A third century of new species of Stelis of Ecuador,
a review ................................................... 1-2
List of species ................................................. 3
New species of section Nexipous ............................... 4-9
New species of section Humboldtia ........................... 10-15
New species of section Stelis ............................... 16-80
Index to new species of Stelis .............................. 81-82
Systematics of Apoda-Prorepentia ............................ 83-93
Miscellaneous small pleurothallid genera not previously
treated ................................................. 94-105
Systematics of the genus Cucumeria .......................... 94
Systematics of the genus Empusella .......................... 95
Systematics of the genus Myrandopsis ........................ 96
Systematics of the genus Mixis .............................. 97
Systematics of the genus Mystacorchis ....................... 97
Systematics of the genus Physosiphon ........................ 98
Systematics of the genus Physothallis ...................... 101
Systematics of the genus Pseudoctomeria .................... 102
Addenda: Miscellaneous new genera, species and
combinations ........................................... 106-121
1. New genera ............................................. 106-107
2. New species ............................................ 108-114
3. New species of Lepanthes of Ecuador .................... 115-117
4. New combinations ....................................... 118-121
5. New species and a new combination in Masdevallia and
affiliates ............................................. 122-130