Российская наука и мир (дайджест) - Сентябрь 2002 г.
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2002 г.
Российская наука и мир
(по материалам зарубежной электронной прессы)

январь февраль март апрель май июнь июль август сентябрь октябрь ноябрь декабрь

    Business Wire / September 06, 2002 12:14 PM EST
    InnoCentive Expands Its Scientific Community In Russia; Global Online Forum Launches Russian Language Version of Website
    InnoCentive (TM) - форум в режиме online, который позволит ученым мирового класса и инновационным компаниям сотрудничать в глобальном научном сообществе с целью решения сложных проблем.

MOSCOW, Sep 6, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- InnoCentive(TM), the online forum that solves problems and allows world-class scientists and innovation-driven companies to collaborate in a global scientific community, today announced its expansion into Russia at a press conference at the Moscow Academy of Science.
The Russian version of the InnoCentive website, located on www.innocentive.com, will allow scientists (Solvers(TM)) access to InnoCentive challenges in their own language. The InnoCentive website is an intuitive, meaningful website that scientists can easily navigate, understand and access to solve complex problems.
InnoCentive provides scientists around the world with opportunities to solve intellectually challenging R&D problems, gain recognition for their talent, and earn financial awards for their solutions. During the past three months, InnoCentive's international expansion has included Germany and China.
"Russia's leading chemists, biologists and biochemists now have a greater opportunity to participate in a revolutionary approach to R&D," said Darren Carroll, chief executive officer of InnoCentive. "InnoCentive provides Russian scientists with access to complex scientific challenges from world class companies. Currently, Russian scientists are submitting solutions to these problems."
"The global scientific community we're creating will be greatly enriched by the participation of Russia's eminent scientific talent," said Alpheus Bingham, Ph.D., chairman of InnoCentive. "Russian scientists benefit by gaining access to problems around the world and potentially collaborating with global firms that have no current research presence in Russia."
"The worldwide scientific community that InnoCentive has developed continues to grow daily," said Ali Hussein, vice president of marketing for InnoCentive. "We are committed to connecting Russia's eminent scientific minds into our community.
Russian scientists will add to the 10,000 strong InnoCentive solvers currently working with us. This is truly a diverse community, representing more than 100 countries."
About InnoCentive
InnoCentive(TM) is the first online forum that allows world-class scientists and science-based companies to collaborate in a global scientific community to achieve innovative solutions to complex challenges. InnoCentive is an e-business venture of Eli Lilly and Company, a leading innovation-driven pharmaceutical company. To learn more, visit the InnoCentive web site at www.innocentive.com.

© Copyright 2002 Business Wire. All rights reserved.
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    Xinhua News Agency / September 11, 2002 6:12 AM EST
    Chinese, Russian scientists to develop mine safety technology
    Научно - исследовательские институты Китая и России подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве при создании новой технологии для предотвращения взрывов газа в угольных шахтах.
    Китайские ученые и ученые из Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук намереваются пересмотреть существующую технологию безопасности, применяемую в угольных шахтах России и разработать новую недорогую технологию, которая могла бы использоваться в угольных шахтах Китая.

SHENYANG, Sept 11, 2002 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- Scientific research institutes in China and Russia have agreed to cooperate in the development of a new technology to prevent gas explosions in coal mines.
The technology is expected to benefit tens of millions of Chinese miners, according to information from an exhibition of high and new technologies, held in Shenyang, capital of northeast China's Liaoning Province, Monday.
Chinese scientists and experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences branch in Siberia would renovate the existing safety technology being used in Russia's coal mines and develop a low-cost technology which could be used in China's coal mines, said Yang Zirong, president of the Resources and Environment College of the Liaoning Engineering Technology University. The technology would be an information system comprising several sets of equipment with different functions. The system would monitor non-stop the coal mine shafts, examine the content of gas in the air and forecast possible gas leakages, thus preventing explosions.
The technology would be widely applied throughout China's coal mines, Yang said.
Due to technical and other reasons, coal mine accidents have occurred regularly in China. The first half of 2002 saw 2,014 coal mine accidents, claiming 3,393 lives.
Russian expert Boris Gerike said China needed effective safety technology and equipment to develop its mining industry. He expressed the hope that Chinese and Russian scientists would enhance cooperation in this field.
Gerike said no explosions had been reported in the coal mines in Russia's Kuzbass area since the monitoring system, independently developed by Russia, went into use seven years ago.
The two sides will organize exchanges of scholars and researchers to carry out the research program and will cooperate in other scientific research programs.

