Vingron S.P. Switching theory: insight through predicate logic (Berlin, 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаVingron S.P. Switching theory: insight through predicate logic. - Berlin: Springer, 2004. - 428 p. - ISBN 3-540-40343-4

Оглавление / Contents
Division One  Fundamental Concepts

 1 Outline and Basics ........................................... 3
   1.1 Specifying a Circuit in Plain Prose ...................... 3
   1.2 Diagram of Successive Events ............................. 4
   1.3 Table of Asserted Events * ............................... 5
   1.4 Logic Variables and Logic Formulas* ...................... 7
   1.5 Drawing the Circuits ..................................... 9
   1.6 Sequential Circuits* .................................... 10
   1.7 Verifying a Circuit* .................................... 12

 2 Switching Devices ........................................... 14
   2.1 Pneumatic Valves ........................................ 14
   2.2 Electric Relays ......................................... 18
   2.3 CMOS Transistor Circuits ................................ 23

 3 Functions ................................................... 27
   3.1 Ordered Pairs ........................................... 27
   3.2 Speaking of Functions ................................... 31
   3.3 Switching Functions ..................................... 33

 4 Logic Functions and Gates ................................... 36
   4.1 Elementary Switching Functions .......................... 36
   4.2 Positive versus Negative Logic* ......................... 37
   4.3 Elementary Logic Functions* ............................. 38
   4.4 The Basic Gates* ........................................ 40
   4.5 Derived Gates* .......................................... 43

 5 Synthesis and Duality ....................................... 46
   5.1 Minterm Functions & Minterms* ........................... 46
   5.2 Maxterm Functions & Maxterms* ........................... 49
   5.3 Synthesis via Partial Outputs* .......................... 50
   5.4 Duality* ................................................ 53

 6 Karnaugh Maps ............................................... 57
   6.1 Speaking of Sets ........................................ 57
   6.2 Introducing the Karnaugh Map* ........................... 59
   6.3 Karnaugh Maps for multiple Inputs ....................... 62
   6.4 Karnaugh Sets* .......................................... 64

 7 Utilising Karnaugh Maps ..................................... 66
   7.1 Specifying Switching Circuits in K-maps* ................ 66
   7.2 Obtaining Disjunctive Formulas .......................... 67
   7.3 Obtaining Conjunctive Formulas* ......................... 68
   7.4 Logically Equivalent Expressions* ....................... 70
   7.5 Logical Implications* ................................... 72
   7.6 K-maps of Dual Functions* ............................... 74

Division Two  Logic

 8 Tautologies ................................................. 79
   8.1 Logic Expressions ....................................... 79
   8.2 Truth Tables ............................................ 81
   8.3 Speaking of Tautologies ................................. 82
   8.4 Replacement versus Substitution ......................... 85
   8.5 Logic Reasoning ......................................... 86

 9 Propositional Logic ......................................... 89
   9.1 Axiomatic Approach to Propositional Logic ............... 89
   9.2 Complementation ......................................... 91
   9.3 IMPLICATION and NEGATION ................................ 93
   9.4 DeMorgan's Theorems ..................................... 94
   9.5 Commutativity of AND and OR ............................. 96
   9.6 Logic Implications of IMPLICATIONS ...................... 97
   9.7 Formulas with a single Variable ......................... 99

10 Summary of Theorems ........................................ 101
   10.1 Commutative and Associative Laws* ..................... 101
   10.2 Single-Variable Formulas .............................. 103
   10.3 Distributive Laws* .................................... 104
   10.4 Generalised DeMorgan Theorems ......................... 106
   10.5 Basic Theorems on AND, OR and NOT ..................... 109

11 Algebraic Proofs ........................................... 110
   11.1 Min- and Maxterms are Complementary* .................. 110
   11.2 Disjunction of all Minterms* .......................... 111
   11.3 Conjunction of two Mintermms* ......................... 113
   11.4 Maxterm as the Disjunction of Minterms* ............... 114
   11.5 Minterm AND/OR Maxterm* ............................... 115
   11.6 Solving a System of Logic Equations* .................. 117
   11.7 DeMorgan on DeMorgan .................................. 118

12 On Predicate Logic ......................................... 121
   12.1 Inside a Proposition .................................. 121
   12.2 Symbolic Notation of Propositions ..................... 122
   12.3 The Switching Algebra Connection* ..................... 124
   12.4 Quantifiers ........................................... 124
   12.5 Quantification and Replication* ....................... 126
   12.6 Free and Bound Variables .............................. 126

