Preface ....................................................... vii
1 The life of an Upright Man ................................... 1
2 Bibliography of Louis Michel ................................ 15
2.1 Scientific papers ...................................... 15
2.2 Papers of general (G) and historical (H) interest or
reviews (R) ............................................ 26
2.3 Lecture and seminar notes, technical reports ........... 29
3 Commentary .................................................. 31
4 Early work on particle physics .............................. 43
4.1 Interaction between four half-spin particles and the
decay of the μ-meson ................................... 45
4.2 Spectre d'energie des mesons μ provenant de la
desintegration des mesons к ............................ 63
4.3 Selection rules imposed by charge conjugation .......... 66
4.4 μ-meson decay, β radioactivity and universal Fermi
interaction ............................................ 87
4.5 Theory of μ-meson decay with the hypothesis of
nonconservation of parity .............................. 89
4.6 Precession of the polarization of particles moving in
a homogeneous electromagnetic field .................... 92
5 Group extensions. Internal symmetries and relativistic
invariance .................................................. 95
5.1 Invariance in quantum mechanics and group extension .... 97
5.2 Relations between internal symmetry and relativistic
invariance ............................................ 163
5.3 The present status of CP, T and CPT invariance ........ 167
6 A geometric view on broken symmetries ...................... 189
6.1 On the dynamical breaking of SU(3) .................... 191
6.2 Spontaneous symmetry breaking and bifurcations from
the Maclaurin and Jacobi ellipsoids ................... 207
6.3 Radially separated monopole solutions in non-Abelian
gauge models .......................................... 220
6.4 The description of the symmetry of physical states
and spontaneous symmetry breaking ..................... 235
7 Nonlinear group action. Critical orbits .................... 245
7.1 Points critiques des fonctions invariantes sur une
G-variété ............................................. 247
7.2 Nonlinear group action. Smooth action of compact Lie
groups on manifolds ................................... 251
7.3 Zeros of covariant vector fields for the point
groups: invariant formulation ......................... 269
7.4 Application of Morse theory to the symmetry breaking
in the Landau theory of second order phase
transition ............................................ 296
8 Symmetry of matter. Defects. Phase transitions ............. 311
8.1 Classification of topologically stable defects in
ordered media ......................................... 313
8.2 Symmetry defects and broken symmetry. Configurations.
Hidden symmetry ....................................... 316
8.3 Renormalization-group fixed points of general
n-vector models ....................................... 351
9 Periodic and aperiodic crystals ............................ 359
9.1 Les concepts fondamentaux de la cristallographie ...... 361
9.2 Extrema of P-invariant functions on the Brillouin
zone .................................................. 369
9.3 Recent results on the implications of crystal
symmetry and time reversal ............................ 392
10 History of science. Scientific culture ..................... 403
10.1 Symmetry and conservation laws in particle physics
in the fifties ........................................ 405
10.2 History of the IHÉS and its foundation by Léon
Motchane .............................................. 416
10.3 Scientific culture. Lecture given on October 20,
1992 at McConnell auditorium, Smith College ........... 420