1. An Introduction to Kala Uyuni and the Taraco Peninsula Polity
Matthew S. Bandy and Christine A. Hastorf ................. 1
2. Radiocarbon Dating
William T. Whitehead ..................................... 13
3. Excavations in the AQ (Ayrampu Qontu) Sector
Maria Bruno .............................................. 19
4. Excavations in the KU (Kala Uyuni) Sector
Jose Luis Paz and Maria Soledad Fernandez ................ 25
5. Additional Excavations in the KU Sector - N894 / E639
Maria Bruno and Mary Leighton ............................ 35
6. Excavations in the AC (Achachi Coa Kkollu) Sector
Amanda Cohen and Andrew Roddick .......................... 41
7. Ceramic Analysis
Lee Steadman ............................................. 67
8. Integrated Contextual Approaches to Understanding Past
Activities Using Plant and Animal Remains from Kala Uyuni
Katherine Moore, Maria Bruno, Jose Capriles, and
Christine Hastorf........................................ 113
9. Kala Uyuni and the Titicaca Basin Formative
Matthew S. Bandy ........................................ 135
Matthew S. Bandy and Christine A. Hastorf ............... 155