Jones G. Organizational theory, design and change (Upper Saddle River, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаJones G. Organizational theory, design and change. - 5th ed. - Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. - 527 p. - ISBN 0-13-240236-X

Оглавление / Contents
  Preface ..................................................... xix

CHAPTER 1  Organizations and Organizational Effectiveness ....... 1
  What Is an Organization? ...................................... 1
    How Does an Organization Create Value? ...................... 2
    Why Do Organizations Exist? ................................. 4
  Organizational Theory, Design, and Change ..................... 7
    Organizational Structure .................................... 7
    Organizational Culture ...................................... 8
    Organizational Design and Change ............................ 9
    The Importance of Organizational Designand Change .......... 11
    The Consequences of Poor Organizational Design ............. 13
  How Do Managers Measure Organizational Effectiveness? ........ 14
    The External Resource Approach: Control .................... 15
    The Internal Systems Approach: Innovation .................. 17
    The Technical Approach: Efficiency ......................... 17
    Measuring Effectiveness: Organizational Goats .............. 18
    The Plan of This Book ...................................... 20
    Organizational Design ...................................... 20
    Organizational Change ...................................... 22
  Summary ...................................................... 22
  Discussion Questions ......................................... 23
  Organizational Theory in Action .............................. 23
    Practicing Organizational Theory: Open Systems Dynamics .... 23
    The Ethical Dimension #1 ................................... 23
    Making the Connection #1 ................................... 23
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #1 ............... 23
    Assignment ................................................. 24
    Change and More Change at AOL-Time Warner .................. 25
  References ................................................... 26
  Focus on New Information Technology, Part 1 .......................................... 3
  Organizational Insight
    Opposite Organizing Approaches at Apple and Dell
      Computer ................................................. 10
    The Remaking of Chrysler's Cars ............................ 14
    Mattel's Rocky Road ........................................ 16
    Improving Efficiency at FedEx and UPS ...................... 18

CHAPTER 2  Stakeholders, Managers, and Ethics .................. 27
  Organizational Stakeholders .................................. 28
    Inside Stakeholders ........................................ 28
    Outside Stakeholders ....................................... 30
  Organizational Effectiveness: Satisfying Stakeholders'
    Goals and Interests ........................................ 32
    Competing Goals ............................................ 32
    Allocating Rewards ......................................... 33
  Top Managers and Organizational Authority .................... 34
    The Chief Executive Officer ................................ 36
    The Top Management Team .................................... 37
    Other Managers ............................................. 38
  An Agency Theory Perspective ................................. 38
    The Moral Hazard Problem ................................... 39
    Solving the Agency Problem ................................. 40
  Top Managers and Organizational Ethics ....................... 42
    Ethics and the Law ......................................... 42
    Ethics and Organizational Stakeholders ..................... 43
    Sources of OrganizationaI Ethics ........................... 45
    Why Do Ethical Rules Develop? .............................. 47
    Why Does Unethical Behavior Occur? ......................... 49
  Creating an Ethical Organization ............................. 50
    Designing an Ethical Structure and Control System .......... 50
    Creating an Ethical Culture ................................ 51
    Supporting the Interests of Stakeholder Groups ............. 51
  Summary ...................................................... 52
  Discussion Questions ......................................... 52
  Organizational Theory in Action .............................. 53
    Practicing Organizational Theory: Creating a Code of
      Ethics ................................................... 53
    The Ethical Dimension #2 ................................... 53
    Making the Connection #2 ................................... 53
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #2 ............... 53
    Assignment ................................................. 53
    Ethical Stances at Johnson & Johnson and Dow Coming ........ 54
  References ................................................... 55
  Organizational Insight
    The Increasing Power of Institutional Investors ............ 29
    Southwest Airlines Serves Its Customers .................... 30
    Should Doctors Own Stock in Hospitals? ..................... 34
    The Use of Animals in Cosmetics Testing .................... 45
    Is It Right to Use Child Labor? ............................ 46

