De Graaf R.A. In vivo NMR spectroscopy: principles and techniques (Chichester, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDe Graaf R.A. In vivo NMR spectroscopy : principles and techniques. - 2nd ed. - Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2007. - 570 p. - ISBN 978-0-470-02670-0

Место хранения: 054 | Международный томографический центр CO РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xiii
List of Abbreviations and Symbols .............................. xv

1.  Basic Principles ............................................ 1
    1.1.  Introduction .......................................... 1
    1.2.  Classical Description ................................. 2
    1.3.  Quantum Mechanical Description ........................ 4
    1.4.  Macroscopic Magnetization ............................. 6
    1.5.  Excitation ............................................ 8
    1.6.  Bloch Equations ...................................... 11
    1.7.  Fourier Transform NMR ................................ 14
    1.8.  Chemical Shift ....................................... 18
    1.9.  Digital Fourier Transform NMR ........................ 20
          1.9.1.  Multi-scan Principle ......................... 20
          1.9.2.  Time-domain Filtering ........................ 20
          1.9.3.  Analog-To-Digital Conversion ................. 22
          1.9.4.  Zero Filling ................................. 25
    1.10. Spin-spin Coupling ................................... 26
          1.10.1. Spectral Characteristics ..................... 30
    1.11. T1 Relaxation ........................................ 33
    1.12. T2 Relaxation and Spin-echoes ........................ 36
    1.13. Exercises ............................................ 38
          References ........................................... 41

2.  In Vivo NMR Spectroscopy - Static Aspects .................. 43
    2.1.  Introduction ......................................... 43
    2.2.  Proton NMR Spectroscopy .............................. 43
          2.2.1.  Acetate (Ace) ................................ 45
          2.2.2.  N-Acetyl Aspartate (NAA) ..................... 45
          2.2.1.  N-Acetyl Aspartyl Glutamate (NAAG) ........... 52
          2.2.4.  Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) ................. 52
          2.2.5.  Alanine (Ala) ................................ 53
          2.2.6.  γ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) ................... 54
          2.2.7.  Ascorbic Acid (Asc) .......................... 54
          2.2.8.  Aspartate (Asp) .............................. 55
          2.2.9.  Choline-containing Compounds (tCho) .......... 55
          2.2.10. Creatine (Cr) and Phosphocreatine (PCr) ...... 57
          2.2.11. Ethanolamine and Phosphorylethanolamine
                  (PE) ......................................... 58
          2.2.12. Glucose (Glc) ................................ 59
          2.2.13. Glutamate (Glu) .............................. 59
          2.2.14. Glutamine (Gln) .............................. 61
          2.2.15. Glutathione (GSH) ............................ 62
          2.2.16. Glycerol ..................................... 62
          2.2.17. Glycine ...................................... 63
          2.2.18. Glycogen ..................................... 63
          2.2.19. Histamine .................................... 64
          2.2.20. Histidine .................................... 65
          2.2.21. Homocarnosine ................................ 65
          2.2.22. β-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) ...................... 66
          2.2.23. Myo-Inositol (mI) and scyllo-Inositol (sI) ... 66
          2.2.24. Lactate (Lac) ................................ 67
          2.2.25. Macromolecules ............................... 68
          2.2.26. Phenylalanine ................................ 70
          2.2.27. Pyruvate ..................................... 70
          2.2.28. Serine ....................................... 71
          2.2.29. Succinate .................................... 71
          2.2.30. Taurine (Tau) ................................ 72
          2.2.31. Threonine (Thr) .............................. 72
          2.2.32. Tryptophan (Trp) ............................. 73
          2.2.33. Tyrosine (Tyr) ............................... 73
          2.2.34. Valine (Val) ................................. 74
          2.2.35. Water ........................................ 74
          2.2.36. Intra- and Extramyocellular Lipids
                  (IMCL and EMCL) .............................. 75
          2.2.37. Deoxymyoglobin (DMb) ......................... 76
          2.2.38. Citric Acid .................................. 77
          2.2.39. Carnosine .................................... 78
    2.3.  Phosphorus-31 NMR Spectroscopy ....................... 78
          2.3.1.  Identification of Resonances ................. 79
          2.3.2.  Intracellular pH ............................. 80
    2.4.  Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy ........................... 82
          2.4.1.  Identification of Resonances ................. 82
    2.5.  Sodium-23 and Potassium-39 NMR Spectroscopy .......... 85
    2.6.  Fluorine-19 NMR Spectroscopy ......................... 89
          2.6.1.  Identification of Resonances ................. 89
          2.6.2.  Fluorinated Drags, Anaesthetics, and
                  Fluorodeoxyglucose Metabolism ................ 90
          2.6.3.  Fluorinated Probes ........................... 92
    2.7.  Exercises ............................................ 93
          References ........................................... 95

