SciGuide - Free-access scientific resources - Databases and Portals (Nanophysics and nanochemistry)
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SciGuide is an electronic directory of foreign and Russian open access scientific resources on the Internet. The aim of the directory is to assist users to locate open access academic and scholarly content and to facilitate science communication for researchers and experts of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS). The directory is being developed jointly by the Branch and the Department of Collection Development and Acquisitions of the State Public Scientific Technical Library of SB RAS.

Logo Databases & Portals*Nanophysics and Nanochemistry
biological scienceschemistryearth & environmental scienceseconomicsenergygeographylawmathematicsmedicinemiscellaneousnanotechnologiesphilosophyphysicspublishingscience studiessocial sciences & humanities

*AZoNano (* A complex nanotechnology-oriented resource that is made by AZoNetwork Australian Online publishing company.
*Journal of Nanotechnology, Science and Applications (* Supported by Dove Medical Press, open access journal that offers articles on nanotechnology.
*Nanotechnology News (* Supported by Omicron Technology Limited, a portal of scientific news that deals with nanophysics and nanotechnologies in general.
*Nanotechnology (* Prepared by Ralph C. Merkle (Institute for Molecular Manufacturing) nanotechnology resource aggregator.
* (*A network community in nanotechnologies that counts more than 175 thousand users
*Nanotechnology - Scientific American (*Prepared by one of the largest USA scientific web resource that aggregates resources on nanotechnologies.
*Nano. The magazine for small science (* Presented by ION Publishing LTD, free articles from nanotechnology journals (more materails are available on a commercial base).
*Nanotechnology and Nanoscience (*A diversified nanotechnology portal that offers references to organizations and laboratories that deal with nanotechnologies, databases on nanoparticles, and the information on vacancies in the field of nanotechnologies
*Nanotechnology Now (*An information resource on nanotechnologies in general, on molecular nanotechnologies, microelectromechanical systems, nanoelectromechanical systems, nanomedicine, nanobiotechnologies, and other nanodisciplines
* (*It is an Information Resource in Particle Industry. It contains information on meetings and conferences; nanomaterials, drug delivery, etc.

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Updated: Mon Oct 4 15:31:40 2021 (9,968 bytes)
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