CHAPTER 3  Managing in a Changing Global Environment ........... 56
  What Is the Organizational Environment? ...................... 56
    The Specific Environment ................................... 58
    The General Environment .................................... 60
    Sources of Uncertainty in the Organizational Environment ... 62
  Resource Dependence Theory ................................... 65
  Interorganizational Strategies for Managing Resource
    Dependencies ............................................... 67
  Strategies for Managing Symbiotic Resource
    Interdependencies .......................................... 67
    Developing a Good Reputation ............................... 67
    Co-Optation ................................................ 68
    Strategic Alliances ........................................ 69
    Merger and Takeover ........................................ 72
  Strategies for Managing Competitive Resource
    Interdependencies .......................................... 73
    Collusion and Cartels ...................................... 73
    Third-Party Linkage Mechanisms ............................. 74
    Strategic Alliances ........................................ 74
    Merger and Takeover ........................................ 75
  Transaction Cost Theory ...................................... 76
    Sources of Transaction Costs ............................... 76
    Transaction Costs and Linkage Mechanisms ................... 77
    Bureaucratic Costs ......................................... 78
    Using Transaction Cost Theory to Choose
      an Interorganizational Strategy .......................... 78
  Summary ...................................................... 82
  Discussion Questions ......................................... 83
  Organizational Theory in Action .............................. 83
    Practicing Organizational Theory: Protecting Your Domain ... 83
    The Ethical Dimension #3 ................................... 83
    Making the Connection #3 ................................... 83
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #3 ............... 84
    Assignment ................................................. 84
    How Ford Manages Its Environment ........................... 85
  References ................................................... 86
  Focus on New Information Technology, Part 2 ......................................... 64
  Managerial Implications
    Analyzing the Environment .................................. 65
    Resource Dependence Theory ................................. 75
  Organizational Insight
    GE's U.S. Managers Stumble in Hungary ...................... 61
    Avon's Global Empire ....................................... 66
    Ekco and Its Supplier ...................................... 79
    Li & Fung's Global Supply Chain Management ................. 81

PART II:  ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN ........................ 88
CHAPTER 4  Basic Challenges of Organizational Design ........... 88
  Differentiation .............................................. 88
    Organizational Roles ....................................... 91
    Subunits: Functions and Divisions .......................... 92
    Differentiation at the B.A.R. and Grille ................... 93
    Vertical and Horizon tal Differentia Hon ................... 93
    Organizational Design Challenges ........................... 94
  Balancing Differentiation and Integration .................... 95
    Integration and Integrating Mechanisms ..................... 96
    Differentiation Versus Integration ......................... 99
  Balancing Centralization and Decentralization ............... 100
    Centralization Versus Decentralization of Authority ....... 100
  Balancing Standardization and Mutual Adjustment ............. 102
    Formalization: Written Rules .............................. 103
    Socialization: Understood Norms ........................... 103
    Standardization Versus Mutual Adjustment .................. 104
  Mechanistic and Organic Organizational Structures ........... 106
    Mechanistic Structures .................................... 106
    Organic Structures ........................................ 107
    The Contingency Approach to Organizational Design ......... 108
    Lawrence and Lorsch on Differentiation, Integration, and
      the Environment ......................................... 108
    Burns and Stalker on Organic Versus Mechanistic
      Structures and the Environment .......................... 110
  Summary ..................................................... 113
  Discussion Questions ........................................ 113
  Organizational Theory in Action ............................. 113
    Practicing Organizational Theory: Growing Pains ........... 113
    Making the Connection #4 .................................. 114
    The Ethical Dimension #4 .................................. 114
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #4 .............. 114
    Assignment ................................................ 114
    Where Should Decisions Be Made? ........................... 115
  References .................................................. 116
  Focus on New Information Technology, Part 3 ........................................ 105
  Managerial Implications
    Differentiation ............................................ 95
    The Design Challenges ..................................... 105
  Organizational Insight
    B.A.R. and Grille Restaurant ............................... 90
    Integration at Amgen ....................................... 98
    Centralize or Decentralize? ............................... 101
    McDonald's Changing Environment ........................... 112

