Российская наука и мир (дайджест) - Ноябрь 2002 г.
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2002 г.
Российская наука и мир
(по материалам зарубежной электронной прессы)

январь февраль март апрель май июнь июль август сентябрь октябрь ноябрь декабрь

    RosBusiness Consulting / November 13, 2002 11:12 AM EST
    Industry Minister informs Putin of financing of science in 2003
    Министр науки, промышленности и технологий проинформировал президента России о планах финансирования науки в 2003 году

MOSCOW, Russia, Nov 13, 2002 (RosBusinessConsulting via COMTEX) -- Ilya Klebanov, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology, has informed Russian President Vladimir Putin of financing of science in 2003.
Expenses on science that are stipulated in the 2003 budget will be 33-35 percent higher than the expenses envisaged by the 2002 budget, the presidential press service reported citing the Minister's report. The total volume of financing will be increased by 40.2bn rubles ($1.26bn) next year.
According to the Minister, it is due to a document on basics of the national policy in the spheres of science and technologies, which was signed in March 2002. The document also stipulates the financing of these spheres throughout 2010. Klebanov also said that the financing of the Academy of Sciences would be considerably increased. The 2003 budget also envisages a considerable advance in allowances to scientists, the Minister noted.

© Copyright (C) 2002, RosBusinessConsulting. All Rights Reserved

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    RosBusiness Consulting / November 10, 2002 9:51 AM EST
    Vneshtorgbank signs collaboration agreement with Ministry of Science, Industry and Technologies

MOSCOW, Russia, Nov 10, 2002 (RosBusinessConsulting via COMTEX) -- Chief Executive Officer of Vneshtorgbank Andrey Kostin and Russian Minister of Science, Industry and Technologies Ilya Klebanov signed a collaboration agreement today. A spokesman for the Russian Ministry was quoted as saying that this document determines the main directions of establishing mutually beneficial collaboration and developing long-term relations between the bank and the Ministry, including in the spheres of supporting the exports of competitive products and their promotion abroad and implementing investment policies in Russian industries and sciences (investment programs of conversion of Russian defense enterprises, the implementation of common state scientific, technical and innovation policies and attraction of foreign investments to the Russian scientific and technical sphere).

© Copyright (C) 2002, RosBusinessConsulting. All Rights Reserved

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    Commerce Business Daily - FIND / November 08, 2002 10:37 AM EST
    Fundamental research and development (R&D) collaborations between scientists in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) and the US Air Force Research Laboratory

Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFOSR - Air Force Office of Scientific Research; The European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (EOARD), London, United Kingdom, anticipates the release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) to acquire services that will enhance the EOARD mission of encouraging fundamental research and development (R&D) collaborations between scientists in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) and the US Air Force Research Laboratory.
The entity will be required to establish and administratively manage EOARD-selected fundamental research and development projects with FSU partners. All respondents to this synopsis must submit a statement of capability (SOC) to the office identified below. The SOC shall address the following requirements, citing detailed and specific information clearly demonstrating the entity:
(1) is exempt from taxation or any taxable incident thereof by Russian and Ukrainian decree, order, law or other concrete evidence clearly demonstrating the legality of such exemption from Russian or Ukrainian taxation,
(2) has ongoing and documented linkages to the many weapons institutes within the cited countries and to the scientists, engineers, and support staff employed in these institutes,
(3) has experience in processing payments to such institutes and their employees without having such disbursements taxed on federal, state, or local levels in the countries cited,
(4) is able to verify payments, without taxation, to such institutes and to individual scientists, engineers, and staff bank accounts and performing other directly-related administrative matters in support of EOARD,
(5) has firmly established banking relationships and equipment delivery services to transfer and monitor project funds and equipment into the countries of the FSU,
(6) has extensive experience in project execution evidenced by substantial administrative and financial infrastructure-including in-country offices, an extensive network of banking relationships, and enabling agreements with FSU government agencies,
(7) has a secure, fast, efficient, and reliable means of funds transfer in place,
(8) has highly effective financial controls and a rigorous financial reporting process that will stand up to both FSU and US Government audits, and
(9) has flexibility to anticipate and respond to project needs and program participant requirements with experienced and knowledgeable professional staff.
Any SOC not addressing all the above requirements will be rejected for the purposes of this synopsis.
The SOC must be submitted within 15 calendar days of the posting date. There is a 20 page limitation on the SOC. Submit only unclassified information. All materials submitted will become the property of the Government, and will be reviewed by the Government and support contractors; therefore, any restrictions on submissions should be clearly identified, explained and properly marked. Proprietary information is not being solicited, but if provided, proprietary information or trade secrets should be clearly identified. The government will not pay for information provided, and is not liable for any costs incurred by the entity in response to this synopsis. The government will not reimburse contractors or responders to this notice for any costs incurred in responding, or in subsequent exchanges of information. All responses shall include company size status under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code: 54199. Any capabilities information received is solely for the purpose of this market research and will not be used in the final RFP evaluation and award. Submit all responses to this synopsis to EOARD, PSC 802 Box 14, FPO AE, 09499-0014, Attn: Hauck/Wann. The contract is anticipated to be cost plus fixed fee with a 60 month period of performance. Award of any resultant contract is anticipated by December 15, 2002. Firms responding should indicate their business size and ownership status. Foreign-owned firms are advised to contact the contracting officer before submitting a proposal to determine whether there are restrictions on receiving an award. This announcement is for information and planning purposes only. It does not constitute an RFP and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government. Interested persons may identify to the contracting officer their interest and capability to satisfy the Government's requirement within 15 calendar days of this notice.

