Adsorption: progress in fundamental and application research (Singapore, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAdsorption: progress in fundamental and application research: selected reports at the 4th Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology, Tianjin, China, 22 - 26 may 2006 / ed. by Zhou L. - Singapore: World Scientific, 2007. - 281 p. - ISBN-10 981-277-025-9; ISBN-13 978-981-277-025-7

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ........................................................ v

Part A: General ................................................. 1

Adsorption kinetics: theory, applications and recent
progress ........................................................ 3
    D.M. Ruthven

Pressure swing adsorption technology for hydrogen
purification - a status review ................................. 29
    S. Sircar

New nanoporous adsorbents ...................................... 46
    A. Kondo, Y. Tao, H. Noguchi, S. Utsumi, L. Song,
    T. Ohba, H. Tanaka, Y. Hattori, T. Itoh, H. Kanoh,
    C.M. Yang, M. Yudasaka, S. Iijima, K. Kaneko

Experimental methods for single and multi-component gas
adsorption equilibria .......................................... 57
    J.U. Keller, N. Iossifova, W. Zirnmermann, F. Dreisbach,
    R. Staudt

Experimental determination of heat effects that accompany
sorption equilibrium processes ................................. 72
    M. Bülow

Supercritical adsorption mechanism and its impact to
application studies ........................................... 112
    L. Zhou, Y. Sun, W. Su, Y.P. Zhou

Part B: Fundamental ........................................... 127

Structural modeling of porous carbons using a hybrid reverse
Monte Carlo method ............................................ 129
    S.K. Jain, R.J.-M. Pellenq, K.E. Gubbins

Controlling selectivity via molecular assembling in confined
spaces: alkanes-alkenes - aromatics in FAU zeolites ........... 138
    J.F. Denayer, I. Dacms, G.V. Baron, Ph. Leflaive,
    A. Methivier

A new methodology in the use of super-critical adsorption
data to determine the micropore size distribution ............. 154
    D.D. Do, H.D. Do, G. Birkett

Adsorption studies of cage-like and channel-like ordered
mesoporous organosilicas with vinyl and mercaptopropyl
surface groups ................................................ 175
    M. Jaroniec, R.M. Grudzien

Adsorption studies of SB A-15 mesoporous silica with
ureidopropyl surface groups ................................... 189
    B.E. Grabicka, D.J. Knobloch, R.M. Grudzien, M. Jaroniec

Effect of porosity and functionality of activated carbon in
adsorption .................................................... 199
    F. Rodríguez-Reinoso

Phase behavior of simple fluids confined in coordination
nanospace ..................................................... 206
    M. Miyahara, T. Kaneko

Equilibrium theory-based design of SMBs for a generalized
Langmuir isotherm ............................................. 213
    M. Mazzotti

Non-equilibrium dynamic adsorption and desorption isotherms
of CO2 on a K-promoted HTIc ................................... 221
    S.P. Reynolds, A.D. Ebner, J.A. Ritter

Optimisation of adsorptive storage: thermodynamic analysis
and simulation ................................................ 228
    S.K. Bhatia, A.L. Myers

Part C: Application ........................................... 237

Desulfurization of fuels by selective adsorption for
ultra-clean fuels ............................................. 239
    Y.-S. Bae, J.-M. Kwon, C.-H. Lee

Large scale CO separation by VPSA using CuCl/zeolite
adsorbent ..................................................... 245
    Y.C. Xie, J. Zhang, Y. Geng, W. Tang, X.Z. Tong

The ZLC method for diffusion measurements ..................... 253
    S. Brandani

Chiral separation of propranolol hydrochloride by SMB
process integrated with crystallization ....................... 263
    X. Wang, Y. Liu, C.B. Ching

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