CHAPTER 5  Designing Organizational Structure: Authority and
           Control ............................................ 117
  Authority: How and Why Vertical Differentiation Occurs ...... 117
    The Emergence of the Hierarchy ............................ 118
    Size and Height Limitations ............................... 118
    Problems with Tall Hierarchies ............................ 121
    The Parkinson's Law Problem ............................... 122
    The Ideal Number of Hierarchical Levels: The Minimum
      Chain of Command ........................................ 123
    Span of Control ........................................... 124
  Control: Factors Affecting the Shape of the Hierarchy ....... 126
    Horizontal Differentiation ................................ 126
    Centralization ............................................ 128
    Standardization ........................................... 129
  The Principles of Bureaucracy ............................... 130
    The Advantages of Bureaucracy ............................. 134
    Management by Objectives .................................. 135
  The Influence of the Informal Organization .................. 137
  IT, Empowerment, and Self-Managed Teams ..................... 138
  Summary ..................................................... 139
  Discussion Questions ........................................ 140
  Organizational Theory in Action ............................. 140
    Organizational Theory: How to Design a Hierarchy .......... 140
    The Ethical Dimension #5 .................................. 140
    Making the Connection #5 .................................. 141
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #5 .............. 141
    Assignment ................................................ 141
    Sony's Magic Touch ........................................ 142
  References .................................................. 143
  Managerial Implications
    Authority and Control ..................................... 130
    Using Bureaucracy to Benefit the Organization ............. 136
  Organizational Insight
    The Shake-Up at DuPont .................................... 121
    Using the Hierarchy to Promote Creativity at EMI .......... 124
    Never Underestimate the Power of Rules .................... 134
    Wildcat Strikes in the Gypsum Plant ....................... 138

CHAPTER 6  Designing Organizational Structure:
           Specialization and Coordination .................... 144
  Functional Structure ........................................ 144
    Advantages of a Functional Structure ...................... 145
    Control Problems in a Functional Structure ................ 147
    Solving Control Problems in a Functional Structure ........ 148
  From Functional Structure to Divisional Structure ........... 149
    Moving to a Divisional Structure .......................... 150
  Divisional Structure I: Three Kinds of Product Structure .... 151
    Product Division Structure ................................ 151
    Multidivisional Structure ................................. 152
    Product Team Structure .................................... 158
  Divisional Structure II: Geographic Structure ............... 161
  Divisional Structure III: Market Structure .................. 163
  Matrix Structure ............................................ 164
    Advantages of a Matrix Structure .......................... 166
    Disadvantages of a Matrix Structure ....................... 166
    The Multidivisional Matrix Structure ...................... 167
    Hybrid Structure .......................................... 168
  Network Structure and the Boundaryless Organization ......... 169
    Advantages of Network Structures .......................... 170
    Disadvantages of Network Structures ....................... 170
    The Boundaryless Organization ............................. 171
    E-Commerce ................................................ 171
  Summary ..................................................... 172
  Discussion Questions ........................................ 173
  Organizational Theory in Action ............................. 173
    Practicing Organizational Theory: Which New
      Organizational Structure? ............................... 173
    The Ethical Dimension #6 .................................. 173
    Making the Connection #6 .................................. 174
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #6 .............. 174
    Assignment ................................................ 174
    A New Caterpillar Emerges ................................. 175
  References .................................................. 176
  Focus on New Information Technology, Part 4 ........................................ 145
  Managerial Implications
    Functional Structure ...................................... 149
    Changing Organizational Structure ......................... 164
  Organizational Insight
    Creating GM's Multidivisional Structure ................... 154
    Iacocca Pioneers Chrysler's Team Structure ................ 160
    Wal-Mart Goes National, Then Global ....................... 162
    How to Tailor a Structure to Fit Customers ................ 164

