Pansu M. Handbook of soil analysis: Mineralogical, organic and inorganic methods (Вerlin, 2006). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPansu M. Handbook of soil analysis: Mineralogical, organic and inorganic methods / Pansu M., Gautheyrou J. - Вerlin: Springer, 2006. - 993 p. - ISBN 3-540-31210-2

Оглавление / Contents
Part 1 - Mineralogical analysis

Chapter 1  Water Content and Loss on Ignition
1.1 Introduction ................................................ 3
1.2 Water Content at 105°С(Н2O-) ................................ 6
    1.2.1 Principle ............................................. 6
    1.2.2 Materials ............................................. 6
    1.2.3 Sample ................................................ 6
    1.2.4 Procedure ............................................. 7
    1.2.5 Remarks ............................................... 7
1.3 Loss on Ignition at 1,000°C(H2O+) ........................... 8
    1.3.1 Introduction .......................................... 8
    1.3.2 Principle ............................................ 11
    1.3.3 Equipment ............................................ 11
    1.3.4 Procedure ............................................ 11
    1.3.5 Calculations ......................................... 12
    1.3.6 Remarks .............................................. 12
Bibliography ................................................... 12

Chapter 2  Particle Size Analysis
2.1 Introduction ............................................... 15
    2.1.1 Particle Size in Soil Science ........................ 15
    2.1.2 Principle ............................................ 17
    2.1.3 Law of Sedimentation ................................. 18
    2.1.4 Conditions for Application of Stokes Law ............. 24
2.2 Standard Methods ........................................... 26
    2.2.1 Pretreatment of the Sample ........................... 26
    2.2.2 Particle Suspension and Dispersion ................... 31
    2.2.3 Pipette Method after Robinson-Kohn or Andreasen ...... 35
    2.2.4 Density Method with Variable Depth ................... 42
    2.2.5 Density Method with Constant Depth ................... 47
    2.2.6 Particle Size Analysis of Sands Only ................. 48
2.3 Automated Equipment ........................................ 50
    2.3.1 Introduction ......................................... 50
    2.3.2 Method Using Sedimentation by Simple Gravity ......... 51
    2.3.3 Methods Using Accelerated Sedimentation .............. 53
    2.3.4 Methods Using Laser Scattering and Diffraction ....... 54
    2.3.5 Methods Using Optical and Electric Properties ........ 55
    2.3.6 Methods Allowing Direct Observations of
          the Particles ........................................ 55
    2.3.7 Methods Using Conductivity ........................... 56
References ..................................................... 56
Bibliography ................................................... 58
    Generality ................................................. 58
    Pre-treatment .............................................. 58
    Pipette Method ............................................. 61
    Hydrometer Method .......................................... 62
    Instrumental Methods ....................................... 62

Chapter 4  Mineralogical Characterisations by X-Ray
4.1 Introduction ............................................... 83
    4.1.1 X-Ray Diffraction and Mineralogy ..................... 83
    4.1.2 Principle ............................................ 86
    4.1.3 XRD Instrumentation .................................. 87
4.2 Qualitative Diffractometry ................................. 90
    4.2.1 Overview of Preparation of the Samples ............... 90
    4.2.2 Preparation for Powder Diagrams ...................... 90
    4.2.3 Preparation for Oriented Diagrams .................... 94
    4.2.4 Pretreatment of Clays ................................ 99
    4.2.5 Qualitative Diffractometry .......................... 113
4.3 Quantitative Mineralogical Analysis ....................... 118
    4.3.1 Interest ............................................ 118
    4.3.2 Quantitative Mineralogical Analysis by XRD .......... 118
    4.3.3 Multi-Instrumental Quantitative Mineralogical
          Analysis ............................................ 124
References .................................................... 126
Bibliography .................................................. 127
    General ................................................... 127
    Preparation of Oriented Aggregates on Porous Ceramic
          Plate ............................................... 128
    Saturation of Clays by Cations ............................ 129
    Saturation, Solvation, Intercalation Complex,
          Dissolution ......................................... 129
    Preparation of Iron Oxides ................................ 130
    Quantitative XRD .......................................... 130