© Copyright 2002 XINHUA NEWS AGENCY
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    CDI Russia Weekly / SEPTEMBER 5, 2002
    US Ambassador to Russia on Student Exchanges between the Two Countries
    Американский посол в России, Александр Вершбоу надеется, что программа обмена студентами двух стран скоро станет более интенсивной и будет включать также обучение сотрудников правоохранительных органов

MOSCOW, SEPTEMBER 5, 2002. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Vladimir Pakhomov/. - US Ambassador to Russia Alexander Vershbow hopes that the program of student exchanges between the two countries would soon become more intensive and would also include the training of staff members of law-enforcement bodies, the ambassador told the RIA Novosti correspondent in Moscow on Thursday.
In August we held active consultations on the issue at the Russian Foreign Ministry, went on the diplomat. He said that the aim of the talks was to prepare the necessary legal and financial basis for such cooperation.
The American ambassador also specified that both sides had considerably advanced in the given sphere and that it is very likely that such exchanges would begin already next year. In the ambassador's opinion, these exchanges will help to raise the skills and efficiency of specialists of both countries who are fighting against crimes and terrorism.
Earlier the ambassador announced the official beginning of the registration of participants in student exchanges between Russia and the United States for 2003.
In conclusion Alexander Vershbow expressed the confidence that the relations between our countries in the sphere of education would remain stable.

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    Bangkok Post
    Russian scientist to make technological leap with new patent
    • Porpot Changyawa
    Ведущий Российский ученый заявил о крупном открытии, которое обещает стать революционным в компьютерной технологии и медицине. Группа ученых из 11 специализированных лабораторий в России открыла и запатентовала новый материал, который может стать основой для развития элементов в нанотехнологии - от микроскопической схемы и механизмов размером в несколько молекул до довольно больших молекул для подавления вирусов. Новый материал, под названием тектомер имеет свойства, которые профессор Бовин сравнил с "масляным пятном в открытом море" потому, что он не деформируется, устойчив к внешним воздействиям, легко транспортируется и на его поверхности можно крепить различные элементы.

A leading Russian scientist has claimed a technological breakthrough that promises to revolutionise computer technology as well as medicine.
This, said Prof Nickolai Bovin of Institute of Bio Organic Chemistry, has been anticipated by scientists around the world to kick-start the nano age.
Prof Bovin said his team from 11 specialised laboratories in Russia has discovered and patented a new material which could become a universal platform essential to the development of devices in nanotechnology - from microscopic circuitry and machines only a few molecules in size to "smart" molecules to suppress viruses.
The new material, called tectomer, has properties which Prof Bovin compared to "oil surface in an open sea" because it is rigid, resistant to external influences, adjustable to transportation, and able to anchor various elements on its surface. These characteristics allow construction of molecules, which is what nanotechnology is all about, he said. The tectomer is a self-assembler which means it would automatically adhere to molecules with complimentary chemicals.
"Nanotechnology has been a mere concept. The tectomer will give a start to the practical side of the study," Prof Bovin said during a stopover in Bangkok over the weekend, on his way to a conference on the subject in Australia. Nanotechnology is foreseen to replace the microelectronic system.
It is a study on the atomic and molecular scale. It is about building things atom by atom, molecule by molecule, Prof Bovin said.
Three or four atoms would fit inside a nanometre, which is one billionth of a metre. It can be seen only through an electronic microscope and nanoscope, which has yet to be developed. A clinical trial on the tectomer and the influenza virus was being conducted, Prof Bovin said.
The new principle in fighting viruses involves giving patients "smart" molecules which would assemble into the tectomer when encountering a virus.
The tectomer would surround, isolate and suffocate the virus making it unable to function. Prof Bovin said that the trial had shown signs of success.
The same principle, he added, could be applied to other viruses including HIV.
The tectomer would also allow computer chips, optic materials such as laser, and dense information recording devices like a hard disk, to take shape at the molecular scale, Prof Bovin said. Such innovations could boost the general capacity of a computer 1,000 times. He said the tectomer is versatile and relatively cheap.
Bhirasak Varasundharosoth, governor of Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR), said Thailand knew very little about nanotechnology.
Still, he said a study of the molecular structure of Thai herbs should start soon to keep up with the new science. Paritud Bhandhubanyong, director of National Metal and Materials Technology Centre, said that a book on nanotechnology was being prepared to boost public interest in the subject.
Prof Bovin will be back in Bangkok to give a lecture on the subject at a conference on July 17 at Sofitel Central Hotel. The event is being organised by the Thai-Russian Association for Technology and Economic Development, and the TISTR.