© Copyright (c) 2002 Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc.

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    Business Wire / November 20, 2002 7:26 PM EST
    InnoCentive Taps Russian Scientists to Expand `Virtual Scientific Community'; InnoCentive Partners with The Mendeleev Chemical Society and St. Petersburg University

    Компания InnoCentive объявила, что будет расширять свое сотрудничество с ведущими научными организациями России. Заявление было сделано на международной научной конференции в Санкт-Петербурге. InnoCentive обеспечивает диалоговый форум, который позволяет ученым мирового класса и компаниям, работающим с использованием новейших технологий, сотрудничать в мировом научном сообществе и решать сложные научно-исследовательские и опытно-кострукторские проблемы

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Nov 20, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- InnoCentive(R) today announced that it will continue to expand its association with Russia's leading scientific organizations. The announcement came at an international science conference in St. Petersburg, Russia. InnoCentive provides an online forum that allows world-class scientists and innovation-driven companies to collaborate in a global scientific community to solve difficult R&D problems. "Russia represents a very important opportunity for InnoCentive and the chemical and pharmaceutical industries," said Alpheus Bingham, chairman of the board for InnoCentive. "The participation of Russian scientists as InnoCentive `solvers' will greatly strengthen our global community of scientists."
InnoCentive's online forum already includes over 16,000 scientists from more than 100 countries. "We are committed to expanding our presence in Russia by including world-class Russian scientists as we work to solve some of the most difficult R&D challenges in the world," said Darren Carroll, chief executive officer of InnoCentive. "And we're especially pleased to be joined here today by representatives from two of Russia's most preeminent and accomplished scientific organizations, The Mendeleev Chemical Society and St. Petersburg University."
Academician Anatoly Rusanov, president of The Mendeleev Chemical Society, was also enthusiastic about the potential of a virtual scientific community with increased participation by Russian scientists.
"We welcome this opportunity to elevate our role in the world scientific dialogue, and commend InnoCentive for recognizing the importance of global scientific collaboration in making maximum progress in the sciences," Rusanov said. The Mendeleev Chemical Society was founded in 1868 with 45 regional organizations and nearly 2000 members. Russia continues to be a growing market for the InnoCentive concept.
"Russian participation in the international scientific community is growing at a phenomenal rate," said Ali Hussein, vice president of marketing for InnoCentive. "And InnoCentive offers an attractive opportunity for Russian scientists to solve scientific challenges from world-class companies and to be recognized for their expertise. We're looking forward to expanding our association with Russia's exceptional scientists."
About InnoCentive
InnoCentive is the first online forum that allows world-class scientists and science-based companies to collaborate in a global scientific community to achieve innovative solutions to complex challenges. InnoCentive is an e-business venture of Eli Lilly and Company, a leading innovation-driven pharmaceutical company.

© Copyright 2002, Business Wire, all rights reserved

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    NATION (THAILAND) / 11/04/2002
    THAKSIN'S TRIP: From Russia with some big ideas

    Шесть таиландских студентов, принимавших участие в официальном визите Премьер-министра в Россию, возвратились на родину. Делегация была поражена уровнем научно-исследовательских работ в России. Они посетили три российских исследовательских центра, представляющих наиболее продвинутые области науки - геронтологию, космическую технологию и нанотехнологию