Chapter 5  Mineralogical Analysis by Infra-Red Spectrometry
5.1 Introduction .............................................. 133
    5.1.1 Principle ........................................... 133
    5.1.2 IR Instrumentation .................................. 135
5.2 IR Spectrometry in Mineralogy ............................. 138
    5.2.1 Equipment and Products .............................. 138
    5.2.2 Preparation of the Samples .......................... 139
    5.2.3 Brief Guide to Interpretation of the Spectra ........ 146
    5.2.4 Quantitative Analysis ............................... 152
5.3 Other IR Techniques ....................................... 156
    5.3.1 Near-infrared Spectrometry (NIRS) ................... 156
    5.3.2 Coupling Thermal Measurements and FTIR
          Spectrometry of Volatile Products ................... 158
    5.3.3 Infrared Microscopy ................................. 159
    5.3.4 Raman Scattering Spectroscopy ....................... 159
References .................................................... 161
Chronobibliography ............................................ 162

Chapter 6  Mineralogical Separation by Selective Dissolution
6.1 Introduction .............................................. 167
    6.1.1 Crystallinity of Clay Minerals ...................... 167
    6.1.2 Instrumental and Chemical Methods ................... 169
    6.1.3 Selective Dissolution Methods ....................... 172
    6.1.4 Reagents and Synthetic Standards .................... 174
6.2 Main Selective Dissolution Methods ........................ 180
    6.2.1 Acid Oxalate Method Under Darkness (AOD) ............ 180
    6.2.2 Dithionite-Citrate-Bicarbonate Method (DCB) ......... 187
    6.2.3 EDTA Method ......................................... 192
    6.2.4 Pyrophosphate Method ................................ 196
    6.2.5 Extraction in Strongly Alkaline Mediums ............. 201
6.3 Other Methods, Improvements and Choices ................... 206
    6.3.1 Differential Sequential Methods ..................... 206
    6.3.2 Selective Methods for Amorphous Products ............ 210
    6.3.3 Brief Overview to the Use of the Differential
          Methods ............................................. 214
References .................................................... 215

Chapter 7  Thermal Analysis
7.1 Introduction .............................................. 221
    7.1.1 Definition .......................................... 221
    7.1.2 Interest ............................................ 223
7.2 Classical Methods ......................................... 226
    7.2.1 Thermogravimetric Analysis .......................... 226
    7.2.2 Differential Thermal Analysis and Differential
          Scanning Calorimetry ................................ 235
7.3 Multi-component Apparatuses for Thermal Analysis .......... 246
    7.3.1 Concepts ............................................ 246
    7.3.2 Coupling Thermal Analysis and Evolved Gas
          Analysis ............................................ 247
References .................................................... 249
Chronobibliography ............................................ 250

Chapter 8  Microscopic Analysis
8.1 Introduction .............................................. 253
8.2 Preparation of the Samples ................................ 254
    8.2.1 Interest ............................................ 254
    8.2.2 Coating and Impregnation, Thin Sections ............. 255
    8.2.3 Grids and Replicas for Transmission Electron
          Microscopy .......................................... 261
    8.2.4 Mounting the Samples for Scanning Electron
          Microscopy .......................................... 263
    8.2.5 Surface Treatment
          (Shadowing, Flash-carbon, Metallization) ............ 265
8.3 Microscope Studies ........................................ 267
    8.3.1 Optical Microscopy .................................. 267
    8.3.2 Electron Microscopy, General Information ............ 270
    8.3.3 Transmission Electron Microscopy,
          Micro-diffraction ................................... 271
    8.3.4 Scanning Electron Microscopy ........................ 279
    8.3.5 Ultimate Micro-analysis by X-Ray Spectrometry ....... 282
References .................................................... 283
Chronobibliography ............................................ 284