© Copyright The Post Publishing Public Co., Ltd. 2002
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    International Science and Technology Center / 3 September 2002
    ISTC Supports International Research in Paleobiology
    Российские и японские ученые успешно закончили первый этап работы в рамках Проекта Научно- технического центра (ISTC) "Изучение макро - и микроорганизмов, извлеченных из вечной мерзлоты". Главная цель Проекта состоит в том, чтобы провести комплексные исследования останков мамонта и новых продуктов метаболизма микроорганизмов, которые могли бы применяться в биотехнологии, медицине и защите сельскохозяйственных растений

Russian and Japanese scientists, in the framework of the ISTC Project # 2491p "Study of Macro- and Microorganisms Excavated from Permafrost", have successfully completed the first phase of the project. The main goal of the Project is to conduct a complex search and research work in order to find mammoth remains and new products of the microorganisms’ metabolism that might be used in biotechnology, medicine, and agricultural plants protection. From July 31 through August 9, 2002, an expedition comprising scientists from several research centers of Gifu Province (Japan), NPO VECTOR and Institute of Applied Ecology of the North (Russia), as well as the ISTC, conducted excavations in the permafrost areas north of Yakutsk (Sakha Republic, Russian Federation). The expedition retrieved numerous remains of a mammoth including two legs with flesh, skin and hair, and took a number of samples of the permafrost soil for further research. The next step of the research will be studying the possibility of using the genetic material in the frozen mammoth tissue for cloning of this long extinct animal. As for soil samples, they will be studied for the possibility of isolating saprophytes. All research will be conducted jointly by Japanese and Russian scientists. It is also planned to set up the servicing collection of microorganisms at the VECTOR Research Center for the subsequent careful study of the isolated microorganisms. During their next expedition planned for spring 2003, the Russian-Japanese team intends to explore other permafrost areas of Russia.
school and Internet, which is to open here on Tuesday, promises to be this year's key event in education. Initiators of the function include the Russian Ministry of Education, the Internet-Education Federation, and the YUKOS Oil Company. Russian Vice-Premier Valentina Matviyenko, Minister of Education Vladimir Filippov, Leader of the Duma faction of the Union of Right-Wing Forces Boris Nemtsov, YUKOS President Mikhail Khodorkovsky, heads of education departments from nineteen regions of Russia, directors of regional centres of the Internet-Education Federation, and education experts from Russia and several European countries are expected to take part in the work of the conference. Problems of Internet-Education are to be discussed in four panels: "Reform of the Russian School; Results of the First Stage of the 'Generation.Ru' project", "Methodological and Contextual Aspects of Internet Education", "Forms and Methods of Extramural Work with Schoolchildren in Internet Education", "Establishment of the Organisational and Technological Infrastructure of Internet Secondary School Institutions".

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    AScribe Newswire/ September 10, 2002 10:41 PM EST
    UC Riverside Researcher Alexander Raikhel Awarded $4.3 Million to Study Mosquitoes -- Research Has Implications for Preventing Transmission of Deadly Diseases
    Российский ученый Александр Райхель, который сейчас работает в калифорнийском университете, получил грант в 4.3 млн.долларов для изучения москитов - основных источников передачи смертельных болезней