CHAPTER 7  Creating and Managing Organizational Culture ....... 177
  What Ts Organizational Culture? ............................. 177
  How Is an Organization's Culture Transmitted to Its
    Members? .................................................. 182
    Socialization and Socialization Tactics ................... 182
    tories, Ceremonies, and Organizational Language ........... 185
  Where Does Organizational Culture Come From? ................ 187
    Characteristics of People Within the Organization ......... 187
    Organizational Ethics ..................................... 188
    Property Rights ........................................... 191
    Organizational Structure .................................. 193
  Can Organizational Culture Be Managed? ...................... 194
  Social Responsibility ....................................... 196
    Approaches to Social Responsibility ....................... 196
    Why Be Socially Responsible? .............................. 197
  Summary ..................................................... 199
  Discussion Questions ........................................ 199
  Organizational Theory in Action ............................. 199
    Practicing Organizational Theory: Developing a Service
      Culture ................................................. 199
    The Ethical Dimension #7 .................................. 199
    Making the Connection #7 .................................. 200
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #7 .............. 200
    Assignment ................................................ 200
    A Tale of Two Cultures .................................... 201
  References .................................................. 202
  Managerial Implications
    Analyzing Organizational Culture .......................... 187
    Designing Organizational Culture .......................... 196
  Organizational Insight
    How Global Culture Affects Organizational Culture ......... 179
    Mergers and Cultures ...................................... 180
    siteROCK's Military Management Culture .................... 186
    Google's Googling Culture ................................. 189
    Apple Juice or Sugar Water ................................ 190
    Bimba Changes Its Property Rights System .................. 193

CHAPTER 8  Organizational Design and Strategy in a Changing
           Global Environment ................................. 204
  Strategy and the Environment ................................ 205
    Sources of Core Competences ............................... 205
    Global Expansion and Core Competences ..................... 207
    Four Levels of Strategy ................................... 209
  Functional-Level Strategy ................................... 210
    Strategies to Lower Costs or Differentiate Products ....... 210
    Functional-Level Strategy and Structure ................... 212
    Functional-Level Strategy and Culture ..................... 214
  Business-Level Strategy ..................................... 215
    Strategies to Lower Costs or Differentiate Products ....... 216
    Focus Strategy ............................................ 217
    Business-Level Strategy and Structure ..................... 217
    Business-Level Strategy and Culture ....................... 220
  Corporate-Level Strategy .................................... 222
    Vertical Integration ...................................... 222
    Related Diversification ................................... 223
    Unrelated Diversification ................................. 224
    Corporate-Level Strategy and Structure .................... 224
    Corporate-Level Strategy and Culture ...................... 226
  Implementing Strategy Across Countries ...................... 228
    Implementing a Multidomestic Strategy ..................... 228
    Implementing International Strategy ....................... 230
    Implementing Global Strategy .............................. 231
    Implementing Transnational Strategy ....................... 231
  Summary ..................................................... 232
  Discussion Questions ........................................ 233
  Organizational Theory in Action ............................. 233
    Practicing Organizational Theory: What Kind of
      Supermarket? ............................................ 233
    The Ethical Dimension #8 .................................. 233
    Making the Connection #8 .................................. 233
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #8 .............. 234
    Assignment ................................................ 234
    Levi Strauss Goes Global .................................. 235
  References .................................................. 236
  Focus on New Information Technology, Part 5 ........................................ 217
  Managerial Implications
    Functional-Level Strategy ................................. 215
    Business-Level Strategy ................................... 221
    Corporate-Level Strategy .................................. 227
  Organizational Insight
    Google's Global Ambitions ................................. 212
    Kodak Reorganizes Its Photographic Products ............... 220
    How Culture Derailed the Merger Between AHP and
      Monsanto ................................................ 221
    Hitachi Ltd. .............................................. 226

