Российская наука и мир (дайджест) - Июнь 2002 г.
Дайджест за другие годы
2002 г.
Российская наука и мир
(по материалам зарубежной электронной прессы)

январь февраль март апрель май июнь июль август сентябрь октябрь ноябрь декабрь
    Xinhua News Agency / Sunday, June 16, 2002 9:54 PM EST
    China, Russia Cooperate to Bolster High-tech Development
    Китай и Россия объединяют свои усилия по внедрению научно-технических достижений в промышленность

HARBIN, Jun 17, 2002 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- High-tech development zones in China and Russia have joined forces to promote the fostering and industrialization of new high-tech achievements.
Staff from the Harbin Development Zone, in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, and the science and technology park in Novosibirsk, Russia, signed an agreement for this purpose late last week.
The two sides will work together in the fields of electronics, new materials, new techniques, bio-medicine, machinery and spare parts.
In an effort to bolster high-tech development, the development zone in Harbin will set aside an area covering 2,000 square meters, and the sci-tech park in Russia will provide a building with a floor space of 4,000 to 5,000 square meters.
The agreement requires that the two sides will offer favorable policies to encourage Chinese and Russian scientists and research institutes to industrialize their scientific achievements. Accordingly, the two sides will grant preferential treatment in company registration, taxation, financing, personnel entry and exit convenience, and the import and export of goods.
Harbin Development Zone is one of China's major state-level economic and high-tech development zones. Novosibirsk sci-tech park employs 50 percent of Russia's competent scientists.

© Copyright 2002, Xinhua News Agency, all rights reserved
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    Информационная система на базе Интернет "Friends & Partners" была создана в 1994 году Грегом Коул и Натальей Булашовой. Цель организации - способствовать лучшему пониманию народов России и США. Одним из наиболее важных проектов "Friends & Partners" является создание Интернет "следующего поколения" между российским и американским научными и учебными сообществами

No matter what the current state of Russia-U.S. relations, Friends & Partners try to keep up good vibrations all the time in cyberspace. Russian and U.S. citizens set up the Internet-based information system "to promote better understanding between the people of our countries." Their web site at www.friends-partners.org and www.friends-partners.ru provides a whole list of links for U.S. and Russian organizations.
"Some of these sites are updated daily," Greg Cole, a founder of Friends & Partners, said by e-mail. "One of our own sites, related to the high performance Internet we manage between the U.S. and Russia, is updated every 10 minutes." Friends & Partners also hosts related websites for other organizations, Cole said. The organization was founded in 1994 by Cole and Natalya Bulashova, a Russian computer scientist, following a chance meeting on an Internet news group.
The resource has since attracted thousands of users from around the globe. The site uses hypertext pages to provide information on the histories of the two countries, their culture, arts, music, science, education, research funding and educational exchange opportunities, literature and other topics. There are also forums and chat rooms. Friends & Partners also has an electronic mailing list in order to create "a sort of virtual community of people who share a similar interest and want to work together."
Russia is given more coverage than the United States, the site says, but says that its "appearance will grow to better reflect its multicultural roots."
One of Friends & Partners' most important projects is a "next generation" Internet between the U.S. and Russian scientific and education communities, Cole said. Currently called FASTnet, the 155 megabytes-per-second service connects a central telecommunications center in Moscow with a similar facility in the United States, Cole said. The project is co-funded by the U.S. and Russian governments. More on the FASTnet project is available at www.friends-partners.org/friends/fastnet/home.html

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    Дж. Северо-восточная автономная область Китая Синьцзян (Xinjiang) усиливает экономическое сотрудничество с Россией. Сотрудничество будет касаться таких областей как культура, туризм, образование, наука и техника, а также производство спортивных товаров

