. - 171 p. - Contents: Control of the sonic boom generated by a flying vehicle by means of a cryogenic impact on the flow process / Fomin V.M., Chirkashenko V.F., Kharitonov A.M., Volkov V.F. - P.1-37. Книга• 2011 •  Horizons in Earth Science Research, Vol.4 / Ed. B.Veress and J.Szigethy. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2011. - 299 p. - Contents: Shield volcanoes of Siberian flood basalts: dynamics of lava sheets formation / Sharapov V.N., Cherepanov A. N., Popov V.N., Rakhmenkulova I.F. - Ch.2. - P.61-98.
Книга• 2011 •  Progress in Flight Physics. Vol.3 / Ed. Ph.Reijasse, D.Knight, M.Ivanov, I.Lipatov. - EDP Sciences, Torus Press, 2011. - 608 p. - (EUCASS advances in aerospace sciences book series). - Contents: Development of a free round jet at different conditions at the nozzle exit under an acoustic action / Litvinenko Yu.A., Grek G.R., Kozlov G.V., Sorokin A.M., and Litvinenko M.V. - P.429-448; Study of the incipient spot breakdown controlled by riblets / Chernoray V.G., Grek G.R., Kozlov V.V., and Litvinenko Yu.A. - P.545-556.
Книга• 2011 •  Shock Wave - Boundary-Layer Interactions / Ed. H.Babinsky, J.Harvey. - New York et al.: Cambridge University Press, 2011. - 461 p. - (Cambridge aerospace series). - Contents: Ideal-gas shock wave - turbulent boundary-layer interactions (STBLIs) in supersonic flows and their modeling: Two-dimensional interactions / Zheltovodov A.A., Knight D.D. - P.137-201; Ideal-gas shock wave — turbulent boundary-layer interactions in supersonic flows and their modeling: Three-dimensional interactions / Zheltovodov A.A., Knight D.D. - P. 202-258.
Книга• 2011 •  Wind Tunnels and Experimental Fluid Dynamics Research / Ed. J.C.Lerner and U.Boldes. - Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2011. - 724 p. - Contents: Study of turbulent supersonic flow based on the optical and acoustic measurements / Banakh V.A., Marakasov D.A., Tsvyk R.Ch. and Zapryagaev V.I. - P.607-628. Книга• 2012 •  Mathematical Analysis of Detonation Suppression by Inert Particles / Fedorov A.V., Fomin P.A., Fomin V.M., Tropin D.A., Chen J.-R. - Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Kao Tech Publishing, 2012. - 143 p.
Книга• 2012 •  Circulatory System and Arterial Hypertension: Experimental Investigation, Mathematical and Computer Simulation / Ed.: L.N.Ivanova and A.L.Markel, A.M.Blokhin and E.V.Mishchenko. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2012. - 255 p. - Contents: Mathematical modeling of the blood flow in blood vessels / Fomin V.M., Medvedev A.E., Samsonov V.I. - Ch. 2. - P.55-114.
Книга• 2012 •  Pipelines: Design, Applications and Safety / Ed. M.G.Rivero, L.M.Mansillo. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2012. - 268 p. - Contents: Outflow of gas from a limited volume through a pipeline with friction / Zvegintsev V.I., Mel'nikov A.Yu. - 189-206; A one-dimensional model for calculating compressible gas flow with friction through pipeline / Zvegintsev V.I., Mel'nikov A.Yu. - P.207-224.
Книга• 2012 •  Physics of transitional shear flows: instability and laminar - turbulent transition in incompressible near - wall shear layers / Boiko A.V., Dovgal A.V., Grek G.R., Kozlov V.V. - Dordrecht et al.: Springer, 2012. - 271 p. - (Fluid mechanics and its applications; vol.98) Книга• 2014 •  International conference on the methods of aerophysical research [ICMAR 2014], XVII, June 30-July 6, 2014, Novosibirsk, Russia: abstracts / Ed. V.M.Fomin. - Novosibirsk: Avtograf, 2014: in 2 pt. - Pt.1. - 247 p.; Pt.2. - 260 p.
Книга• 2013 •  Progress in Flight Physics. Vol.5 / Ed. Ph.Reijasse, D.Knight, M.Ivanov, I.Lipatov. - EDP Sciences, Torus Press, France, 2013. - 736 p. - (EUCASS advances in aerospace sciences book series). - Contents: Supersonic laminar separated flow structure at ramp for free-stream Mach number / Zapryagaev V.I., Kavun I.N., Lipatov I.I. - P.349-362
Книга• 2014 •  Shock Wave-Boundary-Layer Interactions / Ed. H.Babinsky, J.K.Harvey. - New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014 - 480 p. - Contents: Ideal gas shock wave turbulent boundary layer interactions in supersonic flows and their modeling - two dimensional interactions / Knight D.D. and Zheltovodov A.A. - P.137-201; Ideal gas shock wave turbulent boundary layer interactions in supersonic flows and their modeling - three dimensional interactions / Knight D.D. and Zheltovodov A.A. - P.202-258.

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