SciGuide - Free-access scientific resources - Encyclopedias
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SciGuide is an electronic directory of foreign and Russian open access scientific resources on the Internet. The aim of the directory is to assist users to locate open access academic and scholarly content and to facilitate science communication for researchers and experts of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS). The directory is being developed jointly by the Branch and the Department of Collection Development and Acquisitions of the State Public Scientific Technical Library of SB RAS.

Logo Books*Encyclopedias

*Cyril and Methodius Megaencyclopedia (  ► « Cyril and Methodius Megaencyclopedia is a resource of the Cyril and Methodius Company. It includes scholarly works from diverse disciplines as well as all geographical, economical information on all countries, biographies of the significant men and women of the present as well as those of the past.
*Encyclopedia ( * As the Internet's premier collection of online encyclopedias, provides you reference entries from credible, published sources like Oxford University Press and Columbia Encyclopedia. At, you get free access to over 300,000 reference entries from sources you can cite. Plus, more than 50,000 topic summaries feature related pictures, videos, topic summaries, and newspaper and magazine articles from around the world.
*Encyclopedia of Earth ( * Encyclopedia of earth sciences that offers access to fulltext materials of the scholarly articles in the appropriate subject.
*Encyclopedia Mythica ( * An internet encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and religion.
*Encyclopedia of Life (*EOL is created by experts in diverse domain of biological science, and contains descriptions of all species, including distribution, classification, morphology etc.
*The Free Dictionary (*A Wiki-formatted Internet Encyclopedia (plus a dictionary and thesaurus) of a wide scope
*Great Russian Encyclopedia (  ► The Great Russian Encyclopedia includes expanded articles of regional and subject-specific encyclopedias written by foremost scholars, inventors, army professionals. It offers background information on thousands of topics creating a definitive reference resource for students, scholars, professionals and.general audience.
*Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( * The Encyclopedia provides open access to detailed, scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy.
*Medieval Bestiary ( * David Badke project that offers full texts of Middle Age bestiaries and the research articles that deal with them.
*RP Photonics (*The encyclopedia contains 568 technical articles on ultrashort pulses, nonlinear optics, quantum optics, fiber optics etc.
*Rubricon ( * Russia's largest reference site, presents a unique collection of the best Russian encyclopedias, dictionaries and other reference titles.
*ScienceWorld ( * A project of Eric W. Weisstein that includes scientific encyclopedias on mathematics, physics, astronomy, and chemistry, as well as biographies of scientists.
*Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (*Each entry is maintained and kept up to date by an expert or group of experts in the field. All entries are accessible on-line; .pdf download is for fee.
* (  ► Уникальная онлайн энциклопедия, содержащая обширную информацию о символах, знаках, флагах, организованную по темам: культура, религия, страны и пр.

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Updated: Tue May 14 15:01:59 2024 (12,096 bytes)
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