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- α1(1260)π dominance in the process e+ e- → 4π at energies 1.05–1.38 GeV, 1999.
- α1(1260)π dominance in the process e+e- → 4π at energies 1.05–1.38 GeV, 1998.
- Φ-meson: high accuracy mass measurement, observation of ω-Φ interference, 1977.
- τ lepton mass determination at KEDR, 2011.
- 3,5 Bev electron-positron colliding beam machine VEPP-3 at Novosibirsk, 1967.
- A Feasibility Study of a Neutrino Source Based on a Muon Storage Ring, 2000.
- A high precision measurement of the Υ, Υ' and Υ''-meson masses, 1983.
- A High Precision Measurement of the Υ, Υ′ and Υ′′ Meson Masses, 1984.
- A Large Hadron Electron Collider at CERN, 2012.
- A Large Hadron Electron Collider at CERN: Report on the Physics and Design Concepts for Machine and Detector, 2012.
- A project of the 2.5 GeV booster-synchrotron in BINP, 2004, 2005.
- A proposal for the experimental study of plasma wake-field acceleration at the "BEP" electron storage ring, 1991.
- A proposal to install a superconducting wiggi.er magnet on the storage ring VEPP-3 for generation of the synchrotron radiation, 1978.
- A search for ξ(2.2) in radiative decays of the Υ-meson, 1986.
- A Superhigh energy colliding electron — positron beam facility (VLEPP), 1980.
- Absolute calibration of beam energy in the storage ring. Phi-meson mass measurement, 1975.
- Academician Gersh Itskovich Budker (obituary), 1978.
- Accelerator activities at Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics, 1998, 1999.
- Accelerator and detector prospects of elementary particle physics, 1982.
- Accelerator and instrumentation prospects of elementary particle physics , 1981.
- Accelerator based neutron source for neutron capture therapy, 2002.
- Accelerator based neutron source for the neutron capture therapy at hospital, 2001.
- Accelerator based neutron source for the neutron-capture and fast neutron therapy at hospital (Physical project), 1997, 1998.
- Accelerator development in Novosibirsk: II. Status of work on the VEP-1 electron storage machine, 1966.
- Accelerator development in Novosibirsk: III. Status of the positron-electron VEPP-2 storage ring, 1966.
- Accelerator field development at Novosibirsk (history, status, prospects), 1996.
- Accelerator prospects for high energy physics, 2006, 2007.
- Accelerator-based neutron source for the neutron-capture and fast neutron therapy at hospital, 1998.
- Accelerators: their role, history, status, prospects and applications, 2001.
- Accurate calibration of the beam energy in a storage ring based on measurement of spin precession frequency of polarized particles, 1980.
- Advanced physics potential of electron positron factories. (Accelerator aspects), 1995.
- An electron cooling system for the proposed HESR antiproton storage ring, 2004.
- An electron-nucleus collider design study (Enc) , 1998.
- An experiment on measurement of two-photon width of the η' and A2, 1987.
- An observation of the spin dependence of synchrotron radiation intensity, 1984.
- An observation of the spin derendence of SR intensity, 1983.
- Analysis of e+ e- → π+ π- π+ π- and e+ e- → π+ π- π0 π0 processes in the energy range of √s=0.98-1.38 GeV in experiments with a spherical neutral detector, 2003.
- Antihydrogen beam generation using storage rings, 1995, 1996.
- Anti-Proton Source for the Accelerator-Storage Complex, 1981.
- Antiproton-ion collider for FAIR project, 2006.
- Application of internal gas target for beam polarization measurement in the electron storage ring, 2001.
- Background Conditions In The Detector MВ-1 With Perpendicular Magnetic Field, 1982.
- Beam driven plasma acceleration for linear collider (Physics and development stage), 1997.
- Beam driven plasma wake-field acceleration, 1997.
- Beam dynamics of a colliding linear electron-positron beam (VLEPP), 1979.
- Beam energy calibration in experiment on precise tau lepton mass measurement at VEPP-4M with KEDR detector, 2006.
- Beginning of the experiments with electron-positron storage ring VEPP-2M, 1975.
- Beginning of the experiments with SND detector at e+ e- collider VEPP-2M in Novosibirsk, 1995.
- Beginning of the experiments with SND detector at e+e- collider VEPP-2M, 1995.
- Bose-Einstein correlations in e+e- annihilation in the Υ(1S) and continuum, 1995, 1996.
- Budker INP Proposals for HESR and COSYElectron Cooler Systems, 2006.
- Bunch-by-bunch ejection of 20-TeV proton beam from SSC for fixed target experiments, 1993.
- Carbon ion accelerator facility for cancer therapy, 2006.
- Central Mass Energy Determination in High Precision Experiments on VEPP 4M, 2007.
- Cinetique du refroidissement electronique , 1975.
- Colliding beams - present and future, 1979.
- Commission of electron cooler EC-300 for HIRFL-CSR, 2004, 2006.
- Commissioning of the accelerator-recuperator for high power FEL of the Siberian center for photochemical research, 2004.
- Commissioning of the accelerator-recuperator for the FEL at the Siberian Center for Photochemical Research, 2003.
- Commissioning Results with Multi-Pass ERL, 2010.
- Compact storage rings Siberia-AS and Siberia-SM synchrotron radiation sources for lithography, 1989.
- Comparison of the electron and positron anomalous magnetic moments: experiment 1987, 1987, 1989.
- Complex of electron-positron storage rings for investigation of charmed particles and tau leptons (tau-charm-factory), 1990.
- Concept for a polarized electron-proton collider with 15-30 GeV c.m. energy and 1033 cm-2 s-1 luminosity, 2001.
- Conceptual design and the simulation of final cooling section for a muon collider, 2009.
- Conceptual design of an electron-nucleus scattering facility at GSI, 2002.
- Conceptual design study of the electron-proton storage ring collider with polarized beams, 2001.
- Conceptual design study of the GSI electron-nucleon collider, 1997.
- Continuous electron cooling for high-luminosity colliders, 2000, 2003.
