Rothenberg G. Catalysis: concepts and green applications (Weinheim, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Выставка новых поступлений  |  Поступления иностранных книг в библиотеки СО РАН : 2003 | 2006 |2008
ОбложкаRothenberg G. Catalysis: concepts and green applications. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2008. - 279 p. - ISBN-13 978-352-73182-7

Место хранения: 054 | Международный томографический центр CO РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... XIII

1. Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1. Green Chemistry and Sustainable Development ............. 1
        1.1.1. What is "Green Chemistry"? ....................... 2
        1.1.2. Quantifying Environmental Impact: Efficiency,
               E-factors, Atom Economy .......................... 4
        1.1.3. Just How "Green" is this Process? ................ 6
        1.1.4. Product and Process Life-Cycle Assessment
               (LCA) ............................................ 9
   1.2. What is Catalysis and Why is it Important? ............. 10
        1.2.1. Homogeneous Catalysis, Heterogeneous
               Catalysis, and Biocatalysis ..................... 12
        1.2.2. Replacing Stoichiometric Reactions with
               Catalytic Cycles ................................ 19
        1.2.3. Industrial Example: The BHC Ibuprofen Process ... 22
   1.3. Tools in Catalysis Research ............................ 23
        1.3.1. Catalyst Synthesis and Testing Tools ............ 24
        1.3.2. Catalyst Characterization Tools ................. 26
        1.3.3. Tools for Modeling/Mechanistic Studies .......... 28
   1.4. Further Reading ........................................ 29
   1.5. Exercises .............................................. 31
        References ............................................. 35

2. The Basics of Catalysis ..................................... 39
   2.1. Catalysis is a Kinetic Phenomenon ...................... 39
        2.1.1. Reaction Rates, Reaction Orders, Rate
               Equations, and Rate-Determining Steps ........... 40
      The Reaction Order ..................... 42
      The Rate-Determining Step .............. 43
        2.1.2. The Reaction Profile and the Reaction
               Coordinate ...................................... 44
        2.1.3. Zero-Order, First-Order, and Second-Order
               Kinetics ........................................ 46
      Zero-Order Rate Equations .............. 46
      First-Order Rate Equations ............. 47
      Second-Order Rate Equations ............ 48
        2.1.4. Langmuir-Hinshelwood Kinetics ................... 49
        2.1.5. The Steady-State Approximation .................. 52
        2.1.6. Michaelis-Menten Kinetics ....................... 54
        2.1.7. Consecutive and Parallel First-Order
               Reactions ....................................... 56
        2.1.8. Pre-Equilibrium, "Catalyst Reservoirs,"
               and Catalyst Precursors ......................... 58
   2.2. Practical Approaches in Kinetic Studies ................ 60
        2.2.1. Initial Reaction Rates and Concentration
               Effects ......................................... 61
      Concentration Effects .................. 62
        2.2.2. Creating Pseudo Order Conditions ................ 62
        2.2.3. What You See versus What You Get ................ 63
        2.2.4. Learning from Stoichiometric Experiments ........ 64
   2.3. An Overview of Some Basic Concepts in Catalysis ........ 64
        2.3.1. Catalyst/Substrate Interactions and
               Sabatier's Principle ............................ 65
        2.3.2. Catalyst Deactivation, Sintering, and Thermal
               Degradation ..................................... 66
      Catalyst Deactivation .................. 66
      Catalyst Sintering and Thermal
                        Degradation ............................ 66
        2.3.3. Catalyst Inhibition ............................. 68
      Catalyst Poisoning ..................... 69
   2.4. Exercises .............................................. 69
        References ............................................. 73

3. Homogeneous Catalysis ....................................... 77
   3.1. Metal Complex Catalysis in the Liquid Phase ............ 77
        3.1.1. Elementary Steps in Homogeneous Catalysis ....... 78
      Ligand Exchange: Dissociation and
                        Coordination ........................... 79
      Oxidative Addition ..................... 81
      Reductive Elimination .................. 83
      Insertion and Migration ................ 84
      De-insertion and P-Elimination ......... 85
      Nucleophilic Attack on a Coordinated
                        Substrate .............................. 85
      Other Reaction Types ................... 86
        3.1.2. Structure/Activity Relationships in
               Homogeneous Catalysis ........................... 88
      Steric Effects: Ligand Size,
                        Flexibility, and Symmetry .............. 88
      Electronic Effects of Ligands,
                        Substrates, and Solvents ............... 92
        3.1.3. Asymmetric Homogeneous Catalysis ................ 93
        3.1.4. Industrial Examples ............................. 96
      The Shell Higher Olefins Process
                        (SHOP) ................................. 97
      The Wacker Oxidation Process ........... 99
      The Du Pont Synthesis of
                        Adiponitrile .......................... 100
      The Ciba-Geigy Metolachlor Process .... 102
   3.2. Homogeneous Catalysis without Metals .................. 104
        3.2.1. Classic Acid/Base Catalysis .................... 104
        3.2.2. Organocatalysis ................................ 105
   3.3. Scaling up Homogeneous Reactions: Pros and Cons ....... 108
        3.3.1. Catalyst Recovery and Recycling ................ 108
        3.3.2. Hybrid Catalysts: Bridging the
               Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Gap .................. 110
   3.4. "Click Chemistry" and Homogeneous Catalysis ........... 111
   3.5. Exercises ............................................. 113
        References ............................................ 117