XINJIANG, Jun 25, 2002 (AsiaPort via COMTEX) -- Relevant organs of Northwest China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region revealed that Xinjiang would dispatch a delegation to talk with Russian counterparts on issues of economic cooperation.
Xinjiang would encourage those promising industries and enterprises to invest and set up factories in Russia.
There was no land port connected between Xinjiang and Russia, which was considered by relevant sources as the main reason for the sluggish development of the foreign trade and economic cooperation between the two regions.
The exported products by Xinjiang to Russia in recent years were still those with low content of science and technology, mainlycomposing food and textile.
Russia's foreign trade was increasing continuously for the time being, which would bring about rich business opportunities for Xinjiang because the trade and economic cooperation between Xinjiang and Russia was highly complementary.
Qian Yong, director of Xinjiang Foreign Trade and Economic Department, said that Xinjiang would expand fields of cooperation with Russia. It would concentrate on culture, tourism, education,science and technology, and sports industries. Xinjiang would alsomake use of advanced technology of Russia to develop its resourcesand strengthen the cooperation in such fields as port, customs,foreign exchange, finance, communications and foreign trade.

© Copyright 2002 Alestron, All rights reserved
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    Имея большое количество программистов и солидную репутацию научных исследований, Россия может соперничать с Индией в качестве офф-шорного центра разработки программного обеспечения. Однако, чтобы осуществить это, многое должно измениться

MOSCOW, Russia, Jun 25, 2002 (RosBusinessConsulting via COMTEX) -- With its wealth of computer programmers and solid reputation for scientific study, Russia has the potential to emulate some of India's success as a center for offshore software development. To achieve this, however, a lot will have to change. Russia's software outsourcing market had total revenues of just $154 million last year, according to Market-Visio/EDC research group. India, meanwhile, is expected to gain $8 billion this year from the sector, up from $6.2 billion in 2001. Offshore software development, so far, comprises a small percentage of Russia's $3.2-billion information technology sector, which accounted for a tiny 1.16 percent of gross domestic product last year, according to UBS Warburg. It is now that Russia's IT companies should act to find a niche in the worldwide market, industry insiders say, but first they must solve some of the problems facing the sector. Most of the country's software companies are relatively small so it's hard for Russian firms with staffs of 100 people each to compete with Indian teams of up to 1,000 employees in offshore programming. Russia's poor image abroad is another factor hurting the development of the country's offshore software companies. A lack of good management and teamwork also hinders many software companies, and many rely solely on the abilities of individuals, the St. Petersburg Times reported.

© Copyright 2002, RosBusinessConsulting. All Rights Reserved
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    Yahoo!/ Mon Jun 24,10:06 AM ET
    Group of Russian scientists march to Moscow to demand better pay, housing
    Группа российских ученых и выпускников ВУЗов прошла маршем к Москве с требованиями повышения зарплаты

MOSCOW, (AP) - A group of Russian scientists is marching 130 kilometers (80 miles) to Moscow to demand better wages, stipends and housing, a march organizer said Monday.
The 40 scientists and graduate students set out from Pushchino, a city outside Moscow, and plan to spend three days marching to the Russian capital, said Irina Vinogradova, a trade union official at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Most Russian scientists have seen their wages plummet since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, when generous state support for science withered. Many Russian scientists have sought jobs abroad; others have watched as their standard of living erodes. March organizers said the number of scientists in Russia is shrinking rapidly and called on government officials to do more to support them.

© Copyright 2002 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
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    Группа ученых начала 100-километровый марш в столицу. Ученые отправились из Пущино - небольшого подмосковного города, известного своими научными институтами. Своим маршем ученые хотят привлечь внимание к хроничсекому недофинансированию науки в стране и низкой, даже по российсским мерка, зарплате ученых

