Зарубежные журналы, доступные ГПНТБ СО РАН в 2009 году - [E]
Зарубежные журналы '2009 
Доступ к БД online | Указатель журналов '2005  
Зарубежные журналы, полные тексты которых доступны читателям ГПНТБ СО РАН
A | B | С | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
ACSAIPAMSAPSElsevierInstitute of PhysicsNatureOSAOxford
RSCSAGESPIESpringerTaylor & FrancisWileyWorld Scientific
(!) - в 2012 году ДОСТУПА НЕТ
e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (!) Springer-Kluwer
Early Childhood Education Journal Springer-Kluwer
Early Childhood Research QuarterlyElsevier
Early Human DevelopmentElsevier
Early Intervention in PsychiatryWiley-Blackwell
Early Medieval EuropeWiley-Blackwell
Early Music Oxford Journals
Earth and Planetary Science LettersElsevier
Earth Science FrontiersElsevier
Earth Science Informatics Springer-Kluwer
Earth Surface Processes and LandformsWiley-Blackwell
Earth, Moon, and Planets Springer-Kluwer
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration Springer-Kluwer
Earthquake Engineering and Structural DynamicsWiley-Blackwell
Earthquake Science Springer-Kluwer
Earth-Science ReviewsElsevier
East Asia Springer-Kluwer
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal Springer-Kluwer
East European Politics & Societies SAGE Publications
Eating BehaviorsElsevier
EAU Update SeriesElsevier
EAU-EBU Update SeriesElsevier
Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae Springer-Kluwer
EcoHealth Springer-Kluwer
Ecological ComplexityElsevier
Ecological EconomicsElsevier
Ecological EngineeringElsevier
Ecological EntomologyWiley-Blackwell
Ecological IndicatorsElsevier
Ecological InformaticsElsevier
Ecological Management & RestorationWiley-Blackwell
Ecological ModellingElsevier
Ecological Research Springer-Kluwer
Ecology LettersWiley-Blackwell
Ecology of Freshwater FishWiley-Blackwell
Econometrics JournalWiley-Blackwell
Economic AffairsWiley-Blackwell
Economic and Industrial Democracy SAGE Publications
Economic Botany Springer-Kluwer
Economic Bulletin Springer-Kluwer
Economic Change and Restructuring Springer-Kluwer
Economic Development Quarterly SAGE Publications
Economic GeographyWiley-Blackwell
Economic History ReviewWiley-Blackwell
Economic InquiryWiley-Blackwell
Economic JournalWiley-Blackwell
Economic ModellingElsevier
Economic NotesWiley-Blackwell
Economic OutlookWiley-Blackwell
Economic PolicyWiley-Blackwell
Economic RecordWiley-Blackwell
Economic SystemsElsevier
Economic Theory Springer-Kluwer
Economics & Human BiologyElsevier
Economics & PoliticsWiley-Blackwell
Economics LettersElsevier
Economics of Education ReviewElsevier
Economics of Governance Springer-Kluwer
Economics of Planning Springer-Kluwer
Economics of TransitionWiley-Blackwell
Ecosystems Springer-Kluwer
Ecotoxicology and Environmental SafetyElsevier
Ecotoxicology Springer-Kluwer
Education and Information Technologies Springer-Kluwer
Education and Urban Society SAGE Publications
Education for Chemical EngineersElsevier
Education, Citizenship and Social Justice SAGE Publications
Educational Administration Quarterly SAGE Publications
Educational and Psychological Measurement SAGE Publications
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability Springer-Kluwer
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis SAGE Publications
Educational Management Administration & LeadershipSAGE Publications
Educational Measurement: Issues and PracticeWiley-Blackwell
Educational Philosophy and TheoryWiley-Blackwell
Educational Policy SAGE Publications
Educational Psychology Review Springer-Kluwer
Educational Research for Policy and Practice Springer-Kluwer
Educational Research ReviewElsevier
Educational Researcher SAGE Publications
Educational Studies in Mathematics Springer-Kluwer
Educational Technology Research and Development Springer-Kluwer
Educational TheoryWiley-Blackwell
EJVES ExtraElsevier
Electoral StudiesElsevier
Electric Power Systems ResearchElsevier
Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur Elektrotechnik) Springer-Kluwer
Electrical Engineering in JapanWiley-Blackwell
Electrochemistry CommunicationsElsevier
Electrochimica ActaElsevier
Electronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsElsevier
Electronic Commerce Research Springer-Kluwer
Electronic Markets Springer-Kluwer
Electronic Notes in Discrete MathematicsElsevier
