Particle breakage (Amsterdam, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаParticle breakage / ed. by A.D.Salman, M.Ghadiri, M.J.Hounslow. - Amsterdam [et al.]: Elsevier, 2007, - XI, 1227 p.: ill. – (Handbook of powder technology; vol. 12). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Sub. ind.: p.1219-1227. - Пер. загл.: Измельчение частиц. - ISBN 978-0-444-53080-6

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Оглавление / Contents
Contributors ................................................... ix
Foreword ....................................................... xi

I. Fundamental
1  Breakage of Single Particles: Quasi-Static ................... 3
   Luís Marcelo Tavares
2  Impact Breakage of Single Particles: Double Impact Test ..... 69
   Kam Tim Chau and Shengzhi Wu
3  Particle Breakage due to Bulk Shear ......................... 87
   John Bridgwater
4  The Principles of Single-Particle Crushing ................. 117
   Georg Unland

II. Milling
5  Rotor Impact Mills ......................................... 229
   Roland Nied
6  Wet Grinding in Stirred Media Mills ........................ 251
   Arno Kwade and Jőrg Schwedes
7  Roller Milling of Wheat .................................... 383
   Grant M. Campbell
8  Air Jet Milling ............................................ 421
   Alain Chamayou and John A. Dodds
9  Breakage and Morphological Parameters Determined by
   Laboratory Tests ........................................... 437
   Meftuni Yekeler
10 Selection of Fine Grinding Mills ........................... 487
   Toyokazu Yokoyama and Yoshiyuki Inoue
11 Fine Grinding of Materials in Dry Systems and 
   Mechanochemistry ........................................... 509
   Qiwu Zhang, Junya Kano and Fumio Saito
12 Comminution Energy and Evaluation in Fine Grinding ......... 529
   Yoshiteru Kanda and Naoya Kotake
13 Enabling Nanomilling through Control of Particulate 
   Interfaces Marc Sommer and Wolfgang Peukert ................ 551
14 Analysis of Milling and the Role of Feed Properties 
   Mojtaba Ghadiri, Chih Chi Kwan and Yulong Ding ............. 605

III. Modelling
15 Monte Carlo Method for the Analysis of Particle Breakage ... 637
   Barada Kanta Mishra
16 Numerical Investigation of Particle Breakage as Applied
   to Mechanical Crushing ..................................... 661
   Chunan Tang and Hongyuan Liu
17 The Cohesion of Fractal Agglomerates: An Elementary 
   Numerical Model
   Emile Pefferkorn ........................................... 741
18 The Linear Breakage Equation: From Fundamental Issues to
   Numerical Solution Techniques .............................. 793
   Margaritis Kostoglou
19 Analysis of Agglomerate Breakage ........................... 837
   Mojtaba Ghadiri, Roberto Moreno-Atanasio, Ali Hassanpour 
   and Simon Joseph Antony
20 Modelling of Mills and Milling Circuits .................... 873
   Petya Toneva and Wolfgang Peukert

IV. Applications
21 Particle Strength in an Industrial Environment
   Gabrie M.H. Meesters ....................................... 915
22 The Strength of Pharmaceutical Tablets 
   Iosif Csaba Sinka, Kendal George Pitt and Alan Charles 
   Francis Cocks .............................................. 941
23 Crystal Growth and Dissolution with Breakage: 
   Distribution Kinetics Modelling ............................ 971
   Giridhar Madras and Benjamin J. McCoy
24 Liberation of Valuables Embedded in Particle Compounds
   and Solid Waste ............................................ 989
   Wolfgang Schubert and Jürgen Tomas
25 Attrition in Fluidised Beds ............................... 1019
   Renee Boerefijn, Mojtaba Ghadiri and Piero Salatino
26 A Mechanistic Description of Granule Deformation and
   Breakage .................................................. 1055
   Yuen Sin Cheong, Chirangano Mangwandi, Jinsheng Fu, 
   Michael J. Adams, Michael J. Hounslow and Agba D. Salman
27 Descriptive Classification: Failure Modes of Particles 
   by Compression ............................................ 1121
   Ian Gabbott, Vishal Chouk, Martin J. Pitt, David A.
   Gorham and Agba D. Salman
28 A New Concept for Addressing Bulk Solids Attrition in
   Pneumatic Conveying ....................................... 1149
   Lars Frye

Subject Index ................................................ 1219

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