Cell culture technology for pharmaceutical and cell-based therapies (Boca Raton, 2006). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCell culture technology for pharmaceutical and cell-based therapies / ed. by Ozturk S.S., Hu W.-H. - Boca Raton; London: Taylor & Francis, 2006. - 755 p.(Biotechnology and bioprocessing series; 30). - ISBN 0-8247-5334-8

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... iii
Contributors ................................................... xi

1.  Cell Culture Technology — An Overview ....................... 1
       Sadettin S. Ozturk
    Introduction ................................................ 1
    A Brief History of Cell Culture Technology .................. 2
    Products from Cell Culture Technology ....................... 6
    Future Prospects ........................................... 11
    References ................................................. 13

2.  Recombinant DNA Technology and Cell Line Development ....... 15
       Amy Y. Shen, Jana Van de Goor, Lisa Zheng, Arthur
       E. Reyes, and Lynne A. Krummen
    Cell Line Development Overview ............................. 15
    Cell Source and Host Cell Line Selection ................... 17
    Vectors for Expression in Mammalian Cells .................. 19
    High Efficiency Selection of Stable Cell Lines ............. 22
    Transfection: Introduction of Plasmid DNA into Mammalian
    Cells ...................................................... 27
    Amplification of Transfected Sequences to Enhance
    Production ................................................. 28
    Screening and Development of Production Cell Lines ......... 29
    Genetic Engineering of Host Cell Lines to Improve
    Production Characteristics ................................. 33
    Conclusions ................................................ 34
    References ................................................. 35

3.  Medium Development ......................................... 41
       A. Burgener and M. Butler
    Introduction ............................................... 41
    Culture Media .............................................. 42
    Serum-Free Media ........................................... 54
    Growth Factors ............................................. 60
    Lipids ..................................................... 63
    Carrier Proteins ........................................... 64
    ECM Proteins ............................................... 64
    Choice of Supplements for Serum-Free Media Formulations .... 65
    Production of Biologically Active Substances
    by Serum-Free Cultures ..................................... 67
    Protein-Free Media ......................................... 68
    Strategies for the Development of Serum-Free Media ......... 69
    Future Prospects ........................................... 73
    References ................................................. 73

4.  Cell Metabolism ............................................ 81
       Francesc Godia and Jordi Joan Cairo Introduction ........ 81
    Carbon and Energy Source Metabolism ........................ 82
    The Role of Oxygen and C02 in Mammalian Cell Metabolism ... 100
    The Main Metabolic End Products and Their Effects:
    Ammonium and Lactate ...................................... 102
    Redistribution of Cell Metabolism: Toward a More
    Efficient Cell Behavior in Culture ........................ 103
    Conclusion ................................................ 106
    References ................................................ 106

5.  Protein Glycosylation ..................................... 113
       Sarah W. Harcum
    Introduction .............................................. 113
    Biological Function and Therapeutic Significance .......... 114
    Structures and Conformations of Oligosaccharides .......... 115
    Intracellular Biosynthesis ................................ 118
    Glycosylation Potential of Various Expression Systems ..... 122
    Environmental Effects on Recombinant Therapeutic
    Glycoproteins ............................................. 126
    Glycosylation Analysis .................................... 132
    Conclusions ............................................... 145
    References ................................................ 145

6.  Cell Culture Bioreactors .................................. 155
       Christel Fenge and Elke Lüllau
    Introduction .............................................. 155
    Bioreactors for Suspension Cell Cultures .................. 156
    Bioreactors for Anchorage-Dependent Cell Cultures ......... 174
    Bioreactor Operation Modes ................................ 185
    Selection and Design of Bioreactors ....................... 190
    Conclusion ................................................ 196
    References ................................................ 197

7.  Aeration, Mixing and Hydrodynamics in Bioreactors ......... 225
       Ningning Ma, Mike Mollet, and Jeffrey J. Chalmers
    Introduction .............................................. 225
    Aeration for Cell Culture Bioreactors ..................... 226
    Mixing and Shear Stress ................................... 235
    References ................................................ 242

8.  Instrumentation and Process Control ....................... 249
       Mark Riley
    Introduction .............................................. 249
    Monitoring and Control of Cell Environment ................ 254
    Aseptic Sampling .......................................... 275
    Estimation of Rates and Metabolic Ratios from Online
    Measurements .............................................. 276
    Application of Online Monitoring of the Cell
    Environment ............................................... 281
    Summary ................................................... 289
    References ................................................ 289

9.  Cell Culture Kinetics and Modeling ........................ 299
       An-Ping Zeng and Jing-xiu Bi
    Introduction .............................................. 299
    Kinetic Characterization of Cell Culture .................. 300
    Influences of Environmental and Physiological Conditions
    and Rate Equations ........................................ 311
    Models for Simulation of Cell Culture ..................... 331
    Concluding Remarks ........................................ 337
    References ................................................ 338