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer ScienceElsevier
Electronics & Communications in JapanWiley-Blackwell
Elemente der Mathematik Springer-Kluwer
ELT Journal Oxford Journals
EMBO Molecular MedicineWiley-Blackwell
EMC - Anesthesie-ReanimationElsevier
EMC - Cardiologie-AngeiologieElsevier
EMC - ChirurgieElsevier
EMC - DentisterieElsevier
EMC - Dermatologie-CosmetologieElsevier
EMC - EndocrinologieElsevier
EMC - Gynecologie-ObstetriqueElsevier
EMC - HematologieElsevier
EMC - Hepato-GastroenterologieElsevier
EMC - HepatologieElsevier
EMC - KinesitherapieElsevier
EMC - Maladies InfectieusesElsevier
EMC - MedecineElsevier
EMC - NephrologieElsevier
EMC - NeurologieElsevier
EMC - OdontologieElsevier
EMC - OphtalmologieElsevier
EMC - Oto-rhino-laryngologieElsevier
EMC - PediatrieElsevier
EMC - PneumologieElsevier
EMC - PodologieElsevier
EMC - Podologie-KinesitherapieElsevier
EMC - PsychiatrieElsevier
EMC - RadiologieElsevier
EMC - Rhumatologie-OrthopedieElsevier
EMC - StomatologieElsevier
EMC - Toxicologie-PathologieElsevier
EMC - VeterinaireElsevier
Emergency Medicine AustralasiaWiley-Blackwell
Emergency Radiology Springer-Kluwer
Emerging Markets ReviewElsevier
Emotion Review SAGE Publications
Emotion, Space and SocietyElsevier
Empirica Springer-Kluwer
Empirical Economics Springer-Kluwer
Empirical Software Engineering Springer-Kluwer
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal Springer-Kluwer
Employment Relations TodayWiley-Blackwell
Endocrine Pathology Springer-Kluwer
Endocrine ResearchTaylor & Francis
Endocrine Springer-Kluwer
Endodontic TopicsWiley-Blackwell
Endothelium: Journal of Endothelial Cell ResearchTaylor & Francis
Energy & Environmental Science (!)Royal Society of Chemistry
Energy and BuildingsElsevier
Energy & FuelsAmerican Chemical Society
Energy Conversion and ManagementElsevier
Energy EconomicsElsevier
Energy Efficiency Springer-Kluwer
Energy EngineeringTaylor & Francis
Energy for Sustainable DevelopmentElsevier
Energy PolicyElsevier
Energy ProcediaElsevier
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental EffectsTaylor & Francis
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and PolicyTaylor & Francis
Engineering Analysis with Boundary ElementsElsevier
Engineering Applications of Artificial IntelligenceElsevier
Engineering Failure AnalysisElsevier
Engineering Fracture MechanicsElsevier
Engineering GeologyElsevier
Engineering in Life SciencesWiley-Blackwell
Engineering OptimizationTaylor & Francis
Engineering Sciences Springer-Kluwer
Engineering StructuresElsevier
Engineering with Computers Springer-Kluwer
English Academy Review: Southern African Journal of English StudiesTaylor & Francis
English for Specific PurposesElsevier
English in EducationWiley-Blackwell
English Literary RenaissanceWiley-Blackwell
English Studies in AfricaTaylor & Francis
English StudiesTaylor & Francis
English: Journal of the English Association Oxford Journals
Enrollment Management ReportWiley-Blackwell
Enterprise & Society: The International Journal of Business History Oxford Journals
Enterprise Information SystemsTaylor & Francis
Entomologia Experimentalis et ApplicataWiley-Blackwell
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata Springer-Kluwer
Entomological ResearchWiley-Blackwell
Entomological Review Springer-Kluwer
Entomological ScienceWiley-Blackwell
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development: An International JournalTaylor & Francis
Entrepreneurship Theory and PracticeWiley-Blackwell
Environment and Behavior SAGE Publications
Environment and Urbanization SAGE Publications
Environment InternationalElsevier
Environment, Development and Sustainability Springer-Kluwer
Environmental and Ecological Statistics Springer-Kluwer
Environmental and Experimental BotanyElsevier
Environmental and Molecular MutagenesisWiley-Blackwell
Environmental and Resource Economics Springer-Kluwer
Environmental BioindicatorsTaylor & Francis
Environmental Biology of Fishes Springer-Kluwer
Environmental Chemistry Letters Springer-Kluwer
Environmental Claims JournalTaylor & Francis
Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and CultureTaylor & Francis
Environmental Earth Sciences Springer-Kluwer
Environmental Education ResearchTaylor & Francis
Environmental Engineering and Policy Springer-Kluwer
