Springer handbook of experimental fluid mechanics with DVD-ROM (В., 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSpringer handbook of experimental fluid mechanics with DVD-ROM / ed. by Tropea С., Yarin A.L., Foss J.F. - В.: Springer, 2007. - 1557 p. - ISBN 978-3-540-25141-5

Оглавление / Contents
List of Abbreviations ......................................... XXI
Nomenclature .................................................. XXV

Part A  Experiments in Fluid Mechanics

1  Experiment as a Boundary-Value Problem
   Ronald L. Panton, Saeid Kheirandish, Manfred H. Wagner ....... 3
   1.1 Thermodynamic Equations .................................. 3
   1.2 Kinematic Equations ...................................... 5
   1.3 Balance Laws and Local Governing Equations ............... 6
   1.4 Balance Laws and Global Governing Equations .............. 8
   1.5 Constitutive Equations .................................. 10
   1.6 Navier-Stokes Equations ................................. 11
   1.7 Discontinuities in Density .............................. 11
   1.8 Constitutive Equations and Nonlinear Rheology of
       Polymer Melts ........................................... 13
   References .................................................. 30

2  Nondimensional Representation of the Boundary-Value Problem
   John F. Foss, Ronald L. Panton, Alexander L. Yarin .......... 33
   2.1 Similitude, the Nondimensional Prototype and Model
       Flow Fields ............................................. 34
   2.2 Dimensional Analysis and Data Organization .............. 42
   2.3 Self-Similarity ......................................... 57
   References .................................................. 82

Part В  Measurement of Primary Quantities

3  Material Properties: Measurement and Data
   William A. Wakeham, Marc J. Assael, Abraham Marmur,
   Joël De Coninck, Terry D. Blake, Stephanus A. Theron,
   Eyal Zussman ................................................ 85
   3.1 Density ................................................. 85
   3.2 Surface Tension and Interfacial Tension of Liquids ...... 96
   3.3 Contact Angle .......................................... 106
   3.4 Viscosity .............................................. 119
   3.5 Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity ........... 133
   3.6 Diffusion .............................................. 147
   3.7 Electric and Magnetic Parameters of Liquids and
       Gases .................................................. 158
   References ................................................. 169

4  Pressure Measurement Systems
   Beverley J. McKeon, Rolf H. Engler ......................... 179
   4.1 Measurement of Pressure with Wall Tappings ............. 180
   4.2 Measurement of Pressure with Static Tubes .............. 185
   4.3 Hardware and Other Considerations ...................... 187
   4.4 Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) ......................... 188
   References ................................................. 209

5  Velocity, Vorticity, and Mach Number
   Beverley J. McKeon, Genevieve Comte-Bellot, John F. Foss,
   Jerry Westerweel, Fulvio Scarano, Cameron Tropea,
   James F. Meyers, Joseph W. Lee, Angela A. Cavone,
   Richard Schodl, Manoochehr M. Koochesfahani,
   Daniel G. Nocera, Yiannis Andreopoulos, Werner J.A. Dahm,
   John A. Mullin, James M. Wallace, Petar V. Vukoslavčević,
   Scott С Morris, Eric R. Pardyjak, Alvaro Cuerva ............ 215
   5.1 Pressure-Based Velocity Measurements ................... 216
   5.2 Thermal Anemometry ..................................... 229
   5.3 Particle-Based Techniques .............................. 287
   5.4 Molecular Tagging Velocimetry (MTV) .................... 362
   5.5 Vorticity .............................................. 382
   5.6 Thermal Transient Anemometer (TTA) ..................... 434
   5.7 Sonic Anemometry/Thermometry ........................... 436
   References ................................................. 446

6  Density-Based Techniques
   Wolfgang Merzkirch ......................................... 473
   6.1 Density, Refractive Index, and Optical Flow
       Visualization .......................................... 473
   6.2 Shadowgraphy ........................................... 474
   6.3 Schlieren Method ....................................... 476
   6.4 Moiré Deflectometry .................................... 478
   6.5 Interferometry ......................................... 480
   6.6 Optical Tomography ..................................... 485
   References ................................................. 485