Part 2 - Organic analysis

Chapter 9  Physical Fractionation of Organic Matter
9.1 Principle and Limitations ................................. 289
    9.1.1 Forms of Organic Matter in Soil ..................... 289
    9.1.2 Principle ........................................... 289
    9.1.3 Difficulties ........................................ 291
9.2 Methods ................................................... 293
    9.2.1 Classification ...................................... 293
    9.2.2 Extraction of Plant Roots ........................... 293
    9.2.3 Dispersion of the Particles ......................... 296
    9.2.4 Separation by Density ............................... 309
    9.2.5 Particle Size Fractionations ........................ 314
    9.2.6 Precision of the Fractionation Methods .............. 320
9.3 Conclusion and Outlook .................................... 321
References .................................................... 322

Chapter 10  Organic and Total C, N (H, O, S) Analysis
10.1 Introduction ............................................. 327
     10.1.1 Soil Organic Matter ............................... 327
     10.1.2 Sampling, Preparation of the Samples, Analytical
            Significance ...................................... 330
10.2 Wet Methods .............................................. 333
     10.2.1 Total Carbon: General Information ................. 333
     10.2.2 Organic Carbon by Wet Oxidation at
            the Temperature of Reaction ....................... 335
     10.2.3 Organic Carbon by Wet Oxidation at Controlled
            Temperature ....................................... 340
     10.2.4 Organic Carbon by Wet Oxidation and
            Spectrocolorimetry ................................ 342
     10.2.5 Total Nitrogen by Wet Method: Introduction ........ 342
     10.2.6 Total Nitrogen by Kjeldahl Method and
            Titrimetry ........................................ 344
     10.2.7 Kjeldahl N, Titration by Spectrocolorimetry ....... 349
     10.2.8 Kjeldahl N, Titration by Selective Electrode ...... 351
     10.2.9 Mechanization and Automation of the Kjeldahl
            Method ............................................ 353
     10.2.10 Modified Procedures for NO3-, NO2- and Fixed N .... 354
10.3 Dry Methods .............................................. 355
     10.3.1 Total Carbon by Simple Volatilization ............. 355
     10.3.2 Simultaneous Instrumental Analysis by Dry
            Combustion: CHN(OS) ............................... 356
     10.3.3 CHNOS by Thermal Analysis ......................... 362
     10.3.4 С and N Non-Destructive Instrumental Analysis ..... 363
     10.3.5 Simultaneous Analysis of the Different С and N
            Isotopes .......................................... 364
References .................................................... 365
Bibliography .................................................. 367

Chapter 11  Quantification of Humic Compounds
11.1 Humus in Soils ........................................... 371
     11.1.1 Definitions ....................................... 371
     11.1.2 Role in the Soil and Environment .................. 373
     11.1.3 Extractions ....................................... 374
11.2 Main Techniques .......................................... 375
     11.2.1 Extraction ........................................ 375
     11.2.2 Quantification of the Extracts .................... 379
     11.2.3 Precision and Correspondence of the Extraction
            Methods ........................................... 383
     11.2.4 Purification of Humic Materials ................... 389
11.3 Further Alternatives and Complements Methods ............. 392
     11.3.1 Alternative Method of Extraction .................. 392
     11.3.2 Fractionation of the Humin Residue ................ 392
References .................................................... 395
     Humic Materials .......................................... 395
     Extraction, Titration, Purification and Fractionation
            of Humic Materials ................................ 396

Chapter 12  Characterization of Humic Compounds
12.1 Introduction ............................................. 399
     12.1.1 Mechanisms of Formation ........................... 399
     12.1.2 Molecular Structure ............................... 400
12.2 Classical Techniques ..................................... 401
     12.2.1 Fractionation of Humic Compounds .................. 401
     12.2.2 Titration of the Main Functional Groups ........... 408
     12.2.3 UV-Visible Spectrometry ........................... 410
     12.2.4 Infra-Red Spectrography ........................... 413
12.3 Complementary Techniques ................................. 415
     12.3.1 Improvements in Fractionation Technologies ........ 415
     12.3.2 Titration of Functional Groups .................... 418
     12.3.3 Characterization by Fragmentation ................. 419
     12.3.4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) .................. 424
     12.3.5 Fluorescence Spectroscopy ......................... 433
     12.3.6 Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Spectroscopy ........ 435
     12.3.7 Measurement of Molecular Weight and Molecular
            Size .............................................. 437
     12.3.8 Microscopic Observations .......................... 440
     12.3.9 Other Techniques .................................. 441
References .................................................... 442
     Molecular Models ......................................... 442
     Fractionation, Determination of Molecular Weights and
            Molecular Sizes ................................... 443
     Functional Group of Humic Compounds ...................... 445
     Spectrometric Characterizations .......................... 446
     UV-Visible, IR, Fluorescence, ESR Spectrometries ......... 446
     Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ............................... 447
     Methods of Characterization by Fragmentation ............. 449
     Other Methods
            (Microscopy, X-ray, Electrochemistry, etc.) ....... 451

