Ferroelectricity: the fundamentals collection (N.Y., 2005). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFerroelectricity: the fundamentals collection / ed. by Gonzalo J.A., Jimenes B. - N.Y.: Wiley, 2005. - 185 p. - ISBN 3-527-40486-4

Оглавление / Contents
1    Foreword ................................................... 1
     B. Jiménez, J.A. Gonzalo

2    Selected Early Work 1921-1961 .............................. 5
2.1  Piezo-electric Activity of Rochelle Salt Under Various
     Conditions ................................................. 7
     J. Valasek
2.2  Rochelle Salt as a Dielectric ............................. 21
     C.B. Sawyer, С.Н. Tower
2.3  A New Seignette-electric Substance ........................ 26
     G. Busch, P. Scherrer
2.4  Theoretical Model for Explaining the Ferroelectric
     Effect in Barium Titanate ................................. 27
     W.P. Mason, В. Т. Matthias
2.5  Theory of Barium Titanate ................................. 42
     A.F. Devonshire
2.6  The Lorentz Correction in Barium Titanate ................. 66
     J.С. Slater
2.7  Phase Transitions in Solid Solutions of PbZrO3 and
     PbTiO3 .................................................... 80
     G. Shirane, A. Takeda
2.8  Dielectric Constant in Perovskite Type Crystals ........... 87
     J.H. Barrett
2.9  Ferroelectricity of Glycine Sulfate ....................... 90
     B.Т. Matthias, С.Е. Miller, J.P. Remeika
2.10 Switching Mechanism in Triglycine Sulfate and Other
     Ferroelectrics ............................................ 97
     E. Fatuzzo, W.J. Merz
2.11 Crystal Stability and the Theory of Ferroelectricity ...... 99
     W. Cochran

3   Ferroelectrics 1966-2001: An Overview ..................... 105
    R. Blinc
3.1 Introduction .............................................. 105
3.2 Statistical Indicators .................................... 106
3.3 Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena .................. 108
3.4 Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals ............................. 113
3.5 Ferroelectric Thin Films .................................. 115
    3.5.1 Crystalline Films ................................... 115
    3.5.2 Ferroelectric Memories and Integrated
          Ferroelectrics ...................................... 116
    3.5.3 Two-dimensional Ferroelectricity in Crystalline
          Films ............................................... 118
    3.5.4 Freely Suspended Ferroelectric Smectic Thin Films ... 179
3.6 Dipolar Glasses and Relaxors .............................. 121
3.7 Incommensurate (IС) Systems ............................... 125

4   Phase Transitions in Ferroelectrics: Some Historical and
    Other Remarks ............................................. 131
    V.L. Ginzburg

5   Theory of Ferroelectrics .................................. 137
    R.E. Cohen

6   Ferroelectric Ceramics: History and Technology ............ 155
    G.H. Haertling

7   Tenth International Meeting on Ferroelectricity: IMF-10,
    a Jubilee Meeting ......................................... 181
    W. Kleeman
7.1 A Touch of History ........................................ 181
7.2 A Wealth of Science ....................................... 182
7.3 A Glimpse at Spain, at Madrid and at Spanish Life and
    Culture ................................................... 184
7.4 Summary ................................................... 185

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