Polyamines: methods and protocols (New York, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPolyamines: methods and protocols / ed. by A.E.Pegg, R.A.Casero (Jr.). - New York: Humana Press; Springer, 2011. - xiv, 524 p.: ill. - (Methods in molecular biology; 720) (Springer protocols). - Bibliogr. at the end of articles. - Ind.: p.519-523. - ISBN 978-1-61779-033-1; ISSN 1064-3745

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
Contributors ................................................... xi

Part I Introduction
1  Current Status of the Polyamine Research Field ............... 3
   Anthony E. Pegg and Robert A. Casero, Jr.

Part II Identification of Polyamine Metabolic Enzymes and 
Characterization of Polyamine-Regulated Genes and Ion 
2  Exploring Polyamine Biosynthetic Diversity Through 
   Comparative and Functional Genomics ......................... 39
   Anthony J. Michael
3  Characterization of Genes for Polyamine Modulon ............. 51
   Kazuei Igarashi and Keiko Kashiwagi
4  Posttranscriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in 
   Epithelial Cells by Polyamines .............................. 67
   Lan Xiao and Jian-Ying Wang
5  Identification, Chemical Synthesis, and Biological
   Functions of Unusual Polyamines Produced by Extreme 
   Thermophiles ................................................ 81
   Tairo Oshima, Toshiyuki Moriya, and Tusuke Terui
6  Polyamine Block of Inwardly Rectifying Potassium
   Channels ................................................... 113
   Harley T. Kurata, Wayland W.L. Cheng, and Colin G.

Part III  Transgenic Models for Study of Polyamine Function
7  Carcinogenesis Studies in Mice with Genetically 
   Engineered Alterations in Polyamine Metabolism ............. 129
   David J. Feith
8  Transgenic Rodents with Altered SSAT Expression as Models
   of Pancreatitis and Altered Glucose and Lipid Metabolism ... 143
   Anne Uimari, Mervi T. Hyvönen, Eija Pirinen, and Leena
9  Use of (Gyro) Gy and Spermine Synthase Transgenic Mice 
   to Study Functions of Spermine ............................. 159
   Xiaojing Wang and Anthony E. Pegg

Part IV Enzymes Involved in Polyamine Catabolism and 
posttranslational protein modification
10 A Simple Assay for Mammalian Spermine Oxidase: 
   A Polyamine Catabolic Enzyme Implicated in Drug Response
   and Disease ................................................ 173
   Andrew C. Goodwin, Tracy R. Murray-Stewart, and Robert
   A. Casero, Jr.
11 Characterization, Assay, and Substrate Specificity of 
   Plant Polyamine Oxidases ................................... 183
   Panagiotis N. Moschou and Kalliopi A. Roubelakis-
12 Assay of Deoxyhypusine Synthase Activity ................... 195
   Edith C. Wolff, Seung Bum Lee, and Myung Нее Park
13 Assay of Deoxyhypusine Hydroxylase Activity ................ 207
   Jong Hwan Park, Edith C. Wolff, and Myung Нее Park 

Part V  Regulation of Polyamine Content
14 Identification and Assay of Allosteric Regulators of 
   S-Adenosylmethionine Decarboxylase ......................... 219
   Erin K. Willert, Lisa N. Kinch, and Margaret A. Phillips
15 Protocols for Studying Antizyme Expression and Function .... 237
   Noriyuki Murai, Yasuko Murakami, and Senya Matsufuji
16 Identification, Assay, and Functional Analysis of the
   Antizyme Inhibitor Family .................................. 269
   Chaim Kahana
17 Posttranscriptional Regulation of Ornithine 
   Decarboxylase .............................................. 279
   Shannon L. Nowotarski, Sofia Origanti, and Lisa M.

Part VI Polyamine Transport and Uptake
18 Identification and Assays of Polyamine Transport Systems
   in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae ........... 295
   Keiko Kashiwagi and Kazuei Igarashi
19 Genetic and Biochemical Analysis of Protozoal Polyamine
   Transporters ............................................... 309
   Marie-Pierre Hasne and Buddy Ullman
20 Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan-Mediated Polyamine Uptake ..... 327
   Johanna Welch, Katrin Svensson, Paulina Kucharzewska,
   and Mattias Belting
21 Polyamine Transport Systems in Mammalian Cells and 
   Tissues .................................................... 339
   Takeshi Uemura and Eugene W. Gerner
22 Procedures to Evaluate the Importance of Dietary
   Polyamines ................................................. 349
   Paul Acheampong, Mary J. Macleod, and Heather 
   M. Wallace

Part VII Polyamines and Disease
23 Determination of N1,N12-Diacetylspermine in Urine: 
   A Novel Tumor Marker ....................................... 367
   Masao Kawakita, Kyoko Hiramatsu, Mari Yanagiya, Yosuke
   Doi, and Mieko Kosaka
24 Spermidine/Spermine-N1-Acetyltransferase in Kidney
   Ischemia Reperfusion Injury ................................ 379
   Kamyar Zahedi and Manoocher Soleimani
25 Use of Polyamine Metabolites as Markers for Stroke and
   Renal Failure .............................................. 395
   Kazuei Igarashi and Keiko Kashiwagi
26 Methods to Evaluate Alterations in Polyamine Metabolism
   Caused by Helicobacter pylori Infection .................... 409
   Alain P. Gobert, Rupesh Chaturvedi, and Keith T. Wilson
27 High-Resolution Capillary Gas Chromatography in
   Combination with Mass Spectrometry for Quantification 
   of Three Major Polyamines in Postmortem Brain Cortex ....... 427
   Gary Gang Chen, Laura M. Fiori, Orval A. Mamer, and 
   Gustavo Turecki
28 Spermine Synthase Deficiency Resulting in X-Linked 
   Intellectual Disability (Snyder-Robinson Syndrome) ......... 437
   Charles E. Schwartz, Xaiojing Wang, Roger E. Stevenson,
   and Anthony E. Pegg

Part VIII Chemistry and Analysis
29 Methylated Polyamines as Research Tools .................... 449
   Alex R. Khomutov, Janne Weisell, Maxim A. Khomutov,
   Nikolay A. Grigorenko, Alina R. Simonian, Merja R. 
   Häkkinen, Tuomo A. Keinänen, Mervi T. Hyvönen, Leena
   Alhonen, Sergey N. Kochetkov, and Jouko Vepsäläinen
30 Fluorescent Substrates for Polyamine Catabolic Enzymes
   and Transport .............................................. 463
   Koichi Takao and Akira Shirahata
31 Use of Polyamine Derivatives as Selective Histone
   Deacetylase Inhibitors ..................................... 475
   Patrick M. Woster
32 Measurement of Polyamine pK Values ......................... 493
   Ian S. Blagbrough, Abdelkader A. Metwally, and Andrew 
   J. Geall
33 Polyamine Analysis by LC-MS ................................ 505
   Merja R. Häkkinen

Index ......................................................... 519

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