Schindler К. Physics of space plasma activity (Cambridge, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSchindler К. Physics of space plasma activity. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. - 508 p. - ISBN 0-521-85897-6

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi

1  Introduction ................................................. 1

   Part I  Setting the scene .................................... 5

2  Sites of activity ............................................ 7
   2.1  Geospace ................................................ 7
   2.2  Solar atmosphere ....................................... 16
   2.3  Other sites ............................................ 22

3  Plasma models ............................................... 25
   3.1  Single particle motion ................................. 26
   3.2  Kinetic models ......................................... 29
   3.3  Fluid models ........................................... 35
   3.4  Chew-Goldberger-Low momentum equation .................. 39
   3.5  On the validity of MHD models for space plasmas ........ 40
   3.6  Electron magnetohydrodynamics, Hall current ............ 41
   3.7  Initial and boundary conditions ........................ 42
   3.8  Conservation laws ...................................... 42
   3.9  Discontinuities ........................................ 48

   Part II  Quiescence ......................................... 55

4  Introduction ................................................ 57

5  Magnetohydrostatic states ................................... 61
   5.1  General properties ..................................... 61
   5.2  Symmetric MHS states ................................... 76
   5.3  Examples of exact solutions ............................ 85
   5.4  Asymptotic expansions .................................. 93

6  Particle picture of steady states .......................... 107
   6.1  General properties .................................... 107
   6.2  Systems with translational invariance ................. 108
   6.3  Adiabatic particle motion ............................. 114
   6.4  Regular and chaotic particle motion ................... 116

7  A unified theory of steady states .......................... 123
   7.1  Steady states without gravity ......................... 124
   7.2  Inclusion of the gravity force ........................ 127
   7.3  Symmetric states ...................................... 129

8  Quasi-static evolution and the formation of thin current
   sheets ..................................................... 133
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 133
   8.2  Perturbed Harris sheet ................................ 135
   8.3  MHD tail model with flux transfer ..................... 140
   8.4  TCS from boundary deformation ......................... 151
   8.5  Vlasov approach to quasi-static evolution ............. 156
   8.6  Further aspects ....................................... 168

   Part III  Dynamics ......................................... 181

9  Nonideal effects ........................................... 185
   9.1  Generalized Ohm's law ................................. 185
   9.2  Resistivity ........................................... 187
   9.3  Microturbulence ....................................... 190
   9.4  Non-turbulent kinetic effects ......................... 200

10 Selected macroinstabilities ................................ 203
   10.1 Stability concepts .................................... 203
   10.2 Ideal MHD stability ................................... 204
   10.3 The resistive tearing instability ..................... 235
   10.4 Collisionless tearing ................................. 249
   10.5 Variational principle for 2D collisionless plasmas .... 254

11 Magnetic reconnection ...................................... 269
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 269
   11.2 Two-dimensional fluid models .......................... 271
   11.3 Kinetic reconnection in 2D collisionless plasmas ...... 297
   11.4 Inclusion of the third dimension ...................... 305
   11.5 Kinematics of 3D reconnection ......................... 311
   11.6 Remark on relativistic covariance ..................... 340

12 Aspects of bifurcation and nonlinear dynamics .............. 343
   12.1 Bifurcation ........................................... 343
   12.2 A statistical mechanics approach to 2D current sheet
        bifurcation ........................................... 355
   12.3 Role of perturbations ................................. 361
   12.4 Self-organized criticality ............................ 364
   12.5 Low-dimensional modelling ............................. 364

   Part IV  Applications ...................................... 367

13 Magnetospheric activity .................................... 371
   13.1 Interaction between the solar wind and the
        magnetosphere ......................................... 371
   13.2 Convection and pressure crisis ........................ 378
   13.3 Magnetospheric substorms .............................. 385
   13.4 Further large-scale processes ......................... 398
   13.5 Statistical and nonlinear dynamics aspects ............ 400
   13.6 Discussion ............................................ 403

14 Models of solar activity ................................... 407
   14.1 General aspects ....................................... 407
   14.2 Model constraints and boundary conditions ............. 412
   14.3 Arcade models of solar flares ......................... 416
   14.4 Coronal mass ejections ................................ 424
   14.5 Further aspects ....................................... 431

15 Discussion ................................................. 433
   15.1 The reconnection problem .............................. 433
   15.2 A general eruption scheme ............................. 438

Appendix 1 Unified theory: details and derivations ............ 441
Appendix 2 Variational principle for collisionless plasmas .... 451
Appendix 3 Symbols and fundamental constants .................. 465
References .................................................... 469
Index ......................................................... 503

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