Six students return from visit keen to breathe new life into Thai research Although pointing out that pig's brain as an ageing-delay formula was not exactly a Russian recipe, Thailand's latest Biology Olympiad gold medallist Adisorn Chaibang, along with five other talented science students, was amazed by that country's scientific research and development techniques. The students took part in the Prime Minister's official visit to Russia from October 16 to 18.
"I never imagined that I would see a real space center right before my eyes. It was a very great experience," Adisorn said enthusiastically. "They could integrate simple elements of everyday life into scientific research governed by a simple yet effective idea," he went on. Adisorn cited the anti-ageing formula as an example of the value of simplicity. "This simple idea is quite brilliant. Deteriorated proteins have to be replenished with proteins from other sources. In this case, they [the Russians] opted to use proteins from the brains of any animals, not necessarily pigs." The six students, touted as Thailand's next generation of leading scientists, were invited by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to visit Russia and tour three research centers, which represent Russia's three most advanced fields - gerontology, space technology and nanotechnology. Amornpol Anuwatvorn, 19, a sophomore medical student at Chulalongkorn University, was also impressed by the research methods and practicality of the results, emphasizing the importance of common sense in research and its benefits to society. "I was fascinated with how they administered research systems. Although the techniques the Russian scientists employ are not highly sophisticated, the results are very practical and can be effectively applied to society's needs," Amornpol said. As a researcher specializing in applied mathematics, Jarupon Sathirapongsasuti, 17, an M5 (11th Grade) student at Bangkok's Trium Udom Suksa School, said that he had been most astounded by Russia's advances in space technology. "To connect each part of a space station automatically in outer space, they had to calculate a huge number of factors, and they could do it seamlessly. That is truly amazing," Jarupon said.
His current research project is to find a mathematical pattern for how millipedes walk. An aspiring drug researcher, Mahidol University's Duangrudee Tanramluk, 22, stressed that Russian scientists could make a great deal out of an "optimal level of technology". "Their facilities are not so great, but they can wisely use the right tool for the right job and create great results," she explained. Duangrudee also admired Russia's administration of research and development. "They have managed to do great things because they systematically cooperate with each other. The mission- based ties among research institutions are very efficient," she added. However, she said that the restricted availability of Russian technology to the rest of the world was deplorable. "The results of exclusive research projects and scientific breakthroughs at the most advanced level are published in Russian only. They would be greatly beneficial to the world if they were translated into English," she said. Sarut Chaisrisawatsuk, 17, an M6 student at Trium Udom Suksa, said that he was inspired by Russia's research projects at the interface between biotechnology and nanotechnology. "They said that it would soon be in their power to create a molecule able to catch viruses. That was amazing," Sarut said. He is now active in the field of molecular biology. Thanyaporn Wongnate, 17, a talented young biologist from Nakorn Sawan School, said the visit had opened new horizons of knowledge. "I got several new ideas out of the trip. It is time for us to look at ourselves and to put greater importance on our research methodology," she said. Thanyaporn and all her peers expressed their gratitude to the Prime Minister for laying on the trip. Duangrudee suggested like opportunities be extended to talented students in other fields, saying: "Every discipline can contribute to society and is equally important in this light. With this kind of support, the dream of a learning society will come true."

© Copyright 2002 NATION all rights reserved as distributed by WorldSources, Inc

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    RosBusiness Consulting / November 21, 2002 1:39 AM EST
    Energy Minister says energy award has panhuman meaning

    По словам Игоря Юсуфова, российского министра энергетики, инициатива Российских ученых и компаний, работающих в секторе энергетики, установить международную награду за научные достижения в этой области заслуживает самую высокую оценку и имеет общечеловеческую значимость

MOSCOW, Russia, Nov 20, 2002 (RosBusinessConsulting via COMTEX) -- The initiative of Russian scientists and a number of companies operating in the energy sector to establish an international award for scientific energy developments deserves the highest assessment and has a panhuman importance, Russian Energy Minister Igor Yusufov said. "
This move is important for joining the efforts of scientists all over the world in solving a serious problem of energy supply for the people living on the Earth. If we do not take immediate steps, this problem may take the most acute turn in literally several decades", the minister said.
According to Yusufov, the scale of the energy award is comparable with the most prestigious awards given to scientists and inventors. "I think it is absolutely right, considering the complexity of the problems we are facing", Yusufov said. "I am very glad that such an important project was spearheaded by this country and hope that among the future award laureates will be our fellow countrymen, considering Russian science's traditions and reputation", Yusufov added.

© 2002, RosBusinessConsulting. All Rights Reserved

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    AFX News - Asia / 11/19/2002 04:20
    Russia set to construct floating nuclear plants

    Россия начала строительство первых в мире плавающих атомных электростанций. Это уникальный проект, который должен дать необходимую энергию в самые отдаленные области

MOSCOW, (AFX) - Russia has launched the construction of the world's first floating nuclear power plants, a unique project which should supply much-needed energy to its remotest regions.
However, the project has led to cause for concern among environment protection groups. Plans were unveiled by Russian scientists earlier this year, with work scheduled to begin in 2003 at the Sevmash plant at Severodvinsk in northwestern Russia - which normally produces nuclear submarine engines - Yevgeny Kuzin, the head of the Malaya Energetika company developing the project, said.
While the first floating plant will not be ready for at least five years, three Arctic and Far Eastern regions: Arkhangelsk, Chukotka and Kamchatka, have already declared an interest and signed letters of intent with Malaya Enegertika, Kuzin added.
The basis of the innovation is to tow floating nuclear "micro-power plants" off their coasts where they will operate, providing power and heating via cables linking them to the mainland for a planned period of 40 years.
While each plant will cost 150 mln usd, Kuzin said this option is much more economical than building a full-scale nuclear plant, and said construction will also take less time.
However, environmentalist groups such as Greenpeace and the Norwegian organization Bellona said the floating plants represent a danger to the environment, and have questioned the project's economic viability - as have several Russian nuclear experts.