- Conversion decays φ → η e+e-, φ → π0 e+ e- γ at CMD-2, 2000.
- Cooling methods for beams of charged particles, 1981.
- Cooling methods for charged particle beams, 2008.
- Cross section of the reaction e+ e- → π+ π- π+ π- below 1 GeV at CMD-2, 2000.
- Current status of the Novosibirsk infrared FEL and the third stage lasing , 2016.
- Current status of the VEPP-5 preinjector, 1998.
- Damping ring for electrons and positrons BEP, 1984.
- DELSY project:status and development, 2003.
- Design of an experiment on plasma wakefield acceleration at Budker INP, 2006.
- Design of an experiment on wakefield acceleration on the VEPP-5 injection complex, 2005.
- Determination of the Υ(1s) leptonic width, 1992.
- Development of techniques for the cooling of ions, 2018.
- Development Of The Conversion System For VLEPP Project, [1984].
- Diffraction-limited fourth generation VUV and X-ray sources based on accelerators-recuperators, 2002.
- Diffusion electron-electron a 2x135MeV, 1967.
- Direct measurement of the φ(1020) leptonic branching ratio, 2000, 2001.
- e+e- Colliders, 1980.
- Effects of electromagnetic interaction between particles and colliding bunch , 1966.
- Electromagnetic pion form factor in the timelike region, 1985.
- Electron cooling : physics and perspective application, 1990.
- Electron cooling and electron-nuclei colliders, 2001.
- Electron cooling and its applications in elementary particle physics, 1978.
- Electron cooling and new possibilities in elementary particle physics, 1978.
- Electron cooling and new possibilities in elementary particle physics — VAPP-NAP group, 1977.
- Electron Cooling and New Possibilities in Elementary Particle Physics, 1976.
- Electron Cooling for RHIC, 2001.
- Electron cooling of RHIC, 2005.
- Electron cooling: 35 years of development, 2000.
- Electron cooling: physics and prospective applications, 1991.
- Electron positron preinjector complex at Novosibirsk, 1994.
- Electron-electron scattering at 2х135 MeV, 1967.
- Electron–positron beam collision studies at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2018.
- Electron-positron colliders at INP: Status and prospects, 1990.
- Electron-positron colliders, detectors and experiments at BINP, 2009.
- Electron-positron pre-injector of VEPP-5 complex, 1996.
- Elementarteilchen auf Gegenkurs, 1972.
- Elementary particle physics activity at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2002.
- Energy monochromatization of particle interaction in storage rings, 1979.
- Energy recirculation linacs: an alternative light source concept, 2002.
- Evidence of φ → π0 π0 γ and φ → π0 νγ decays in SND experiment at VEPP-2M, 1998.
- Evidence of the φ → ηπ0γ decay, 1998.
- Experiment on 2 γ-quantum annihilation on the VEPP-2, 1971.
- Experimental investigations of beam-beam interaction In storage rings, 1967.
- Experimental plasma wakefield acceleration project at the VEPP-5 injection complex, 2004.
- Experimental plasma wake-field acceleration project at the VEPP-5 injection complex, 2004.
- Experimental studies of electron cooling, 1976.
- Experimental study of ρ → π0 π0 γ and ω → π0 π0 γ decays, 2002.
- Experimental study of the e+ e- → π+ γ process in the energy region √s=0.60-0.97 GeV, 2003.
- Experimental study of the reaction e+ e- → K(S)K(L) in the energy range √s=1.04-GeV divided by 1.38-GeV , 2006.
- Experiments at VEPP-2M with SND detector, 1998.
- Experiments on cooling by electrons, 1976.
- Experiments on Coulomb-nuclear interference in proton-proton scattering at superhigh energy colliding beams, 1983.
- Experiments on electron cooling, 1975.
- Experiments on the physics of charged particle beams at the VEPP-4M electron-positron collider, 2009.
- Experiments with neutral detector at VEPP-2M in the energy range 1.0-1.4 GeV, 1986.
- Experiments with the MD-1 detector at the e+e-collider VEPP-4 in the energy region of Υ-mesons, 1995.
- Experiments with the SND detector at the e+e- collider VEPP-2M in Novosibirsk, 1998.
- Expression of interest for R&D towards a neutrino factory based on a storage ring and a muon collider, 1999.
- Expression of Interest to the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory by the L* Collaboration, 1990.
- Feasibility of creating a superhigh energy colliding electron-positron beam facility, 1978.
- Feasibility study of the Erlangen synchrotron light source, 1992.
- Feasibility Study-II of A Muon Based Neutrino Source, 2001.
- Final analysis of KEDR data on J/Ψ and Ψ(2S) masses, 2015.
- Final stage of muon beam cooling , 1999.
- Final stage of muon beam cooling, 1999.
- First experimental results at the high power free electron laser at Siberian center for photochemistry research, 2003.
- First experimental results obtained using the high-power free electron laser at the Siberian center for photochemical research, 2004.
- First experiments on nigh power Novosibirsk terahertz free electron laser, 2005.
- First experiments on the VEPP-2 positron-electron storage system, 1967.
- First experiments with SR from the 75 kG superconducting wiggler on the VEPP-2M storage ring, 1986.
- First lasing at the high-power free electron laser at Siberian center for photochemistry research, 2004.
- First Lasing of the Third Stage of Novosibirsk FEL, 2015.
- First observation of φ(1020) → π0 π0 γ decay, 1998.
- First observation of the φ → π+ π- γ decay, 1999.
- First observation of the decay φ → η′(958)γ, 1997.
- First physical results from SND detector at VEPP-2M, 1997.
- First results of SND experiments at VEPP-2000, 2012.
- First results of spherical neutral detector (SND) experiments at VEPP-2000, 2012.
- First results of the work with a superconducting "snake" at the VEPP-3 storage ring, 1980.
- First results on application of the synchrotron radiation for medical diagnostics, 1981.
- First results on the nucleon form factors from SND, 2012.
