Lynch A.H. Applied atmospheric dynamics (N.-Y., 2006). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLynch A.H. Applied atmospheric dynamics / Lynch A.H., Cassano J.J. - N.-Y.: Wiley, 2006. - 280 p. - ISBN 0-470-86173-8

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix

Part I.   Anatomy of a cyclone .................................. 1

1.  Anatomy of a cyclone ........................................ 3
    1.1.  A 'typical' extra-tropical cyclone .................... 3
    1.2.  Describing the atmosphere ............................. 4
    1.3.  Air masses and fronts ................................. 9
    1.4.  The structure of a typical extra-tropical cyclone .... 14
          Review questions ..................................... 20

2.  Mathematical methods in fluid dynamics ..................... 23
    2.1.  Scalars and vectors .................................. 23
    2.2.  The algebra of vectors ............................... 23
    2.3.  Scalar and vector fields ............................. 27
    2.4.  Coordinate systems on the Earth ...................... 27
    2.5.  Gradients of vectors ................................. 28
    2.6.  Line and surface integrals ........................... 31
    2.7.  Eulerian and Lagrangian frames of reference .......... 34
    2.8.  Advection ............................................ 35
          Review questions ..................................... 38

3.  Properties of fluids ....................................... 41
    3.1.  Solids, liquids, and gases ........................... 41
    3.2.  Thermodynamic properties of air ...................... 42
    3.3.  Composition of the atmosphere ........................ 43
    3.4.  Static stability ..................................... 46
    3.5.  The continuum hypothesis ............................. 50
    3.6.  Practical assumptions ................................ 50
    3.7.  Continuity equation .................................. 51
          Review questions ..................................... 53

4.  Fundamental forces ......................................... 57
    4.1.  Newton's second law: F = ma .......................... 57
    4.2.  Body, surface, and line forces ....................... 57
    4.3.  Forces in an inertial reference frame ................ 58
    4.4.  Forces in a rotating reference frame ................. 66
    4.5.  The Navier-Stokes equations .......................... 72
          Review questions ..................................... 74

5.  Scale analysis ............................................. 79
    5.1.  Dimensional homogeneity .............................. 79
    5.2.  Scales ............................................... 80
    5.3.  Non-dimensional parameters ........................... 80
    5.4.  Scale analysis ....................................... 84
    5.5.  The geostrophic approximation ........................ 87
          Review questions ..................................... 91

6.  Simple steady motion ....................................... 93
    6.1.  Natural coordinate system ............................ 93
    6.2.  Balanced flow ........................................ 95
    6.3.  The Boussinesq approximation ........................ 104
    6.4.  The thermal wind .................................... 105
    6.5.  Departures from balance ............................. 108
          Review questions .................................... 114

7.  Circulation and vorticity ................................. 119
    7.1.  Circulation ......................................... 119
    7.2.  Vorticity ........................................... 124
    7.3.  Conservation of potential vorticity ................. 126
    7.4.  An introduction to the vorticity equation ........... 130
          Review questions .................................... 132

8.  Simple wave motions ....................................... 135
    8.1.  Properties of waves ................................. 135
    8.2.  Perturbation analysis ............................... 138
    8.3.  Planetary waves ..................................... 140
          Review questions .................................... 147

9.  Extra-tropical weather systems ............................ 149
    9.1.  Fronts .............................................. 149
    9.2.  Frontal cyclones .................................... 152
    9.3.  Baroclinic instability .............................. 161
          Review questions .................................... 162

Part II.  Atmospheric phenomena ............................... 165

10. Boundary layers ........................................... 167
    10.1. Turbulence .......................................... 168
    10.2. Reynolds decomposition .............................. 169
    10.3. Generation of turbulence ............................ 172
    10.4. Closure assumptions ................................. 173
          Review questions .................................... 181

11. Clouds and severe weather ................................. 183
    11.1. Moist processes in the atmosphere ................... 183
    11.2. Air mass thunderstorms .............................. 191
    11.3. Multi-cell thunderstorms ............................ 193
    11.4. Supercell thunderstorms and tornadoes ............... 194
    11.5. Mesoscale convective systems ........................ 196
          Review questions .................................... 197

12. Tropical weather .......................................... 199
    12.1. Scales of motion .................................... 199
    12.2. Atmospheric oscillations ............................ 203
    12.3. Tropical cyclones ................................... 205
          Review questions .................................... 208

13. Mountain weather .......................................... 209
    13.1. Internal gravity waves .............................. 209
    13.2. Flow over mountains ................................. 217
    13.3. Downslope windstorms ................................ 226
          Review questions .................................... 230

14. Polar weather ............................................. 233
    14.1. Katabatic winds ..................................... 233
    14.2. Barrier winds ....................................... 242
    14.3. Polar lows .......................................... 247
          Review questions .................................... 249

15. Epilogue: the general circulation ......................... 251
    15.1. Fueled by the Sun ................................... 251
    15.2. Radiative-convective equilibrium .................... 253
    15.3. The zonal mean circulation .......................... 254
    15.4. The angular momentum budget ......................... 259
    15.5. The energy cycle .................................... 261

Appendix A - symbols .......................................... 265

Appendix В - constants and units .............................. 271

Bibliography .................................................. 273
Index ......................................................... 277

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