Dissertationes mathematicae; 475 (Warszawa, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMinimal non-finitely based monoids / E.W.H.Lee, J.R.Li.; Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences. - Warszawa: Instytut matematyczny PAN, 2011. - iii, 65 p. - Ref.: p.63-65. - (Dissertationes mathematicae; 475) - ISSN 0012-3862

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 5
2  Preliminaries ................................................ 6
3  Proof of the main theorem .................................... 8
4  On Condition 4 .............................................. 10
5  On Condition 6 .............................................. 12
6  On Condition 8 .............................................. 15
7  On Condition 9 .............................................. 18
8  The monoid fig.1 ................................................ 23
9  The monoid fig.2 ................................................ 26
10 The monoids fig.1 and fig.4	 ........................................ 28
11 The monoid fig.5 ................................................ 30
12 The monoid fig.6 ................................................ 33
13 The monoid fig.7 ................................................ 37
14 The monoid fig.8 ................................................ 40
15 The monoids fig.9 and fig.10 ......................................... 42
A. Multiplication tables of monoids of order six ............... 47
References ..................................................... 63

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