Nolf, D., Annie Valérie Dhondt (1942-2006) ................... 5
Van Viersen, A.R.
Preliminary report of trilobites from the Hanonet Formation
(Eifelian-Givetian transition), southern border of Dinant
Synclinorium, Belgium .......................................... 15
Magrean, B.
A revision of Devonian trilobites from Belgium - Part 2.
The genera Gerastos and Cornuproetus ........................... 31
Sartenaer, P.
Sapphicorhynchus, a new 41 early Givetian rhynchonellid
(braehiopod) genus from western New York State, USA, and
Sapphicorhynchidae, n. fam. .................................... 41
Coen-Aubert, M. & Y. Plusquellec
Nouvelles espèces du genre Phillipsastrea d'Orbigny, 1849
(Rugosa) dans le Givetien supérieur de la Rade de Brest
(Massif Armoricain, France) .................................... 63
Jagt, J.W.M., Van Bakel, B.W.M. & R.H.B. Fraaije
Palaeodromites crypticus, a new early-middle Cenomanian
dynomenid crab (Crustacea, Decapoda) from southern Belgium ..... 77
Godefroit, P. & O. Lambert
A re-appraisal of Craspedodon lonzeensis Dollo, 1883 from
the Upper Cretaceous of Belgium: the first record of a
neoceratopsian dinosaur in Europe? ............................. 83
Jagt, J.W.M., Dortangs, R., Simon, E. & P. Van Knippenberg
First record of the ichnofossil Podichnus centrifiigalis from
the Maastrichtian of northeast Belgium ......................... 95
Jagt, J.W.M. & B.W.M. Van Bakel
The cirripede Cretiscalpellum paucistriatum (Crustacea,
Thoracica) in the lower Maastrichtian of NW Europe - is
it stratigraphically useful? .................................. 107
Motchurova-Dekova, N. & E. Simon
Homaletarhynchia Simon & Owen, 2001 - a genus transferred to
the Basiliolidae (Pugnacoidea, Rhynchonellida, Brachiopoda) ... 117
Simon, E.
A late Maastrichtian species of Gisilina (Brachiopoda,
Chlidonophoridae) from the Maastricht area (The Netherlands,
Belgium) first illustrated by Faujas De Saint-Fond ............ 131
Simon, E.
A new Late Maastrichtian species of Isocrania (Brachiopoda,
Craniidae) from The Netherlands and Belgium ................... 141
Smith, R.
Présence du genre Eotalpa (Mammalia, Talpidae) dans
l'Oligocène inférieur de Belgique (Formation de Borgloon,
MP 21) ........................................................ 159
Brzobohatý, R., Nolf, D. & O. Kroupa
Fish Otoliths from the Middle Miocene of Kienberg at
Mikulov, Czech Republic, Vienna Basin: their
paleoenvironmental and paleogeographic significance ........... 167
Lambert, O. & P. Gigase
A monodontid cetacean from the Early Pliocene of
the North Sea ................................................. 197