- First SND detector results on hadron cross sections at VEPP-2000 e+ e- collider, 2012.
- First UV/visible lasing with the OK-4/duke storage ring FEL: desing and initial performance, 1997.
- First UV/visible lasing with the OK-4/Duke storage ring FEL, 1998.
- Fission of U-238 and Np-237 by intermediate-energy γ rays, 1984.
- G. I. Budker: Brilliant Physicist, Great Scientific Leader, 2010.
- Gamma-ray production in a storage ring free-electron laser, 1997.
- Generation of High Energy Synchrotron Radiation with a 10-T Superconducting Wiggler Installed in the SPring-8 Storage Ring, 2003.
- Hadronic Cross Section Measurements at SND, 2014.
- Hadronic cross sections measurement with the SND detector at VEPP-2000 e+ e- collider, 2015.
- High accuracy comparison of the electron and positron magnetic moments, 1976, 1977.
- High precision mass measurements in Ψ and Υ families revisited, 2000.
- High Precision Measurement Of Masses Of Elementary Particles On The Storage Rings With Polarized Beams, [1984].
- High precision measurement of the Ψ and Ψ′ meson masses, 1980.
- High precision measurement of the Ψ- and Ψ'-meson masses, 1980.
- High precision measurement of the Υ-meson mass, 1982.
- High-precision measurement of the beam energy in a storage ring using the spin presession frequency of polarized particles, 1976.
- High-precision particle mass measurements using the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M collider, 2014.
- High-statistics measurement of the pion form factor in the ρ-meson energy range with the CMD-2 detector, 2007.
- I. Ya. Pomeranchuk and synchrotron radiation, 2004.
- Influence of the sign of the charge of an ion on the friction force in electron cooling, 1988.
- Influence on the sign of an ion charge on friction force at electron cooling, 1989.
- International Linear Collider Reference Design Report, 2007.
- Intersecting storage rings at Novosibirsk, 1996.
- Investigation of the φ-meson resonance by electron-positron colliding beams, 1971.
- Investigation of the ρ-meson resonance with electron-positron colliding beams, 1967.
- Investigation of the process e+e- → 4π below 1,34 GeV, 1979.
- Investigation of the rare φ radiative decays with the CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M collider, 1999.
- Investigation of the reaction e+e → ηπ+π- in the energy range up to 1.4 GeV, 1986.
- Investigation of Ф-meson resonance by electron-positron colliding beams, 1970.
- Ionization cooling and muon collider, 1996, 1997.
- Ionization Cooling for a Muon Collider, 1996.
- Ionization cooling research and development program for a high luminosity muon collider, 1998.
- Ionization Cooling: Physics and Applications, [1984], 1996.
- Lasing in Visible and Ultraviolet Regions in Optical Klystron Installed on the Vepp-3 Storage Ring, 1989.
- Letter of Intent to the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory by the L* Collaboration, 1990.
- Light Hadron Production in Experiments with the SND Detector at the e+ e- Collider VEPP-2000, 2014.
- Limitations on performance of e+ e- storage rings and linear colliding beam systems at high energy , 1979.
- Linear Colliders, 1984.
- Linear colliders: Accelerator physics aspects, problems, options, prospects, 1998.
- Liquid metal jet targets for muon colliders, 1999.
- Li-rod based muon ionization cooling channel, 2012.
- Longitudinal Beam-Beam Effects for an Ultra-High Luminosity Regime, 1991.
- Longitudinal effects in beam-beam interaction for an ultra-high luminosity regime, 1992.
- Longitudinally polarized colliding beams, 1982.
- Low energy luminosity at VEPP-4M collider, 2001.
- Magnetic detector MD-1, 1977.
- MARS - a project of diffraction limited fourth generation X-ray source, 1998.
- MARS - a project of the diffraction-limited fourth generation X-ray source based on supermicrotron, 2001.
- MARS-recirculator-based diffraction-limited X-ray source, 1997.
- Measurement of Γee × Βμμ for Ψ(2S) meson, 2018.
- Measurement of Γee (J /ψ) · Β(J / ψ → e+ e-) and Γee (J / ψ) · Β(J / ψ → μ+ μ-), 2010.
- Measurement of Γee(J / ψ) with KEDR detector, 2018.
- Measurement of ω meson parameters in π+ π- π0 decay mode with CMD-2, 2000.
- Measurement of φ meson parameters in KL0, KS0, decay mode with CMD-2, 1999.
- Measurement of Φ meson parameters with CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M collider, 1995.
- Measurement of Φ-meson parameters with CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M collider, 1995.
- Measurement of Φ-meson radiative decays at the storage ring VEPP-2M with the neutral detector, 1984.
- Measurement of Φ-meson radiative decays at the storage ring VEPP-2M with the neutral detector, 1984.
- Measurement of π± and K± pair production cross-sections with the colliding beams at the energy of 1180-1340 MeV, 1971.
- Measurement of ψ(3770) parameters, 2012.
- Measurement of B (J / ψ → ηsubc/sub γ) at KEDR, 2011.
- Measurement of charged kaon formfactor in the energy region 1.12-1.40 GeV, 1979.
- Measurement of Dsup0/sup and Dsup+/sup meson masses with the KEDR detector, 2010.
- Measurement of e+e- → π+ π- cross-section with CMD-2 around ρ-meson, 2002.
- Measurement of e+e- → π+π- cross section with CMD-2 around ρ-meson, 1999, 2001.
- Measurement of hadronic cross-sections in e+ e- collisions below 1.4-GeV at CMD-2, 2001.
- Measurement of inclusive Λ production in electron-positron interactions at the upsilon energies, 1994.
- Measurement of J/ψ → γηc decay rate and ηc parameters at KEDR, 2014.
- Measurement of J/ψ leptonic width with the KEDR detector, 2010.
- Measurement of J/ψ to ηc γ at KEDR , 2010.
- Measurement of main parameters of the ψ(2S) resonance , 2012.
- Measurement of pion form-factor in E+ E- → Π+ Π- reaction near production threshold, 1979.