A group of scientists began a 100-kilometer march to Moscow on Monday to protest low pay and a lack of government funding. Forty protesters set out from Pushchino, a small town south of Moscow known for its scientific institutes, in an attempt to draw attention to the chronic underfunding of science in the country and the low pay - even by Russian standards - of scientists.
Organized by the Academy of Sciences trade union, the march will hold meetings in the towns of Chekhovo and Klimovsk on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively, before rallying at the White House at 11 a.m. on Friday. More than a 1,000 well-wishers saw the protesters off from Pushchino on Monday.
"The government does not value science," Anatoly Mironov, an official with the Academy of Sciences trade union and a radiophysicist said in a telephone interview.
"The condition of science is especially worrying as it is not attracting young people." Although President Vladimir Putin called for better investment into science in March, only 35 billion rubles instead of the 49.5 billion rubles promised by Putin have been earmarked for science in the proposed 2003 budget, Mironov said. With the average wage of scientists at little more than 2,000 rubles per month, it is near impossible to attract new blood, he said.
Last week, the head of the scientists' union at the Academy of Sciences, Viktor Kalinushkin, said at least 500,000 scientists had left Russia over the past 10 years. By 2010, scientists in Russia will number only 260,000, with 40,000 of them in their prime age for research, the head of the Academy of Science trade union Valery Sobolev told Interfax.

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MOSCOW, -- More than half a million scientists have left Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union to seek more lucrative work abroad, a scientific trade union official said Thursday.
"From 500,000 to 800,000 Russian scientists have left on long-term missions abroad in the past 10 years. Almost none of them have returned," said Viktor Kalinushkin, chairman of the Russian Academy of Sciences' trade unions, according to the Interfax news agency. He said Russian scientists abroad earn dlrs 3,000 to dlrs 7,000 per month on average, compared to 3,000 rubles (about dlrs 95) at home.
The foreign exodus has taken the highest toll among Russian scientists between the ages of 30 and 50, Kalinushkin said. Russian biologists, chemists and computer programmers are in high demand in the United States, Europe and Japan, he said. As an example, he said, Russian-speaking programmers were responsible for developing about 30 percent of Microsoft's products. The Soviet Union boasted having the largest number of scientists in the world, but the generous state support withered after the 1991 Soviet collapse, prompting many researchers to seek jobs abroad in the private sector.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has made rejuvenating Russia's scientific establishment a priority. In March, he gave a speech urging government scientists to streamline their research, focusing on promising new technologies.

© Copyright © 2002 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
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    Российские программисты весьма высоко ценятся в США и других странах за высокую квалификацию и не стандартное решений проблем. Специалисты остаются в России и выполняют заказы западных компаний по контрактам. Компании это очень выгодно, так как оплачивают эту работу гораздо ниже, чем если бы специалист работал в штате.