Environmental Fluid Mechanics Springer-Kluwer
Environmental ForensicsTaylor & Francis
Environmental Geochemistry and Health Springer-Kluwer
Environmental Geology Springer-Kluwer
Environmental HazardsElsevier
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine Springer-Kluwer
Environmental Impact Assessment ReviewElsevier
Environmental Management Springer-Kluwer
Environmental Microbiology ReportsWiley-Blackwell
Environmental MicrobiologyWiley-Blackwell
Environmental Modeling and Assessment Springer-Kluwer
Environmental Modelling & SoftwareElsevier
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Springer-Kluwer
Environmental Policy and Governance: Incorporating European EnvironmentWiley-Blackwell
Environmental PoliticsTaylor & Francis
Environmental Pollution Series A, Ecological and BiologicalElsevier
Environmental Pollution Series B, Chemical and PhysicalElsevier
Environmental PollutionElsevier
Environmental Progress & Sustainable EnergyWiley-Blackwell
Environmental Quality ManagementWiley-Blackwell
Environmental Research LettersInstitute of Physics
Environmental ResearchElsevier
Environmental Science & PolicyElsevier
Environmental Science & TechnologyAmerican Chemical Society
Environmental Science and Pollution Research Springer-Kluwer
Environmental Toxicology and PharmacologyElsevier
Environmental ToxicologyWiley-Blackwell
Enzyme and Microbial TechnologyElsevier
EP Europace Oxford Journals
Epidemiologic Reviews Oxford Journals
Epilepsy & BehaviorElsevier
Epilepsy CurrentsWiley-Blackwell
Epilepsy ResearchElsevier
EPJ direct Springer-Kluwer
EPL (Europhysics Letters) (!)Institute of Physics
EPPO BulletinWiley-Blackwell
Equity & Excellence in EducationTaylor & Francis
ERA-Forum Springer-Kluwer
ErgonomicsTaylor & Francis
Erkenntnis Springer-Kluwer
Ernahrung - Wissenschaft und Praxis Springer-Kluwer
Erwerbs-Obstbau Springer-Kluwer
ESHRE Monographs Oxford Journals
Esophagus Springer-Kluwer
e-SPEN, the European e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and MetabolismElsevier
Essays in Criticism Oxford Journals
Estuaries and Coasts Springer-Kluwer
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf ScienceElsevier
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice Springer-Kluwer
Ethics & BehaviorTaylor & Francis
Ethics & International AffairsWiley-Blackwell
Ethics and EducationTaylor & Francis
Ethics and Information Technology Springer-Kluwer
Ethics and Social WelfareTaylor & Francis
Ethics, Place & Environment: A Journal of Philosophy & GeographyTaylor & Francis
Ethik in der Medizin Springer-Kluwer
Ethnic and Racial StudiesTaylor & Francis
Ethnicities SAGE Publications
Ethnicity & HealthTaylor & Francis
Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference ProceedingsWiley-Blackwell
Ethnography SAGE Publications
Ethnography and EducationTaylor & Francis
Ethnomusicology ForumTaylor & Francis
Ethnopolitics: Formerly Global Review of EthnopoliticsTaylor & Francis
Ethnos: Journal of AnthropologyTaylor & Francis
Euphytica Springer-Kluwer
Eurasian Soil Science Springer-Kluwer
Euro III-Vs ReviewElsevier
Europaisches Journal fur Minderheitenfragen Springer-Kluwer
European Accounting ReviewTaylor & Francis
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Springer-Kluwer
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience Springer-Kluwer
European Biophysics Journal Springer-Kluwer
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Springer-Kluwer
European Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Springer-Kluwer
European Demographic Information Bulletin Springer-Kluwer
European Diabetes NursingWiley-Blackwell
European Early Childhood Education Research JournalTaylor & Francis
European Eating Disorders ReviewWiley-Blackwell
European Economic ReviewElsevier
European Financial ManagementWiley-Blackwell
European Food Research and Technology Springer-Kluwer
European Heart Journal Supplements Oxford Journals
European Heart Journal Oxford Journals
European History Quarterly SAGE Publications
European Journal for Education Law and Policy Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Ageing Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of AgronomyElsevier
European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Applied Physiology Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Archaeology SAGE Publications
