Российская наука и мир (дайджест) - Февраль 2002 г.
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2002 г.
Российская наука и мир
(по материалам зарубежной электронной прессы)

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    ITAR/TASS News Agency / Wednesday, February 06, 2002 2:57 AM EST
    Zhores Alferov to make report at San Diego symposium

ST.PETERSBURG, Feb 06, 2002 (Itar-Tass via COMTEX) -- Nobel Prize Winner Academician Zhores Alferov leaves for the United States on Wednesday. He is going to make a report at a two-day scientific symposium in San Diego.
The symposium has been organised by the Inamori Foundation jointly with the Institute of Justice and Peace specially for winners of the prestigious Kyoto Prize, instituted by the foundation. Such symposiums are held regularly, and always in any other country but Japan, Alferov told Tass before his departure for the U.S. According to AlferovTAS007 3

© Copyright 2002, ITAR/TASS News Agency, all rights reserved

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    ITAR/TASS News Agency / Tuesday, February 05, 2002 11:03 AM EST
    Russia close to reconstruction of heavy elements' genesis
      • By Anna Varshavskaya

MOSCOW, Feb 05, 2002 (Itar-Tass via COMTEX) -- The Astronomy Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences have nearly reconstructed the genesis and quantity of chemical elements of the universe, Institute Deputy Director Boris Shustov told Itar-Tass on Tuesday.
"The work has been on for almost two decades, and we have nearly reconstructed the picture of heavy chemical elements' genesis", he said.
The universe was chiefly made of light elements, hydrogen and helium, at early phases of its development. Stars were made of the same stuff, the scientist said. "Most of heavier elements, including iron, are formed in the explosions of supernovas", he added. "A fresh discharge of energy happens at a certain phase of evolution of a star, when nuclear fuel burns and the star begins to compress. After that the star explodes and heavy elements come to exist. Scientists get a precise information about the content of heavy elements from analyzing the emission spectrum of stars and other astronomical bodies."
"Astrophysics makes it possible to obtain information for the technical progress at rather low costs. If the scientists come to understand the nature of nuclear reactions in stars, the knowledge may be used on the Earth in controllable nuclear transformations", Shustov said.

© Copyright 2002, ITAR/TASS News Agency, all rights reserved

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    ITAR/TASS News Agency / Monday, February 04, 2002 9:04 AM EST
    Russian scientists create medicine for memory disorders
    Российские ученые создали медицинский препарат для лечения расстройств памяти
    • By Anna Bazhenova

MOSCOW, Feb 04, 2002 (Itar-Tass via COMTEX) -- Scientists from the Russian Research Institute of Pharmacology have created a new medicine for the treatment of memory disorders.
The preparation called Noopept is a special combination of amino acids.
Institute director Sergei Seredenin told Itar-Tass on Monday that Noopept "is a completely Russian product from the formula to the ingredients"
Noopept, which is now going through the second stage of clinical testing, may be used for the treatment of people with brain damage, insult, various memory disorders, and also children.
If the clinical testing proves successful, the Health Ministry may issue an order allowing the use of Noopept for medical purposes, Seredenin said.

© Copyright 2002, ITAR/TASS News Agency, all rights reserved

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    Commerce Business Daily / Monday, February 04, 2002 8:37 AM EST
    Russian Engineering/Scientist Editor - Solicitation

(FedBizOpps via COMTEX) -- NOTICE TEXT: Department of the Air Force, Direct Reporting Units, 11th CONS; 11TH Contracting Squadron/LGCN, Bolling AFB DC, intends to award a simplified acquisition purchase request No. F9040910520100, a fixed-price labor hours contract, with a not to exceed cost reimbursable CLIN for travel expenses on a sole source basis to Victor Skorman, 352 Ford Hill RD, Berkshire NY 13736. This contract will provide technical translation and editorial support to AFOSR in trade of developmental, scientific and technical advancements between the former Soviet Union (FSU) and the United States. The contractor shall support AFOSR by assisting FSU scientists in employing proper English language usage, translating and recording scientific information, adhering strictly to applicable publication style guides, and presenting data charts and figures in meaningful, lucid formats. This effort will culminate in the acceptance of their work for publication. Skills required include experienced PHD with proven academic and publication record, fluent in both Russian and English including scientific terminology. Also must possess keen interpersonal skills to act as liaison between US scientists and the FSU scientists to facilitate the exchange of scientific information. Contractor must possess excellent organizational skills and demonstrate past success in organizing international joint conferences, workshops, and seminars.
Projected performance period is 12 months after award with one option year. Authority is 10 USC 2304 (C)(1). The NAICS Code assigned to this project is 5417100. No telephone inquiries will be accepted.