3.  In Vivo NMR Spectroscopy - Dynamic Aspects ................ 111
    3.1.  Introduction ........................................ 111
    3.2.  Relaxation .......................................... 112
          3.2.1.  General Principles of Dipolar Relaxation .... 112
          3.2.2.  Nuclear Overhauser Effect ................... 118
          3.2.3.  Alternative Relaxation Mechanisms ........... 119
          3.2.4.  In Vivo Relaxation .......................... 122
    3.3.  Magnetization Transfer .............................. 128
          3.3.1.  Creatine Kinase ............................. 130
          3.3.2.  Inversion Transfer .......................... 131
          3.3.3.  Saturation Transfer ......................... 131
          3.3.4.  ATpases ..................................... 134
          3.3.5.  Fast Magnetization Transfer Methods ......... 135
          3.3.6.  Off-resonance Magnetization Transfer ........ 136
          3.3.7.  Chemical Exchange Dependent Saturation
                  Transfer .................................... 141
    3.4.  Diffusion ........................................... 141
          3.4.1.  Principles of Diffusion ..................... 141
          3.4.2.  Diffusion and NMR ........................... 143
          3.4.3.  Anisotropic Diffusion ....................... 152
          3.4.4.  Restricted Diffusion ........................ 156
    3.5.  Dynamic Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy .................. 158
          3.5.1.  General Set-up .............................. 160
          3.5.2.  Metabolic Modeling .......................... 162
          3.5.3.  Substrates .................................. 166
          3.5.4.  Applications ................................ 171
    3.6.  Нуperpolarization ................................... 171
          3.6.1.  "Brute Force" Hyperpolarization ............. 172
          3.6.2.  Optical Pumping of Noble Gases .............. 173
          3.6.3.  Para-hydrogen-induced Polarization (PHIP) ... 175
          3.6.4.  Dynamic Nuclear Polarization ................ 177
    3.7.  Exercises ........................................... 179
          References .......................................... 181

4.  Magnetic Resonance Imaging ................................ 191
    4.1.  Introduction ........................................ 191
    4.2.  Magnetic Field Gradients ............................ 192
    4.3.  Slice Selection ..................................... 193
    4.4.  Frequency Encoding .................................. 195
    4.5.  Phase Encoding ...................................... 201
    4.6.  Spatial Frequency Space ............................. 202
    4.7.  Fast MRI Sequences .................................. 206
          4.7.1.  Echo-planar Imaging ......................... 208
    4.8.  Contrast in MRI ..................................... 212
          4.8.1.  Т1 and T2 Relaxation Mapping ................ 213
          4.8.2.  Fast T1 and T2 Relaxation Mapping ........... 214
          4.8.3.  Magnetic Field B0 Mapping ................... 216
          4.8.4.  Magnetic Field В1 Mapping ................... 218
          4.8.5.  Alternative Image Contrast Mechanisms ....... 219
          4.8.6.  Functional Imaging .......................... 220
    4.9.  Parallel MRI ........................................ 222
    4.10. Exercises ........................................... 225
          References .......................................... 229