© Copyright AFX 2002, All Rights Reserved

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    The Associated Press / Fri Nov 15, 7:08 AM ET
    Russian expedition discovers Arctic burial sites of Soviet nuclear submarine, nuclear waste

    В Карском море российская научная экспедиция обнаружила место гибели советской ядерной субмарины K-27 и 237 контейнеров с радиоактивными отходами

MOSCOW -- A Russian scientific expedition discovered the burial sites of a Soviet nuclear submarine, the K-27, and 237 containers of radioactive waste in the northern Kara Sea, the Interfax-Military news agency reported Friday.
Expedition members also examined the assumed burial site of the reactor section of the K-254, another nuclear submarine, Russia's Deputy Emergency Situations Minister Mikhail Faleyev told the agency.
The scientists did preliminary tests of samples of water, sediment and sea life taken from the sites and found that radiation levels there are "stable," Faleyev said. Further tests will be held in Russian laboratories, he said. The K-27 was dumped in the Kara Sea in 1981, 13 years after one of its reactors released radiation and it was taken out of service, according to Bellona, a Norway-based environmental group.
Environmental groups say the Soviet Union routinely dumped radioactive waste and nuclear reactors from decommissioned submarines into Arctic waters off the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, a former nuclear testing site.
The expedition, which includes experts from the Moscow's Kurchatov nuclear institute and the Emergency Situations Ministry, probed the burial sites using an underwater camera attached to a research vessel, Faleyev said.
The experts are compiling a list of "potentially dangerous underwater objects" for the government and have already completed surveys of Siberia's Lake Baikal, the Sea of Japan, and the Baltic Sea, he said.

© Copyright © 2002 The Associated Press. All rights reserved

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    Interfax / 11/20/2002
    Research on Vozrozhdeniye island in Aral Sea will begin in 2003

    Исследования Казахской части острова Возрождение в Аральском море, где в советское время проводились испытания биологического оружия, начнется весной 2003 года

ALMATY. Nov 20 (Interfax-Kazakhstan) - Research on the Kazakh part of the Vozrozhdeniye Island in the Aral Sea, a site for biological weapons testing in Soviet times, will begin in the spring of 2003. environment," Bakhyt Atshabar, director of the Kazakh Scientific Center for Quarantine and Zoonotic Infections, told Interfax on Wednesday.
Atshabar noted that experts from the center's anti-plague department will conduct a government research program on the island over the next year. Funds for the program will be provided from the republic's budget. He assured that Kazakh experts will be able to conduct the research on their own. However, Russia might help Kazakhstan in these efforts since it has information about the testing. "Russia has information about the tests, but Russian agencies are reluctant to share it, although Kazakhstan has sent official requests to this effect," the center's director said. Kazakhstan still does not possess all necessary information about the situation on the island. However, scientists concluded that large amounts of anthrax pathogens were buried on the island in Soviet times. In the 1950s, the island had an area of 200 square kilometers, which has now significantly increased because the Aral Sea is drying up. The testing ground, which was open until 1992, conducted tests on the plague, anthrax and brucellosis.

© Copyright 2002 INTERFAX Financial Times Information Limited

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    RosBusiness Consulting / November 22, 2002 3:39 AM EST
    First genetically modified products registered in Russia

    Директор Института Микробиологии Константин Скрябин заявил на конференции Российского Союза зерна, что в России зарегистрированы двенадцать генетически измененных продуктов

MOSCOW, Russia, Nov 22, 2002 (RosBusinessConsulting via COMTEX) -- Twelve genetically modified products have been registered in Russia, Konstantin Skryabin, director of the Institute of Microbiology, reported at a conference of the Russian Grain Union. According to him, genetic engineered products are the safest products for people, since their negative effect on humans has never been confirmed by facts, and moreover, these products are subject to the strictest possible control. However, Russia has so far been suffering losses because of the insufficient use of the potential of these scientific achievements in practice. For example, Russia loses about 40% of potatoes due to Colorado beetles, and genetically modified potatoes could resolve this problem. Additionally, Russia's cattle breeding industry is suffering from a shortage of fodder rich in proteins, since it is not using a sufficient amount of genetically modified corn and soybeans, the biologist concluded.

© Copyright (C) 2002, RosBusinessConsulting. All Rights Reserved

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