13 Predicate Logic ............................................ 129
   13.1 Axioms and Rules of Switching Algebra* ................ 129
   13.2 Theorems on Identity .................................. 132
   13.3 Theorems on Quantification ............................ 135

Division Three  Combinational Circuits

14 Canonical Normal Forms ..................................... 141
   14.1 An Overview ........................................... 141
   14.2 Direct Derivation of Normal Forms* .................... 144
   14.3 Shannon's Expansion Theorems* ......................... 147
   14.4 Shannon's Expansion to Normal Forms ................... 149

15 Shegalkin Normal Form ...................................... 151
   15.1 An Overview ........................................... 151
   15.2 Developing the Shegalkin Polynomial* .................. 153
   15.3 Shegalkin Coefficients ................................ 155
   15.4 On Combinations of Input Variables .................... 156
   15.5 Dual Shegalkin Polynomial ............................. 157
   15.6 Necessary and Sufficient Connectives .................. 160

16 Synthesis Examples ......................................... 162
   16.1 Multiplexers and Demultiplexers ....................... 162
   16.2 Binary Coded Decimal Digits ........................... 163
   16.3 Priority Decoders ..................................... 165
   16.4 Comparators ........................................... 166

17 Concepts Old and New ....................................... 171
   17.1 Multiple Events* ...................................... 171
   17.2 Karnaugh Sets Revisited* .............................. 172
   17.3 Generalised Minterms* ................................. 173
   17.4 Generalised Maxterms* ................................. 175
   17.5 Partitions and Equivalents ............................ 176
   17.6 Prime Sets ............................................ 177
   17.7 Covers ................................................ 177
   17.8 Inclusions and Exclusions* ............................ 179
   17.9 Evaluation Formulas* .................................. 180

18 Minimisation Preliminaries ................................. 182
   18.1 Aspects of Minimisation ............................... 182
   18.2 Incomplete Specification .............................. 183
   18.1 Prime Sets that cover Don't Cares ..................... 185
   18.4 Evaluation Formulas for Don't Cares* .................. 188
   18.5 Minimisation by K-maps ................................ 189
   18.6 Algebraic Minimisation ................................ 190

19 Minimisation—an Excerp ..................................... 193
   19.1 On Adjacent K-Sets and their Consensus* ............... 193
   19.2 Formalising Adjacency and Consensus ................... 195
   19.3 Finding the Full Cover * .............................. 198
   19.4 Finding Minimal Covers* ............................... 201
   19.5 Minimisation considering Don't Cares* ................. 204

20 Reduced Karnaugh Maps ...................................... 207
   20.1 Reducing the Dimension of a K-map ..................... 207
   20.2 K-maps within K-maps* ................................. 209
   20.3 Evaluating Reduced K-maps* ............................ 211
   20.4 Specification by Map-Entered Variables* ............... 215

21 NOT-AND and NOT-OR ......................................... 219
   21.1 Miscellaneous Theorems ................................ 219
   21.2 Two-Level Circuits .................................... 221
   21.3 Multilevel NOT-AND Circuits ........................... 222
   21.4 Multilevel NOT-OR Circuits ............................ 228

22 Composition of Circuits* ................................... 231
   22.1 The Basic Concept ..................................... 231
   22.2 Catenation ............................................ 233
   22.3 Choosing a Generic Function ........................... 234
   22.4 Hinge Sets ............................................ 236
   22.5 Composing a Circuit: Example 1 ........................ 236
   22.6 Composing a Circuit: Example 2 ........................ 239
   22.7 Composing a Circuit: Example 3 ........................ 239

23 Hazards .................................................... 242
   23.1 Hazards on Stationary Signals ......................... 242
   23.2 Single-Input Hazards .................................. 243
   23.3 Gates and Delays ...................................... 245
   23.4 Detecting Single-Input Hazards ........................ 246
   23.5 Hazard-Detecting Formulas ............................. 248
   23.6 Hazards in a NOT-AND Circuit .......................... 249
   23.7 Hazards in a Composed Circuit ......................... 251

Division Four  Latches

24 Memorising by Feedback ..................................... 255
   24.1 What is Memorisation? ................................. 255
   24.2 The Feedback Model of Memory  ......................... 258
   24.3 Transient versus Stationary Behaviour ................. 261
   24.4 Latches without Feedback .............................. 263
   24.5 Is a Delay in the Feedback necessary?* ................ 264

