Nowakowska J.A. Zmiennosc genetyczna polskich wybranych populacji sosny zwyczajnei (<I>Pinus sylvestris</I> L.) na podstavie analiz polimorphismu DNA. - (Sekocin Stary, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ I CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNowakowska J.A. Zmienność genetyczna polskich wybranych populacji sosny zwyczajnei (Pinus sylvestris L.) na podstavie analiz polimorphismu DNA. - Sekocin Stary: IBL, 2007. - 118 s. - (Prace instytutu badawczego lesnictwa. Rozprawy i monografie; 9). - ISBN 978-83-87647-70-4

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Оглавление / Contents
1. Introduction ................................................. 9

2. Literature review ........................................... 10
   2.1. General characteristic of the species and
        geographical range of distribution ..................... 10
   2.2. Genetic variability of Scots pine in Europe based
        on provenance tests .................................... 10
   2.3. Factors influencing the variability of forest trees .... 12
   2.4. Study of forest tree variability with molecular
        markers ................................................ 14

3. Objectives .................................................. 22

4. Materials and methods ....................................... 23
   4.1. Choice of populations .................................. 23
   4.2. Plant material sampling and DNA isolation .............. 30
   4.3. Choice of DNA markers .................................. 31
        4.3.1. General information ............................. 31
        4.3.2. Amplification and detection of SSR .............. 31
        4.3.3. Amplification and detection of STS .............. 34
   4.4. Statistical analysis ................................... 36

5. Results ..................................................... 37
   5.1. Genetic variation of Scots pine populations based
        on microsatellite DNA markers .......................... 37
        5.1.1. List and frequency of genotypes found in
               populations ..................................... 37
        5.1.2. Genetic variation of populations ................ 48
        5.1.3. Significance of the genetic parameters
               differentiation based on SSR markers ............ 54
        5.1.4. Genetic similarity and spatial distribution
               of genotypes in the provenance regions .......... 56
   5.2. Genetic variation of Scots pine populations based
        on mitochondrial DNA markers ........................... 67
        5.2.1. List and frequency of genotypes found
               in populations .................................. 67
        5.2.2. Genetic variation of populations ................ 71
        5.2.3. Significance of the genetic parameters
               differentiation based on STS markers ............ 72
        5.2.4. Genetic similarity and spatial distribution
               of genotypes in the provenance regions .......... 73

6. Discussion .................................................. 84
   6.1. Molecular markers as research tool in genetics ......... 84
   6.2. Genetic differentiation of forest tree species
        in Poland and in Europe ................................ 84
   6.3. Spatial distribution of genotypes and haplotypes
        of Scots pine populations .............................. 92
   6.4. Application of genetic variation data in
        forest practice ........................................ 95

7. Conclusions ................................................ 100

Summary (in English) .......................................... 103

Literature .................................................... 105

Выставка новых поступлений  |  Поступления иностранных книг в библиотеки СО РАН : 2003 | 2006 |2008

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