- Measurement of R at KEDR, 2015.
- Measurement of R between 1.84 and 3.05 GeV at the KEDR detector, 2017.
- Measurement of Ruds and R between 3.12 and 3.72 GeV at the KEDR detector, 2016.
- Measurement of the ω,ρ → π0 e+ e- branching fractions, 2008.
- Measurement of the Φ → π+π- branching ratio, 1981.
- Measurement of the φ → π0 e+ e- decay probability, 2002.
- Measurement of the τ lepton mass at the KEDR detector, 2007.
- Measurement of the branching ratio for Υ(1S) state into μ+ μ- and search for decays Υ(1S) → π+ π-, K+K-, p anti-p, 1991, 1992.
- Measurement of the Charged Kaon Form-factor in the Energy Range 1.0 GeV to 1.4 GeV, 1981.
- Measurement of the cross section for the e+ e- → ωπ0 → π0π0γ process in the energy range of 1.1-GeV-1.9-GeV, 2011.
- Measurement of the cross section for the process e+e- → KL0 KS0 in the energy range 2E = 1.05-1.35 GeV with the CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M, 2002.
- Measurement of the e+e- → ηπ+ π- cross section in the √s = 1.04-GeV - 1.38-GeV energy range with a spherical neutral detector at the VEPP-2M collider, 2010.
- Measurement of the e+e- → ηπ+ π- cross section in the center-of-mass energy range 1.22-2.00 GeV with the SND detector at the VEPP-2000 collider , 2015.
- Measurement of the e+e- → ηK+K- Cross Section by Means of the SND Detector, 2018.
- Measurement of the e+e- → ωη cross section below √s = 2 GeV, 2016.
- Measurement of the e+e- → π+ π- cross section with the CMD-2 detector in the 370 - 520-MeV c.m. energy range, 2006.
- Measurement of the e+e- → π+ π- cross-section with the CMD-2 detector, 1998, 2000.
- Measurement of the e+e- → K+K- cross section in the energy range √s =1.05 - 2.0 GeV, 2016.
- Measurement of the e+e- → K+K- process cross-section in the energy range √s = 1.04 - 1.38 GeV with the SND detector in the experiment at VEPP-2M e+e- collider, 2007.
- Measurement of the electron-positron annihilation cross-section into π+π- and K+K- -pairs at the total energy 1,18-1,34 Gev, 1972.
- Measurement of the electron-positron annihilation cross-section into π+π-, K+K- - pairs at the total energy 1.18-1.34 GeV, 1972.
- Measurement of the leptonic width and the muon pair branching ratio of the Υ(1S) with the MD-1 detector, 1992.
- Measurement of the mass of the neutral kaon, 1985.
- Measurement of the omega meson parameters with CMD-2 detector, 2000.
- Measurement of the pion form-factor in the range 1.04-GeV to 1.38-GeV with the CMD-2 detector, 2005.
- Measurement of the pion form-factor near the threshold of the reaction e+ e- → π+ π- with a time-of-flight detector, 1981.
- Measurement of the properties of the ω-meson with a cryogenic magnetic detector, 1987.
- Measurement of the ratio of the leptonic widths Γee/Γμμ for the J/ψ meson, 2014.
- Measurement of the total cross section of tow photon production of hadrons, 1986.
- Measurement of two photon widths of the α2, η′, η, 1990.
- Measurements of the form factor of the neutral kaon from 1.06 to 1.40 GeV, 1982.
- Measurements of the parameters of the φ(1020) resonance through studies of the processes e+ e- → K+ K- , KSKL, and π+ π- π0, 2001.
- Measuring of the pion form factor at 640 ≤√s≤ 1400 MeV, 1983.
- Method of the measurement of supersmall beam size in electron positron colliders by Compton scattering, 1991.
- Multichannel system for highly polarized muon beam production, 1999.
- Muon colliders, 1996.
- Muon collider design, 1996.
- Muon Collider(s): basics, status, problems, prospects, 2001.
- Muon colliders and neutrino factories: Basics and prospects, 2004.
- Muon muon collider: Feasibility study, 1996.
- NAP-M proton storage ring, 1976.
- New data from SND detector in Novosibirsk, 2000.
- New e+e- Colliders at Novosirbirsk, 2003.
- New experiment on the precise comparison of the anomalous magnetic moments of relativistic electrons and positrons, 1987.
- New experiments with polarized beams at VEPP-4M, 2002.
- New measurement of the Υ-meson mass, 1985, 1986.
- New measurement of the rare decay φ → η 'γ with CMD-2, 2000.
- New possibilities for nuclear physics experiments with Novosibirsk Race-Track Microtron-Recuperator, 2000.
- New precise determination of the τ lepton mass at KEDR detector, 2007.
- New precise measurement of Ruds and RR between 3.08 and 3.72 GeV at the KEDR detector, 2018.
- New precision measurement of the J/ψ and ψ-prime meson masses, 2003, 2004.
- New results of measurement of cross sections for electron-positron annihilation to hadrons with the SND detector at VEPP-2000, 2015.
- New results on e+e- → hadrons exclusive cross sections from experiments with SND detector at VEPP-2M e+e- collider in the energy range √s = 0.4 ÷ 1.4 GeV, 2006.
- Nonlinear effects in plasma wake-field accelerator driven by the bunch sequence, 1996.
- Novosibirsk Φ-factory project, 1998.
- Novosibirsk B-Factory: Status and Perspectives, 1993.
- Novosibirsk ERL Facility, 2018.
- Novosibirsk four-orbit ERL with three FELs, 2017.
- Novosibirsk free eectron laser facility: two-orbit ERL with two FELs, 2010.
- Novosibirsk free electron laser: operation and second stage commissioning, 2008.
- Novosibirsk project of Phi meson factory, 1991.
- Novosibirsk Tau-Charm Factory Design Study, 1996.
- Novosibirsk terahertz free electron laser. Status and survey of experimental results, 2005.
- Observation of Φ → π+π- decay, 1979.
