| Eisenstein series and applications / Gan W.T., Kudla S.S., Tschinkel Yu. - Boston, Mass.: Birkhäuser, 2008. - 314 с. - ISBN 9780817644963
Preface ....................................................... vii
Twisted Weyl Group Multiple Dirichlet Series: The Stable Case
Ben Brubaker, Daniel Bump, and Solomon Friedberg ............. 1
A Topological Model for Some Summand of the Eisenstein Cohomology
of Congruence Subgroups
Jens Franke ................................................. 27
The Saito—Kurokawa Space of PGSpi and Its Transfer to Inner Forms
Wee Teck Gan ................................................ 87
Values of Archimedean Zeta Integrals for Unitary Groups
Paul Garrett ............................................... 125
A Simple Proof of Rationality of Siegel—Weil Eisenstein Series
Michael Harris ............................................. 149
Residues of Eisenstein Series and Related Problems
Dihua Jiang ................................................ 187
Some Extensions of the Siegel-Weil Formula
Stephen S. Kudla ........................................... 205
A Remark on Eisenstein Series
Erez M. Lapid .............................................. 239
Arithmetic Aspects of the Theta Correspondence and Periods of
Modular Forms
Kartik Prasanna ............................................ 251
Functoriality and Special Values of L-Functions
A. Raghuram and Freydoon Shahidi ........................... 271
Bounds for Matrix Coefficients and Arithmetic Applications
Ramin Takloo-Bighash ....................................... 295