MOSCOW , -- Unlike thousands of talented Russian scientists, Artak Oganessian didn't have to leave his native country to get a high-paying job with a U.S. company. Instead, the job came to him.
Oganessian is part of a small but growing army of Russians who, while staying home, are helping Western companies meet their software development needs. The practice, known as outsourcing, makes sense for Russia, where scientific talent has been freed up by military cutbacks over the past decade - and where emigration has lost much of the allure it had just after the Soviet collapse. According to the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia, annual revenue from the country's outsourcing industry is between dlrs 60 million and dlrs 100 million per year and employs from 6,000 to 10,000 programmers. With annual growth of 40 percent to 60 percent, it's one of the brightest spots in the Russian economy.
It is common practice for U.S. companies to send their programming jobs to contractors in countries where they can pay less for the same work.
The leader in the industry is India, where software exports amounted to dlrs 6.2 billion in 2000-01, according to the National Association of Software and Service Companies. Increasingly, however, companies are looking to Russian programmers, with their strong education and reputation for innovation.
For the programmers, outsourcing also represents a welcome opportunity. In the early days after the 1991 Soviet collapse, the best option for a talented programmer was a job in the West.
Today such opportunities are fewer and many young Russians prefer to stay home, as long as they can find an employer who pays better than the country's cash-strapped military or state-sponsored research institutions.
Oganessian, who holds a degree in applied math from a prestigious university, has put his talent to use for a range of Western companies, from a Canadian e-business firm to a Hollywood production company.
He says he enjoys the variety in his job at U.S. outsourcing firm Vested Development Inc. and is happy to live on a more modest but perfectly livable salary in Moscow, rather than earning more money in a foreign land, far from family and friends.
"A lot of us spend our vacations in Europe, but we want to live here," Oganessian said.
Vested, which employees about 250 people in Moscow and the nearby city of Tver, is the brainchild of 33-year-old Anatoly Gaverdovsky. A graduate of Moscow's Bauman technical university, Gaverdovsky was trained to plot missile trajectories. "Our whole department was working on the nuclear shield of the motherland," he recalled.
As it turned out, Gaverdovsky was more interested in making a decent living and went into business for himself, eventually founding Vested.
While the former Soviet military machine has crumbled, the strong engineering schools that once churned out defense scientists are still going strong, and companies like Vested are happy to provide jobs for their graduates.
While low compared to the wages of U.S. programmers, Vested's average monthly salaries of dlrs 800 to dlrs 900 put the company's employees solidly within Russia's middle class.
"The people who work here are young, talented people, who went to achieve something in life - or, rather, who want to live well," Gaverdovsky said. "This is a relatively new thing, when a young person can get out of school and ... find a place to put his skills to work and earn money". For the clients, trusting their projects to Russia's highly skilled technical work force is also a novel idea. Among U.S. companies, the common image of Russia is of a swamp of corruption, unpredictability and ineffective intellectual property enforcement, Gaverdovsky complains.
"There are two problems to find the project and then to carry it out," he said. "The clients don't come here by themselves."
To help reel them in, Gaverdovsky teamed up with Brian Phelps, Vested's president. By forming a U.S. company with an American president, Gaverdovsky says he avoids "stupid questions" from potential clients who wouldn't feel comfortable doing business with a Russian company.
He says he hopes that as Western companies see the quality of work Russian programmers do, demand for their work will grow and the need to hide behind U.S. companies will disappear.
Still, Russia's outsourcing industry will probably never come close to that of India, experts say.
The two countries occupy very different niches in the outsourcing world, said Ron Lewin, managing director of Canadian outsourcing firm Terralink.
India's programmers have proved their abilities on large-scale projects requiring close adherence to the original instructions, Lewin said, while "Russia is good when you need smaller teams of researchers and developers looking for more innovative solutions".

© Copyright 2002 The Associated Press. All rights reserved
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    Российская ассоциация, представляющая свыше 30 производителей, совместных предприятий и научно-иследовательских институтов передала американской компании American Biogenetic Sciences, Inc исключительные права дистрибьютера на применяемую орально вакцину против оспы, в США, Канаде, Мексике, странах Центральной и Южной Америки, а также в Китае. Исследования, проведенные российскими учеными, показали, что оральное применение вакцины безопасно и эффективно и почти не имеет побочных эффектов