- Observation of φ → π0 π0 γ and φ → π0 η γ decays in SND experiment at VEPP-2M, 1999.
- Observation of KS0 semileptonic decays with the CMD-2 detector, 1999.
- Observation of the φ → η′γ decay with four charged particles and photons in the final state, 2000.
- Observation of the Φ → π+ π- π+ π- decay, 2000.
- Observation of the conversion decay φ → π0 e+ e- at CMD-2, 2001.
- Observation of the conversion deсay φ → π°е+е- at CMD-2, 1999.
- Observation of the decay φ → ω π0, 1999.
- Observation of the decays Φ → π0 π0 γ and Φ → π0 η γ in the SND experiment at VEPP-2M, 1999.
- On a search for the η → e+ e- decay at the VEPP-2000 e+e- collider, 2015.
- On energy loss of narrow and dense ultrarelativistic bunch in plasma, 1996.
- On energy loss of narrow and dense ultrarelativistic bunch in plasma, 1997.
- On experiments on Coulomb-nuclear interference in p anti p scattering at superhigh-energy colliding beams, 1982.
- On high energy electron cooling, 1979.
- On obtaining beams of required polarization in storage rings and accelerators, 1976.
- On possible use of intense beams of the big proton accelerators for excitation of a linear accelerator structure, 1979.
- On the method of the polarization measurement by the spectral density of sinchrotron radiation, 1982.
- On the possibilities of polarized experiments in proton (antiproton) storage rings, 1978.
- On the possibility for experiments on plasma wake-field acceleration in Novosibirsk, 1992.
- On the possible use of intense beams of the big proton accelerators for excitation of a linear accelerator structure , 1980.
- On the Proton Klystron, [1984].
- On the Relation of the LHeC and the LHC, 2012.
- Operational status of the VEP-1 electron storage rings, 1965.
- Operational status of the VEPP-2 positron-electron storage rings, 1965.
- Optimization of parameters of a dedicated synchrotron radiation source for technology, 1983.
- Parameters of charmonium states from KEDR, 2014.
- Phase instability of intense electron beam in a storage ring, 1966.
- Phi factory project in Novosibirsk, 1990.
- Pion form factor at SND (new edition), 2006.
- Pion form factor measurement by e+e-→ π+ π- in the energy range 2E from 0.78 up to 1.34 GeV, 1978.
- Pion form factor measurement in the energy region 1.06-1.4 GeV, 1979.
- Pion form-factor measurement in the reaction e+e- → π+π- for energies within the range from 0.4 GeV to 0.46 GeV, 1981.
- Pion pair production in photon-photon collisions, 1991, 1992.
- Pions and muons acceleration at the UNK-VLEPP facility, 1991.
- Plasma compensation of beam-beam interaction in muon collider, 1998.
- Plasma suppression of beam-beam interaction in a muon collider, 2000.
- Plasma wake field acceleration, 1996.
- Plasma wake-field acceleration of high energies: Physics and perspectives, 1998.
- Polarization Measurement In Storage Rings Of The Institute Of Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk), [1984].
- Polarized beams in storage rings and high precision measurements of particle masses, 1989.
- Polarized muon beams for muon collider, 1996.
- Possibilities for antiproton beams at CERN using cooling by electrons, 1976.
- Precise energy measurement in experiments on VEPP-4M collider, 2005.
- Precise measurement hadronic cross-sections with CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M, 2002.
- Precise measurement of Ruds and R between 1.84 and 3.72 GeV at the KEDR detector, 2019.
- Precise measurements of the hadronic cross sections at the VEPP-2M collider with the CMD-2 detector, 2004.
- Precision measurement of the mass of the neutral kaon, 1987.
- Precision measurements of masses of charmonium states, 2006.
- Precision measurements of masses of elementary particles using storage rings with polarized beams, 1989.
- Preliminary results from the CMD-2 detector, 1992.
- Preliminary results from the neutral detector at VEPP-2M, 1983.
- Preliminary results of a study of the ρ meson resonance using colliding electron - positron beams, 1969.
- Preliminary results of the experiment with MD-1 detector on two-photon production of muon pairs and hadrons, 1985.
- Preliminary results of the experiments with the MD-1 detector on the study of two photon processes and Υ-meson, 1984.
- Premieres experiences de refroidissement electronique, 1975.
- Premieres experiences sur l'anneau de stockage a electrons et positons VEPP-2, 1967.
- Present Status of VEPP-2000, 2010.
- Proceedings of XIII International Conference on High-energy Accelerators, held at Novosibirsk August 7-11, 1986, 1987.
- Production of four pions in e+e- collisions below 1,4 GeV, 1979.
- Production of intense positron beams at the VEPP-5 injection complex, 2008.
- Progress report on the 3.5-Gev electron - positron colliding beam installation (VEPP-3) , 1969.
- Project of a new electron positron collider VEPP-2000, 2000.
- Project of a race-track microtron-recurperator for free electron laser, 1990.
- Project of Obtaining Longitudinally-Polarized Colliding Beams In The Storage Ring VEPP-4 At Energies Up To 2x2 GeV, [1984].
- Project of The Compact Superconducting Storage Ring Siberia-SM, 1989.
- Project of the Dubna Electron Synchrotron, 2000, 2001.
- Project of the experiments on plasma wake field acceleration in Novosibirsk, 1993.
- Project of VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider, 2001.
- Proposal of a high-field superconducting wiggler for a slow positron source at SP ring-8, 1998.
- Proposal of the round beam lattice for VEPP-2M collider, 1993.
- Proposal to the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory: an international muon ionization cooling experiment (MICE), 2003.
- Prospects for polarized electron nuclei colliders, 2000.
- Proton-Antiproton Colliding Beams, 1971.
- Radiation therapy facility based on carbon ion cooler synchrotron, 2008.
- Radiative polarization at ultrahigh-energies , 1979.
- Radiative polarization of the beams in the storage ring VEPP-2M, 1975.
- Radiative polarization: obtaining, control, using, 1976.