7  Temperature and Heat Flux
   Tomasz A. Kowalewski, Phillip Ligrani, Andreas Dreizler,
   Christof Schulz, Uwe Fey, Yasuhiro Egami ................... 487
   7.1 Thermochromic Liquid Crystals .......................... 488
   7.2 Measurements of Surface Heat Transfer Characteristics
       Using Infrared Imaging ................................. 500
   7.3 Temperature Measurement via Absorption, Light
       Scattering and Laser-Induced Fluorescence .............. 515
   7.4 Transition Detection by Temperature-Sensitive Paint .... 537
   References ................................................. 553

8  Force and Moment Measurement
   Klaus Hufnagel, Günter Schewe .............................. 563
   8.1 Steady and Quasi-Steady Measurement .................... 564
   8.2 Force and Moment Measurements in Aerodynamics and
       Aeroelasticity Using Piezoelectric Transducers ......... 596
   References ................................................. 615

Part С  Specific Experimental Environments and Techniques

9  Non-Newtonian Flows
   Klaas te Nijenhuis, Gareth H. McKinley,
   Stephen Spiegelberg, Howard A. Barnes, Nuri Aksel,
   Lutz Heymann, Jeffrey A. Odell ............................. 619
   9.1 Viscoelastic Polymeric Fluids .......................... 619
   9.2 Thixotropy, Rheopexy, Yield Stress ..................... 661
   9.3 Rheology of Suspensions and Emulsions .................. 680
   9.4 Entrance Correction and Extrudate Swell ................ 720
   9.5 Birefringence in Non-Newtonian Flows ................... 724
   References ................................................. 732

10 Measurements of Turbulent Flows
   Giovanni Paolo Romano, Nicholas T. Ouellette, Haitao Xu,
   Eberhard Bodenschatz, Victor Steinberg, Charles Meneveau,
   Joseph Katz ................................................ 745
   10.1 Statistical Eulerian Description of Turbulent Flows ... 746
   10.2 Measuring Lagrangian Statistics in Intense
        Turbulence ............................................ 789
   10.3 Elastic Turbulence in Viscoelastic Flows .............. 799
   10.4 Measurements for Large-Eddy Simulations ............... 830
   References ................................................. 849

11 Flow Visualization
   Wolfgang Merzkirch ......................................... 857
   11.1 Aims and Principles of Flow Visualization ............. 857
   11.2 Visualizations of Flow Structures and Flow
        Direction ............................................. 859
   11.3 Visualization of Free Surface Flows ................... 868
   References ................................................. 869

12 Wall-Bounded Flows
   Joseph С. Klewicki, William S. Saric, Ivan Marusic,
   John K. Eaton .............................................. 871
   12.1 Introductory Concepts ................................. 871
   12.2 Measurement of Wall Shear Stress ...................... 875
   12.3 Boundary-Layer Stability and Transition ............... 886
   12.4 Measurements Considerations in Non-Canonical Flows .... 896
   References ................................................. 902

13 Topological Considerations in Fluid Mechanics Measurements
   John F. Foss ............................................... 909
   13.1 A Companion Document .................................. 909
   13.2 Utilization of Topological Considerations for Flow
        Field Analyses ........................................ 910
   References ................................................. 918

14 Flow Measurement Techniques in Turbomachinery
   Oğuz Uzol, Joseph Katz ..................................... 919
   14.1	Background On Turbomachinery Flows .................... 919
   14.2	Non-Optical Measurement Techniques .................... 921
   14.3	Optical Measurement Techniques ........................ 933
   14.4	Concluding Remarks .................................... 950
   References ................................................. 951

15 Hydraulics
   Roger E.A. Arndt, Damien Kawakami, Martin Wosnik,
   Marc Perlin, James H. Duncan, David M. Admiraal,
   Marcelo H. García .......................................... 959
   15.1 Measurements in Cavitating Flows ...................... 959
   15.2 Wave Height and Slope ................................ 1009
   15.3 Sediment Transport Measurements ...................... 1020
   References ................................................ 1033

16 Aerodynamics
   Wolf-H. Hucho, Klaus Hannemann, Jan Martinez Schramm,
   Charles H.K. Williamson ................................... 1043
   16.1	Ground Vehicle Aerodynamics .......................... 1043
   16.2	Short-Duration Testing, of High Enthalpy, High
        Pressure, Hypersonic Flows ........................... 1081
   16.3	Bluff Body Aerodynamics .............................. 1125
   References ................................................ 1146