5.  Radiofrequency Pulses ..................................... 233
    5.1.  Introduction ........................................ 233
    5.2.  Square RF Pulses .................................... 233
    5.3.  Selective RF Pulses ................................. 239
          5.3.1.  Sine Pulses ................................. 239
          5.3.2.  Gaussian and Hermitian Pulses ............... 243
          5.3.3.  Multifrequency RF Pulses .................... 246
    5.4.  Pulse Optimization .................................. 247
          5.4.1.  Shinnar-Le Roux Algorithm ................... 248
    5.5.  DANTE RF Pulses ..................................... 254
    5.6.  Composite RF Pulses ................................. 255
    5.7.  Adiabatic RF Pulses ................................. 258
          5.7.1.  Rotating Frames of Reference ................ 259
          5.7.2.  Adiabatic Half and Full Passage Pulses ...... 262
          5.7.3.  Plane Rotations and Refocused Component ..... 268
          5.7.4.  Adiabatic Full Passage Refocusing ........... 269
          5.7.5.  Adiabatic Plane Rotation Pulses ............. 269
          5.7.6.  Variable Angle Adiabatic Plane Rotation
                  Pulse, BIR-4 ................................ 271
          5.7.7.  Modulation Functions ........................ 274
          5.7.8.  Offset-independent Adiabaticity ............. 275
    5.8.  Pulse Imperfections and Relaxation .................. 276
    5.9.  Power Deposition .................................... 280
    5.10. Multidimensional RF Pulses .......................... 283
    5.11. Spectral-spatial RF Pulses .......................... 289
    5.12. Exercises ........................................... 290
          References .......................................... 292

6.  Single Volume Localization and Water Suppression .......... 297
    6.1.  Introduction ........................................ 297
    6.2.  Single Volume Localization .......................... 299
          6.2.1.  Image Selected In Vivo Spectroscopy
                  (ISIS) ...................................... 299
          6.2.2.  Chemical Shift Displacement ................. 302
          6.2.3.  Stimulated Echo Acquisition Mode (STEAM) .... 306
          6.2.4.  Point Resolved Spectroscopy (PRESS) ......... 310
          6.2.5.  Signal Dephasing with Magnetic Field
                  Gradients ................................... 311
          6.2.6.  Effects of Imperfect RF Pulses .............. 317
          6.2.7.  Localization by Adiabatic Selective
                  Refocusing (LASER) .......................... 320
          6.2.8.  Chemical Shift Displacement - Scalar-
                  coupled Spins ............................... 322
    6.3.  Water Suppression ................................... 325
          6.3.1.  Binomial and Related Pulse Sequences ........ 326
          6.3.2.  Frequency Selective Excitation .............. 333
          6.3.3.  Frequency Selective Refocusing .............. 337
          6.3.4.  Relaxation Based Methods .................... 338
          6.3.5.  Non-water-suppressed NMR Spectroscopy ....... 340
    6.4.  Exercises ........................................... 341
          References .......................................... 344

7.  Spectroscopic Imaging and Multivolume Localization ........ 349
    7.1.  Introduction ........................................ 349
    7.2.  Principles of Spectroscopic Imaging ................. 349
    7.3.  Spatial Resolution in MRSI .......................... 354
    7.4.  Temporal Resolution in MRSI ......................... 357
          7.4.1.  Conventional Methods ........................ 357
          7.4.2.  Methods Based on Fast MRI Sequences ......... 361
          7.4.3.  Methods Based on Prior Knowledge ............ 365
    7.5.  Lipid Suppression ................................... 367
          7.5.1.  Relaxation Based Methods .................... 368
          7.5.2.  Outer Volume Suppression and Volume
                  Pre-localization ............................ 368
          7.5.3.  Methods Utilizing Spatial Prior Knowledge ... 371
    7.6.  Spectroscopic Imaging Processing and Display ........ 373
    7.7.  Multivolume Localization ............................ 377
          7.7.1.  Hadamard Localization ....................... 378
          7.7.2.  Sequential Multivolume Localization ......... 380
    7.8.  Exercises ........................................... 382
          References .......................................... 384

