Wagner-Nagy B. On the typology of negation in Ob-Uric and Samoyedic languages (Helsinki, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWagner-Nagy B. On the typology of negation in Ob-Uric and Samoyedic languages. - Helsinki: Société finno-ougrienne, 2011. - xvii, 336 p.: ill. - (Suomalais-ugrilaisen Seuran toimituksia = Mémoires de la Société finno-ougrienne; 262). - ISBN 978-952-5667-29-5; ISSN 0355-0230

Оглавление / Contents
Abbreviations ................................................ xiii
List of Tables and Figures ...................................... x
Preface ........................................................ xv

I Introduction

1  Characterization of the Languages Studied .................... 1
   1.1  Typical Typological Characteristics ..................... 4
   1.2  Sociolinguistic Data, Dialects .......................... 6
        1.2.1  Nenets ........................................... 6
        1.2.2  Enets ............................................ 7
        1.2.3  Nganasan ......................................... 9
        1.2.4  Selkup .......................................... 10
        1.2.5  Mator ........................................... 11
        1.2.6  Kamas ........................................... 12
        1.2.7  Khanty .......................................... 12
        1.2.8  Mansi ........................................... 14
2  Corpora and Transcription ................................... 16
   2.1  Transcription and Glossing ............................. 16
   2.2  The Corpus ............................................. 18
3  The Problem of Negation ..................................... 19
   3.1  The Concept of Negation ................................ 19
   3.2  The Main Types of Negated Sentences .................... 21
   3.3  The Negative Sentence and its Elements ................. 27
        3.3.1  Finite Elements ................................. 27
        3.3.2  Negative Markers ................................ 28
   3.4  Auxiliary Verb Construction ............................ 37
   3.5  Sentential Position of the Negative Element ............ 43
II  Standard Negation
1  On the Typology of Standard Negation ........................ 51
   1.1  Symmetric Construction ................................. 53
   1.2  Asymmetric Construction ................................ 54
2  On Standard Negation in Uralic Languages .................... 58
3  Standard Negation in Samoyedic and Ob-Ugric Languages ....... 64
   3.1  Symmetric Negation ..................................... 64
        3.1.1  Selkup .......................................... 65
       Position of the Negative Particle in
                        Selkup ................................. 70
        3.1.2  Kamas ........................................... 71
       Position of the Negative Particle in
                        Kamas .................................. 75
        3.1.3  Khanty .......................................... 75
       Position of the Negative Particle in
                        Khanty ................................. 77
        3.1.4  Mansi ........................................... 80
       Position of the Negative Particle in
                        Mansi .................................. 81
   3.2  Asymmetric Construction: A/Fin/NegVerb ................. 83
        3.2.1  Mator ........................................... 84
        3.2.2  Kamas ........................................... 86
        3.2.3  Nenets .......................................... 88
       Position of Negative Auxiliaries in
                        Nenets ................................. 94
       Inverse Word Order in Nenets ........... 95
        3.2.4  Enets ........................................... 96
       Inverse Word Order in Enets ........... 100
        3.2.5  Nganasan ....................................... 101
       Position of Negative Auxiliaries in
                        Nganasan .............................. 107
       Inverse Word Order in Nganasan ........ 108
        3.2.6  Selkup ......................................... 109
        3.2.7  Khanty ......................................... 111
        3.2.8  Mansi .......................................... 112
III  Negation with Semantically not Empty Negative Auxiliaries
1  Selkup ..................................................... 113
2  Nenets ..................................................... 116
3  Enets ...................................................... 119
4  Nganasan ................................................... 123
5  Khanty ..................................................... 127
IV Negation with Negative Lexical Verbs

1  Nenets ..................................................... 130
2  Nganasan ................................................... 131
3  Enets ...................................................... 135
VIII On the Typology of Negation in Ob-Ugric and Samoyedic 

V  Negation of Imperative

1  Negative Non-Indicative Constructions in Samoyedic and
   Ob-Ugric Languages ........................................ 144
   1.1  Symmetric Negation: Spec. Neg. Marker - Common
        Imperative Strategy (Type2) .......................... 144
        1.1.1  Selkup ........................................ 144
        1.1.2  Mansi ......................................... 147
        1.1.3  Khanty ........................................ 149
   1.2  Asymmetric Negation: Spec. Neg. Marker + Common
        Imperative Strategy (Type 2) ......................... 153
        1.2.1. Kamas ......................................... 153
   1.3  Asymmetric Negation: Spec. Neg. Marker + Special
        Imperative Strategy (Type 4) ......................... 157
        1.3.1  Tundra Nenets ................................. 157
        1.3.2  Enets ......................................... 160
   1.4  Asymmetric Negation: Stand. Neg. Marker + Common
        Strategy (Type 1) .................................... 164
        1.4.1. Nganasan ...................................... 164
   1.5  Asymmetric Negation: Stand. Neg. Marker + Special
        Strategy (Type 3) .................................... 166
        1.5.1. Forest Nenets ................................. 166

VI  Existential Sentences

1  Typology of Negated Existential Sentences ................. 176
2  Negated Existential Sentences in Samoyedic and Ob-Ugric
   Languages ................................................. 182
   2.1  Type В ............................................... 185
        2.1.1  Mator ......................................... 185
        2.1.2  Kamas ......................................... 186
        2.1.3  Nganasan ...................................... 187
   2.2  Type A ~ B ........................................... 195
        2.2.1  Nenets ........................................ 195
        2.2.2  Enets ......................................... 199
        2.2.3  Mansi ......................................... 202
        2.2.4  Khanty ........................................ 205
   2.3  Type В ~ С ........................................... 208
        2.3.1  Selkup ........................................ 208
VII  Predicate Possessive

1  Have-Possession ........................................... 213
2  Intransitive Construction ................................. 214
3  Typology of Possession Negation ........................... 219
4  Data of the Samoyedic and Ob-Ugric Languages .............. 221
   5.1  Type A2 .............................................. 222
        5.1.1  Kamas ......................................... 222
        5.1.2  Non-Northern Selkup Dialects .................. 223
   5.2  Type A3 .............................................. 225
        5.2.1  Northern Selkup ............................... 225
        5.2.2  Nenets ........................................ 228
        5.2.3  Enets ......................................... 237
   5.3  Type B1 .............................................. 241
        5.3.1  Khanty ........................................ 241
        5.3.2  Mansi ......................................... 246
   5.4  Type B2 .............................................. 250
        5.4.1  Nganasan ...................................... 250

VIII  Non-Verbal Predicate

1  Negation of Non-Verbal Predicate Constructions ............ 265
2  Data from Samoyedic and Ob-Ugric Languages ................ 273
   2.1  Two-Way Distinction .................................. 273
        2.1.1  Nenets ........................................ 273
        2.1.2  Enets ......................................... 280
        2.1.3  Selkup ........................................ 284
        2.1.4  Kamas ......................................... 289
        2.1.5  Eastern Khanty ................................ 291
   2.2  Three-Way Distinction ................................ 299
        2.2.1  Northern Khanty ............................... 299
        2.2.2  Northern Mansi ................................ 305
        2.2.3  Nganasan ...................................... 312

Summary ...................................................... 317

References ................................................... 321

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