Dynamics at solid state surfaces and interfaces; vol.2: Fundamentals (Weinheim, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDynamics at solid state surfaces and interfaces. Vol.2: Fundamentals / ed. by U.Bovensiepen, H.Petek, M.Wolf. - Weinheim, 2010. - xiii, 241 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.239-241. - ISBN 978-3-527-40924-2

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Оглавление / Contents
   Preface ...................................................... X
   List of Contributors ........................................ XI
   Colour Plates ............................................... XV
   (Aafter page 154)

1  The Electronic Structure of Solids ........................... 1
   Uwe Bovensiepen, Silke Biermann, and Luca Perfetti
   1.1  Single-Electron Approximation ........................... 2
        1.1.1  The Drude Model of the Free Electron Gas ......... 2
        1.1.2  The Electronic Band Structure: Metals,
               Insulators, and Semiconductors ................... 4
   1.2  From Bloch Theory to Band Structure Calculations ........ 6
          1.2.1  Bloch Theory ................................... 6
          1.2.2  The Tight Binding Approach to the Solid ........ 7
          1.2.3  Band Structure Calculations .................... 8
   1.3  Beyond the Band Picture ................................. 8
          1.3.1  Mott's Hydrogen Solid .......................... 9
          1.3.2  Mott Insulators in Nature ..................... 10
   1.4  Electronic Structure of Correlated Materials ........... 14
          1.4.1  The Hubbard Model ............................. 14
          1.4.2  Dynamical Mean Field Theory ................... 16
          1.4.3  Electronic Structure Calculations ............. 17
          1.4.4  Ordered States ................................ 18
          1.4.5  Cooperation Between Lattice Instabilities
                 and Electronic Correlations: The Example of
                 Vanadium Dioxide .............................. 21
   References .................................................. 23
2  Quasi-Particles and Collective Excitations .................. 27
   Evgueni V. Chulkov, Irina Sklyadneva, Mackillo Kira,
   Stephan W. Koch, Jose M. Pitarke, Leonid M. Sandratskii,
   Paweł Buczek, Kunie Ishioka, Jörg Schäfer, and Martin
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 27
   2.2  9uasi-Particles ........................................ 30
        2.2.1  Electrons and Holes ............................. 30
        2.2.2  Phonons ......................................... 31
       Adiabatic Approximation ................ 31
       Harmonie Approximation ................. 31
       Lattice Dynamics ....................... 32
       Phonons at Surfaces .................... 33
        2.2.3  Electron-Phonon Coupling in Metals .............. 34
        2.2.4  Excitons: Electron-Hole Pairs in Semiconductor
               Quantum Wells ................................... 38
       Microscopic Theory ..................... 39
       Excitonic Resonances and Populations ... 41
       Terahertz Spectroscopy of Exciton
                        Populations ............................ 43
       Excitonic Signatures in the
                        Photoluminescence ...................... 44
        2.2.5  Polarons: Electron-Phonon Coupling in Polar
               and Ionic Solids ................................ 46
   2.3  Collective Excitations ................................. 49
        2.3.1  Plasmons: Electron Density Oscillations ......... 49
       Surface Plasmons ....................... 51
       Acoustic Surface Plasmons .............. 52
        2.3.2  Magnons: Elementary Excitations in
               Ferromagnetic Materials ......................... 53
       Spin Waves in the Heisenberg Model ..... 54
       Itinerant Electrons .................... 57
       Conclusions ............................ 64
   2.4  Experimental Access to Quasi-Particle and Collective
        Excitations ............................................ 65
        2.4.1  Coherent Phonons ................................ 65
       Coherent Optical Phonons ............... 65
       Coherent Acoustic Phonons .............. 74
        2.4.2  High-Resolution Angle-Resolved Photoemission .... 78
       Photoemission Spectral Function of
                        Quasi-Particles ........................ 78
       Experimental Considerations for
                        Photoelectron Spectroscopy ............. 80
       Quasi-Particles from Electron-Phonon
                        Interaction ............................ 81
       Quasi-Particles from Electron-Magnon
                        Interaction ............................ 82
       Conclusions and Implications ........... 88
        2.4.3  Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy ........ 89
       Experiment ............................. 89
       Electron Lifetimes ..................... 91
       Electron-Phonon Coupling ............... 94
       Surface Exciton Formation .............. 97
       Magnon Emission ....................... 101