8.  Spectral Editing and Two-dimensional NMR .................. 389
    8.1.  Introduction ........................................ 389
    8.2.  Scalar Evolution .................................... 390
    8.3.  J-difference Editing ................................ 392
    8.4.  Practical Considerations of J-difference Editing .... 397
    8.5.  Multiple Quantum Coherence Editing .................. 402
    8.6.  Heteronuclear Spectral Editing ...................... 407
    8.7.  Polarization Transfer - INEPT and DEPT .............. 409
    8.8.  Sensitivity ......................................... 414
    8.9.  Broadband Decoupling ................................ 416
    8.10. Two-dimensional NMR Spectroscopy .................... 421
          8.10.1. Correlation Spectroscopy (COSY) ............. 422
          8.10.2. Spin-echo or J-resolved NMR ................. 432
          8.10.3. Two-dimensional Exchange Spectroscopy ....... 434
    8.11. Exercises ........................................... 438
          References .......................................... 440

9.  Spectral Quantification ................................... 445
    9.1.  Introduction ........................................ 445
    9.2.  Data Acquisition .................................... 446
    9.3.  Data Pre-processing ................................. 449
          9.3.1.  Phasing and Frequency Alignment ............. 450
          9.3.2.  Lineshape Correction ........................ 450
          9.3.3.  Removal of Residual Water ................... 451
          9.3.4.  Baseline Correction ......................... 453
    9.4.  Data Quantification ................................. 453
          9.4.1.  Time-and Frequency-domain Parameters ........ 454
          9.4.2.  Prior Knowledge ............................. 457
          9.4.3.  Spectral Fitting Algorithms ................. 460
          9.4.4.  Error Estimation ............................ 464
    9.5.  Data Calibration .................................... 466
          9.5.1.  Internal Concentration Reference ............ 470
          9.5.2.  External Concentration Reference ............ 472
          9.5.3.  Phantom Replacement External Concentration
                  Reference ................................... 473
    9.6.  Exercises ........................................... 473
          References .......................................... 475

10. Hardware .................................................. 479
    10.1. Introduction ........................................ 479
    10.2. Magnets ............................................. 480
    10.3. Magnetic Field Homogeneity .......................... 484
          10.3.1. Origins and Effects of Magnetic Field
                  Inhomogeneity In Vivo ....................... 484
          10.3.2. Active Shimming ............................. 489
          10.3.3. Shimming Hardware ........................... 492
          10.3.4. Manual Shimming ............................. 492
          10.3.5. Magnetic Field Map Based Shimming ........... 494
          10.3.6. Projection Based Shimming ................... 497
          10.3.7. Dynamic Shim Updating (DSU) ................. 499
          10.3.8. Passive Shimming ............................ 502
    10.4. Magnetic Field Gradients ............................ 503
          10.4.1. Eddy Currents ............................... 506
          10.4.2. Pre-Emphasis ................................ 508
          10.4.3. Active Shielding ............................ 512
    10.5. Radiofrequency Coils ................................ 512
          10.5.1. Resonant LCR Circuits ....................... 513
          10.5.2. RF Coil Performance ......................... 519
          10.5.3. Spatial Field Properties .................... 521
          10.5.4. Principle of Reciprocity I .................. 526
          10.5.5. Principle of Reciprocity II ................. 529
    10.6. Radiofrequency Coil Types ........................... 530
          10.6.1. Combined Transmit and Receive RF Coils ...... 531
          10.6.2. Phased-array Coils .......................... 532
          10.6.3. 1H-[13C] and 13C-[1H] RF Coils .............. 533
          10.6.4. Cooled (Superconducting) RF Coils ........... 536
    10.7. Complete MR System .................................. 536
          10.7.1. RF Transmission ............................. 536
          10.7.2. Signal Reception ............................ 537
          10.7.3. Quadrature Detection ........................ 539
          10.7.4. Dynamic Range ............................... 540
          10.7.5. Gradient and Shim Systems ................... 541
    10.8. Exercises ........................................... 542
          References .......................................... 545

Appendix ...................................................... 549
    Al. Matrix Calculations ................................... 549
    A2. Trigonometric Equations ............................... 551
    A3. Fourier Transformation ................................ 551
        A3.1. Introduction .................................... 552
        A3.2. Properties ...................................... 553
        A3.3. Discrete Fourier Transformation ................. 554
    A4. Product Operator Formalism ............................ 554
        A4.1. Cartesian Product Operators ..................... 555
        A4.2. Spherical Tensor Product Operators .............. 556

References .................................................... 559
Further Reading ............................................... 560
Index ......................................................... 563

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