CHAPTER 9  Organizational Design, Competences, and
           Technology ......................................... 237
  What is Technology? ......................................... 237
  Technology and Organizational Effectiveness ................. 239
  Technical Complexity: The Theory of Joan Woodward ........... 241
    Small-Batch and Unit Technology ........................... 241
    Large-Batch and Mass Production Technology ................ 242
    Continuous-Process Technology ............................. 243
    Technical Complexity and Organizational Structure ......... 244
    The Technological Imperative .............................. 246
  Routine Tasks and Complex Tasks: The Theory of Charles
    Perrow .................................................... 247
    Task Variability and Task Analyzability ................... 247
    Four Types of Technology .................................. 248
    Routine Technology and Organizational Structure ........... 250
    Nonroutine Technology and Organizational Structure ........ 251
  Task Interdependence: The Theory of James D. Thompson ....... 251
    Mediating Technology and Pooled Interdependence ........... 251
    Long-Linked Technology and Sequential Interdependence ..... 253
    Intensive Technology and Reciprocal Interdependence ....... 255
  From Mass Production to Advanced Manufacturing Technology ... 257
  Advanced Manufacturing Technology: Innovations in
    Materials Technology ...................................... 259
    Computer-Aided Design ..................................... 259
    Computer-Aided Materials Management ....................... 260
    Just-in-Time Inventory Systems ............................ 261
    Flexible Manufacturing Technology and
      Computer-Integrated Manufacturing ....................... 262
  Summary ..................................................... 263
  Discussion Questions ........................................ 264
  Organizational Theory in Action ............................. 264
    Practicing Organizational Theory: Choosing a Technology ... 264
    The Ethical Dimension #9 .................................. 265
    Making the Connection #9 .................................. 265
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #9 .............. 265
    Assignment ................................................ 265
    The Shape of Things to Come ............................... 266
  References .................................................. 267
  Managerial Implications
    Analyzing Technology ...................................... 257
  Organizational Insight
    Progressive Manufacture at Ford ........................... 238
    Krispy Kreme's Small-Batch Doughnuts ...................... 243
    Microsoft Reorganizes to Speed Innovation ................. 256
    Motorola's Factory of the Future .......................... 263

PART III:  ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE ...................... 269
CHAPTER 10  Types and Forms of Organizational Change .......... 269
  What Is Organizational Change? .............................. 269
    Targets of Change ......................................... 270
  Forces for and Resistance to Organizational Change .......... 271
    Forces for Change ......................................... 272
    Resistances to Change ..................................... 274
    Organization-Level Resistance to Change ................... 274
    Group-Level Resistance to Change .......................... 275
    Individual-Level Resistance to Change ..................... 275
    Lewin's Force-Field Theory of Change ...................... 276
  Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change in Organizations ...... 277
    Developments in Evolutionary Change: Sociotechnical
      Systems Theory .......................................... 277
    Total Quality Management .................................. 279
    Flexible Workers and Flexible Work Teams .................. 280
    Developments in Revolutionary Change Reengineering ........ 283
    Restructuring ............................................. 286
    Innovation ................................................ 287
  Managing Change: Action Research ............................ 288
    Diagnosing the Organization ............................... 288
    Determining the Desired Future State ...................... 289
    Implementing Action ....................................... 290
    Evaluating the Action ..................................... 291
    Institutionalizing Action Research ........................ 291
  Organizational Development .................................. 292
    OD Techniques to Deal with Resistance to Change ........... 292
    OD Techniques to Promote Change ........................... 294
  Summary ..................................................... 297
  Discussion Questions ........................................ 298
  Organizational Theory in Action ............................. 298
    Practicing Organizational Theory: Managing Change ......... 298
    Making the Connection #10 ................................. 298
    The Ethical Dimension #10 ................................. 298
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #10 ............. 298
    Assignment ................................................ 298
    Sears Changes Again and Again ............................. 299
  References .................................................. 300
  Managerial Implications
    Forces for and Resistances to Change ...................... 277
    Designing a Plan for Change ............................... 292
  Organizational Insight
    Nike, Reebok, Adidas, and the Sweatshops .................. 273
    United Technologies Uses TQM .............................. 280
    Flexible Work Teams at Globe .............................. 283
    How to Stay on Top in the Greeting Card Business .......... 285

