Зарубежные журналы, доступные ГПНТБ СО РАН в 2009 году - [M]
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Зарубежные журналы, полные тексты которых доступны читателям ГПНТБ СО РАН
A | B | С | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
ACSAIPAMSAPSElsevierInstitute of PhysicsNatureOSAOxford
RSCSAGESPIESpringerTaylor & FrancisWileyWorld Scientific
(!) - в 2012 году ДОСТУПА НЕТ
Machine Learning (!) Springer-Kluwer
Machine Translation Springer-Kluwer
Machine Vision and Applications Springer-Kluwer
Machining Science and Technology: An International JournalTaylor & Francis
Macromolecular BioscienceWiley-Blackwell
Macromolecular Chemistry and PhysicsWiley-Blackwell
Macromolecular Materials & EngineeringWiley-Blackwell
Macromolecular Rapid CommunicationsWiley-Blackwell
Macromolecular Reaction EngineeringWiley-Blackwell
Macromolecular SymposiaWiley-Blackwell
Macromolecular Theory and SimulationsWiley-Blackwell
MacromoleculesAmerican Chemical Society
Magnetic Resonance ImagingElsevier
Magnetic Resonance in ChemistryWiley-Blackwell
Magnetic Resonance in MedicineWiley-Blackwell
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine Springer-Kluwer
Main Group ChemistryTaylor & Francis
Mammal ReviewWiley-Blackwell
Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift fur SaugetierkundeElsevier
Mammalian Genome Springer-Kluwer
Man and World Springer-Kluwer
Management & Organizational History SAGE Publications
Management Accounting ResearchElsevier
Management and Organization ReviewWiley-Blackwell
Management Communication Quarterly SAGE Publications
Management in Education SAGE Publications
Management International Review Springer-Kluwer
Management Learning SAGE Publications
Management Report For Nonunion OrganizationsWiley-Blackwell
Managerial & Decision EconomicsWiley-Blackwell
Managing LeisureTaylor & Francis
Manchester SchoolWiley-Blackwell
Mangroves and Salt Marshes Springer-Kluwer
Manual TherapyElsevier
Manuelle Medizin Springer-Kluwer
manuscripta mathematica Springer-Kluwer
Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research SAGE Publications
Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and PhysiologyTaylor & Francis
Marine and Petroleum GeologyElsevier
Marine Biodiversity Springer-Kluwer
Marine Biology ResearchTaylor & Francis
Marine Biology Springer-Kluwer
Marine Biotechnology Springer-Kluwer
Marine ChemistryElsevier
Marine EcologyWiley-Blackwell
Marine Environmental ResearchElsevier
Marine GenomicsElsevier
Marine GeodesyTaylor & Francis
Marine GeologyElsevier
Marine Geophysical Researches Springer-Kluwer
Marine Georesources & GeotechnologyTaylor & Francis
Marine Mammal ScienceWiley-Blackwell
Marine MicropaleontologyElsevier
Marine PolicyElsevier
Marine Pollution BulletinElsevier
Marine StructuresElsevier
Maritime Policy & Management: The flagship journal of international shipping and port researchTaylor & Francis
Mark Twain AnnualWiley-Blackwell
Marketing Letters Springer-Kluwer
Marketing Review St. Gallen Springer-Kluwer
Marketing Theory SAGE Publications
Marriage & Family ReviewTaylor & Francis
Mass Communication and SocietyTaylor & Francis
Mass Spectrometry ReviewsWiley-Blackwell
Materials & DesignElsevier
Materials and CorrosionWiley-Blackwell
Materials and Manufacturing ProcessesTaylor & Francis
Materials and Structures Springer-Kluwer
Materials and Structures Springer-Kluwer
Materials CharacterizationElsevier
Materials Chemistry and PhysicsElsevier
Materials LettersElsevier
Materials Research BulletinElsevier
Materials Research Innovations Springer-Kluwer
Materials Science and Engineering: AElsevier
Materials Science and Engineering: BElsevier
Materials Science and Engineering: CElsevier
Materials Science and Engineering: R: ReportsElsevier
Materials Science in Semiconductor ProcessingElsevier
Materials Science Springer-Kluwer
Materials TodayElsevier
Materialwissenschaft und WerkstofftechnikWiley-Blackwell
Maternal & Child NutritionWiley-Blackwell
Maternal and Child Health Journal Springer-Kluwer
Mathematica Slovaca Springer-Kluwer
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems: Methods, Tools and Applications in Engineering and Related SciencesTaylor & Francis
Mathematical and Computer ModellingElsevier
Mathematical BiosciencesElsevier
Mathematical FinanceWiley-Blackwell
Mathematical Geology Springer-Kluwer
Mathematical Geosciences Springer-Kluwer
Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA Oxford Journals
Mathematical Methods in the Applied SciencesWiley-Blackwell
