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SciGuide is an electronic directory of foreign and Russian open access scientific resources on the Internet. The aim of the directory is to assist users to locate open access academic and scholarly content and to facilitate science communication for researchers and experts of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS). The directory is being developed jointly by the Branch and the Department of Collection Development and Acquisitions of the State Public Scientific Technical Library of SB RAS.

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*AATA Online (*A comprehensive database of over 144,000 abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage. AATA now includes selected subject-specific bibliographies.
*The André Savine Digital Collection (* Books contributed by the André Savine Collection at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The books contributed by the André Savine Collection at the University of North Carolina at Chapel. The André Savine Collection is composed of several large sub-collections documenting the lives of Russian exiles. The most distinguished of these, named by Savine “Militaria,” documents the life of the Russian White Army in Gallipoli and beyond. A second sub-collection contains more than 10,000 books: poetry, fiction, history, memoirs, philosophy, religious studies, politics and children's literature. In addition to the émigré publications, the sub-collection includes rare pre-revolutionary and Soviet editions. Also in this group is the unpublished ten-volume diary of Nikanor V. Savich (1869-1942), member of the State Duma and prominent politician in pre-revolutionary Russia and in emigration. Archival materials represent yet another large sub-collection. Among them are the archives of Russian émigré book publishers, booksellers and libraries around the world, including publishing house correspondence, book catalogs, invoices, library publications, vendors' catalogs, etc. Another large archive is that of the Union of Russian Taxi Drivers in Paris, which includes membership cards and dossiers, and much of the organization's official documents. The collection also includes the archives of The Paris Union of Russian Nurses and of various dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad.
*Bibliotekar Dot Ru (  ► Bibliotekar Dot ru is a collection of non-fiction editions on Russian and world history, art, culture, applied sciences. It contains books, serials, handbooks, and textbooks for college and university students.
*Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library Collections (  ► The library specializes in materials that document the history of the Russian state as well as publications related to the history of the Russian language. Among other things, the online collections include publications covering life and activities of major Russian writers, scientists, artists, musicians, politicians.
*The British Library. Digitised manuscripts (  ► Digitised copies of manuscripts and archives in the British Library’s collections, with descriptions of their contents. Explore the Library's latest major acquisition, the St Cuthbert Gospel. Some other highlights include the Harley Golden Gospels, Beowulf, the Silos Apocalypse, Leonardo da Vinci’s Notebook, the Petit Livre d’Amour and the Golf Book.
*Central and Eastern European Online Library (/*CEEOL is a leading provider of academic e-journals and e-books in the Humanities and Social Sciences from and about Central and Eastern Europe. CEEOL provides scholars, researchers and students with access to a wide range of academic content in a constantly growing, dynamic repository. Registration is required.
*The Conservation and Art Materials Encyclopedia Online (  ►The Conservation and Art Materials Encyclopedia Online (CAMEO) is a database that compiles, defines, and disseminates technical information on the distinct collection of terms, materials, and techniques used in the fields of art conservation and historic preservation. First developed as a materials database in 1997 at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston it has expanded with the cooperation of multiple institutions to include several reference collections. CAMEO is an electronic database developed by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. It provides technical information on terms, materials, and techniques used in art conservation.
*DigiVatLib (*Digital Vatican Library. The digital library service provides free access to the Vatican Library’s digitized collections: manuscripts, incunabula, archival materials and inventories as well as graphic materials, coins and medals, printed materials.
*E-Lis (  ► An international open access repository for academic papers in Library and Information Science. E-LIS is established, managed and maintained by an international team of 73 librarians and information scientists from 47 countries and support for 22 languages.
*Eastern Literature (  ► The noncommercial project provides access to Middle Age documents, translated into Russian. The collection includes little known texts on the history of North and South America, Africa, the Caucasus and Central Asia covering the years from the 4th to the 20th centuries. These are memoirs, annals, diplomatic documents, journals and travel descriptions, etc.
*ECHO (* Cultural Heritage Online. The ECHO initiative aims to create an infrastructure to bring cultural heritage on the Internet, and builds up a network of institutions, research projects and other users which provide content and technology for the common infrastructure, with the aim to enrich the "agora" and to create a future Web of Culture and Science.
*Education Research Library (  ►The site of the Russian Academy of Education. The collections feature an extensive amount of information related to education and psychology.
*Elbrusoid (  ► Elbrusoid, a collection of books, articles, documents concerning Karachay-Balkar ethnic group.
*Europeana ( /)  ► A European Commission funded portal which was launched in 2008 and is currently working to build a virtual European library offering free access to Europe's cultural resources. It includes millions of texts (manuscripts, papers, ebooks), images (photographs, maps), films (moving images, videos, film clips, television broadcasts) and sounds from Europe's main research libraries, archives and galleries. A wide range of topics relevant to the social sciences are covered including elections (historic coverage), anthropology, social history, cultural events.
*Gallica: la bibliothèque numérique (  ► The digital library catalogue of la bibliothèque nationale de France provides access to digitized works, images, and sound resources, the majority of which are in French. Coverage includes history, literature, sciences, philosophy, law, economics and political science and runs from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century.
*The Getty Research Portal (  ► The Getty Research Portal is a free online search platform providing worldwide access to an extensive collection of digitized art history texts rare books, and related literature from a range of institutions. This multilingual and multicultural union catalog affords art historians and other researchers the ability to search and download complete digital copies of publications devoted to art, architecture, material culture, and related fields.