Chapter 13  Measurement of Non-Humic Molecules
13.1 Introduction ............................................. 453
     13.1.1 Non-Humic Molecules ............................... 453
     13.1.2 Soil Carbohydrates ................................ 453
     13.1.3 Soil Lipids ....................................... 456
     13.1.4 Pesticides and Pollutants ......................... 457
13.2 Classical Techniques ..................................... 458
     13.2.1 Acid Hydrolysis of Polysaccharides ................ 458
     13.2.2 Purification of Acid Hydrolysates ................. 462
     13.2.3 Colorimetric Titration of Sugars .................. 464
     13.2.4 Titration of Sugars by Gas Chromatography ......... 467
     13.2.5 Quantification of Total Lipids .................... 472
     13.2.6 Quantification of the Water-Soluble Organics ...... 474
13.3 Complementary Techniques ................................. 475
     13.3.1 Carbohydrates by Gas Chromatography ............... 475
     13.3.2 Carbohydrates by Liquid Chromatography ............ 475
     13.3.3 Fractionation and Study of the Soil Lipid
            Fraction .......................................... 478
     13.3.4 Measurement of Pesticide Residues and
            Pollutants ........................................ 483
References .................................................... 492
     Soil Carbohydrates ....................................... 492
     Soil Lipids .............................................. 494
     Aqueous Extract .......................................... 495
     Pesticides and Pollutants ................................ 495

Chapter 14  Organic Forms of Nitrogen, Mineralizable Nitrogen
            (and Carbon)
14.1 Introduction ............................................. 497
     14.1.1 The Nitrogen Cycle ................................ 497
     14.1.2 Types of Methods .................................. 499
14.2 Classical Methods ........................................ 500
     14.2.1 Forms of Organic Nitrogen Released by Acid
            Hydrolysis ........................................ 500
     14.2.2 Organic Forms of Nitrogen: Simplified Method ...... 509
     14.2.3 Urea Titration .................................... 511
     14.2.4 Potentially Available Nitrogen:
            Biological Methods ................................ 513
     14.2.5 Potentially Mineralizable Nitrogen:
            Chemical Methods .................................. 521
     14.2.6 Kinetics of Mineralization ........................ 526
14.3 Complementary Methods .................................... 531
     14.3.1 Alternative Procedures for Acid Hydrolysis ........ 531
     14.3.2 Determination of Amino Acids ...................... 532
     14.3.3 Determination of Amino Sugars ..................... 535
     14.3.4 Proteins and Glycoproteins (glomalin) ............. 538
     14.3.5 Potentially Mineralizable Nitrogen by EUF ......... 538
References .................................................... 540
     Organic Nitrogen Forms: General Articles ................. 540
     Nitrogen Forms by Acid Hydrolysis and Distillation ....... 541
     Improvement of Acid Hydrolysis ........................... 541
     Determination of Amino Acids ............................. 541
     Determination of Amino Sugars ............................ 542
     Glomalin ................................................. 542
     Urea Titration ........................................... 543
     Potentially Mineralizable Nitrogen: General Papers ....... 543
     Potentially Mineralizable Nitrogen: Biological Methods ... 544
     Potentially Mineralizable Nitrogen: Chemical Methods ..... 545
     Potentially Mineralizable Nitrogen by EUF ................ 545
     Mineralization Kinetics .................................. 546