Copyright © 2002 Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc.
© 2002, Commerce Business Daily - FIND, all rights reserved.

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    ITAR/TASS News Agency / Monday, February 04, 2002 7:31 PM EST
    Klebanov to head two Russian delegations at New Delhi talks
    • By Alexei Rubtsov

MOSCOW, Feb 04, 2002 (Itar-Tass via COMTEX) -- Russia's Minister of Industry, Science and Technology Ilya Klebanov will head two Russian delegations that leave for three-day talks in New Delhi Tuesday, Klebanov's press secretary said Monday night.
Klebanov is expected to take part in the 8th session of the Russian-Indian inter-governmental commission for trade, economic, scientific, and cultural cooperation. The sides will give special attention to high-tech projects, embracing computer technologies, biological technology, machine-building and power engineering.
Klebanov also plans to attend meetings of the Russian-Indian commission for defense technologies.
During his stay in New Delhi, he is suppose d to meet with Indian Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha, Defense Minister George Fernandes, and some other senior officials.

©1996-2002 ITAR-TASS. All rights reserved.

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    The Reuters / Thursday January 24 5:45 AM ET
    Russia Scientists Count Dwindling Siberian Tigers
    Российские ученые пересчитывают вырождающихся сибирских тиров

MOSCOW, (Reuters) -- Scientists in Russia's far east have begun a count of the dwindling numbers of Siberian tigers, one of the world's endangered species, Itar-Tass news agency said Thursday.
Tass quoted biologist Dmitry Pikunov of the Pacific Ocean Geography Institute as saying deep snow in which the beasts left clear prints meant scientists could carry out their census.
There is no exact figure for the number of Siberian tigers still roaming wild in the Far Eastern forest wilderness and much sought-after by poachers.
But wildlife experts place the figure at between 300 and 400 - less than the number of tigers in captivity, estimated at around 490.
Widespread poaching, loss of habitat and lack of government funds to protect Siberia's wildlife has caused a sharp fall in numbers of both tigers and leopards.
Though the number of tigers remained stable during the Soviet era, the opening of Russia's borders with the fall of communism in 1991 brought increased poaching, mainly from Asian countries where tiger body parts are used in traditional medicine. The tigers, protected by the Russian government, are regularly counted.

Copyright © 2002 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

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    ITAR/TASS News Agency / Tuesday, January 29, 2002 7:10 AM EST
    Iran to attend Moscow forum on "dialogue of civilizations"
    • By Dmitry Vinitsky, Vassily Deyev

MOSCOW, Jan 29, 2002 (Itar-Tass via COMTEX) -- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Sadeq Kharrazi will participate in the Russian-Iranian symposium "Dialogue of civilisations: historical experience and prospects" to be held in Moscow on February 1-2, Tass learnt on Tuesday from the head of the Iranian cultural centre in Moscow, Dr. Mehdi Sanai.
According to the cultural centre head, "the coming forum is called upon to promote the development of Russian-Iranian relations and to map out specific moves in this direction".
Reports will be delivered by scholars, politicians and members of business communities from Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Moldova and Ukraine.
According to a Russian symposium participant, Prof. Yuri Yakovets, the programme of meetings "includes discussion of the development of the international North-South transport corridor, construction of a multipolar world, a dialogue of civilisations in the sphere of education and the role of the mass media".
Symposium sponsors include the International Centre for the dialogue of civilisations at the Iranian president and the Iranian embassy in Russia, the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Friendship University.
The forum opens a series of meetings, prompted by the resolution of the U.N. General Assembly "Global agenda for dialogue of civilisations".