4. Heterogeneous Catalysis .................................... 127
   4.1. Classic Gas/Solid Systems ............................. 129
        4.1.1. The Concept of the Active Site ................. 131
        4.1.2. Model Catalyst Systems ......................... 132
        4.1.3. Real Catalysts: Promoters, Modifiers, and
               Poisons ........................................ 134
        4.1.4. Preparation of Solid Catalysts: Black Magic
               Revealed ....................................... 135
      High-Temperature Fusion and Alloy
                        Leaching .............................. 137
      Slurry Precipitation and
                        Co-precipitation ...................... 138
      Impregnation of Porous Supports ....... 139
      Hydrothermal Synthesis ................ 139
      Drying, Calcination, Activation,
                        and Forming ........................... 141
        4.1.5. Selecting the Right Support .................... 143
        4.1.6. Catalyst Characterization ...................... 146
      Traditional Surface Characterization
                        Methods ............................... 146
      Temperature-Programmed Techniques ..... 149
      Spectroscopy and Microscopy ........... 149
        4.1.7. The Catalytic Converter: an Example from
               Everyday Life .................................. 154
        4.1.8. Surface Organometallic Chemistry ............... 156
   4.2. Liquid/ Solid and Liquid/ Liquid Catalytic Systems .... 158
        4.2.1. Aqueous Biphasic Catalysis ..................... 159
        4.2.2. Fluorous Biphasic Catalysis .................... 161
        4.2.3. Biphasic Catalysis Using Ionic Liquids ......... 163
        4.2.4. Phase-Transfer Catalysis ....................... 164
   4.3. Advanced Process Solutions Using Heterogeneous
        Catalysis ............................................. 165
        4.3.1. The BP AVADA Ethyl Acetate Process ............. 166
        4.3.2. The ABB Lummus/Albemarle AlkyClean Process ..... 168
        4.3.3. The IFP and Yellowdiesel Processes for
               Biodiesel Production ........................... 168
        4.3.4. The ABB Lummus/UOP SMART Process ............... 172
   4.4. Exercises ............................................. 173
        References ............................................ 177

5. Biocatalysis ............................................... 189
   5.1. The Basics of Enzymatic Catalysis ..................... 190
        5.1.1. Terms and Definitions - The Bio Dialect ........ 191
        5.1.2. Active Sites and Substrate Binding Models ...... 194
        5.1.3. Intramolecular Reactions and Proximity
               Effects ........................................ 195
        5.1.4. Common Mechanisms in Enzymatic Catalysis ....... 197
   5.2. Applications of Enzyme Catalysis ...................... 199
        5.2.1. Whole-Cell Systems versus Isolated Enzymes ..... 200
        5.2.2. Immobilized Enzymes: Bona Fide Heterogeneous
               Catalysis ...................................... 202
      Binding Enzymes to Solid Supports...... 202
      Trapping Enzymes in Polymers or
                        Sol/Gel Matrices ...................... 203
      Cross-Linking of Enzymes .............. 204
        5.2.3. Replacing "Conventional Routes" with
               Biocatalysis ................................... 205
        5.2.4. Combining "Bio" and "Conventional" Catalysis ... 207
   5.3. Developing New Biocatalysts: Better than
        Nature's Best ......................................... 210
        5.3.1. Prospecting Natural Diversity .................. 210
        5.3.2. Rational Design ................................ 211
        5.3.3. Directed Evolution ............................. 211
   5.4. Nonenzymatic Biocatalysts ............................. 213
        5.4.1. Catalytic Antibodies (Abzymes) ................. 213
        5.4.2. Catalytic RNA (Ribozymes) ...................... 214
   5.5. Industrial Examples ................................... 215
        5.5.1. High-Fructose Corn Syrup: 11 Million Tons
               per Year ....................................... 215
        5.5.2. The Mitsubishi Rayon Acrylamide Process ........ 217
        5.5.3. The BMS Paclitaxel Process ..................... 218
        5.5.4. The Tosoh/DSM Aspartame Process ................ 220
   5.6. Exercises ............................................. 221
        References ............................................ 224

6. Computer Applications in Catalysis Research ................ 231
   6.1. Computers as Research Tools in Catalysis .............. 231
   6.2. Modeling of Catalysts and Catalytic Cycles ............ 233
        6.2.1. A Short Overview of Modeling Methods ........... 233
        6.2.2. Simplified Model Systems versus Real
               Reactions ...................................... 236
        6.2.3. Modeling Large Catalyst Systems Using
               Classical Mechanics ............................ 236
        6.2.4. In-Depth Reaction Modeling Using Quantum
               Mechanics ...................................... 238
   6.3. Predictive Modeling and Rational Catalyst Design ...... 240
        6.3.1. Catalysts, Descriptors, and Figures of Merit ... 241
        6.3.2. Three-Dimensional (3D) Descriptors ............. 242
      Comparative Molecular Field Analysis
                        (CoMFA) ............................... 243
      The Ligand Repulsive Energy Method .... 244
        6.3.3. Two-Dimensional (2D) Descriptors ............... 245
        6.3.4. Generating Virtual Catalyst Libraries in
               Space A ........................................ 248
        6.3.5. Understanding Catalyst Diversity ............... 250
        6.3.6. Virtual Catalyst Screening: Connecting
               Spaces A, B, and С ............................. 253
        6.3.7. Predictive Modeling in Heterogeneous
               Catalysis ...................................... 255
        6.3.8. Predictive Modeling in Biocatalysis ............ 256
   6.4. An Overview of Data-Mining Methods in Catalysis ....... 257
        6.4.1. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) ............ 259
        6.4.2. Partial Least-Squares (PLS) Regression ......... 260
        6.4.3. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) .............. 262
        6.4.4. Classification Trees ........................... 264
        6.4.5. Model Validation: Separating Knowledge from
               Garbage ........................................ 264
      Cross-Validation and Bootstrapping .... 265
      Mixing the Dependent Variables
                        (γ-Randomizing) ....................... 266
      Defining the Model Domain ............. 266
   6.5. Exercises ............................................. 266
        References ............................................ 268

Index ......................................................... 275

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