- Radiative polarization: obtaining, control, using, 1978.
- Radiative Polarization: Production, Control, and Using, 1977.
- Reanalysis of hadronic cross-section measurements at CMD-2, 2004.
- Recent Progress in Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Research within the Muon Collaboration, 2003.
- Recent results from CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M, 1999.
- Recent results from SND detector at VEPP-2M, 2000.
- Recent results from SND experiment at the VEPP-2M e+e- collider, 1999.
- Recent results from SND experiment at VEPP-2000 collider, 2012.
- Recent results from the CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M collider, 1997.
- Recent results from the KEDR Detector, 2010, 2012, 2014.
- Recent results of experiments with the neutral detector at VEPP-2M, 1984.
- Recent results of the φ-meson study with CMD-2 at VEPP-2M and relevance to future CP, CPT φ factory studies, 1995.
- Recent results of the study of hadronic production with the CMD-2 and SND detectors at the VEPP-2M collider, 2004.
- Recent results on e+e- → hadrons cross sections from SND and CMD-3 detectors at VEPP-2000 collider, 2016.
- Remarks on high energy muon collider, 1999.
- Research of possibility to use beam polarization for absolute energy calibration in high-precision measurement of tau-lepton mass at VEPP-4M, 2004.
- Resent results from CMD-2 detector on e+e- annihilation to hadrons, 1999.
- Restrictions on electric dipole moment measurement at storage rings, 1999.
- Results of experiments with OLYA detector at VEPP-2M, 1982.
- Results of experiments with the neutral detector at e+ e- storage ring VEPP-2M, 1989.
- Results of hadronic cross section measurement at VEPP-2M collider with CMD-2 and SND detectors, 2007.
- Results of MD-1 detector on the search of ξ(2.2) in the decays Υ → γK+K- and Υ → γΦΦ, 1987.
- Results of the experiments from the neutral detector at the VEPP-2M storage ring in the energy region 2E0=1.05-1.40 GeV, 1985.
- Results on J / ψ, ψ(2S), ψ(3770) from KEDR, 2008.
- Retrospectives on international collaboration, 1997.
- Review of experimental results from SND detector at VEPP-2M, 1999.
- Review of experimental results from SND detector, 2002.
- RF system for a high-intensity heavy ion synchrotron with strong bunch compression. Part 2, 2000.
- ROKK-1M is the Compton source of the high intensity polarized and tagged gamma beam at the VEPP-4M collider, 1995.
- Round Beam Collisions at VEPP-2000, 2011.
- Round colliding beam activities at BINP, 2000.
- Search for ξ(2.2) and Χ(2.2) in radiative decay of ϒ-meson, 1989.
- Search for direct production of α2(1320) and f2(1270) mesons in e+ e- annihilation, 2000.
- Search for e+e- → f0(600)γ, f0(980)γ, f0(1350)γ, and f2(1270)γ, 2011.
- Search for lepton flavor violation process e+ e- → eμ in the Energy Region √s = 984 - 1060 MeV and φ → eμ decay, 2010.
- Search for narrow resonances in e+ e- annihilation between 1.85 and 3.1 GeV with the KEDR Detector, 2011.
- Search for narrow resonances in e+e- collisions in the mass region 7.2-10 GeV, 1985.
- Search for rare Φ decays in π+ π- γ final state, 1997.
- Search for rare processes with the neutral detector at the VEPP-2M collider, 1987.
- Search for resonances in e+e- -collisions in the mass region 1.0-1.4 GeV, 1979.
- Search for the φ → π+ π- Decay, 1978.
- Search for the e+ e- → K+ - K(S) π+ - process on the VEPP-2M e+ e- collider, 2011.
- Searching for the process e+ e- → K+ K- π0 in experiments with the spherical neutral detector at VEPP-2M , 2010.
- Self focused particle beam drivers for plasma wakefield accelerators, 1997.
- Set-up for electron cooling experiments, 1975.
- Some possibilities of increasing the limiting current density in colliding beam machines, 1981.
- Specialized storage ring with longitudinally polarized electrons for internal target experiments, 1989.
- Specific features of the MD-1 detector for γγ processes, 1984.
- Spherical Neutral Detector for experiments at VEPP-2000 e+ e- collider, 2010, 2012.
- Stability of the polarization of colliding beams, 1982.
- Status and perspectives of the VEPP-2000, 2016.
- Status and progress VEPP-2000, 2008.
- Status and prospects of the Novosibirsk FEL facility, 2010.
- Status and prospects of VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider, 2014.
- Status and recent developments in electron cooling, 1988.
- Status of Electron Cooling in NAP-M, [1984].
- Status of experiments and recent results from CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M, 2000.
- Status of MARS-L project of high power FEL and prototype of a diffraction limited X-ray source, 2002.
- Status of muon collider research and development and future plans, 1999.
- Status of the experiments with SND detector at e+e- collider VEPP-2M in Novosibirsk, 1996.
- Status of the free electron laser for the Siberian centre for photochemical research, 2001.
- Status of the injector complex ctau-factory at Novosibirsk, 1998.
- Status of the INP optical klystron, 1983, 1985.
- Status of the Novosibirsk energy recovery linac, 2006.
- Status of the Novosibirsk free electron laser and first experiments with high power terahertz radiation, 2004.
- Status of the Novosibirsk high power free electron laser project, 1997.
- Status of the Novosibirsk high power free electron laser, 2004, 2005.
- Status of the Novosibirsk high power terahertz FEL, 2006.
- Status of the Novosibirsk high-power FEL project, 1998.
- Status of the Novosibirsk high-power free electron laser, 2001.
- Status of the Novosibirsk Phi-factory project, 1991.
- Status of the Novosibirsk Terahertz FEL, 2004.
- Status of the Novosibirsk terahertz FEL, 2005, 2006.
- Status of the VEPP-5 complex, 1994.
- Status of VEPP-2M collider, its upgrade plans and Novosibirsk Phi-factory project , 1999.
- Status of VEPP-4M collider: current activity and plans, 2006.
