Interfacial phenomena: equilibrium and dynamic effects (Boca Raton, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаInterfacial phenomena: equilibrium and dynamic effects / ed. by Miller C.A., Neogi P. - 2nd ed. - Boca Raton, Fl.; London: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2008. - 501 p. - (Surfactant science series; Vol. 139). - ISBN 1-42004-442-7

Оглавление / Contents
Preface to Second Edition Authors

Chapter 1  Fundamentals of Interfacial Tension .................. 1
1.  Introduction to Interfacial Phenomena ....................... 1
2.  Interfacial Tension: Qualitative Considerations ............. 3
3.  Interfacial Tension: Thermodynamic Approach ................. 6
      Example 1.1 Vapor Pressure of a Drop ..................... 13
      Solution ................................................. 13
4.  Interfacial Tension: Mechanical Approach ................... 14
      Example 1.2 Locating the Dividing Surface ................ 17
      Solution ................................................. 18
5.  Density and Concentration Profiles ......................... 19
6.  Equilibrium Shapes of Fluid Interfaces ..................... 22
      Example 1.3 Dimensions of a Sessile Drop ................. 25
      Solution ................................................. 25
      Example 1.4 Shape of a Soap Film between Parallel
        Rings .................................................. 27
      Solution ................................................. 28
7.  Methods of Measuring Interfacial Tension ................... 29
      Example 1.5 Capillary Rise in Air-Water and Oil-Water
        Systems ................................................ 36
      Solution ................................................. 36
8.  Surface Tension of Binary Mixtures ......................... 36
      Example 1.6 Surface Tension of Ideal Binary Solutions .... 39
      Solution	40
      Example 1.7 Surface Tension of Regular Solutions 
        (Defay et al., 1966) ................................... 40
      Solution ................................................. 40
9.  Surfactants ................................................ 40
10. Solid-Fluid Interfaces ..................................... 42
References ..................................................... 46
      General Texts on Interfacial Phenomena ................... 46
      Text References .......................................... 46
Problems ....................................................... 48

Chapter 2  Fundamentals of Wetting, Contact Angle, and
           Adsorption .......................................... 61
1.  Introduction ............................................... 61
2.  Young's Equation ........................................... 61
3.  Work of Adhesion and Work of Cohesion ...................... 65
4.  Phenomenological Theories of Equilibrium Contact Angles .... 68
5.  Acid-Base Interaction ...................................... 74
6.  Contact Angle Hysteresis ................................... 77
      6.1 Impurities on the Surface  ........................... 78
      6.2 Effect of Adsorption ................................. 80
      6.3 Surface Roughness .................................... 82
7.  Adsorption ................................................. 85
      7.1 Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm ......................... 87
      7.2 The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller Isotherm .................. 87
8.  Density Profiles in Liquid Films on Solids ................. 90
9.  Characterizing Solid Surfaces .............................. 92
References ..................................................... 94
      General References ....................................... 94
      Text References .......................................... 94
Problems ....................................................... 98

Chapter 3  Colloidal Dispersions .............................. 109
1.  Introduction .............................................. 109
2.  Attractive Forces ......................................... 110
3.  Electrical Interaction .................................... 118
4.  Colloids of All Shapes and Sizes .......................... 128
5.  Combined Attractive and Electrical Interaction: DLVO
      Theory .................................................. 132
6.  Effect of Polymer Molecules on the Stability of
      Colloidal Dispersions ................................... 139
7.  Kinetics of Coagulation ................................... 149
References .................................................... 156
      General References ...................................... 156
      Text References ......................................... 156
Problems ...................................................... 160

Chapter 4  Surfactants ........................................ 165
1.  Introduction .............................................. 165
2.  Micelle Formation ......................................... 166
      Example 4.1 Estimation of Micelle Aggregation Number
        and CMC ............................................... 176
      Solution ................................................ 177
      Example 4.2 CMC of Nonionics ............................ 178
      Solution ................................................ 178
3.  Variation of CMC for Pure Surfactants and Surfactant
      Mixtures ................................................ 180
4.  Other Phases Involving Surfactants ........................ 182
      Example 4.3 Cylindrical Micelles ........................ 187
      Solution ................................................ 187
5.  Formation of Complexes between Surfactants and Polymers ... 191
6.  Surface Films of Insoluble Substrates ..................... 197
7.  Solubilization and Microemulsions ......................... 202
8.  Phase Behavior and Interfacial Tension for
      Oil-Water-Surfactant Systems ............................ 206
9.  Effect of Composition Changes ............................. 210
      Example 4.4 Effect of Composition and Temperature on
        Optimal Salinity ...................................... 213
      Solution ................................................ 213
10. Thermodynamics of Microemulsions .......................... 214
11. Applications of Surfactants: Emulsions .................... 218
12. Applications of Surfactants: Detergency ................... 223
13. Chemical Reactions in Micellar Solutions and
      Microemulsions .......................................... 227
References .................................................... 230
      General References on Surfactants and Their Behavior .... 230
      Text References ......................................... 230
Problems ...................................................... 240

