Preface ......................................................... v
Acknowledgments ............................................... vii
Contributors ................................................... xi
1. Safety of MR Imaging in Pregnancy ........................... 1
Deborah Levine
2. MR Imaging of Normal Brain in the Second and Third
Trimesters .................................................. 7
Deborah Levine, Caroline Robson
3. MR Imaging of Fetal CNS Abnormalities ...................... 25
Deborah Levine, Patrick Barnes
4. MR Imaging of the Fetal Skull, Face, and Neck .............. 73
Annemarie Stroustrup Smith, Deborah Levine
5. MR Imaging of Fetal Thoracic Abnormalities ................. 91
Deborah Levine
6. MR Imaging of the Fetal Abdomen and Pelvis ................ 113
Vandana Dialani, Tejas Mehta, Deborah Levine
7. MR Imaging of the Fetal Extremities, Spine, and Spinal
Cord ...................................................... 139
Deborah Levine, Tejas Mehta
8. MR Imaging of Multiple Gestations ......................... 163
Deborah Levine
9. Current Techniques and Future Directions for Fetal MR
Imaging ................................................... 175
Charles A. McKenzie, Deborah Levine
10. MR Imaging Before Fetal Surgery: Contribution to
Management ................................................ 193
Bonnie N. Joe, Fergus V. Coakley
11. MR Imaging of the Maternal Abdomen and Pelvis in
Pregnancy ................................................. 201
Deborah Levine, Ivan Pedrosa
Index ......................................................... 231