CHAPTER 11  Organizational Transformations: Birth, Growth,
            Decline, and Death ................................ 302
  The Organizational Life Cycle ............................... 302
  Organizational Birth ........................................ 303
    Developing a Plan for a New Business ...................... 304
  A Population Ecology Model of Organizational Birth .......... 307
    Number of Births .......................................... 307
    Survival Strategies ....................................... 308
    The Process of Natural Selection .......................... 309
  The Institutional Theory of Organizational Growth ........... 312
    Organizational Isomorphism ................................ 312
    Disadvantages of Isomorphism .............................. 314
  Greiner's Model of Organizational Growth .................... 314
    Stage 1: Growth Through Creativity ........................ 315
    Stage 2: Growth Through Direction ......................... 315
    Stage 3: Growth Through Delegation ........................ 316
    Stage 4: Growth Through Coordination ...................... 317
    Stage 5: Growth Through Collaboration ..................... 318
  Organizational Decline and Death ............................ 319
    Effectiveness and Profitability ........................... 319
    Organizational Inertia .................................... 321
    Changes in the Environment ................................ 323
    Weitzel and Jonsson's Model of Organizational Decline ..... 323
  Summary ..................................................... 326
  Discussion Questions ........................................ 327
  Organizational Theory in Action ............................. 327
    Practicing Organizational Theory: Growing Pains ........... 327
    Making the Connection #11 ................................. 328
    The Ethical Dimension #11 ................................. 328
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #11 ............. 328
    Assignment ................................................ 328
    The Body Shop Reaches Middle Age .......................... 329
  References .................................................. 330
  Focus on New Information Technology, Part 6 ........................................ 311
  Managerial Implications
    Organizational Birth and Growth ........................... 318
    Organizational Decline .................................... 326
  Organizational Insight
    How to Be an Entrepreneur ................................. 306
    Carlos Ghosn Shakes Up Nissan ............................. 325

CHAPTER 12  Decision Making, Learning, Knowledge Management,
            and Information Technology ........................ 332
  Organizational Decision Making .............................. 332
  Models of Organizational Decision Making .................... 333
    The Rational Model ........................................ 333
    The Carnegie Model ........................................ 335
    The Incrementatist Model .................................. 336
    The Unstructured Model .................................... 338
    The Garbage Can Model ..................................... 338
  The Nature of Organizational Learning ....................... 340
    Types of Organizational Learning .......................... 340
    Levels of Organizational Learning ......................... 341
  Knowledge Management and Information Technology ............. 344
  Factors Affecting Organizational Learning ................... 347
    Organizational learning and Cognitive Structures .......... 348
    Types of Cognitive Biases ................................. 348
    Cognitive Dissonance ...................................... 349
    Illusion of Control ....................................... 349
    Frequency and Representativeness .......................... 350
    Projection and Ego-Defensiveness .......................... 351
    Escalation of Commitment .................................. 352
  Improving Decision Making and Learning ...................... 352
    Strategies for Organizational Learning .................... 353
    Utilizing Game Theory ..................................... 354
    Nature of the Top Management Team ......................... 355
    Persuasive Communication .................................. 357
    Devil's Advocacy and Dialectical Inquiry .................. 359
    Collateral Organizational Structure ....................... 360
  Summary ..................................................... 360
  Discussion Questions ........................................ 361
  Organizational Theory in Action ............................. 361
    Practicing Organizational Theory; Store Learning .......... 361
    Making the Connection #12 ................................. 362
    The Ethical Dimension #12 ................................. 362
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #12 ............. 362
    Assignment ................................................ 362
    Encouraging Learning at Baxter International .............. 363
  References .................................................. 364
  Managerial Implications
    Decision Making and Learning .............................. 360
  Organizational Insight
    Should GE Make or Buy Washing Machines? ................... 337
    Microsoft Is Not All-Seeing After All ..................... 339
    Accenture's Knowledge Management System ................... 345
    Mistakes and More Mistakes at the E-Grocers ............... 351

CHAPTER 13  Innovation, Intrapreneurship, and Creativity ...... 366
  Innovation and Technological Change ......................... 366
    The Product Life Cycle .................................... 370
    Innovation, Intrapreneurship, and Creativity .............. 373
  Managing the Innovation Process ............................. 375
    Project Management ........................................ 375
    Stage-Gate Development Funnel ............................. 378
    Using Cross-Functional Teams and a Product Team
      Structure ............................................... 379
    Team Leadership ........................................... 381
    Skunk Works and New Venture Divisions ..................... 381
    Joint Ventures ............................................ 383
    Creating a Culture for Innovation ......................... 383
  Innovation and Information Technology ....................... 385
    Innovation and Information Synergies ...................... 386
    IT and Organizational Structure and Culture ............... 388
  Summary ..................................................... 388
  Discussion Questions ........................................ 389
  Organizational Theory in Action ............................. 389
    Practicing Organizational Theory: Managing Innovation ..... 389
    The Ethical Dimension ..................................... 389
    Making the Connection #13 ................................. 389
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #13 ............. 389
    Assignment ................................................ 389
    Too Much Innovation at Lucent ............................. 390
  References .................................................. 391
  Focus on New Information Technology, Part 7 ........................................ 387
  Managerial Implications
    Innovation ................................................ 385
  Organizational Insight
    The Rolling Stones Are Not Gathering Moss ................. 370
    Innovation at The Gap ..................................... 372
    Championing the Mustang ................................... 382
    Fostering Innovation at 3M ................................ 384