Part 3 - Inorganic analysis - Exchangeable and Total Elements

Chapter 15  pH Measurement
15.1 Introduction ............................................. 551
     15.1.1 Soil pH ........................................... 551
     15.1.2 Difficulties ...................................... 553
     15.1.3 Theoretical Aspects ............................... 554
15.2 Classical Measurements ................................... 556
     15.2.1 Methods ........................................... 556
     15.2.2 Colorimetric Method ............................... 557
     15.2.3 Electrometric Method .............................. 560
     15.2.4 Electrometric Checking and Calibration ............ 564
     15.2.5 Measurement on Aqueous Soil Suspensions ........... 565
     15.2.6 Determination of the pH-K and pH-Ca ............... 567
     15.2.7 Measurement on Saturated Pastes ................... 567
     15.2.8 Measurement on the Saturation Extract ............. 568
     15.2.9 Measurement of the pH-NaF ......................... 569
15.3 In Situ Measurements ..................................... 570
     15.3.1 Equipment ......................................... 570
     15.3.2 Installation in the Field ......................... 570
     15.3.3 Measurement on Soil Monoliths ..................... 572
References .................................................... 574
Bibliography .................................................. 575
Appendix ...................................................... 576
     Appendix 1: Table of Electrode Potentials ................ 576
     Appendix 2: Constants of Dissociation of Certain
                 Equilibriums ................................. 577
     Appendix 3: Buffer Solutions ............................. 577
     Appendix 4: Coloured Indicators .......................... 579

Chapter 16  Redox Potential
16.1 Definitions and Principle ................................ 581
16.2 Equipment and Reagents ................................... 583
     16.2.1 Electrodes ........................................ 583
     16.2.2 Salt Bridge for Connection ........................ 584
     16.2.3 System of Measurement ............................. 584
     16.2.4 Calibration Solutions ............................. 585
16.3 Procedure ................................................ 585
     16.3.1 Pretreatment of the Electrode ..................... 585
     16.3.2 Measurement on Soil Sample ........................ 586
     16.3.3 Measurement on Soil Monolith ...................... 586
     16.3.4 In Situ Measurements .............................. 587
     16.3.5 Measurement of Oxygen Diffusion Rate .............. 588
     16.3.6 Colorimetric Test of Eh ........................... 589
References .................................................... 589
Bibliography .................................................. 590

Chapter 17  Carbonates
17.1 Introduction ............................................. 593
17.2 Measurement of Total Carbonates .......................... 595
     17.2.1 Introduction ...................................... 595
     17.2.2 Volumetric Measurement by Calcimetry .............. 596
     17.2.3 Acidimetry ........................................ 599
17.3 Titration of Active Carbonate ............................ 601
     17.3.1 Principle ......................................... 601
     17.3.2 Implementation .................................... 601
     17.3.3 Index of Chlorosis Potential ...................... 603
References .................................................... 604

Chapter 18  Soluble Salts
18.1 Introduction ............................................. 605
18.2 Extraction ............................................... 606
     18.2.1 Soil/solution Ratio ............................... 606
     18.2.2 Extraction of Saturated Paste ..................... 607
     18.2.3 Diluted Extracts .................................. 608
     18.2.4 In Situ Sampling of the Soil Water ................ 609
     18.2.5 Extracts with Hot Water ........................... 610
18.3 Measurement and Titration ................................ 610
     18.3.1 Electrical Conductivity of Extracts ............... 610
     18.3.2 In Situ Conductivity .............................. 613
     18.3.3 Total Dissolved Solid Material .................... 614
     18.3.4 Soluble Cations ................................... 615
     18.3.5 Extractable Carbonate and Bicarbonate
            (Alkalinity) ...................................... 616
     18.3.6 Extractable Chloride .............................. 618
     18.3.7 Extractable Sulphate, Nitrate and Phosphate ....... 620
     18.3.8 Extractable Boron ................................. 620
     18.3.9 Titration of Extractable Anions by Ionic
            Chromatography .................................... 622
     18.3.10 Expression of the Results ........................ 625
References .................................................... 626