10. Fed-Batch Cultivation of Mammalian Cells for the
    Production of Recombinant Proteins ........................ 349
       Liangzhi Xie and Weichang Zhou
    Introduction .............................................. 349
    Cell Metabolism ........................................... 351
    Design of Culture Media and Feeding Solutions ............. 357
    Monitoring of Critical Process Parameters ................. 362
    Dynamic Nutrient Feeding Strategies ....................... 365
    Examples of Fed-Batch Cultures ............................ 366
    Conclusion ................................................ 377
    References ................................................ 378

11. Optimization of High Cell Density Perfusion
    Bioreactors ............................................... 387
       Dhinakar S. Kompala and Sadettin S. Ozturk
    Introduction .... 387
    Cell Retention Systems .................................... 389
    Control and Operation of Perfusion Bioreactors ............ 404
    Optimization of Perfusion Bioreactors ..................... 406
    Conclusions ............................................... 410
    References ................................................ 411

12. Cell Separation and Product Capture ....................... 417
       Thomas Seewoester
    Introduction .............................................. 417
    Removal of Cells and Cell Debris .......................... 417
    Product Capture and Primary Purification .................. 424
    Conclusions ............................................... 430
    References ................................................ 431

13. Downstream Processing ..................................... 439
       Ron Bates
    Introduction .............................................. 439
    Purity Requirements for Biological Purification
    Processes ................................................. 440
    Potential Product Contaminants Derived from Animal Cell
    Culture Processes .... 440
    General Principles for the Selection and Sequence of
    Downstream Processing Steps ............................... 442
    Initial Product Conditioning .............................. 445
    Conventional Chromatographic Methods ...................... 452
    Nonconventional Chromatographic Methods ................... 468
    Design of Purification Protocols .......................... 469
    Scale-Up Strategies for Chromatographic Purification
    of Biologies .............................................. 472
    References ................................................ 473

14. Formulation, Filling and Packaging ........................ 483
       M. E. M. Cromwell
    Introduction .............................................. 483
    Degradation/Inactivation .................................. 484
    Formulation Development ................................... 493
    Drug Delivery ............................................. 505
    Stability Studies ......................................... 509
    Methodology for Assessing Protein Stability ............... 510
    Filling, Finishing and Packaging .......................... 515
    Future Prospects .......................................... 517
    References ................................................ 517

15. Validation of Cell Culture-Based Processes and
    Qualification of Associated Equipment and Facility ........ 523
       Chandra M. Dwivedi
    Introduction .............................................. 523
    Approach and Rationale .................................... 524
    Process Development ....................................... 526
    Validation of the Manufacturing Processes and Associated
    Equipment Qualification ................................... 538
    Manufacturing Plant Qualification ......................... 546
    Summary ................................................... 550
    References ................................................ 550

16. Facility Design ........................................... 553
       Kim Nelson
    Introduction .............................................. 553
    GMP and Regulatory Considerations ......................... 553
    Process Technologies and Functional Area Requirements
    Design and Operational Paradigms .......................... 574
    Equipment and Sterile Piping Design ....................... 594
    Process Utility Systems ................................... 599
    References ................................................ 602

17. Production of Proteins by Transient Expression ............ 605
       Alain R. Bernard
    Introduction .............................................. 605
    Stable vs. Transient Expression ........................... 606
    Cell Hosts ................................................ 606
    Vectors for Transient Expression .......................... 608
    Plasmid DNA-Mediated Expression ........................... 612
    Virus-Mediated Expression ................................. 617
    Conclusions ............................................... 621
    References ................................................ 621

18. Principles and Applications of the Insect 
    Cell-Baculovirus Expression Vector System ................. 627
       Laura A. Palomares, Sandino Estrada-Mondaca, and
       Octavio T. Ramirez
    Introduction .............................................. 627
    Insect Cell Lines ......................................... 628
    Baculovirus ............................................... 635
    Insect Cell Culture ....................................... 642
    Bioengineering Issues in Insect Cell Culture .............. 648
    Posttranslational Modifications ........................... 658
    Larval Production and Stable Expression Systems ........... 665
    Products and Applications of IC-BEVS ...................... 669
    References ................................................ 676

19. Advances in Adult Stem Cell Culture ....................... 693
       E. S. Tzanakakis and C. M. Verfaillie
    Introduction .............................................. 693
    Somatic Stem Cells ........................................ 693
    Adult Stem Cell Culture ................................... 698
    Quality Control in Adult Stem Cell Culture ................ 702
    Phenotypic Characterization During in Vitro
    Differentiation of Stem Cells ............................. 704
    Large-Scale Stem Cell Culture Systems ..................... 704
    Recent Issues in Adult Stem Cell Research ................. 708
    Potential Therapeutic Applications ........................ 710
    References ................................................ 713

20. Ex Vivo Culture of Hematopoietic and Mesenchymal Stem
    Cells for Tissue Engineering and Cell-Based Therapies ..... 723
       A. Mantalaris and J.H.D. Wu
    Introduction .............................................. 723
    Hematopoiesis and Bone Marrow ............................. 723
    Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cell Assays ................. 725
    Conclusions ............................................... 736
    References ................................................ 736

Index ......................................................... 745

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