RIVERSIDE, Calif., Sep 09, 2002 (ASCRIBE NEWS via COMTEX) -- The University of California, Riverside today announced that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has just awarded a ten-year, $4.3 million research merit grant to Dr. Alexander S. Raikhel, professor of entomology at UC Riverside, to support continuing investigation into the genetic and molecular mechanisms regulating egg development and maturation in mosquitoes.
Funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the research has implications on preventing mosquitoes' transmission of deadly diseases, including West Nile virus and Dengue Fever.
"NIH rarely grants awards of this duration or of this amount," said Steven R. Angle, dean of the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. "This award is a testament to the significance of Prof. Raikhel's work and his reputation for scholarly excellence."
Raikhel is the sole principal investigator on the project, entitled "Regulation of Vitellogenic Genes in the Mosquito."The grant is one of several he and his laboratory team have received from federal agencies to support their research on the mosquito species aedes aegypti.
"Mosquitoes have developed an evolutionary need to take blood, and it has been established that blood intake is closely tied to egg development," said Raikhel. "By understanding the mechanisms that regulate egg development and blood feeding, we can develop the means to interrupt the disease-transmission cycle."
Raikhel has been working to understand and manipulate the genetic and cellular mechanisms of yolk and egg development for 23 years. His accomplishments include being the first scientist to engineer a transgenic mosquito with an altered immunity system. His research focuses on genetic studies of blood-feeding arthropods, especially mosquitoes, which are responsible for transmitting many different diseases to animals and humans.
The ability to prevent mosquito-borne disease is of great importance to public health. Anywhere from 300 to 500 million cases of malaria are treated annually, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), and an estimated 1 million people die from the disease each year.
The West Nile virus has been a problem in the United States since 1999, with the Center for Disease Control reporting that there have been 1086 reported cases and 45 deaths so far in 2002 (as of today).
Dengue Fever is also a serious problem in Asia and Africa, with WHO estimating that 50 million people suffer from its effects each year. Although most people recover from Dengue Fever in a week, the fatality rate is about 2.5 percent, with young children being the most frequent fatalities.
Raikhel joined the UC Riverside Department of Entomology in January 2002. He is the editor of the journal Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and a member of the editorial board of the Annual Reviews in Entomology. His honors include a 2000 Distinguished Faculty Award from Michigan State. He received his master's degree in biology, zoology and parasitology from St. Petersburg University in 1970 and his doctorate in zoology, cell biology and parasitology from the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science in 1975.

© Copyright 2002, AScribe Newswire, all rights reserved
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    Xinhua News Agency/ September 09, 2002 5:00 AM EST
    Scientists seek clues to catastrophe 65 million years ago
    Ученые ищут ключ к разгадке катастрофы, произошедшей 65 млн. лет назад

September 09, 2002 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- Based on the evidence, Sun Ge said that "Our expectation to find the records will possibly come true."
Scientists have discovered in Jiayin County fossils of dinosaurs living just prior to the sudden depopulation of the creatures and fossils of flora that appeared immediately after the depopulation.
They say the fossils discovered in Jiayin have correlation with fossilized organisms found in other regions where K/T boundaries were discovered. The Jiayin fossils also feature special characteristics in formation and type.
The stratum environment in Jiayin is also superior to K/T boundaries in North America and Russia, according to the scientists.
"We'll use the most advanced methods and means to get a more acceptable result, which help us better understand the cause of bio-depopulation on Earth," Sun said.
The research program, initiated by Jilin University, is supported by the State Natural Science Fund Committee of China. The final results of the research are expected to be published in 2005."
"The results could be used as reference for human beings to prevent a possible tragic future," said M. Akhmetiev, a Russian scientist who participated in the program."
He said nobody could be sure that the fate of dinosaurs would not befall human beings, if they did not stop the current ceaseless destruction of the environment.

© Copyright (c) 2002, Xinhua News Agency, all rights reserved
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    A&G Information Services/ September 03, 2002 8:03 PM EST
    Russian Engine for American Missile

ST.PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, SEP 2, 2002 (A&G News via COMTEX) -- As part of a joint American-Russian project, the first launching of American missile-carrier "Atlas-5" with the Russian engine RD-180 took place on August 22. The missile-carrier put into orbit a European telecommunication satellite weigh inga bout 4 tons.
According to the general director of scientific enterprise "Energomash" Boris Katorgin, RD-180, designed especially for the missile-carrier of the new type "Atlas-5" (the company "Lokheed Martin"), has highest characteristics for its class. For the time being there are no other sources for comparable engines, that is why USA might choose "Atlas-5" with Russian engines for its state programs.

© Copyright (C) 2002, A&G Information Services, all rights reserved

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