Natural Resources
Energy Resources
Is the availability of crude oil just a question of adequate
investment? .................................................... 16
Hard coal - a tolerated evil or an evergreen energy source? .... 20
Reducing the risks of geothermal plant operation -
Using CO2-free energy from the ground economically ............. 23
Joint research projects on CO2 storage ......................... 26
Marine geophysical surveys to estimate the hydrocarbon potential
of the South Atlantic continental margin ....................... 32
GeneSys project Planning and authorisation ..................... 34
What is the origin of the rocks producing oil? ................. 37
Mineral Resources
Mineral resources - essential supplies for German industry ..... 39
Natural resources are now a top priority at the Federation
of German Industries (BDI) ..................................... 42
German carmakers want sustainable commodity supplies ........... 43
How did dioxins enter day deposits way back in the geological
past? .......................................................... 44
Gold from the floor of the ocean
Smoking vents on the floor of the southern oceans .............. 46
The eighth continent and the kingdom:
Madagascar and Morocco enhance their metals production ......... 48
Advising the mining bureaux in Vietnam and Mongolia ............ 50
Prospecting in a Canadian meteorite crater
The reality is more exciting than science fiction .............. 52
Nigrin - Black trail to light rocks ............................ 54
Fights fires and melts ores: fluorspar ......................... 56
Allophane - Bricks are not everything .......................... 57
Manganese nodules - Mineral resources of the future ............ 59
Georesource Soil
Soils - essential .............................................. 62
Land-use and soil in Germany ................................... 65
Soil texture - a key parameter of soil assessment .............. 68
What kinds of clay minerals and how many are present in soils -
and how can they be quantified? ................................ 70
Legislation needs basic scientific facts:
heavy metals in soils .......................................... 72
Georesource Water
Are we running out of drinking water? .......................... 78
Groundwater resources management in Jordan ..................... 81
With helicopter and 4x4-
groundwater investigation in the northeast of Namibia .......... 85
Groundwater monitoring in Kyrgyzstan ........................... 90
Conflicts in the Colbitz-Letzlinger Heide between military use and
drinking water protection ...................................... 92
WHYMAP - Looking at groundwater from a global point of view .... 95
Geotechnical Safety / Repositories
Experts around the world are all in agreement: deep geological
formations are the most suitable locations for the disposal
of high-level radioactive waste ............................... 100
Long-term safety analysis: Predicting the future of a geologic
repository in salt ............................................ 102
How modern computer-supported equipment helps researchers describe
the extremely slow and complex processes taking place in
a repository for radioactive waste ............................ 104
Real 3D models of salt caverns taller than 50-storey
skyscrapers ................................................... 108
Investigation and evaluation of regions with argillaceous rock
formations .................................................... 110
Geological Hazards
Geological hazards - Georisks ................................. 114
Geoscientific monitoring of the Krakatau volcano - KrakMon .... 116
Mitigation of georisks in Indonesia ........................... 119
Sino-German Coal Fire Research Initiative ..................... 121
Earthquake risk maps of Bulgaria and Rumania .................. 124
Central Seismological Observatory and CTBT Verification
Ten years of CTBT ............................................. 128
ALISE, the Alert and Information System for Earthquakes in
Germany ....................................................... 131
The inaudible noise of wind turbines .......................... 133
Monitoring compliance with the CTBT using satellite and seismic
data .......................................................... 136
The magnitude 9 Sumatran earthquake of 26 December 2004 ....... 140
HELicopter Project Aceh - HELP ACEH ........................... 142
Supporting the reconstruction of Banda Aceh in Indonesia -
the ManGeoNAD project ......................................... 144
SeaCause ...................................................... 147
Special Topics
Public relations at BGR: "Hunting the truffles of the deap
sea" .......................................................... 152
Technical cooperation with developping countries .............. 154
GANOVEX IX - Expedition to the perpetual ice of the
Antarctic ..................................................... 156
Geology without (political) limits:
The new International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas
1:5.000.000 (IGME5000) ........................................ 160
Atlantic climate seesaw:
Tropical Atlantic warming indicates North Atlantic climate
shifts ........................................................ 163
Facts and figures ............................................. 165