1 Introduction ................................................. 1
1.1 What is a GIS? .......................................... 1
1.2 GIS functionality ....................................... 5
1.3 Data and databases ..................................... 16
1.4 Hardware support ....................................... 24
2 Fundamental database concepts ............................... 35
2.1 Introduction to databases .............................. 35
2.2 Relational databases ................................... 43
2.3 Database development ................................... 55
2.4 Object-orientation ..................................... 71
3 Fundamental spatial concepts ................................ 83
3.1 Euclidean space ........................................ 84
3.2 Set-based geometry of space ............................ 90
3.3 Topology of space ....................................... 99
3.4 Network spaces ........................................ 117
3.5 Metric spaces ......................................... 123
3.6 Endnote on fractal geometry ........................... 127
4 Models of geospatial information ........................... 133
4.1 Modeling and ontology ................................. 133
4.2 The modeling process .................................. 135
4.3 Field-based models .................................... 140
4.4 Object-based models ................................... 151
5 Representation and algorithms .............................. 167
5.1 Computing with geospatial data ........................ 168
5.2 The discrete Euclidean plane .......................... 172
5.3 The spatial object domain ............................. 177
5.4 Representations of field-based models ................. 187
5.5 Fundamental geometric algorithms ...................... 194
5.6 Vectorization and rasterization ....................... 207
5.7 Network representation and algorithms ................. 211
6 Structures and access methods .............................. 221
6.1 General database structures and access methods ........ 221
6.2 From one to two dimensions ............................ 229
6.3 Raster structures ..................................... 234
6.4 Point object structures ............................... 240
6.5 Linear objects ........................................ 248
6.6 Collections of objects ................................ 250
6.7 Spherical data structures ............................. 255
7 Architectures .............................................. 259
7.1 Hybrid, integrated, and composable architectures ...... 260
7.2 Syntactic and semantic heterogeneity .................. 262
7.3 Distributed systems ................................... 266
7.4 Distributed databases ................................. 273
7.5 Location-aware computing .............................. 278
8 Interfaces ................................................. 293
8.1 Human-computer interaction ............................ 293
8.2 Cartographic interfaces ............................... 301
8.3 Geovisualization ...................................... 305
8.4 Developing GIS interfaces ............................. 316
9 Spatial reasoning and uncertainty .......................... 323
9.1 Formal aspects of spatial reasoning ................... 323
9.2 Information and uncertainty ........................... 328
9.3 Qualitative approaches to uncertainty ................. 340
9.4 Quantitative approaches to uncertainty ................ 349
9.5 Applications of uncertainty in GIS .................... 353
10 Time ....................................................... 359
10.1 Introduction: "A brief history of time" ............... 360
10.2 Temporal information systems .......................... 367
10.3 Spatiotemporal information systems .................... 371
10.4 Indexes and queries ................................... 374
Appendix A: Cinema relational database example ................ 383
Appendix B: Acronyms and abbreviations ........................ 387
Bibliography .................................................. 391
Index ......................................................... 413