Chapter 19  Exchange Complex
19.1 Introduction ............................................. 629
19.2 Origin of Charges ........................................ 630
     19.2.1 Ionic Exchange .................................... 630
     19.2.2 Exchange Complex .................................. 631
     19.2.3 Theory ............................................ 633
References .................................................... 636
Chronobibliography ............................................ 637

Chapter 20  Isoelectric and Zero Charge Points
20.1 Introduction ............................................. 645
     20.1.1 Charges of Colloids ............................... 645
     20.1.2 Definitions ....................................... 647
     20.1.3 Conditions for the Measurement of Charge .......... 649
20.2 Main Methods ............................................. 651
     20.2.1 Measurement of pHO (PZSE), Long Equilibrium
            Time .............................................. 651
     20.2.2 Point of Zero Salt Effect (PZSE), Short
            Equilibrium Time .................................. 652
References .................................................... 655

Chapter 21  Permanent and Variable Charges
21.1 Introduction ............................................. 657
21.2 Main Methods ............................................. 661
     21.2.1 Measurement of Variable Charges ................... 661
     21.2.2 Determination of Permanent Charges ................ 662
References .................................................... 664
Bibliography .................................................. 665

Chapter 22  Exchangeable Cations
22.1 Introduction ............................................. 667
     22.1.1 Exchangeable Cations of Soil ...................... 667
     22.1.2 Extracting Reagents ............................... 668
     22.1.3 Equipment ......................................... 669
22.2 Ammonium Acetate Method at pH 7 .......................... 671
     22.2.1 Principle ......................................... 671
     22.2.2 Procedure ......................................... 671
22.3 Automated Continuous Extraction .......................... 674
References .................................................... 674
Bibliography .................................................. 676

Chapter 23  Exchangeable Acidity
23.1 Introduction ............................................. 677
     23.1.1 Origin of Acidity ................................. 677
     23.1.2 Aims of the Analysis .............................. 678
23.2 Method ................................................... 680
     23.2.1 Principle ......................................... 680
     23.2.2 Reagents .......................................... 680
     23.2.3 Procedure ......................................... 681
23.3 Other Methods ............................................ 683
References .................................................... 684
Chronobibliography ............................................ 685

Chapter 24  Requirement
24.1 Introduction ............................................. 687
     24.1.1 Correction of Soil Acidity ........................ 687
     24.1.2 Calculation of Correction ......................... 688
24.2 SMP Buffer Method ........................................ 690
     24.2.1 Principle ......................................... 690
     24.2.2 Reagents .......................................... 691
     24.2.3 Procedure ......................................... 691
     24.2.4 Remarks ........................................... 692
References .................................................... 693
Chronobibliography ............................................ 693

Chapter 25  Exchange Selectivity, Cation Exchange Isotherm
25.1 Introduction ............................................. 697
25.2 Determination of the Exchange Isotherm ................... 702
     25.2.1 Principle ......................................... 702
     25.2.2 Reagents .......................................... 702
     25.2.3 Procedure ......................................... 703
     25.2.4 Remarks ........................................... 704
References .................................................... 705
Chronobibliography ............................................ 706

Chapter 26  Cation Exchange Capacity
26.1 Introduction ............................................. 709
     26.1.1 Theoretical Aspects ............................... 709
     26.1.2 Variables that Influence the Determination of
            CEC ............................................... 711
26.2 Determination of Effective CEC by Summation (ECEC) ....... 718
     26.2.1 Principle ......................................... 718
     26.2.2 Alternative Methods ............................... 718
26.3 CEC Measurement at Soil pH in Not-Buffered Medium ........ 719
     26.3.1 Principle ......................................... 719
     26.3.2 Methods Using Not-Buffered Metallic Salts ......... 719
     26.3.3 Procedure Using Not-Buffered Organo Metallic
            Cations ........................................... 722
     26.3.4 Not-Buffered Methods Using Organic Cations ........ 728
26.4 CEC Measurement in Buffered Medium ....................... 730
     26.4.1 Buffered Methods - General Information ............ 730
     26.4.2 Ammonium Acetate Method at pH 7.0 ................. 732
     26.4.3 Buffered Methods at pH 8.0-8.6 .................... 738
     26.4.4 Buffered Methods at Different pH .................. 743
References .................................................... 745
Bibliography .................................................. 750
     CEC General Theory ....................................... 750
     Barium Method at soil pH ................................. 751
     Buffered Method at pH 7.0 ................................ 751
     Cobaltihexamine CEC ...................................... 752
     Silver-Thiourea .......................................... 753
     CEC with Organic Cations (Coloured Reagents) ............. 753
     Buffered Methods at pH 8.0-8.6 ........................... 753
     Barium Chloride-Triethanolamine at pH 8.1 ................ 753

