Preface .................................................... ix
1. Passively Q-Switched Microchip Lasers ....................... 1
J.J. Zayhowski
2. Yb-Doped Solid-State Lasers and Materials .................. 77
Bruno Viana, Johan Petit, Romain Gaumé, Philippe Goldner,
Mathieu Jacquemet, Frédéric Druon, Sebastien Chenais,
François Balembois, and Patrick Georges
3. Tunable Cr2+:ZnSe Lasers in the Mid-Infrared .............. 113
Alphan Sennaroglu and limit Demirbas
4. All-Solid-State Ultraviolet Cerium Lasers ................. 163
Shingo Ono, Zhenlin Liu, and Nobuhiko Sarukura
5. Eyesafe Rare Earth Solid-State Lasers ..................... 193
Robert C. Stoneman
6. High-Power Neodymium Lasers ............................... 233
Susumu Konno
7. Passively Mode-Locked Solid-State Lasers .................. 259
Rüdiger Paschotta and Ursula Keller
8. Multipass-Cavity Femtosecond Solid-State Lasers ........... 319
Alphan Sennaroglu and James G. Fujimoto
9. Cavity-Dumped Femtosecond Laser Oscillator and
Application to Waveguide Writing .......................... 349
Alexander Кilli, Max Lederer, Daniel Kopf, Uwe Morgner,
Roberto Osellame, and Giulio Cerullo
10. Solid-State Laser Technology for Optical Frequency
Metrology ................................................. 389
Oliver D. Mücke, Lia Matos, and Franz X. Kärtner
11. Solid-State Ultrafast Optical Parametric Amplifiers ....... 437
Giulio Cerullo and Cristian Manzoni
12. Noise of Solid-State Lasers ............................... 473
Rüdiger Paschotta, Harald R. Telle,
and Ursula Keller
Index ..................................................... 511