- Merkhofer, Miley W. Decision science and social risk management: A comparative evaluation of cost-benefit analysis, decision analysis, and other formal decision-aiding approaches. - Dordrecht; Boston: D.Reidel, 1987. - xiv, 330 p.: ill. - (Technology, risk, and society; Vol.2). - Incl. bibliographies (p.213-228) and index of names a. subjects (p.321-330).
- Пер. загл.: Наука о принятии решений и регулировании социального риска: Сравнительная оценка анализа затрат и результатов, анализа решений и др. формальных методов оказания помощи при принятии решений.
- W4882-2 кх
- Neumeyer, Martin Henry. Social problems and the changing society. - Toronto a.o.: Van Nostrand, [1953]. - x, 477 p.: ill. - (Van Nostrand series in sociology). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chap.
- с.ф. R67-379 кх
- Risk evaluation and management / ed. by Vincent T. Covello, Joshua Menkes and Jeryl Mumpower. - New York: Plenum Press, 1986. - xi, 544 p.: ill. - (Contemporary issues in risk analysis; Vol.1). - Incl. bibliogr. ref. at the end of the chap. and index (p.541-544).
- W4754-1 кх
- Risk management and hazardous waste: comparative institutional perspectives / Brian Wynne, editor. - Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, 1987. - xvii, 447 p.: ill. - Incl. bibliogr. ref. and index (p.445-447).
- R89-111 кх