Chapter 27  Anion Exchange Capacity
27.1 Theory ................................................... 755
27.2 Measurement .............................................. 758
     27.2.1 Principle ......................................... 758
     27.2.2 Method ............................................ 760
27.3 Simultaneous Measurement of AEC, EC, CEC and net CEC ..... 760
     27.3.1 Aim ............................................... 760
     27.3.2 Description ....................................... 761
References .................................................... 763

Chapter 28  Inorganic Forms of Nitrogen
28.1 Introduction ............................................. 767
     28.1.1 Ammonium, Nitrate and Nitrite ..................... 767
     28.1.3 Sampling Problems ................................. 768
     28.1.4 Analytical Problems ............................... 768
28.2 Usual Methods ............................................ 769
     28.2.1 Extraction of Exchangeable Forms .................. 769
     28.2.2 Separation by Micro-Diffusion ..................... 770
     28.2.3 Colorimetric Titration of Ammonium ................ 773
     28.2.4 Colorimetric Titration of Nitrites ................ 775
     28.2.5 Colorimetric Titration of Nitrates ................ 778
     28.2.6 Extracted Organic Nitrogen ........................ 779
28.3 Other Methods ............................................ 780
     28.3.1 Nitrate and Nitrite by Photometric UV
            Absorption ........................................ 780
     28.3.2 Ammonium Titration Using a Selective Electrode .... 782
     28.3.3 Measurement of Nitrates with an Ion-Selective
            Electrode ......................................... 785
     28.3.4 In situ Measurement ............................... 788
     28.3.5 Non-Exchangeable Ammonium ......................... 790
References .................................................... 791
Bibliography .................................................. 792

Chapter 29  Phosphorus
29.1 Introduction ............................................. 793
29.2 Total Soil Phosphorus .................................... 794
     29.2.1 Introduction ...................................... 794
     29.2.2 Wet Mineralization for Total Analyses ............. 795
     29.2.3 Dry Mineralization ................................ 798
29.3 Fractionation of Different Forms of Phosphorus ........... 799
     29.3.1 Introduction ...................................... 799
     29.3.2 Sequential Methods ................................ 800
     29.3.3 Selective Extractions - Availability Indices ...... 804
     29.3.4 Isotopic Dilution Methods ......................... 813
     29.3.5 Determination of Organic Phosphorus ............... 814
29.4 Retention of Phosphorus .................................. 818
     29.4.1 Introduction ...................................... 818
     29.4.2 Determination of P Retention ...................... 819
29.5 Titration of P in the Extracts ........................... 821
     29.5.1 Introduction ...................................... 821
     29.5.2 Titration of Ortho-phosphoric P by
            Spectrocolorimetry ................................ 823
     29.5.3 P Titration by Atomic Spectrometry ................ 828
     29.5.4 Titration of Different Forms of P by 31P NMR ...... 828
     29.5.5 Separation of P Compounds by Liquid
            Chromatography .................................... 829
29.6 Direct Speciation of P in situ, or on Extracted
     Particles ................................................ 830
References .................................................... 830
Chronobibliography ............................................ 833