- Status of VEPP-5 injection complex, 2004, 2006.
- Storage ring program in Novosibirsk, 1973.
- Storage rings VEPP-2M, VEPP-3 and VEPP-4 as the source of the synchrotron radiation, 1977, 1978.
- Studies of K0 L → π e ν with CMD-2, 2000.
- Studies on electron cooling of heavy particle beams made by the VAPP-NAP group at the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Science at Novosibirsk, 1977.
- Study for a high-intensity heavy ion synchrotron with strong bunch compression. Part 1, 2000.
- Study of φ → π+ π- π0 with CMD-2 detector, 2006.
- Study of Φ-meson decays with the neutral detector at the VEPP-2M collider, 1985.
- Study of ψ(2S) → μ+ μ- decay with KEDR detector , 2014.
- Study of conversion decays φ → ηe+ e- and η → γe+ e- in the experiment with SND detector at VEPP-2M collider, 2001.
- Study of conversion decays φ → ηe+ e-, η → e+ e- γ and η → π+ π- e+ e- at CMD-2, 2001.
- Study of conversion decays φ → ηе+е-, η → е+е-γ and η → π+π-е+е- at CMD-2, 2000.
- Study of decays of ρ and ω-mesons with the neutral detector at the VEPP-2M collider, 1986.
- Study of dynamics of φ → π+ π- π0 decay with CMD-2 detector, 1998.
- Study of e+e → ωπ0 → π0 π0 γ in the energy range 1.05-2.00 GeV with SND, 2013.
- Study of e+e- → π+π-π+π- reaction at 2E up to 1.4 GeV, 1988.
- Study of e+e- Annihilation Into Hadrons at Vepp-2m, 2002.
- Study of K(S) K(L) coupled decays and K(L)-Be interactions with the CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M Collider, 1997.
- Study of KsKl coupled decays and KL-Be interactions with the CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M collider, 1996.
- Study of the φ decays into π+π-γ, π°π°γ and ηπ°γ final states, 1999.
- Study of the φ decays into π0π0 γ and η π0γ final states, 1999.
- Study of the ρ and ω meson decays into a pseudoscalar meson and e+ e- pair with the CMD-2 detector, 2005.
- Study of the e+ e- → ηγ process with Spherical Neutral Detector at the VEPP-2M e+ e- collider, 2006.
- Study of the e+e+ → Π0γ process in the energy range 0.60 - 1.06 GeV, 2004.
- Study of the K(S)K(L) Coupled Decays and K(L)-Be Interactions and Relevance to Future CP, CPT Φ-Factory Study, 1997.
- Study of the K0L K0L/ couple decays with CMD-2, 2000.
- Study of the process e+ e- → ωηπ0 in the energy range √s < 2 GeV with the SND detector , 2016.
- Study of the process e+ e- → π+ π- π0 in the energy region √s below 0.98 GeV, 2003.
- Study of the process e+ e- → ηγ in c.m. energy range 600 - 1380 MeV at CMD-2, 2001.
- Study of the process e+ e- → ηγ in the center-of-mass energy range 1.07-2.00 GeV, 2014.
- Study of the process e+ e- → ω π0 → π0 π0 γ in c.m. energy range 920-MeV - 1380-MeV at CMD-2, 2003.
- Study of the process e+ e- → π+ π- π0 π0 at energies √s < 1 GeV , 2010.
- Study of the process e+ e- → π+ π- π0 in the energy region √s from 0.98 to 1.38 GeV, 2002.
- Study of the process e+ e- → nn- at the VEPP-2000 e+ e- collider with the SND detector, 2014.
- Study of the process e+e- → ηγ in center-of-mass energy range 600 MeV to 1380 MeV at center-of-MASSD-2, 2001.
- Study of the process e+e- → μ+ μ- in the energy region √s = 980, 1040 – 1380 MeV, 2009.
- Study of the process e+e- → π+ π- π+ π- π0 with the CMD-2 detector, 2000.
- Study of the process e+e- → π+ π- in the energy region 400 < √s < 1000 MeV, 2005.
- Study of the process e+e- → π0π0γ in c.m. energy range 600-MeV to 970-MeV at CMD2, 2004.
- Study of the process e+e- → KL0K S0 in the c.m. energy range 1.05 to 1.38 GeV with CMD-2, 2003.
- Study of the processes e+e- → ηγ, πγ → 3γ in the c.m. energy range 600-1380 MeV at CMD-2, 2005.
- Study of the processes e+e- → ηγ, π0γ → 3γ in the c.m. energy range 600 - 1380 MeV at CMD-2, 2004.
- Study of the radiative decay φ → η γ with CMD-2 detector, 1999.
- Study of the radiative polarization of beams in the VEPP-2M storage ring , 1976.
- Study of the rare decays B0 → Ds(*)+π- and B0 → Ds(*)+ K+, 2003.
- Study of the Reaction e+e- → π+π- In The Energy Range From 640 MeV - 1400 MeV, 1984.
- Study of the reaction e+e- → π+π-π0π0 at 2E up to 1.4 GeV, 1986.
- Study of the reaction e+e- → π0 γ with the SND detector at the VEPP-2M collider, 2016.
- Summary of experiments with the neutral detector at the e+e- storage ring VEPP-2M, 1991.
- Superconducting "snake" for the dedicated SR source Siberia-1, 1986.
- Superstrong quadrupoles of liquid metal for final focusing at linear colliders, 1990.
- Suppression of Beam-Beam Interaction in a Muon Collider, 1998.
- Suppression of emittance growth caused by mechanical vibrations of magnetic elements in presence of beam-beam effects in the SSC, 1991.
- Survey of experimental results obtained with the SND detector at the VEPP-2M e+e- collider, 1999.
- Synchrotron light sources and recent developments of accelerator technology, 1998.
- Synchrotron radiation and free electron laser activities at SSRC, 1998.
- Synchrotron radiation and free electron laser activities in Novosibirsk, 1994, 1995.
- Tagging system for scattered electrons in two-photon reactions at the MD-1 detector, 1994.