COPIAGUE, N.Y., Jun 5, 2002 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- American Biogenetic Sciences, Inc. (ABS or Company) (OTC Bulletin Board: MABAA), announced today it is seeking partners to test, market and distribute an oral smallpox vaccine. A Russian Association, representing over thirty manufacturers, enterprises and scientific research institutes in the Russian Federation has recently granted ABS exclusive distribution rights for the vaccine in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the countries of Central and South America and People's Republic of China. Studies by Russian scientists on the oral method of application beginning in 1963(1) indicate that the oral method of application is safe and effective with few side effects(2). ABS said it is encouraging U.S. and international pharmaceutical companies and distributors that have the resources to obtain the government clearances necessary to begin marketing and distributing the oral smallpox vaccine to contact the Company.
The Company added that the timing of its efforts is opportune given the recent announcement made by the FDA in which it stated its intention to amend its regulations for approval of certain new pharmaceutical products based on animal efficacy data. According to the Final Rule published in the Federal Register Friday, May 31, 2002, to take effect June 30, 2002, (excerpt which follows) the Company is encouraged that the oral smallpox vaccine as well as the scarification vaccine for smallpox and the injectable anthrax vaccine for which ABS also has received marketing and distribution rights will be able to be tested for approval in a timely manner. "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending its new drug and biological product regulations to allow appropriate studies in animals in certain cases to provide substantial evidence of the effectiveness of new drug and biological products used to reduce or prevent the toxicity of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear substances. This rule will apply when adequate and well-controlled clinical studies in humans cannot be ethically conducted and field efficacy studies are not feasible. In these situations, certain new drug and biological products that are intended to reduce or prevent serious or life-threatening conditions may be approved for marketing based on evidence of effectiveness derived from appropriate studies in animals and any additional supporting data."(3) American Biogenetic Sciences, Inc., based in Copiague, NY, is a development stage company engaged in researching and developing diagnostic tests for cardiopulmonary conditions and treatments for neurological disorders, including epilepsy, migraine, mania, and Alzheimer's disease. As a developer of biogenetic technologies and compounds, ABS to date has been issued over 75 patents, both US and foreign, and there are over 100 patents pending.
1* Development and Tests of Live Preoral Variolovaccine in Tablets, Voroboyo, Patrikeev, Abramova, June 7, 1977.
2* Peroral Immunization As A Way to Enhance Recombinant Vector Vaccine Safety V.N. Podkuikoet. Al.UDC615. 371: 578.8 . 07 1993. 3 www.fda.gov/OHRMS/DOCKETS/98fr/98n-0237-nfr0001-vol1.pdf.
Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements "Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements that involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievement expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: the ability to continue as a going concern; results of testing and evaluation of the vaccines; the ability of the Company to obtain necessary government agency and regulatory approvals of any of the vaccines and the extended time and expense necessary to test the vaccines and obtain such approvals; the efficacy of the vaccines; the resulting time required to obtain revenues from vaccines; the ability of vaccine manufacturing facilities in Russia to meet all quality and manufacturing practices required for distribution; the presence of potentially negative side-effects and concerns regarding the efficacy of and lack of experience by the regulators with the specific human vaccines which may inhibit approval for sale in the United States or certain other countries; the willingness of humans to use vaccines not previously tested on humans; the Company's lack of experience with these types of vaccines; the ability to consummate necessary agreements with additional manufacturers and with sub-distributors, and to make sales of the vaccines and other biological products; the activities of competitors; changes in regulations applicable to biological products and human vaccines and the administration of such regulations; the general condition of the economy; and other risks detailed in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings. In addition, a discussion of the risks and uncertainties related to the Company's other areas of business are detailed in the Company's SEC filings, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K. The words "intend," "expect," "anticipate," and "plan" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date the statement was made. For a complete analysis of the ABS' pipeline go to: www.mabxa.com/research.html.

© Copyright 2002 PR Newswire. All rights reserved.
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    Business Wire Tuesday, June 18, 2002 7:46 PM EST
    Advanced Biotherapy, Inc. Reports That Its Use of Antibodies to Gamma Interferon Halts Corneal Transplant Rejection

