Glatz J. Zasady funcjonowania zrownowazonego gospodarstwa lesnego na przykladzie regionu uperzemyslowionego (Sekocin Stary, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGlatz J. Zasady funcjonowania zrównowaźonego gospodarstwa leśnego na przykladzie regionu uperzemyslowionego. - Sekocin Stary: IBL, 2007. - 127 s. - (Prace instytutu badawczego lesnictwa. Rozprawy i monografie; 7). - ISBN 978-83-87647-63-6

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Оглавление / Contents
1. Introduction ................................................. 9
   1.1. The economic aspects of operation of a forest holding ... 9
   1.2. International conditions of transformation in
        forestry ............................................... 10
   1.3. General assessment of the current forest management
        model .................................................. 12

2. The aim and scope of the study .............................. 14

3. Research material ........................................... 17
   3.1. Literature, regulations (legal and economic), as
        well as information and source data .................... 17
   3.2. General characteristic of selected industrialized
        region ................................................. 18
        3.2.1. Basic data about the region ..................... 18
        3.2.2. Forest management characteristics ............... 19
        3.2.3. Social preferences .............................. 23
   3.3. Site characteristic for model verification ............. 27

4. Methodical aspects .......................................... 33
   4.1. General concept and method of reaching the set goal .... 33
   4.2. Explanation of the terms used in the study ............. 34

5. Theoretical assumptions of sustainable forest management .... 38
   5.1. The role and ways of identifying social preferences
        in sustainable forest management ....................... 38
   5.2. Forest functions and structure ......................... 40
        5.2.1. The notion of forest functions .................. 40
        5.2.2. Structure pattern ............................... 44
        5.2.3. Division of forest functions .................... 54
        5.2.4. Forest functions versus forest structure ........ 55
        5.2.5. Functional potential ............................ 56
        5.2.6. Relationships between forest functions .......... 57
        5.2.7. Types of forest holdings versus forest
               functions ....................................... 65
   5.3. Valuation of functional potential ...................... 66
        5.3.1. General assumptions of valuation of non-
               productive forest functions ..................... 66
        5.3.2. Identification of forest products and
               services ........................................ 68
        5.3.3. Identification of revenues and outlays .......... 69
        5.3.4. Specification of the principles and ways of
               reaching the required stand structure ........... 72
        5.3.5. Valuation of the economic activities enhancing
               functional potential and determination of the
               value of lost tangible goods .................... 75
        5.3.6. Homogenous groups for accounting of functional
               potential value ................................. 76
        5.3.7. Functional patential value ...................... 82
   5.4. Actions in favour of economic equilibrium of a forest
        holding ................................................ 84
        5.4.1. The problem of economic equilibrium in a
               forest holding .................................. 84
        5.4.2. Services market ................................. 85
        5.4.3. Forest function allocation mechanism ............ 87
        5.4.4. Sale of services through negotiations 
               incentive systems ............................... 89

6. Verification of detailed and illustration of general
   theoretical solutions at the selected site .................. 91
   6.1. Forest valuation ....................................... 91
   6.2. Elements of forest function valuation ................. 103

7. Discussion and conclusions ................................. 108
   Conclusions ................................................ 115

English summary ............................................... 117

Literature and sources ........................................ 120

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