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Springer-Kluwer
Mathematical Methods of Statistics Springer-Kluwer
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations Springer-Kluwer
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (!)World Scientific
Mathematical Notes Springer-Kluwer
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry Springer-Kluwer
Mathematical Population Studies: An International Journal of Mathematical DemographyTaylor & Francis
Mathematical Programming Springer-Kluwer
Mathematical Social SciencesElsevier
Mathematical Thinking and LearningTaylor & Francis
Mathematics and Computers in SimulationElsevier
Mathematics and Financial Economics Springer-Kluwer
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids SAGE Publications
Mathematics in Computer Science Springer-Kluwer
Mathematics of ComputationAmerican Mathematical Society
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS) Springer-Kluwer
Mathematics of the USSR-IzvestiyaInstitute of Physics
Mathematics of the USSR-SbornikInstitute of Physics
Mathematische Annalen Springer-Kluwer
Mathematische NachrichtenWiley-Blackwell
Mathematische Semesterberichte Springer-Kluwer
Mathematische Zeitschrift Springer-Kluwer
Matrix BiologyElsevier
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development SAGE Publications
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise ScienceTaylor & Francis
Measurement Science and TechnologyInstitute of Physics
Measurement Techniques Springer-Kluwer
Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research & PerspectiveTaylor & Francis
Meat ScienceElsevier
Meccanica Springer-Kluwer
Mechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingElsevier
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines: An International JournalTaylor & Francis
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and StructuresTaylor & Francis
Mechanics of Composite Materials Springer-Kluwer
Mechanics of MaterialsElsevier
Mechanics of Solids Springer-Kluwer
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials Springer-Kluwer
Mechanics Research CommunicationsElsevier
Mechanism and Machine TheoryElsevier
Mechanisms of Ageing and DevelopmentElsevier
Mechanisms of DevelopmentElsevier
Medecine & DroitElsevier
Medecine et Chirurgie du Pied Springer-Kluwer
Medecine et Maladies InfectieusesElsevier
Medecine NucleaireElsevier
Media HistoryTaylor & Francis
Media PsychologyTaylor & Francis
Media, Culture & Society SAGE Publications
Media, War & Conflict SAGE Publications
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing Springer-Kluwer
Medical and Surgical Dermatology Springer-Kluwer
Medical and Veterinary EntomologyWiley-Blackwell
Medical Anthropology QuarterlyWiley-Blackwell
Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and IllnessTaylor & Francis
Medical Care Research and Review SAGE Publications
Medical Decision Making SAGE Publications
Medical EducationWiley-Blackwell
Medical Electron Microscopy Springer-Kluwer
Medical Engineering & PhysicsElsevier
Medical HypothesesElsevier
Medical Image AnalysisElsevier
Medical Laser ApplicationElsevier
Medical Law Review Oxford Journals
Medical Microbiology and Immunology Springer-Kluwer
Medical Molecular Morphology Springer-Kluwer
Medical MycologyTaylor & Francis
Medical Oncology Springer-Kluwer
Medical Reference Services QuarterlyTaylor & Francis
Medical TeacherTaylor & Francis
Medicinal Chemistry Research Springer-Kluwer
Medicinal Research ReviewsWiley-Blackwell
Medicine Studies Springer-Kluwer
Medicine, Conflict and SurvivalTaylor & Francis
Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy Springer-Kluwer
Mediterranean Historical ReviewTaylor & Francis
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics Springer-Kluwer
Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism Springer-Kluwer
Mediterranean PoliticsTaylor & Francis
Medizinische Genetik Springer-Kluwer
Medizinische Klinik Springer-Kluwer
MedR Medizinrecht Springer-Kluwer
Membrane TechnologyElsevier
Memetic Computing Springer-Kluwer
memo - Magazine of European Medical Oncology Springer-Kluwer
Memory Studies SAGE Publications
MemoryTaylor & Francis
Men and Masculinities SAGE Publications
Mendeleev Communications (!)Royal Society of Chemistry
Mendeleev CommunicationsElsevier
Mental Health and Physical ActivityElsevier
Mental Health Services Research Springer-Kluwer
Mental Health WeeklyWiley-Blackwell
Mental Health, Religion & CultureTaylor & Francis
Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in LearningTaylor & Francis
Metabolic Brain Disease Springer-Kluwer
Metabolic EngineeringElsevier
Metabolomics Springer-Kluwer
Metacognition and Learning Springer-Kluwer
Metal FinishingElsevier
Metal Powder ReportElsevier
Metal Science and Heat Treatment Springer-Kluwer
Metallomics (!)Royal Society of Chemistry
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Springer-Kluwer
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Springer-Kluwer
Metallurgist Springer-Kluwer
Metals and Materials International Springer-Kluwer
Metaphor and SymbolTaylor & Francis
Metaphysica Springer-Kluwer
Metascience Springer-Kluwer
Meteorological ApplicationsWiley-Blackwell
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics Springer-Kluwer
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability Springer-Kluwer
Methods in Cell Science Springer-Kluwer
Metrika Springer-Kluwer
MetrologiaInstitute of Physics
MHR: Basic science of reproductive medicine Oxford Journals
Microbes and InfectionElsevier
Microbial BiotechnologyWiley-Blackwell
Microbial Ecology in Health and DiseaseTaylor & Francis
Microbial Ecology Springer-Kluwer
Microbial PathogenesisElsevier
Microbiological ResearchElsevier
Microbiology and ImmunologyWiley-Blackwell
Microbiology Springer-Kluwer
Microchemical JournalElsevier
Microchimica Acta Springer-Kluwer
MicrocirculationTaylor & Francis
Microelectronic EngineeringElsevier
Microelectronics JournalElsevier
Microelectronics ReliabilityElsevier
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Springer-Kluwer
Microgravity - Science and Technology Springer-Kluwer
Microporous and Mesoporous MaterialsElsevier
Microprocessors and MicrosystemsElsevier
Microscopy and Analysis AsiaWiley-Blackwell
Microscopy and Analysis EuropeWiley-Blackwell
Microscopy and Analysis UKWiley-Blackwell
Microscopy Research and TechniqueWiley-Blackwell
Microsystem Technologies Springer-Kluwer
Microvascular ResearchElsevier
Microwave and Optical Technology LettersWiley-Blackwell
Middle East CritiqueTaylor & Francis
Middle East Development Journal (!)World Scientific
Middle East PolicyWiley-Blackwell
Middle Eastern Literatures: incorporating EdebiyatTaylor & Francis
Middle Eastern StudiesTaylor & Francis
Midwest Studies In PhilosophyWiley-Blackwell
Mikrochemie Springer-Kluwer
Milan Journal of Mathematics Springer-Kluwer
Milbank QuarterlyWiley-Blackwell
Military PsychologyTaylor & Francis
Millennium - Journal of International Studies SAGE Publications
Milton QuarterlyWiley-Blackwell
Mind & LanguageWiley-Blackwell
Mind & Society Springer-Kluwer
Mind, Brain, and EducationWiley-Blackwell
Mind, Culture, and ActivityTaylor & Francis
Mind Oxford Journals
Minds and Machines Springer-Kluwer
Mine Water and the Environment Springer-Kluwer
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review: An International JournalTaylor & Francis
Mineral Resources Engineering (!)World Scientific
Mineralium Deposita Springer-Kluwer
Mineralogy and Petrology Springer-Kluwer
Minerals & Energy - Raw Materials ReportTaylor & Francis
Minerals EngineeringElsevier
Minerva Springer-Kluwer
Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied TechnologiesTaylor & Francis
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change Springer-Kluwer
Mitochondrial DNA: The Journal of DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and AnalysisTaylor & Francis
Mitteilungen aus dem Museum f?r Naturkunde in Berlin-Deutsche Entomologische ZeitschriftWiley-Blackwell
Mitteilungen aus dem Museum fuer Naturkunde in Berlin - Zoologische ReiheWiley-Blackwell
Mitteilungsblatt der Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker Springer-Kluwer
MLQ: Mathematical Logic QuarterlyWiley-Blackwell
Mobile Networks and Applications Springer-Kluwer
MobilitiesTaylor & Francis
MOCT-MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies Springer-Kluwer
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and EngineeringInstitute of Physics
Modern & Contemporary FranceTaylor & Francis
Modern China SAGE Publications
Modern ItalyTaylor & Francis
Modern Judaism - A Journal of Jewish Ideas and Experience Oxford Journals
Modern Language JournalWiley-Blackwell
Modern Law ReviewWiley-Blackwell
Modern Physics Letters A (!)World Scientific
Modern Physics Letters B (!)World Scientific
Modern Rheumatology Springer-Kluwer
Modern TheologyWiley-Blackwell
Molecular and Biochemical ParasitologyElsevier
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Springer-Kluwer