WOODLAND HILLS Calif., Jun 18, 2002 (BW HealthWire) -- Advanced Biotherapy, Inc. (OTCBB:ADVB) reported today that the June 2002 issue of the "American Journal of Ophthalmology," a peer-reviewed scientific publication directed to ophthalmologists and visual science specialists describing clinical investigations, clinical observations and clinically relevant laboratory investigations related to ophthalmology, published the results of a company-sponsored seminal pilot study titled "Treatment of Corneal Transplant Rejection In Humans With Anti-Interferon Gamma Antibodies" authored by Simon Skurkovich, MD, PhD, Vice President of Research & Development of Advanced Biotherapy, Inc.; Alexander Kasparov, MD, PhD; Nikolai Narbut, MD, PhD; and Boris Skurkovich, MD, a Director of Advanced Biotherapy, Inc.
The article reports that, "Thirteen patients (13 eyes) experiencing corneal transplant rejection at different periods after penetrating keratoplasty (range, 3 months to 13 years) were enrolled in a study performed at the Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, after patient-informed consent and approval by the Department of Reconstructive Surgery review panel were obtained. In the patients, the corneal transplant was typically half-transparent, edematous, and cloudy. Vision was limited to distinguishing hand movement in front of the eyes. After standard treatment with corticosteroids, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamins produced no improvement (these treatments were stopped), and the anti-interferon-gamma fragments (Fabs) were administered in a treatment course of two to three eye drops to ensure good coverage three times a day for 7 to 10 days. In all but three patients, within 2 to 3 days after start of treatment, transplant transparency improved, edema dropped, and visual acuity increased. At the end of the first week, the transplant became almost fully transparent and inflammation of the eye disappeared. Visual acuity increased from 0.2 to 0.3. For three of the patients, two additional treatment courses given at approximately 1-month intervals were needed to bring comparable improvement. This condition was maintained in all 13 eyes (patients) through an average of 7 months of follow-up (standard deviation 2; range, 2 to 9.5). Patient G, a 52-year-old male, is an example. In 2000, this patient underwent corneal transplantation caused by keratoconus, simultaneously with extraction of a cataract and implantation of an artificial lens. In 2001, a transplant rejection reaction occurred. The vision of the patient deteriorated, and the corneal transplant became half-transparent. When standard treatments, including daily 0.1-ml dexamethasone injections in the conjunctiva for 10 days, had no therapeutic effect, these treatments were stopped and anti-interferon-gamma Fabs eyedrops were started on an outpatient basis. By day 3 of the treatment, significant improvement in visual acuity was noted. The transplant became almost completely transparent, and peripheral areas of the cornea became significantly more transparent. Improvement was sustained through 9 months of follow-up. Anti-interferon-gamma Fabs can be considered safe and effective in halting corneal transplant rejection after penetrating keratoplasty."
Dr. Simon Skurkovich, Vice President of Research & Development, stated, "These encouraging results open the door to treating, in my view, rejection of other transplanted organs and tissue, including bone marrow, for which we have a patent application pending, using antibodies to gamma interferon."
Commenting on the publication, Mr. Edmond Buccellato, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated, "This study provides further confirmation regarding our therapeutic strategy using antibodies to gamma interferon to treat a host of autoimmune conditions. In the U.S. alone, approximately fifty thousand corneal transplant surgeries are conducted annually with about 10% of those transplants rejecting. We are excited about the prospects of furthering our studies in the U.S. for this indication, subject to necessary regulatory approvals. In our opinion, antibodies to gamma interferon may not only be used in specific cases of transplant rejection but possibly as a prophylactic for all corneal transplant surgeries. We have a patent application pending for the exclusive use of any form of antibodies to gamma interferon - including humanized and fully human, as well as other antibody types - for treating hyperimmune response in the eye.".
As previously reported, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued U.S. Patent No. 6,333,032 to the Company for the exclusive use of antibodies to gamma interferon - including humanized and fully human, as well as other antibody types - to treat Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis (a form of psoriasis) and Ankylosing Spondylitis. The Company also has patent applications pending for the exclusive use of any form of antibodies to gamma interferon for the treatment of Crohn's Disease, Psoriasis, Vitiligo and Alopecia Areata, among other patents pending for other autoimmune diseases.
Statements made in this news release, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements and are subject to a number of uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated results or other expectations expressed in our forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties that may affect the development, operations and results of our business include, but are not limited to, the following: risks associated with clinical trials, the uncertainties of research and product development programs, the uncertainties of the regulatory approval process, the risks of competitive products, the risks of our current capital resources, the uncertainties as to the availability of future capital and our future capital requirements, and the risks associated with the extent and breadth of the Company's patent portfolio. The foregoing discussion of the effect of the patents issued and pending involves risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, the risks that third parties may be successful in challenging such patents; or that granted claims may be held invalid or interpreted differently by a court of law; or that new technologies will be developed that are superior in treating the diseases targeted by Advanced Biotherapy, Inc. Readers are cautioned not to place reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date the statements were made. See the Company's public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for further information about risks and uncertainties that may affect the Company and the results or expectations expressed in our forward-looking statements, including the section captioned "Factors That May Affect The Company" contained in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001.

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Продолжение дайджеста за ИЮНЬ 2002 года (часть 2)

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