       Magnon-Phonon Interaction ............. 103
   2.5  Summary ............................................... 105
   References ................................................. 106
3  Surface States and Adsorbate-lnduced Electronic
   Structure .................................................. 115
   Thomas Fauster, Hrvoje Petek, and Martin Wolf
   3.1  Intrinsic Surface States .............................. 115
        3.1.1  Basic Concepts of Surface States ............... 115
        3.1.2  Scattering Model of Surface States ............. 116
   3.2  Crystal-Induced Surface States ........................ 119
        3.2.1  Tamm and Shockley Surface States ............... 119
        3.2.2  Dangling Bond States ........................... 120
   3.3  Barrier-Induced Surface States ........................ 121
        3.3.1  Image Potential States ......................... 121
        3.3.2  Quantum Well States ............................ 124
   3.4  Experimental Methods .................................. 125
        3.4.1  Photoemission .................................. 125
        3.4.2  Two-Photon Photoemission ....................... 128
        3.4.3  Scanning Tunneling Methods ..................... 133
   3.5  Adsorbate-Induced Electronic Structure ................ 135
        3.5.1  Bonding at Surfaces ............................ 135
        3.5.2  Energy-Level Alignment: Alkali-Metal
               Interfaces as a Model System ................... 138
        3.5.3  Electronic Band Structure: Chemisorbed and
               Physisorbed Adsorbates ......................... 147
   References ................................................. 151
4  Basic Theory of Heterogeneous Electron Transfer ............ 155
   Daniel Sanchez-Portal, Julia Stähler, and Xiaoyang Zhu
   4.1  Resonant Charge Transfer in Chemisorbed Systems ....... 155
        4.1.1  Anderson-Grimley-Newns Hamiltonian ............. 156
        4.1.2  Main Factors that Determine RCT Decay Rates .... 158
        4.1.3  Theoretical Approaches to Calculate RCT Rates
               in Realistic Systems ........................... 161
        4.1.4  Effect of the Adsorbate Motion ................. 163
   4.2  Electron Transfer in the Presence of Polar/
        Polarizable Media ..................................... 166
        4.2.1  Nonadiabatic (Outer Sphere) Electron
               Transfer ....................................... 167
       Continuum of Accepting States ......... 169
        4.2.2  Adiabicity and the Effect of Strong
               Electronic Coupling ............................ 170
        4.2.3  Intermediate Coupling and the Impact of
               Solvent Relaxation ............................. 171
       Classical Description and a Wide
                        Band Acceptor ......................... 174
   4.3  Transient Electronic Coupling: Crossover between
        Limiting Cases ........................................ 174
   4.4  Conclusions ........................................... 177
   References ................................................. 178
5  Electromagnetic Interactions with Solids ................... 181
   Ricardo Díez Muiño, Eugene E. Krasovskii, Wolfgang
   Schattke, Christoph Lienau, and Hrvoje Petek
   5.1  Dielectric Function of Metals ......................... 182
        5.1.1  Calculations of Dielectric Functions ........... 183
   5.2  Band Mapping of Solids by Photoemission Spectroscopy .. 186
        5.2.1  Nonlinear Photoemission as a Band Mapping Tool
               for Unoccupied States .......................... 189
   5.3  Optical Excitations in Metals ......................... 191
        5.3.1  Optical Response of Noble Metals ............... 193
        5.3.2  Interband Absorption ........................... 195
        5.3.3  Intraband Absorption ........................... 197
        5.3.4  Extended Drude Model ........................... 199
        5.3.5  Frequency-Dependent Scattering Rate ............ 201
        5.3.6  Surface Absorption ............................. 204
        5.3.7  Summary ........................................ 206
   5.4  Plasmonic Excitations at Surfaces and Nanostructures .. 206
        5.4.1  Drude Model for Optical Conductivity ........... 207
        5.4.2  Interaction of Light with a Planar Metallic
               Surface ........................................ 208
        5.4.3  Surface Plasmon Polariton Fields ............... 210
       Planar Interfaces ..................... 210
        5.4.4  Surface Plasmons in Nanostructured Metal
               Films .......................................... 215
       Spherical Nanoparticles ............... 215
       Elliptical Nanoparticles .............. 219
       Diffraction Gratings .................. 220
       Adiabatic Metallic Tapers ............. 224
        5.4.5  Exciton-Plasmon Coupling ....................... 227
        5.4.6  Summary ........................................ 230
   References ................................................. 231

   Index ...................................................... 239

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