© 1996-2001 ITAR-TASS. All rights reserved

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    AP Online / February 15, 2002 3:41 PM EST
    Soviet Nuclear Weapons Designer Dies

    В возрасте 74 умер выдающийся российский ученый Лев Феоктистов, один из создателей ядерного оружия

MOSCOW (AP) -- Lev Feoktistov, a leading Soviet nuclear weapons designer who later joined a wave of scientists urging nuclear disarmament, has died at age 74.
Feoktistov was a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a department chairman at the academy's Lebedev Physics Institute. He died in Moscow on Thursday, his 74th birthday, of an apparent heart attack, Russian news reports said Friday.
Russian President Vladimir Putin sent condolences to the physicist's family Friday, calling him a "wonderful teacher"' who "did a great deal for the development of domestic science, nuclear energy and the strengthening of the defense capability of our country", according to the president's press service.
The statement did not mention Feoktistov's anti-nuclear campaigning.
Feoktistov worked from 1951 until the late 1970s designing nuclear warheads in the Soviet Union's Arzamas-16 and Chelyabinsk-70 facilities, according to a book he published in English in 1999 called "Nukes are Not Forever." He later moved to Moscow to work on civilian research. He became an active participant in the international Pugwash movement of scientists who have campaigned to eliminate nuclear weapons.
Feoktistov acknowledged that Soviet and U.S. nuclear weapons development likely deterred an all-out war between the Cold War enemies.
But in his book, he added: "We, those who created nuclear arms, must remember our share of responsibility for making humans defenseless from nuclear firewinds.
"I feel that for the use of nuclear arms there can be no forgiveness, provided humans wish to stay humans. The sole logical answer is outlawing nuclear arms." Memorial services were planned for Monday at the Physics Institute in southern Moscow. No information on survivors was available.

Copyright © 2002 Associated Press Information Services, all rights reserved.

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    XINHUA NEWS AGENCY / February 28, 2002
    Cooperation Agreement Signed Between Peru, Russia

    Между Перу и Россией подписан договор о сотрудничестве в области сельскохозяйственного машиностроения, науки и технологии

LIMA, Feb 28, 2002 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- Peru and Russia Thursday signed a cooperation agreement in the fields of agro-industry, science and technology in order to strengthen and develop bilateral ties.
The Secretary General of Peru's Foreign Ministry, Manuel Rodriguez, and the President of the Agricultural Science Academy of the Russian Federation, Guennady Romanenko, signed the document at the headquarters of the Peruvian Foreign Ministry.
According to the agreement, the two countries agreed to boost cooperation in the fields of science and technology, cultivation, vegetal resources' selective use, pest and disease control, veterinary medicine and agro-industry and other sectors.

©Copyright 2002 Xinhua News Agency

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    AScribe Newswire / 02/28/2002 22:54
    Indiana University Biologist Wins Medal From Russian Scientific Society - International Honor Awarded for First Time
    Биолог из Университета штата Индиана получил медаль Российского Научного Общества

BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Feb 28, 2002 (ASCRIBE NEWS via COMTEX) -- The Council of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists in Russia has awarded the Medal of Alexander Kowalevsky to Rudolf Raff, Distinguished Professor of Biology and director of the Indiana Molecular Biology Institute at Indiana University. The society also elected Raff as an honorary member. The medal is being awarded for the first time after having been created in 1910. Raff is one of eight scientists in seven countries to share in the honor.
The award serves to recognize Raff as "one of the most distinguished scientists of the 20th century in the field of comparative zoology and evolutionary embryology", according to a letter from the society. The St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists, founded in 1868, is one of the oldest scientific societies in Russia.
Although the medal was cast about 90 years ago, it has never been awarded until now because of the disruptions of World War I, the Russian Revolution and ensuing civil war, and the Soviet era. The original medal was saved in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg and in the State Mint, where even the original casting mold was preserved. The St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists recently discovered that the original mold still existed and decided to reinstate the international award using the original medal design.
In the future, the award will be given to one outstanding scientist each year for achievements in comparative and evolutionary embryology that have contributed greatly to the understanding of evolutionary relationships between major groups of the animal kingdom. However, to celebrate the award's reinstatement and to recognize the large range of scientific accomplishments in this area between 1910 and the present, the inaugural presentation honors eight internationally distinguished scientists. Raff is one of the two American honorees. The others are in Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Germany and Russia.
"Professor Raff has been a pioneer in the new discipline of evolutionary developmental biology, which recognizes that evolutionary changes in body form take place from generation to generation through modifications of the process of embryonic development", said Jeffrey Palmer, Distinguished Professor of Biology and chair of the IU Department of Biology. "He seeks to understand the large-scale and dramatic evolutionary changes that have taken place in animal body form over geologic time. Raff's research has concentrated on the use of gene sequence data to understand relationships among animal body plans, and on the study of how developmental mechanisms evolve, using marine embryos. He has discovered that early development is subject to unexpected and rapid evolutionary processes." Raff joined the IU faculty in 1971. He founded the Indiana Molecular Biology Institute in 1983 and has been its director since that time.
Raff's honors include a National Institutes of Health Research Career Development Award (1975-1980), a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1987 and election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2000. He was instructor-in-chief of the Embryology Course at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass., from 1980 to 1982. He has been active on numerous national committees and journal editorial boards and is editor-in-chief of the new journal Evolution and Development. He has published four books including The Shape of Life: Genes, Development and the Evolution of Animal Form.