European Journal of Cancer CareWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Cancer SupplementsElsevier
European Journal of CancerElsevier
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery SupplementsElsevier
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic SurgeryElsevier
European Journal of Cardiovascular NursingElsevier
European Journal of Cell BiologyElsevier
European Journal of Clinical InvestigationWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Cognitive PsychologyTaylor & Francis
European Journal of CombinatoricsElsevier
European Journal of Communication SAGE Publications
European Journal of Criminology SAGE Publications
European Journal of Cultural Studies SAGE Publications
European Journal of Dental EducationWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Developmental PsychologyTaylor & Francis
European Journal of Echocardiography Oxford Journals
European Journal of EducationWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Engineering EducationTaylor & Francis
European Journal of English StudiesTaylor & Francis
European Journal of Epidemiology Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Forest Research Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of HaematologyWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Heart Failure Supplements Oxford Journals
European Journal of Heart Failure Oxford Journals
European Journal of Housing PolicyTaylor & Francis
European Journal of ImmunologyWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Industrial Relations SAGE Publications
European Journal of Inorganic ChemistryWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Integrative MedicineElsevier
European Journal of Internal MedicineElsevier
European Journal of International Law Oxford Journals
European Journal of International Relations SAGE Publications
European Journal of Law and Economics Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Legal EducationTaylor & Francis
European Journal of Lipid Science and TechnologyWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Mechanics - A/SolidsElsevier
European Journal of Mechanics - B/FluidsElsevier
European Journal of Medical GeneticsElsevier
European Journal of Medicinal ChemistryElsevier
European Journal of NeurologyWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of NeuroscienceWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Nutrition Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive BiologyElsevier
European Journal of Oncology NursingElsevier
European Journal of Operational ResearchElsevier
European Journal of Oral SciencesWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Organic ChemistryWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Paediatric NeurologyElsevier
European Journal of Pain SupplementsElsevier
European Journal of PainElsevier
European Journal of Pediatrics Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of PersonalityWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Pharmaceutical SciencesElsevier
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and BiopharmaceuticsElsevier
European Journal of PharmacologyElsevier
European Journal of PhilosophyWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of PhycologyTaylor & Francis
European Journal of PhysicsInstitute of Physics
European Journal of Plant Pathology Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Plastic Surgery Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Political EconomyElsevier
European Journal of Political ResearchWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Political Research Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Political Theory SAGE Publications
European Journal of Population/Revue europeenne de Demographie Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of ProtistologyElsevier
European Journal of Psychotherapy & CounsellingTaylor & Francis
European Journal of RadiographyElsevier
European Journal of Radiology ExtraElsevier
European Journal of RadiologyElsevier
European Journal of Social PsychologyWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Social Theory SAGE Publications
European Journal of Social WorkTaylor & Francis
European Journal of Soil BiologyElsevier
European Journal of Soil ScienceWiley-Blackwell