25 Basic Theory of Latches .................................... 267
   25.1 What is a Latch?* ..................................... 267
   25.2 Specifying Latches in Reduced K-maps* ................. 269
   25.3 Evaluation Formulas and Generic Latches* .............. 270
   25.4 An Evaluation Example ................................. 272
   25.5 Identical and Isomorphic Latches* ..................... 273
   25.6 Inverting a Sample Memory-Circuit ..................... 275
   25.7 General Negation of Latches* .......................... 277

26 Optimised Latches .......................................... 279
   26.1 Designing Minimised Latches* .......................... 279
   26.2 A Minimised Latch - an Example ........................ 280
   26.3 Designing Hazard-Free Latches* ........................ 282
   26.4 A Hazard-Free Latch - an Example ...................... 285

27 Elementary Latches ......................................... 288
   27.1 Classification of Elementary Latches .................. 288
   27.2 Two Systems of Symbolic Latches* ...................... 291
   27.3 Symbols with Complementary Outputs* ................... 293
   27.4 Symbolic Latches with a Common Event* ................. 294
   27.5 Standard Symbols for Elementary Latches ............... 297

28 Composition of Latches* .................................... 300
   28.1 Catenation Diagram for Latches ........................ 300
   28.2 Composing the D-Latch using a SR-Latch ................ 302
   28.3 Checking for a Hazard-Free Solution ................... 303
   28.4 Avoiding Undesirable Input-Events ..................... 305

Division Five  Sequential Circuits with
               Continuously Read Inputs

29 Automata and Programs* ..................................... 311
   29.1 Continuously reading Automata ......................... 311
   29.2 Developing an Example Flow Table ...................... 313
   29.3 The Word-Recognition Tree ............................. 318
   29.4 Evaluating a Sequential Circuit ....................... 320

30 Word-Recognition Tables* ................................... 325
   30.1 Developing Word-Recognition Tables .................... 325
   30.2 Primitive Determinateness ............................. 327
   30.3 General Determinateness ............................... 330
   30.4 Evaluation and Partial Mappings ....................... 332
   30.5 Testing for General Determinateness ................... 333

31 Catenation Model* .......................................... 335
   31.1 The Moore and Mealy Models ............................ 335
   31.2 Catenation Model - Feedback and Delays ................ 337
   31.3 Moore and Mealy Flow Tables ........................... 340
   31.4 Merging Moore and Mealy Flow Tables ................... 341
   31.5 From Mealy to Moore Flow Tables ....................... 344
   31.6 The Composite Word-Recognition Table .................. 345

32 Toggle Circuits ............................................ 349
   32.1 T-Flipflop - its Feedback Design ...................... 349
   32.2 T-Flipfiop - its Composition .......................... 352
   32.3 JK-Flipflop - its Feedback Design ..................... 355
   32.4 JK-Flipflop - its Composition ......................... 357

33 Triggering and Synchronising ............................... 360
   33.1 Triggering ............................................ 360
   33.2 Sampling .............................................. 363
   33.3 Synchronising ......................................... 366

34 Verifying a Logic Design* .................................. 370
   34.1 A Verification-DSE for the D-Latch .................... 370
   34.2 A Verification-DSE for a given Example ................ 376
   34.3 Grafting a Verification Tree .......................... 379

35 Discussing Huffman's Theory ................................ 385
   35.1 Basics of Huffman's Synthesis Procedure* .............. 386
   35.2 Delay and Feedback .................................... 387
   35.3 State Encoding and Circuit Realisation ................ 389
   35.4 Problems with Arbitrary Binary Encodings .............. 392
   35.5 Race Analysis in the Catenation Model* ................ 394

36 State Encoding Techniques .................................. 398
   36.1 Introducing Multiple State-Transitions ................ 399
   36.2 Adding Unstable States Intuitively .................... 401
   36.3 On the Number of Adjacent Encodings ................... 402
   36.4 One-Hot Code .......................................... 403
   36.5 Safe but Slow standardised Encodings .................. 404
   36.6 Safe and Fast standardised Encodings .................. 408
   36.7 Number of Required State Variables .................... 410

Bibliography .................................................. 411
Index ......................................................... 415

Those Sections or Chapters marked by an asterisk (*) contain
new concepts, proofs, or methods.

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