- Tau mass measurement at KEDR, 2008, 2009.
- Tau threshold experiments: status and expectations, 2005.
- Test of accelerating section for VEPP-5 pre-injector, 2000.
- Test of electron linac for VEPP-5 pre-injector, 2000.
- Test of quantum electrodynamics by e+ e- - μ+ μ-, 1971.
- Test of the prototype of VEPP-5 preinjector, 1997.
- The φ → η π0 γ decay, 2000.
- The φ meson: precision measurement of its mass, observation of the ω φ interference, 1978.
- The φ(1020) → π0 π0 γ decay, 2000.
- The 75 kG superconducting wiggler magnet for the electron-positron storage ring VEPP-2M, 1984.
- The antihydrogen and positronium generation and studies using storage rings, 1997.
- The Antiproton-ion collider at FAIR, 2005, 2006.
- The beam control system of the electron storage ring Vep-1 , 1966.
- The CBS - the most cost effective and high performance carbon beam source dedicated for a new generation cancer therapy, 2005.
- The charged kaon mass measurement, 1977, 1979.
- The CMD-2 cryogenic magnetic detector, 2006.
- The concept of round colliding beams, 1996.
- The Dedicated Synchrotron Radiation Source Siberia-2, 1989.
- The Effect of an Accompanying Magnetic Field on Electron Cooling, 1978.
- The electron-ion scattering experiment ELISe at the International Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR): A conceptual design study, 2011.
- The Interaction Region Of The VEPP-4 Storage Ring For The Detector With The Transverse Field MD-1, [1984].
- The KEDR Detector, 2013.
- The kinetics of electron cooling of beams on heavy particle storage rings , 1977.
- The measurement of R in e +e--annihilation at center-of-mass energies between 7.25 and 10.34 GeV, 1996.
- The measurement of R in e+e- -annihilation at center-of-mass energies between 7.2 and 10.34 GeV, 1993.
- The Neutral Kaon Mass Measurement, 1986.
- The Novosibirsk electron positron colliders: Status and prospects, 1996.
- The physics of electron cooling, 1981.
- The precise measurement of the ω-meson parameters with the CMD-2 detector, 1996.
- The process e+ e- → ω π0 → π0 π0 γ up to 1.4 GeV, 2000.
- The process e+ e- → π+ π- π0 in the energy range 2E0 = 1.04-1.38 GeV, 1999.
- The process e+e- → ωπ0 near the φ resonance, 2000.
- The process e+e- → π+π-π0 above φ at VEPP-2M from SND. Results of preliminary study, 2000.
- The process e+e-→ π+π-π0 in nonresonance energy region 2E up to 1.4 GeV, 1989.
- The Program in Muon and Neutrino Physics: Super Beams, Cold Muon Beams, Neutrino Factory and the Muon Collider, 2001.
- The project of high free electron laser using race-track microtron-recurperator, 1993.
- The project of high power submillimetr-wavelength free electron laser, 2001.
- The Project of Modernization of the VEPP-4 Storage Ring for Monochromatic Experiments in the Energy Range of Ψ And Υ Mesons, [1984].
- The Project of Tau-charm factory with crab waist in Novosibirsk, 2009.
- The project of T-Charm factory with crab waist, 2008.
- The Proton Klystron, 1982.
- The results of exsperiments with CMD on VEPP-2M storage ring, 1983.
- The results of lasing linewidth narrowing on the VEPP-3 storage ring optical klystron, 1991.
- The results of lasing linewidth narrowing on VEPP-3 storage ring optical klystron, 1991.
- The scheme of antiproton production for the proton - antiproton colliding beam facility in Novosibirsk, 1970.
- The search for narrow resonances in the reaction e+ e- → hadrons at center-of-mass energy range between 7.23 GeV and 10.34 GeV, 1991.
- The status of electron cooling at Novosibirsk (theory and experiment), 1983.
- The study of fast electron cooling, 1979.
- The study of the radiation from the helical undulator installed in the storage ring VEPP-2M as a source for X-ray microscopy and holography, 1983.
- The VLEPP Project Status Report, 1981.
- TNK - Synchrotron radiation source for submicron technology applications, 1991.
- Total cross section of the process e+ e- → π+ π- π+ π- in the c.m. energy range 980–1380 MeV, 2004.
- Total cross section of two photon production of hadrons, 1991.
- Total cross-section of two photon production of hadrons, 1991, 1992.
- Towards ultimate luminosity polarized muon collider (problems and prospects), 1998.
- Ultimate brightness synchrotron radiation sources, 2002.
- Unique features of the OK-4/Duke storage ring XUV FEL and monochromatic γ-ray source, 1998.
- Update of the e+ e- → π+ π- cross-section measured by the spherical neutral detector in the energy region 400 < √S < 1000 МеV, 2006.
- Updated measurement of the e+ e- → ωπ0 → π0 π0γ cross section with the SND detector, 2016.
- Upper limit for a two-photon width of ηc(2980), 1986.
- Upsilon Physics at MD-1 in Novosibirsk, 1998.
- Usage of Li-rods for ionization cooling of muons, 2011.
- Use of Synchrotron Radiation from the VEPP-3 Storage Ring for x-Ray Structural Study, 1975.
- Utilization of synchrotron radiation: current status and prospects, 1977.
- VEPP-2000 Electron-Positron Collider Commissioning and First Results of Round Colliding Beam Tests, 2008.
- VEPP-2000 operation with round beams in the energy range from 1-GeV to 2-GeV, 2012.
- VEPP-3 dedicated straight section for OK operation, 1989.
- VEPP-4M Collider: Status and Plans, 1998.
- VEPP-4M operation at low energy, 2004.
- VEPP-5 Injection Complex: New Possibilities for BINP Electron-Positron Colliders, 2018.
- VEPP-5 injection complex: two colliders operation experience, 2017.
- VLEPP project (Status Report), 1981.
- Vlepp: Status Report, 1987.
- X-ray holography of microobjects, 1976.