Molecular and Cellular EndocrinologyElsevier
Molecular and Cellular NeuroscienceElsevier
Molecular and Cellular ProbesElsevier
Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology Springer-Kluwer
Molecular and General Genetics MGG Springer-Kluwer
Molecular Aspects of MedicineElsevier
Molecular Biology and Evolution Oxford Journals
Molecular Biology Reports Springer-Kluwer
Molecular Biology Springer-Kluwer
Molecular BioSystems (!)Royal Society of Chemistry
Molecular Biotechnology Springer-Kluwer
Molecular Brain ResearchElsevier
Molecular Breeding Springer-Kluwer
Molecular CarcinogenesisWiley-Blackwell
Molecular CellElsevier
Molecular Crystals and Liquid CrystalsTaylor & Francis
Molecular Diversity Springer-Kluwer
Molecular Ecology ResourcesWiley-Blackwell
Molecular EcologyWiley-Blackwell
Molecular Engineering Springer-Kluwer
Molecular Genetics and Genomics Springer-Kluwer
Molecular Genetics and MetabolismElsevier
Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology Springer-Kluwer
Molecular Imaging and Biology Springer-Kluwer
Molecular ImmunologyElsevier
Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology Springer-Kluwer
Molecular Membrane BiologyTaylor & Francis
Molecular MicrobiologyWiley-Blackwell
Molecular Neurobiology Springer-Kluwer
Molecular Nutrition & Food ResearchWiley-Blackwell
Molecular OncologyElsevier
Molecular PharmaceuticsAmerican Chemical Society
Molecular Phylogenetics and EvolutionElsevier
Molecular Physics: An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and PhysicsTaylor & Francis
Molecular Plant PathologyWiley-Blackwell
Molecular Plant Oxford Journals
Molecular Reproduction & DevelopmentWiley-Blackwell
Molecular SimulationTaylor & Francis
Molecules and Cells Springer-Kluwer
Molecules Online Springer-Kluwer
Molecules Springer-Kluwer
Monatshefte fur Chemie / Chemical Monthly Springer-Kluwer
Monatshefte fur Mathematik Springer-Kluwer
Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde Springer-Kluwer
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child DevelopmentWiley-Blackwell
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: LettersWiley-Blackwell
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyWiley-Blackwell
Morphology Springer-Kluwer
Mortality: Promoting the interdisciplinary study of death and dyingTaylor & Francis
Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin Springer-Kluwer
Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin Springer-Kluwer
Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Springer-Kluwer
Moscow University Geology Bulletin Springer-Kluwer
Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin Springer-Kluwer
Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin Springer-Kluwer
Moscow University Physics Bulletin Springer-Kluwer
Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin Springer-Kluwer
Motivation and Emotion Springer-Kluwer
Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: A Journal of Personalized and Translational MedicineWiley-Blackwell
Movement DisordersWiley-Blackwell
Multibody System Dynamics Springer-Kluwer
Multicultural PerspectivesTaylor & Francis
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing Springer-Kluwer
Multimedia Systems Springer-Kluwer
Multimedia Tools and Applications Springer-Kluwer
Multiple Sclerosis SAGE Publications
Multivariate Behavioral ResearchTaylor & Francis
Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie Springer-Kluwer
Muscle and NerveWiley-Blackwell
Musculoskeletal CareWiley-Blackwell
Musculoskeletal Surgery Springer-Kluwer
Museum AnthropologyWiley-Blackwell
Museum International (Edition fran?aise)Wiley-Blackwell
Museum InternationalWiley-Blackwell
Museum Management and CuratorshipTaylor & Francis
Music AnalysisWiley-Blackwell
Music and Letters Oxford Journals
Music and Medicine SAGE Publications
Music Education ResearchTaylor & Francis
Music Educators Journal SAGE Publications
Music Reference Services QuarterlyTaylor & Francis
Mutagenesis Oxford Journals
Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of MutagenesisElsevier
Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental MutagenesisElsevier
Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation ResearchElsevier
Mycological Progress Springer-Kluwer
Mycological ResearchElsevier
Mycopathologia Springer-Kluwer
Mycorrhiza Springer-Kluwer
Mycoscience Springer-Kluwer
Mycotoxin Research Springer-Kluwer

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