INTRODUCTION .................................................... 1
FRONT END FUEL CYCLE STRATEGIES (Session 1) .................... 15
Key Issue Paper of Working Group 1: Uranium demand and supply
up to 2050 (Paper 1.1) ......................................... 17
J. McMurray, D.B. Beattie, A. Boitsov, G. Capus
Uranium market secondary supplies: Availability and appraisal
of market impact (Paper 1.2) ................................... 59
G. Capus
World nuclear capacity projections up to 2050 (Paper 1.3) ...... 89
Kee-Yung Nam, H.H. Rogner
Uranium production capability in the CIS countries
(Paper 1.4).................................................... 115
A.V. Boitsov
Uranium production capability: North America, Australia,
Asia and Africa (Paper 1.5) ................................... 131
D.B. Beattie
Uranium market in the context of exploration and production
activities (Paper 1.6) ........................................ 165
T.C. Pool
Worldwide uranium exploration and mining: Status and related
challenges (Paper 1.7) ........................................ 183
P. Heeroma
Uranium supply and production scenarios in Kazakhstan
(Paper 1.8) ................................................... 193
M. Dzhakishev, D.N. Parfenov
Thorium and unconventional uranium resources (Paper 1.9) ...... 199
F.H. Barthel
Impact of emerging environmental constraints on uranium supply
(Paper 1.10) .................................................. 217
M.B. Wittrup, E.S. Ritchie
BACK END FUEL CYCLE STRATEGIES (Session 2) .................... 245
Key Issue Paper of Working Group 2:
Fissile material management strategies for sustainable nuclear
energy: Back end fuel cycle options (Paper 2.1)................ 247
H. Bairiot, M. Dunn, K. Fukuda, F.M. Killar, Won Il Ко,
E. Kudryavtsev, K. Ochiai, J. -M. Sire
Modelling for nuclear material flows in the nuclear fuel cycle
(Paper 2.2) ................................................... 325
M. Ceyhan
Forecast of fissile material inventories in the back end of the
nuclear fuel cycle (Paper 2.3) ................................ 357
K. Fukuda, M. Ceyhan
International database of spent fuel inventories and management
(Paper 2.4) ................................................... 375
Jae-Sol Lee
The economics of reprocessing versus direct disposal of spent
nuclear fuel (Paper 2.5) ...................................... 391
M. Bunn, J.P. Holdren, S. Fetter, B. van der Zwaan
The benefit of reprocessing/recycling for sustainable nuclear
energy: The French view (Paper 2.6) ........................... 433
E. Proust, M. Debes, J. -M. Sire
Separated plutonium management (Paper 2.7) .................... 449
M.J. Dunn, H. Bairiot
Reprocessed uranium issues (Paper 2.8) ........................ 469
H. Bairiot, K. Fukuda
Long term storage and disposal: Competing or complementary
strategies for management of radioactive waste? (Paper 2.9) ... 489
J. Rowat
Waste management aspects of various fuel cycle options
(Paper 2.10) .................................................. 503
R.A. Wigeland, Т.Н. Bauer, E.E. Morris
Advanced fuel cycle studies at the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
(Paper 2.11) .................................................. 525
T. Haapalehto, Kwang-Seok Lee
Technical and economic driving factors for advanced fuel
cycledesigns industrially applicable by 2030 (Paper 2.12) ..... 531
K. Hesketh
Status and prospects of innovative nuclear fuel cycle technology
(Paper 2.13) .................................................. 543
C. Ganguly
The DUPIC technology contribution to fissile management
(Paper 2.14) .................................................. 577
Won Il Ко, Но Dong Kim, Myung Seung Yang
FUTURE FUEL CYCLE TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS (Session 3) .............. 597
Key Issue Paper of Working Group 3: Sustainable nuclear energy
development beyond 2050: Cross-cutting issues (Paper 3.1) ..... 599
L. Koch, A.V. Bychkov, M. Delpech, C. Ganguly, T. Ogawa,
Т.Е. Shea, A. Vasile
The eternally open uranium fuel cycle (Paper 3.2) ............. 617
Т.Е. Shea, M.D. Zentner
Partitioning of fissile and radiotoxic materials from spent fuel:
An overview (Paper 3.3) ....................................... 639
A.V. Bychkov
Transmutation of radionuclides (Paper 3.4) .................... 669
T. Ogawa, K. Minato
Potential contributions of fast reactor cycle technologies to
TRU element management in Japan (Paper 3.5) ................... 695
K. Sato
Potential contribution of fast reactors and new reactor concepts
to fissile materials and MA management (Paper 3.6) ............ 727
M. Delpech, C. Garzenne, A. Vasile, D. Greneche
Core safety features of advanced fuel cycles (Paper 3.7) ...... 759
A. Vasile, G Rimpault, M. Vanier
The thorium fuel cycle (Paper 3.8) ............................ 769
С. Ganguly
Impact of the technology of the MSBR concept on long lived
radiotoxicity and proliferation resistance (Paper 3.9) ........ 805
C. Le Brun, L. Mathieu, D. Heuer, A. Nuttin
Technical barriers for proliferation resistance in management
of nuclear material(Paper 3.10) ............................... 827
M. Saito
Present and future safeguards (Paper 3.11) .................... 845
A.C.F. Hadfield
LIST OF AUTHORS AND PARTICIPANTS .............................. 861