Chapter 5  Interfaces in Motion: Stability and Wave Motion .... 247
1.  Background ................................................ 247
2.  Linear Analysis of Interfacial Stability .................. 248
      2.1 Differential Equations .............................. 248
      2.2 Boundary Conditions ................................. 253
      2.3 Stability Condition and Wave Motion for Superposed
        Fluids ................................................ 257
      Example 5.1  Characteristics of Wave Motion for
        Free Interfaces ....................................... 262
      Solution ................................................ 262
3.  Damping of Capillary Wave Motion by Insoluble
      Surfactants ............................................. 262
      Example 5.2 Characteristics of Wave Motion for
        Inextensible Interfaces ............................... 268
      Solution ................................................ 268
4.  Instability of Fluid Cylinders or Jets .................... 268
5.  Oscillating Jet ........................................... 272
      Example 5.3 Surface Tension of Oscillating Jets ......... 274
      Solution ................................................ 274
6.  Stability and Wave Motion of Thin Liquid Films: Foams
      and Wettability ......................................... 274
      Example 5.4 Stability of a Liquid Film .................. 285
      Solution ................................................ 285
7.  Energy and Force Methods for Thermodynamic Stability
      of Interfaces ........................................... 286
      Example 5.5 Energy Method for Stability of Superposed
        Fluids ................................................ 288
      Solution ................................................ 288
8.  Interfacial Stability for Fluids in Motion:
      Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability ............................ 289
      Example 5.6 Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability for Air-Water
        System ................................................ 292
      Solution ................................................ 292
      Example 5.7 Peak Heat Flux .............................. 292
      Solution ................................................ 294
9.  Waves on a Falling Liquid Film ............................ 294
      Example 5.8 Wave Motion on Falling Water Film ........... 298
      Solution ................................................ 298
References .................................................... 298
      General References on Interfacial Stability and
        Wave Motion ........................................... 298
      Text References ......................................... 299
Problems ...................................................... 301

Chapter 6  Transport Effects on Interfacial Phenomena ......... 307
1.  Interfacial Tension Variation ............................. 307
2.  Interfacial Species Mass Balance and Energy Balance ....... 307
3.  Interfacial Instability for a Liquid Heated from Below
      or Cooled from Above .................................... 310
      Example 6.1 Conditions for Development of Marangoni
        Instability ........................................... 319
      Solution ................................................ 319
4.  Interfacial Instability during Mass Transfer .............. 320
5.  Other Phenomena Influenced by Marangoni Flow .............. 326
6.  Nonequilibrium Interfacial Tensions ....................... 328
7.  Effect of Surfactant Transport on Wave Motion ............. 335
8.  Stability of Moving Interfaces with Phase
      Transformation .......................................... 339
      Example 6.2 Characteristics of Interfacial Instability
        during Solidification ................................. 344
      Solution ................................................ 345
9.  Stability of Moving Interfaces with Chemical Reaction ..... 345
10. Intermediate Phase Formation .............................. 349
11. Transport-Related Spontaneous Emulsification .............. 355
12. Interfacial Mass Transfer Resistance ...................... 360
13. Other Interfacial Phenomena Involving Dispersed Phase
    Formation ................................................. 366
References .................................................... 369
    General References on Phenomena Involving Transport near
      Interfaces .............................................. 369
    Text References ........................................... 370
Problems ...................................................... 377

Chapter 7  Dynamic Interfaces ................................. 385
1.  Introduction .............................................. 385
2.  Surfaces .................................................. 386
      Example 7.1 ............................................. 389
3.  Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics ........................ 390
4.  Flow Past a Droplet ....................................... 394
5.  Asymptotic Analysis ....................................... 397
6.  Dip Coating ............................................... 401
7.  Spherical Drop Revisited .................................. 407
8.  Surface Rheology .......................................... 410
9.  Drainage of Thin Liquid Films ............................. 414
10.  Dynamic Contact Lines .................................... 420
       Example 7.2 ............................................ 423
11.  Slip ..................................................... 423
12.  Thin and Ultrathin Films ................................. 432
References .................................................... 434
     General References ....................................... 434
     Text References .......................................... 434
Problems ...................................................... 439

Chapter 8  Size, Shape, Structure, Diffusivity, and Mass
           Transfer ........................................... 453
1.  Introduction .............................................. 453
2.  Probing with Light ........................................ 453
3.  More Light ................................................ 463
4.  Diffraction ............................................... 466
5.  Diffusion ................................................. 473
6.  Dynamic Light Scattering .................................. 477
7.  NMR Self-Diffusion Coefficient ............................ 484
References .................................................... 491
    General References ........................................ 491
    Text References ........................................... 491
Problems ...................................................... 493
Index ......................................................... 495

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