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    ITAR/TASS News Agency / February 28, 2002
    Russia-Finland interaction in forestry is very high - PM
    • By Irina Bazhenova and Irina Chumakova

    Премьер-министр Финляндии отметил хорошее взаимодействие России и Финляндии в области лесного хозяйства

MOSCOW, Feb 28, 2002 (Itar-Tass via COMTEX) -- Finnish Prime Minister Paavo Lipponen said that the potential of Russia-Finland interaction in forestry is very high.
Speaking at the Foreign Ministry's Diplomatic Academy on Thursday, Lipponen said that Russia has approximately one fourth of the world forestry.
He stressed that there are large woodworking companies in Europe in Finland with high technologies.
The prime minister recalled that on Friday he will take part in the Russian-Finnish conference on forestry. Cooperation in this field will be in the focus of the talks between the prime ministers of the two countries.
The upcoming meeting is well prepared, the prime minister said, adding that discussions will touch on the three key issues: ensuring safety of forestry, develop timber trade and attract investments in forestry.

© 1996-2002 ITAR-TASS. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2002, ITAR/TASS News Agency, all rights reserved

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    Market News Publishing / 02/25/2002 12:49
    Aqua 1 Beverage Co. Inc. - PowerNova Hydrogen Research Nears Completion

VANCOUWER, BC, Feb 25, 2002 (Market News Publishing via COMTEX) -- Following reports from its Moscow-based laboratory facility, PowerNova Technologies Corporation is now in the final stage of its hydrogen technology research and development.
The X-rays taken last week revealed that the chemical structure, which had been a major obstacle and the cause for December's delay, has been obtained and the R&D team can now move on towards completion. "We expect that the research will be completed soon", said PowerNova's C.E.O., Stuart Lew, "and after the initial testing of the hydrogen production technology at the Russian Academy of Sciences, testing at The University of British Columbia will follow soon after." A new energy industry based on hydrogen is expected to be a multi billion dollar investment in the years to come. Increased technology and lower costs combined with a $150 million dollar U.S. support package (Source: U.S. State Energy Department) from the Bush administration is just the beginning towards the realization of a hydrogen economy.
While substituting the gasoline engine is certainly feasible, replacing the existing gasoline distribution infrastructure with hydrogen is impractical, as analysts predict that costs could begin at upwards of $100 billion U.S.
PowerNova's patent-pending catalyst intends to act as a bridge to convert existing hydrocarbons, such as those found in gasoline, into hydrogen. The pioneering technology proposes to use a high speed of conversion with a lower temperature rate to produce hydrogen either on board a vehicle or at the filling station itself. This process expects to be cost effective, viable and most importantly, emission-free.
PowerNova Technologies Corporation is listed on the Canadian Venture Exchange (CDNX) as Aqua 1 Beverage Company, Inc. (symbol: AQB) where its shares are currently halted from trading pending the approval of the CDNX of a reverse-take-over and subsequent name change to PowerNova Technologies Corporation. Headquartered in Vancouver, B.C., PowerNova is dedicated to the development and commercialization of the world's first safe, cost effective, reliable and practical hydrogen production technology in order to supply a new world energy economy based on hydrogen.
The Canadian Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed RTO and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.

© 2002 Market News Publishing Inc.

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