17 Atmospheric Measurements
   Harindra J.S. Fernando, Marko Princevac,
   Ronald J. Calhoun ......................................... 1157
   17.1 Point Measurements ................................... 1159
   17.2 Dispersion Measurements .............................. 1167
   17.3 Remote Sensing ....................................... 1169
   17.4 Satellite Measurements ............................... 1175
   References ................................................ 1178

18 Oceanographic Measurements
   Bruce Howe, Teresa K. Chereskin ........................... 1179
   18.1 Oceanography ......................................... 1179
   18.2 Point Measurements ................................... 1182
   18.3 Lagrangian Techniques ................................ 1188
   18.4 Remote Sensing ....................................... 1192
   18.5 Measurement Systems .................................. 1203
   18.6 Experiment Case Studies .............................. 1208
   References ................................................ 1214

19 Microfluidics: The No-Slip Boundary Condition
   Eric Lauga, Michael P. Brenner, Howard A. Stone ........... 1219
   19.1 History of the No-Slip Condition ..................... 1220
   19.2 Experimental Methods ................................. 1222
   19.3 Molecular Dynamics Simulations ....................... 1226
   19.4 Discussion: Dependence on Physical Parameters ........ 1228
   19.5 Perspective .......................................... 1234
   References ................................................ 1235

20 Combustion Diagnostics
   Christof Schulz, Andreas Dreizler, Volker Ebert,
   Jürgen Wolfrum ............................................ 1241
   20.1 Basics ............................................... 1242
   20.2 Laser-Based Combustion Diagnostics ................... 1243
   20.3 Experimental Data Devoted to Validation of
        Numerical Simulations and Modeling ................... 1244
   20.4 Application of Laser-Based Techniques ................ 1247
   20.5 Conclusions .......................................... 1299
   References ................................................ 1300

21 Electrohydrodynamic Systems
   Antonio Castellanos, Alberto T. Pérez ..................... 1317
   21.1 Equations ............................................ 1318
   21.2 Fluid Statics and Dynamics in EHD .................... 1320
   21.3 Experimental Methods in EHD .......................... 1322
   21.4 Conductivity ......................................... 1323
   21.5 Mobility ............................................. 1327
   21.6 Electric Field Measurement: Kerr Effect .............. 1328
   21.7 Velocity ............................................. 1329
   21.8 Visualization ........................................ 1330
   References ................................................ 1331

Part D  Analysis and Post-Processing of Data

22 Review of Some Fundamentals of Data Processing
   Holger Nobach, Cameron Tropea, Laurent Cordier,
   Jean-Paul Bonnet, Joël Delville, Jacques Lewalle,
   Marie Farge, Kai Schneider, Ronald J. Adrian .............. 1337
   22.1 Fourier Transform .................................... 1337
   22.2 Correlation Function ................................. 1342
   22.3 Hiibert Transform .................................... 1344
   22.4 Proper Orthogonal Decomposition: POD ................. 1346
   22.5 Conditional Averages and Stochastic Estimation ....... 1370
   22.6 Wavelet Transforms ................................... 1378
   References ................................................ 1395

23 Fundamentals of Data Processing
   Holger Nobach, Cameron Tropea ............................. 1399
   23.1 Statistical Principles ............................... 1399
   23.2 Stationary Random Processes .......................... 1401
   23.3 Estimator Expectation and Variance ................... 1402
   23.4 Signal Noise ......................................... 1406
   23.5 Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) ........................ 1408
   23.6 Propagation of Errors ................................ 1416
   References ................................................ 1417

24 Data Acquisition by Imaging Detectors
   Bernd Jähne ............................................... 1419
   24.1	Definitions .......................................... 1419
   24.2	Types of Detectors ................................... 1420
   24.3	Imaging Detectors .................................... 1421
   24.4	Performance of Imaging Sensors ....................... 1426
   24.5	Camera Selection ..................................... 1435
   References ................................................ 1436

25 Data Analysis
   Bernd Jähne, Michael Klar, Markus Jehle ................... 1437
   25.1 Image Processing ..................................... 1437
   25.2 Motion Analysis ...................................... 1464
   References ................................................ 1488

Acknowledgements ............................................. 1493
About the Authors ............................................ 1495
Detailed Contents ............................................ 1513
Subject Index ................................................ 1531

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