European Journal of Special Needs EducationTaylor & Francis
European Journal of Sport ScienceTaylor & Francis
European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO)Elsevier
European Journal of Teacher EducationTaylor & Francis
European Journal of Trauma Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of UltrasoundElsevier
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryElsevier
European Journal of Wildlife Research Springer-Kluwer
European Journal of Women's Studies SAGE Publications
European Journal of Work and Organizational PsychologyTaylor & Francis
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research Springer-Kluwer
European Law JournalWiley-Blackwell
European Management JournalElsevier
European NeuropsychopharmacologyElsevier
European Physical Education Review SAGE Publications
European Planning StudiesTaylor & Francis
European Polymer JournalElsevier
European PsychiatryElsevier
European Radiology Supplements Springer-Kluwer
European Radiology Springer-Kluwer
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity Springer-Kluwer
European Review of Agricultural Economics Oxford Journals
European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoireTaylor & Francis
European Review of Social PsychologyTaylor & Francis
European Romantic ReviewTaylor & Francis
European SecurityTaylor & Francis
European SocietiesTaylor & Francis
European Sociological Review Oxford Journals
European Spine Journal Springer-Kluwer
European Sport Management QuarterlyTaylor & Francis
European Surgery Springer-Kluwer
European Transactions on Electrical PowerWiley-Blackwell
European Transactions on TelecommunicationsWiley-Blackwell
European Transport Research Review Springer-Kluwer
European Union Politics SAGE Publications
European Urban and Regional Studies SAGE Publications
European Urology SupplementsElsevier
European UrologyElsevier
European View Springer-Kluwer
Europe-Asia StudiesTaylor & Francis
Europhysics News Springer-Kluwer
Evaluation & Research in EducationTaylor & Francis
Evaluation & the Health Professions SAGE Publications
Evaluation SAGE Publications
Evaluation and Program PlanningElsevier
Evaluation Review SAGE Publications
Evidence-based Cardiovascular MedicineElsevier
Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review JournalWiley-Blackwell
Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and InterventionTaylor & Francis
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Oxford Journals
Evidence-based Healthcare and Public HealthElsevier
Evidence-based HealthcareElsevier
Evidence-based Obstetrics & GynecologyElsevier
Evolution & DevelopmentWiley-Blackwell
Evolution and Human BehaviorElsevier
Evolution: Education and Outreach Springer-Kluwer
Evolutionary AnthropologyWiley-Blackwell
Evolutionary ApplicationsWiley-Blackwell
Evolutionary Biology Springer-Kluwer
Evolutionary Ecology Springer-Kluwer
Evolutionary Intelligence Springer-Kluwer
Exceptionality: A Special Education JournalTaylor & Francis
Exergy, An International JournalElsevier
Experimental Aging Research: An International Journal Devoted to the Scientific Study of the Aging ProcessTaylor & Francis
Experimental and Applied Acarology Springer-Kluwer
Experimental and Molecular PathologyElsevier
Experimental and Toxicologic PathologyElsevier
Experimental Astronomy Springer-Kluwer
Experimental Biology Online Springer-Kluwer
Experimental Brain Research Springer-Kluwer
Experimental Cell ResearchElsevier
Experimental DermatologyWiley-Blackwell
Experimental Economics Springer-Kluwer
Experimental Eye ResearchElsevier
Experimental GerontologyElsevier
Experimental Heat TransferTaylor & Francis
Experimental HematologyElsevier
Experimental Lung ResearchTaylor & Francis
Experimental Mechanics Springer-Kluwer
Experimental NeurologyElsevier
Experimental ParasitologyElsevier
Experimental PhysiologyWiley-Blackwell
Experimental TechniquesWiley-Blackwell
Experimental Thermal and Fluid ScienceElsevier
Experiments in Fluids Springer-Kluwer
Expert Evidence Springer-Kluwer
Expert Systems with ApplicationsElsevier
Expert SystemsWiley-Blackwell
Explorations in Economic HistoryElsevier
EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and HealingElsevier
Expositiones MathematicaeElsevier
Extremes Springer-Kluwer
Extremophiles Springer-Kluwer

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