CHAPTER 14  Managing Conflict, Power, and Politics ............ 393
  What Is Organizational Conflict? ............................ 393
  Pondy's Model of Organizational Conflict .................... 396
    Stage 1: Latent Conflict .................................. 396
    Stage 2: Perceived Conflict ............................... 399
    Stage 3: Felt Conflict .................................... 399
    Stage 4: Manifest Conflict ................................ 400
    Stage 5: Conflict Aftermath ............................... 400
  Managing Conflict: Conflict Resolution Strategies ........... 401
    Acting at the Level of Structure .......................... 401
    Acting at the Level of Attitudes and Individuals .......... 402
  What Is Organizational Power? ............................... 403
  Sources of Organizational Power ............................. 404
    Authority ................................................. 404
    Control over Resources .................................... 406
    Control over Information .................................. 406
    Nonsubstitutability ....................................... 407
    Centrality ................................................ 407
    Control over Uncertainty .................................. 408
    Unobtrusive Power: Controlling the Premises of Decision
      Making .................................................. 408
  Using Power: Organizational Politics ........................ 409
    Tactics for Playing Politics .............................. 409
    The Costs and 'Benefits of Organizational Politics ........ 412
  Summary ..................................................... 414
  Discussion Questions ........................................ 415
  Organizational Theory in Action ............................. 415
    Practicing Organizational Theory: Managing Conflict ....... 415
    The Ethical Dimension #14 ................................. 415
    Making the Connection #14 ................................. 415
    Analyzing the Organization: Design Module #14 ............. 415
    Assignment ................................................ 415
    The Shake-Up in GM's Hierarchy ............................ 416
  References .................................................. 417
  Managerial Implications
    Conflict .................................................. 403
    Power and Politics ........................................ 414
  Organizational Insight
    Conflict Causes Slow Change at Kodak ...................... 397
    Conflict at Financial Giant Morgan Stanley ................ 400
    Power Struggles and Corporate Greed at WorldCom ........... 411

Case Studies .................................................. 419
  Case 1  United Products, Inc. ............................... 419
    Jeffrey C. Shuman
  Case 2  The Paradoxical Twins: Acme and Omega Electronics ... 428
    John F. Veiga
  Case 3  Continental Can Company of Canada, Ltd. ............. 432
    Paul R. Lawrence
  Case 4  TRW Systems Group (A and B Condensed) ............... 442
    Paul H. Thompson
  Case 5  Texana Petroleum Corporation ........................ 456
    Jay W. Lorsch, Paul R. Lawrence, and James A. Garrison
  Case 6  W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. ....................... 463
    Frank Shipper and Charles C. Manz
  Case 7  Three Roads to Innovation ........................... 472
    Ronald A. Mitsch
  Case 8  The Scaffold Plank Incident ......................... 475
    Stewart C. Malone and Brad Brown
  Case 9  Beer and Wine Industries: Bartles & Jaymes .......... 477
    Per V. Jenster
  Case 10 Bennett's Machine Shop, Inc. ........................ 484
    Arthur Sharplin
  Case 11 Southwest Airlines .................................. 495
  Case 12 Pharmacia and Upjohn ................................ 499
    Garelh R. Jones
  Case 13 Philips NV .......................................... 505
    Charles W. L. Hill
  Case 14 "Ramrod" Stockwell .................................. 508
    Charles Perrow
  Case 15 Rondell Data Corporation ............................ 511
    John A. Seeger

Company Index ................................................. 518

Name Index .................................................... 520

Subject Index ................................................. 521

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