Chapter 30  Sulphur
30.1 Introduction ............................................. 835
     30.1.1 Sulphur Compounds ................................. 835
     30.1.2 Mineralogical Studies ............................. 838
30.2 Total Sulphur and Sulphur Compounds ...................... 839
     30.2.1 Characteristics of Fluviomarine Soils ............. 839
     30.2.2 Soil Sampling and Sample Preparation .............. 840
     30.2.3 Testing for Soluble Sulphur Forms ................. 841
     30.2.4 Titration of Total Sulphur ........................ 842
     30.2.5 Total S Solubilisation by Alkaline Oxidizing
            Fusion ............................................ 843
     30.2.6 Total Solubilisation by Sodium Hypobromite in
            Alkaline Medium ................................... 844
     30.2.7 S titration with Methylen Blue Colorimetry ........ 845
     30.2.8 Sulphate Titration by Colorimetry with Methyl
            Thymol Blue ....................................... 850
     30.2.9 Total Sulphur by Automated Dry CHN(OS) Ultimate
            Analysis .......................................... 853
     30.2.10 Titration of Total SO42--S by Ionic
             Chromatography ................................... 855
     30.2.11 Total S Titration by Plasma Emission
             Spectrometry ..................................... 857
     30.2.12 Titration by X-ray Fluorescence .................. 857
     30.2.13 Titration by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry ...... 857
     30.2.14 Analytical Fractionation of Sulphur Compounds .... 858
     30.2.15 Titration of Organic S bound to С ................ 859
     30.2.16 Titration of Organic S not bound to С ............ 861
     30.2.17 Extraction and Titration of Soluble Sulphides .... 863
     30.2.18 Titration of Sulphur in Pyrites .................. 865
     30.2.19 Titration of Elementary Sulphur .................. 867
     30.2.20 Titration of Water Soluble Sulphates ............. 869
     30.2.21 Titration of Na3-EDTA Extractable Sulphates ...... 871
     30.2.22 Titration of Jarosite ............................ 873
     30.2.23 Sequential Analysis of S Forms ................... 876
30.3 Sulphur of Gypseous Soils ................................ 878
     30.3.1 Gypseous Soils .................................... 878
     30.3.2 Preliminary Tests ................................. 879
     30.3.3 Extraction and Titration from Multiple Extracts ... 881
     30.3.4 Gypsum Determination by Acetone Precipitation ..... 882
30.4 Sulphur and Gypsum Requirement of Soil ................... 883
     30.4.1 Introduction ...................................... 883
     30.4.2 Plant Sulphur Requirement ......................... 884
     30.4.3 Gypsum Requirement ................................ 886
References .................................................... 888
Chronobibliography ............................................ 890

Chapter 31  Analysis of Extractable and Total Elements
31.1 Elements of Soils ........................................ 895
     31.1.1 Major Elements .................................... 895
     31.1.2 Trace Elements and Pollutants ..................... 897
     31.1.3 Biogenic and Toxic Elements ....................... 899
     31.1.4 Analysis of Total Elements ........................ 900
     31.1.5 Extractable Elements .............................. 901
31.2 Methods using Solubilization ............................. 901
     31.2.1 Total Solubilization Methods ...................... 901
     31.2.2 Mean Reagents for Complete Dissolutions ........... 903
     31.2.3 Acid Attack in Open Vessel ........................ 906
     31.2.4 Acid Attack in Closed Vessel ...................... 911
     31.2.5 Microwave Mineralization .......................... 913
     31.2.6 Alkaline Fusion ................................... 915
     31.2.7 Selective Extractions ............................. 920
     31.2.8 Measurement Methods ............................... 925
     31.2.9 Spectrocolorimetric Analysis ...................... 927
     31.2.10 Analysis by Flame Atomic Emission Spectrometry ... 931
     31.2.11 Analysis by Flame Atomic Absorption
             Spectrometry ..................................... 932
     31.2.12 Analysis of Trace Elements by Hydride and Cold
             Vapour AAS ....................................... 937
     31.2.13 Analysis of Trace Elements by Electrothermal
             AAS .............................................. 940
     31.2.14 Analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma-AES ....... 941
     31.2.15 Analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass
             Spectrometry ..................................... 946
31.3 Analysis on Solid Medium ................................. 952
     31.3.1 Method ............................................ 952
     31.3.2 X-ray Fluorescence Analysis ....................... 954
     31.3.3 Neutron Activation Analysis ....................... 962
References .................................................... 969

Index ......................................................... 975

Periodic table of the elements ................................ 993

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