SciGuide - Free-access scientific resources - Databases and Portals (Energy)
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SciGuide is an electronic directory of foreign and Russian open access scientific resources on the Internet. The aim of the directory is to assist users to locate open access academic and scholarly content and to facilitate science communication for researchers and experts of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS). The directory is being developed jointly by the Branch and the Department of Collection Development and Acquisitions of the State Public Scientific Technical Library of SB RAS.

Logo Databases & Portals*Energy
biological scienceschemistryearth & environmental scienceseconomicsenergygeographylawmathematicsmedicinemiscellaneousnanotechnologiesphilosophyphysicspublishingscience studiessocial sciences & humanities

*Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center (*It is a comprehensive clearinghouse of data, publications, tools, and information related to advanced transportation technologies. The AFDC hosts more than 3,000 documents. Provided By US Department of Energy.
*World Nuclear Association Publications (*Publications of the World Nuclear Association.

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Updated: Mon Nov 22 16:27:39 2021 (6,049 bytes)
Visit No. 2822 since 10.09.2010