*Gumer (* A collection of Russian full text humanitarian books and articles.
*The Hispanic Digital Library (  ► The Hispanic Digital Library is the digital library of the Biblioteca Nacional de España. It provides access free of charge to thousands of digitised documents, including books printed from the 15th to the 19th century, manuscripts, drawings, engravings, pamphlets, posters, photographs, maps, atlases, music scores, historic newspapers and magazines and audio recordings.
*Historical Library of Russia. Electronic Collections (  ► The electronic collections of the State Public Historical Library of Russia includes publications and documents on national and world history, as well as genealogy, heraldry, military science, etc.
*The Indigenous Studies Portal (  ► The Indigenous Studies Portal (iPortal) is a database of full-text electronic resources such as books, articles, theses and documents as well as digitized materials such as photographs, archival resources, maps, etc. focusing primarily on First Nations and Aboriginals of Canada with a secondary focus on North American materials and beyond. This initiative began in 2005 at the University of Saskatchewan as a resource for faculty, students, researchers, and members of the community and currently links to about 65,000 items. Anyone can use the freely available materials in the iPortal, but some resources are licensed.
*Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin Dom)Publications (  ► The collection of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) contains publications of its staff, such as “Pushkin Encyclopedia”, “Dictionary etc.
*Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Electronic Library (  ► Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Electronic Library. The electronic library of the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences contains publications on the theory of literature, Russian and world literature, folk, IWL serials, with more than 600 rare scholarly editions.
*Ioffe Foundation Archive. The collection contains documents, photographs, audio recordings of witnesses accounts on the history of the Soviet prison camps (1917-1991) (  ►Ioffe Foundation Archive. The collection contains documents, photographs, audio recordings of witnesses accounts on the history of the Soviet prison camps (1917-1991).
*Journal Reading Room (Zhurnal'nyi zal) (  ► An internet project providing access to Russian “thick” fiction journals and journals on various topics of humanities published in Russia and abroad. Started in 1996.
*Kronos (* A Russian site for history lovers. Organized digital library features piles of useful primary resources. Chronological and subject indices are available.
*Manuscript and rare books collections (  ► Manuscript and rare books collections located in the State Russian Library and Moscow State Central Archive, presented by The Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Church. This website is part of a project of the Russian State Library and The Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra church, one of the most important centers of Russian orthodoxy. The aim of the project is to gather a "universal collection of written and graphic manuscripts in Latin, ancient Church Slavonic and Greek languages as well as modern Slavonic, West European and Eastern languages." The collection includes rare documents and manuscripts from the 12th to the 20th century (liturgical books, annual chronicles, documents related to economic and social history, etc.). The website currently offers access to 2954 digitised manuscripts, unique books and treatises.
*MetPublications (  ► MetPublications is an online portal to The Metropolitan Museum of Art's comprehensive art publishing program. It features over 1700 titles, including books, guides, Bulletins and Journals from the last six decades. The full contents of over 1400 out-of-print titles may be read online, searched, or downloaded as a PDF for free. Publications still in-print may be previewed and fully searched online through a link to Google Books.
*Novosibirsk Regional Research Library's Digial Colllection (*The Novosibirsk State Scientific Library’s electronic collections contain books, serials, journal articles, images on the history, lifestyle, traditions of people of Siberia.
*Novosibirsk Regional Studies Portal (  ► Novosibirsk Regional Studies Portal. This is the collaborative effort of the Novosibirsk State Research Library, Karl Marx Municipal Library and the Museum of Novosibirsk. The project was launched in 2012. It gives access to unique regional publications, information on the history, current development and news of Novosibirsk and its region.
*Old Books (  ► The collection features a vast amount of Russian books on archaeology, history, philology, genealogy, philosophy published before 1917. The editions became available thanks to the Google Books Search as well as many other electronic libraries. The main goal of the project is to collect and arrange in a single catalogue link references to electronic books on the above mentioned topics.
*Old Russian Birchbark Manuscripts (  ► The site features XI–XV century Novgorod birch bark manuscripts and their pictures as well as translation of the texts into modern Russian.
*Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science (  ► Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science by Joan M. Reitz.
*OpenEdition (* A web platform for books in the humanities and social sciences. More than half of them are available in Open Access.
*the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (  ► Online library of the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera).
*Pro Siberia (  ► The project of the Tomsk State University provides access to periodicals, manuscripts, rare books, archives of researchers which relate to economy, culture and history of Siberia and the Far East. Registration is required.
*Runivers (  ► A major Internet project on the history of Russia. The unique database contains faсsimile per page images of more than 300 volumes of editions published in Russia in 19th –the beginning of the 20th centuries, a unique collection of 3900 maps and more than 20 000 historical illustrations and photographs.
*RusArch (  ► History of Old Russian Architecture. The project was launched in 2005 as a freely available collection of electronic versions of articles and monographs on the history of the XI-XVII centuries old Russian architecture as well as architecture of the countries which influenced old Russian constructors, and documents on associated topics.
*Russian Literature and Folklore (  ► The full text database is devoted to Russian literature, bibliography, literature research.
*World Digital Library (WDL) (* A project of the U.S. Library of Congress, carried out with the support of the UNESCO, and in cooperation with libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions, and international organizations from around the world. The WDL makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from all countries and cultures.
*X Legio (  ► The project was launched in 1999 by Alexander Zorich as an online guide on army and fleet technologies of the ancient and medieval periods.

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