Acknowledgements .............................................. vii
An Introduction to both volumes occurs in Volume I
1. Daniel Ellsberg (1961)
Risk, Ambiguity, and the Savage Axioms
Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXXV (4), 643-69 ............ 3
2. F.J. Anscombe and R.J. Aumann (1963)
A Definition of Subjective Probability
Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 34, 199-205 ............. 30
3. Peter Gardenfors and Nils-Eric Sahlin (1982)
Unreliable Probabilities, Risk Taking, and Decision
Synthese, 53 (3), December, 361-86 ......................... 37
4. Hillel J. Einhorn and Robin M. Hogarth (1987)
Decision Making Under Ambiguity
in Robin M. Hogarth and Melvin W. Reder (eds), Rational
Choice: The Contrast Between Economics and Psychology,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 41-66 ................ 63
5. Itzhak Gilboa (1987)
Expected Utility with Purely Subjective Non-Additive
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 16 (1), 65-88 ........... 89
6. Uzi Segal (1987)
The Ellsberg Paradox and Risk Aversion: An Anticipated
Utility Approach
International Economic Review, 28 (1), February,
175-202 ................................................... 113
7. Itzhak Gilboa (1988)
A Combination of Expected Utility and Maxmin Decision
Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 32, 405-20 ............ 141
8. Itzhak Gilboa and David Schmeidler (1989)
Maxmin Expected Utility with Non-Unique Prior
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 18 (2), 141-53 ......... 157
9. David Schmeidler (1989)
Subjective Probability and Expected Utility without
Econometrica, 57 (3), May, 571-87 ......................... 170
10. Ian M. Dobbs (1991)
A Bayesian Approach to Decision-Making Under Ambiguity
Economica, 58 (232), November, 417-40 ..................... 187
11. Mark J. Machina and David Schmeidler (1992)
A More Robust Definition of Subjective Probability
Econometrica, 60 (4), July, 745-80 ........................ 211
12. Rakesh K. Sarin and Robert L. Winkler (1992)
Ambiguity and Decision Modeling: A Preference-Based
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 5 (4), October,
389-407 ................................................... 247
13. Peter Fishburn (1994)
A Variational Model of Preference Under Uncertainty
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 8 (2), 127-52 ............ 266
14. Michael Spence and Richard Zeckhauser (1972)
The Effect of the Timing of Consumption Decisions and
the Resolution of Lotteries on die Choice of Lotteries
Econometrica, 40 (2), March, 401-3 ........................ 295
15. Larry Selden (1978)
A New Representation of Preferences Over "Certain X
Uncertain" Consumption Pairs: The "Ordinal Certainty
Equivalent" Hypothesis
Econometrica, 46 (5), September, 1045-60 .................. 298
16. David M. Kreps and Evan L. Porteus (1979)
Temporal von Neumann-Morgenstera and Induced Preferences
Journal of Economic Theory, 20 (1), February, 81-109 ...... 314
17. Larry G. Epstein (1980)
Decision Making and the Temporal Resolution of
International Economic Review, 21 (2), June, 269-83 ....... 343
18. Peter J. Hammond (1988)
Consequentialist Foundations for Expected Utility
Theory and Decision, 25 (1), 25-78 ........................ 358
19. Larry G. Epstein and Stanley E. Zin (1989)
Substitution, Risk Aversion, and the Temporal Behavior
of Consumption and Asset Returns: A Theoretical
Econometrica, 57 (4), July, 937-69 ........................ 412
20. Mark J. Machina (1989)
Dynamic Consistency and Non-Expected Utility Models of
Choice Under Uncertainty
Journal of Economic Literature, XXVII, December,
1622-68 ................................................... 445
21. Uzi Segal (1990)
Two-Stage Lotteries without the Reduction Axiom
Econometrica, 58 (2), March, 349-77 ....................... 492
22. Larry G. Epstein and Michel Le Breton (1993)
Dynamically Consistent Beliefs must be Bayesian
Journal of Economic Theory, 61 (1), 1-22 .................. 521
23. Itzhak Gilboa and David Schmeidler (1993)
Updating Ambiguous Beliefs
Journal of Economic Theory, 59, 33-49 ..................... 543
Index ......................................................... 561